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This study makes use of a dynamic Taylor‐type model to examine the conduct of monetary policy by central banks that profess to engage in inflation targeting. Previous research regarding inflation targeting and Taylor‐type rules is reviewed and a dynamic Taylor‐type model is developed. Tests for regime shifts upon the adoption of inflation targeting indicate a significant change in policy in each of the nations in the study for which sufficient data were available. Next, the central bank reaction functions were estimated. Results suggest that most of the central banks conducted a policy of inflation targeting by seeking to contain inflationary pressures rather than reacting to current inflation.  相似文献   

Drawing on insights from economic, political, and cultural theories of governance, this article investigates the determinants of governance for a large sample of countries, both developed and developing. The results indicate that countries with a history of Western European influence and with British common law origins have better governance. In addition to these exogenous and historically predetermined variables, economic factors such as openness to trade, resource-intensity in exports, and levels of economic development have a significant impact on governance. (JEL D73 , H11 , K42 )  相似文献   


This paper analyses determinants of household savings in a model based on an extension of the disequilibrium savings theory. These extensions follow from the life-cycle and permanent-income theories. Based on panel data for 14 countries spanning the period 2000–2018, fixed-effect least squares and two-stage least squares estimation procedures were used. In line with previous studies, there is strong and robust evidence for the hypotheses of disequilibrium savings theory, specifically, positive effects of unanticipated income changes, unanticipated inflation and the lagged savings rate. There is also robust evidence for the income uncertainty hypothesis that uncertainty has a positive effect on savings. The analysis presents some evidence that social security suppresses savings, but finds no significant effects on the interest rate or old-age dependency ratio. Unexpectedly, the participation rate of the elderly has a significant positive effect in some specifications. These findings contribute to the debate on whether and how governments can influence saving behavior.


This article empirically examines the relationship between biodiversity loss and economic growth in light of the current debate on the effects of economic growth on environmental quality. The basic premise is that biodiversity belongs to a special class of environmental degradation because it involves complex ecosystems, the loss of which cannot be recovered by technological advances. The main finding is that although economic growth has an expected adverse effect on biodiversity, the composition of economic output can also be significant, particularly in low-income countries. The study highlights the need to develop appropriate institutions and macroeconomic policies that allow biodiversity values to be internalized in decisionmaking processes.  相似文献   

Using data from more than 100 economies for the period of 1975 to 2005, we conduct an extensive empirical analysis of the determinants of international reserve holdings. Four groups of determinants, namely, traditional macro variables, financial variables, institutional variables, and dummy variables that control for individual economies’ characteristics are considered. We find that the relationship between international reserves and their determinants is significantly different between developed and developing economies and is not stable over time. The estimation results indicate that, especially during the recent period, a developed economy tends to hold a lower level of international reserves than a developing one. Furthermore, there is only limited evidence that East Asian economies including China and Japan are accumulating an excessive amount of international reserves.  相似文献   

This paper explores the long-run effects of monetary expansion by introducing a cash-in-advance constraint into one of the basic models of endogenous growth. In our model, the real side of the economy consists of two production sectors, one of which produces a final good that can be used either for consumption or for investment and the other produces new human capital. Both sectors use physical and human capital under constant returns to scale technologies. We first characterize the balanced-growth equilibrium and then examine how a rise in money growth affects the relevant variables, such as the long-term growth rate and the relative prices.  相似文献   

There is a presumption in the literature that price or exchange rate uncertainty, or uncertainty in the monetary conditions underlying them, will have a negative effect on investment. Some argue that this negative effect will be extended by imperfect competition. However, models of irreversible investment show that the situation is more complicated than that. In these models, investment expenditures are affected by the scrapping price available on world markets and also by the opportunity cost of waiting rather than investing. The impact of uncertainty is therefore going to depend on the type of industry and hence on the industrial structure of the economy concerned. In addition, it may depend on the persistence of any price misalignments away from competitive equilibrium. In this paper, we put these theoretical predictions to the test. We estimate investment equations for 13 different industries using data for nine OECD countries over the period 1970–2000. We find that the impact of price uncertainty is negative or insignificant in all but one case whereas the impact of (nominal) exchange rate uncertainty is negative in only six cases, positive in four cases, and insignificant in three others. In addition, there are conflicting effects from the real exchange rate. The net effect depends on whether the source of the uncertainty is in domestic markets or in foreign markets.  相似文献   

Education and Income Inequality: New Evidence From Cross-Country Data   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper presents empirical evidence on how education is related to income distribution in a panel data set covering a broad range of countries for the period between 1960 and 1990. The findings indicate that educational factors—higher educational attainment and more equal distribution of education —play a significant role in making income distribution more equal. The results also confirm the Kuznets inverted–U curve for the relationship between income level and income inequality. We also find that government social expenditure contributes to more equal distribution of income. However, a significant proportion of cross–country variation in income inequality remains unexplained.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented on how well alternative systems of wage determination facilitate disaggregate labour market adjustment. Tests of statistical causality are used to relate labour market pressure to relative wage changes. The conclusion is that rates of change of relative wages are determined independently of the microeconomic market balance. This result holds irrespective of the institutional form of the wage-fixing system.  相似文献   

Under a managed float, the central bank may respond to an exchange market disequilibrium by changing either the international reserves or the exchange rate or both such that neither the reserve changes nor the exchange rate movements convey an unambiguous indication of the nature or extent of the disequilibrium. Girton and Roper (1977) suggested an index, namely the exchange market pressure, to capture the disequilibrium. This paper utilises a similar framework to study the exchange market pressure in Australia during 1975–1997 and reserve transactions. It is found that there were substantial reserve transactions in the face of exchange market pressure even after the switch to the floating rate system and the deregulation of the financial system. As a result of these transactions, sharp fluctuations in the exchange rate were moderated and the actual exchange rate appeared to broadly follow the market equilibrium rate.  相似文献   

This article investigates whether the passage and the implementationof the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) drove firms out of thepublic capital market. To control for other factors affectingexit decisions, we examine the post-SOX change in the propensityof American public targets to be bought by private acquirersrather than public ones with the corresponding change for foreignpublic targets, which were outside the purview of SOX. Our findingsare consistent with the hypothesis that SOX induced small firmsto exit the public capital market during the year followingits enactment. In contrast, SOX appears to have had little effecton the going-private propensities of larger firms. (JEL G30,G34, G38, K22)  相似文献   

Using the monetary approach, this paper examines empirically the causes of inflation in twenty-five developing countries. In addition to money supply, the underlying money demand function and foreign exchange rates are taken into account in the inflationary process. The lag structures are determined by Akaike's FPE criterion and the exogeneity assumptions are assessed by Granger-type causality tests. The results suggest that the monetary approach provides adequate explanation of inflation across all countries examined. Besides changes in expected inflation and foreign exchange rates, movements in base money in these countries have significantly contributed to their inflationary pressures. [134, 431]  相似文献   

The primary aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between school attainment, school completion, and economic development. In doing so it also examines the effect of other macroeconomic variables on school attainment and completion. Estimation is conducted using a panel dataset of 138 countries. Our results show that income levels, government expenditure on education, and political instability all have significant effects on school completion and attainment. In addition these variables have different effects on male and female schooling. Our results have important policy implications and in particular allow policymakers to identify different instruments to target the problem of non‐completion of schooling.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of three simple rules for monetary policy in an econometric model of the Australian economy. Its main contribution is to examine such rules under a range of exogenous shocks to the economy. rather than over a particular historical episode. A second contribution is to show that, in the model used, the money supply may be controlled by variations in interest rates under official control. However. lags of two to four quarters are involved for the shocks considered in the paper. The results are consistent, in the short run, with those obtained by Poole—that is, it is sensible to fix the money supply when the shocks are ‘real’ and to fix the interest rate when the shocks are ‘financial’. In the medium to long run. however, it is shown that the variability of inflation and unemployment may be less when money is controlled even for a financial shock. These conclusions are strengthened if allowance is made for the ‘underwriting’ problem.  相似文献   

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