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This paper presents a transaction-level empirical analysis of the trading activities of New York Stock Exchange specialists. The main findings of the analysis are the following. Adjustment lags in inventories vary across stocks, and are in some cases as long as one or two months. Decomposition of specialist trading profits by trading horizon shows that the principal source of these profits is short term. An analysis of the dynamic relations among inventories, signed order flow, and quote changes suggests that trades in which the specialist participates have a higher immediate impact on the quotes than trades with no specialist participation.  相似文献   

The value of specialist assistance to the trading of low-volume stocks has important implications in exchange design. We study the relation between the structure of individual specialist portfolios and the transitory volatility of low-volume stocks in these portfolios under the traditional NYSE auction-dealer market structure. We find that the trading quality for inactive stocks is positively related to the trading volume of active stocks in the same specialist portfolios. These results are consistent with specialist subsidization of low-volume stocks in their portfolios and suggest that specialists provide important support to the trading of inactive stocks if they have the resources.  相似文献   

In this study, we find strong intertemporal/cross-sectional correlations between quoted depths and various security characteristics for a sample of stocks listed on the NYSE and Amex. Our empirical results indicate that although specialists are generally unable to discern insider trading as it occurs, they cope with insider trading by posting smaller depths for stocks with a greater tendency of insider trading. Empirical evidence also indicates that specialists/limit order traders quote smaller depths for riskier stocks to limit potential losses to better-informed traders. In addition, we find that specialists/limit order traders quote larger depths for stocks with greater trading volume, larger market capitalization, and higher competition. Overall, our findings suggest that depths are an important means through which specialists and limit order traders deal with the adverse selection problem, order processing problem, and competition.  相似文献   

Using transactions data, the behavior of returns and characteristics of trades at the micro level is examined. A minute-by-minute market return series is formed and tested for normality and autocorrelation. Evidence of differences in return distributions is found among overnight trades, trades during the first 30 minutes following the market opening, trades at the close, and trades during the remainder of the day. The latter distribution is found to be normal. Unusually high returns and standard deviations of returns are found at the beginning and the end of the trading day. When the beginning-and end-of-the-day effects are omitted, autocorrelation in the market return series is reduced substantially. A number of patterns in trading are reported.  相似文献   

The behavior of time-weighted bid–ask spreads over the trading day are examined. The plot of minute-by-minute spreads versus time of day has a crude reverse J-shaped pattern. Schwartz identifies four determinants of spreads: activity, risk, information, and competition. Using a linear regression model, a significant relationship between these same factors and intraday spreads is demonstrated, but dummy variables for time of day have a reverse J-shape. For given values of the activity, risk, information and competition measures, spreads are higher at the beginning and end of the day relative to the interior period.  相似文献   

肖红 《银行家》2004,(3):110-112
2003年12月18日,人声鼎沸、灯光闪烁的纽约证券交易所迎来了一项对其未来走向置关重要的决定——由华尔街金融巨头高盛公司总裁约翰·塞恩(John Thain)出任这个已有211年历史的全球最大的股票交易所的CEO。 此时,距离前纽约证券交易所董事长兼CEO迪克·格拉索因为“巨额薪酬丑闻”被迫辞职已经过去了3个多月,而距离美国联邦证券管理委员会批准纽约证交  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of returns and of volatility of the Chinese ADRs as listed at NYSE. Using an autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH) model and data from 16 April 1998 through 30 September 2004, we find that Hong Kong stock market (underlying market), US stock market (host market), and local (Shanghai A and B) markets all are important determinants of returns of the Chinese ADRs. However, the underlying Hong Kong market has the most significant impact on mean returns of the ADRs. In terms of the determinants of the conditional volatility of the ADRs returns, only shocks to the underlying markets are significant. These results are consistent with [Kim, M., Szakmary, A.C., Mathur, I., 2000. Price transmission dynamics between ADRs and their underlying foreign securities. Journal of Banking and Finance 24, 1359–1382] who find that the most influential factor in pricing the ADRs in Japan, UK, Sweden, The Netherlands and Australia is their underlying shares. Implications of the results for investors are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper studies the dividend policy adjustments of 80 NYSE firms to protracted financial distress as evidenced by multiple losses during 1980–1985. Almost all sample firms reduced dividends, and more than half apparently faced binding debt covenants in years they did so. Absent binding debt covenants, dividends are cut more often than omitted, suggesting that managerial reluctance is to the omission and not simply the reduction of dividends. Moreover, managers of firms with long dividend histories appear particularly reluctant to omit dividends. Finally, some dividend reductions seem strategically motivated, e.g., designed to enhance the firm's bargaining position with organized labor.  相似文献   

We examine investor order choices using evidence from a recent period when the NYSE trades in decimals and allows automatic executions. We analyze the decision to submit or cancel an order or to take no action. For submitted orders, we distinguish order type (market vs. limit), order side (buy vs. sell), execution method (auction vs. automatic), and pricing aggressiveness. We find that the NYSE exhibits positive serial correlation in order type on an order-by-order basis, which suggests that follow-on order strategies dominate adverse selection or liquidity considerations at a moment in time. Aggregated levels of order flow also exhibit positive serial correlation in order type, but appear to be non-stationary processes. Overall, changes in aggregated order flow have an order-type serial correlation that is close to zero at short aggregation intervals, but becomes increasingly negative at longer intervals. This implies a liquidity exhaustion–replenishment cycle. We find that small orders routed to the NYSE's floor auction process are sensitive to the quoted spread, but that small orders routed to the automatic execution system are not. Thus, in addition to foregoing price improvement, traders selecting the speed of automatic executions on the NYSE do so with little regard for the quoted cost of immediacy. As quoted depth increases, traders respond by competing on price via limit orders that undercut existing bid and ask prices. Limit orders are more likely and market sells are less likely late in the trading day. These results are helpful in understanding the order arrival process at the NYSE and have potential applications in academics and industry for optimizing order submission strategies.  相似文献   

A frequently occurring, yet unexplored, phenomenon of the New York Stock Exchange specialist system is that of reassignments of stocks by specialist firms on the floor of the Exchange. These events change the portfolios at the individual specialist level by reassigning one or more stocks from one individual specialist portfolio to another. We find that reassigned stocks have unusually wide spreads before reassignments and experience a decline in spreads to levels comparable to matched stocks after the reassignment. This improvement in liquidity is associated with a reduced cost of capital for the reassigned firms. We find that portfolio size, and industry and size concentration of the individual specialist portfolios are associated with the decision of specialist firms to reassign stocks.  相似文献   

李一君 《财政科学》2021,69(9):110-115
债务透明度是金融监管和国际债务管理的重要原则,但目前尚无强约束性质的国际标准.新冠肺炎疫情暴发以来,主权债务透明度问题再次成为全球发展融资领域关注的焦点,以世界银行、国际货币基金组织为代表的多边机构加快细化透明度标准,提出扩大披露机构范围、合同细节等要求.有鉴于此,我国应加强国际协调,倡导最优透明度原则,同时通过健全机制、多元化债务安排等方式妥善应对,以保障我国核心利益为前提,有序稳妥扩大透明度.  相似文献   

This paper studies the role that trading activity plays in the price discovery process of a NYSE-listed stock. We measure the expected information content of each trade by estimating its permanent price impact. It depends on observable trade features and market conditions. We also estimate the time required for quotes to incorporate all the information content of a particular trade. Our results show that price discovery is faster after risky trades and also at the extreme intervals of the session. The quote adjustment to trade-related shocks is progressive and this causes risk persistency and unusual short-term market conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use high-frequency data on five frequently traded stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in the year 1999 to examine the price impact of trades and its relation to the trading intensity. We show that the distribution of the absolute price change with fast trading first-order stochastically dominates the distribution of the absolute price change with slow trading. Moreover, we find significant causality from the trade characteristics to the trading intensity. Large trades significantly increase the speed of trading, while large returns tend to decrease the trading intensity. We show that this feedback has little impact on the distribution of the price impact of trades.  相似文献   

增强货币政策透明度正在成为一种国际趋势。理性预期、信息不对称和货币政策动态不一致性理论为货币政策透明度提供了理论支持。西方工业国家的中央银行通过提高货币政策透明度,对提高货币政策的有效性起到了积极的作用。我国货币政策透明度近年来在不断提高,但仍有继续改善的空间,应在建立货币政策信息公开制度、规范信息披露的内容、改善信息披露的形式、加强与公众的沟通方面做出努力。  相似文献   

This paper develops a measure of execution costs (market impact) of transactions on the NYSE. The measure is the volume-weighted average price over the trading day. It yields results that are less biased than measures that use single prices, such as closes. The paper then applies this measure to a data set containing more than 14,000 actual trades. We show that total transaction costs, commission plus market impact costs, average twenty-three basis points of principal value for our sample. Commission costs, averaging eighteen basis points, are considerably higher than execution costs, which average five basis points. They vary slightly across brokers and significantly across money managers. Though brokers do not incur consistently high or low transaction costs, money managers experience persistently high or lost costs. Finally, the paper explores the possible tradeoff between commission expenditures and market impact costs. Paying higher commissions does not yield commensurately lower execution costs, even after adjusting for trade difficulty. We cannot determine whether other valuable brokerage services are being purchased with higher commission payments or whether some money managers really are inefficient consumers of brokerage trading services.  相似文献   

Using trade data obtained from a major bank and a measure of indirect execution costs based on the stock price when orders are placed, we investigate indirect costs and their relation to brokerage commissions. For all trades the mean brokerage commission is 6.5 cents per share, and the mean indirect execution cost is about 3.6 cents per share, or 0.1084% of the transactions amount. Contrary to the prediction of the price pressure hypothesis, indirect execution costs are lower for larger size trades. Further, higher indirect execution costs are not associated with lower brokerage commission.  相似文献   

吴石 《国际融资》2001,(1):70-71
中华网(CHINA) 2000年11月1日~11月30日股价变动图 ▲中华网和惠普新加坡公司就mOFFICE的无线产品达成"捆绑协议".  相似文献   

The New York Stock Exchange extended its trading hours by 30 min in 1974 and in 1985; the first extension resulting in a delayed close and the second in an early open. We find a shift in volume to the new period after each extension. Additionally, there is a larger increase in volume after the 1985 extension than after the 1974 extension. We argue that the second effect is explained by the first. The extension at the end of the day allows some investors to postpone their trades, which results in occasional information cancellation or discovery; this mutes the effect of the extension on volume. In contrast, the extension at the start of the day allows some investors to accelerate trades, which precludes information cancellation or discovery and its negative effect on volume. This explanation suggests that the effect of an extension on volume depends, at least in part, on its timing.  相似文献   

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