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随着湖南计算机股份有限公司自主开发生产的 CRT 显示终端(GW920、GW860A 型)和TCP/IP 液晶显示终端(IP2000型)通过国家电子计算机外部设备质量监督检验中心检测,其无线电骚扰试验达到了 GB9254-1998《信息技术设备的无线电骚扰限值和测量方法》B级要求。湘计算机成为我国近年来终端领域 CRT终端和 LCD 液晶显示终端首家通过国家 GB9254-1998 B 级要求的厂家,也是我国 LCD 液晶显示终端唯一一家达到此要求的厂  相似文献   

一、基本案情XX年4月6日,某商业银行与新源公司签订借款合同,金额为500万元,期限1年,用途为购买原材料,并约定借款金额、日期、还款日期如与借款凭证记载不一致时,以借款凭证为准。违约责任中包含如下约定:贷款人未按期足额向借款人发放贷款,造成借款人损失的,应按违约数额的延期天数付给借款人违约金,违约金数额的计算与逾期贷款的利息计算方法相同。  相似文献   

天勤 《国际融资》2009,(3):42-44
2008年,对于互联网行业投资来说更可以用“冰火两重天”来形容。在投资界全面收缩战线之后,严重依赖风险投资输血的互联网企业将何去何从?新的机会将在哪里出现?  相似文献   

随着银行信息化建设的不断发展,自助交易已经成为现代化商业银行服务客户的主要渠道。自助交易根据是否涉及现金可分为现金自助交易和非现金自助交易两类。其中现金自助交易设备(ATM、CDM、存取款一体机、外币兑换机等)应用已经进入成熟阶段,而非现金自助设备(自助终端)应用还处于发展阶段。本文针对自助终端系统的现状、需求进行分析,并由此对自助终端系统设计、建设、推广进行一些评析和展望。  相似文献   

前言稽核部门办公自动化系统对客户端信息设备的要求是比较高的。设备本身除了要具备一般文字处理软件、轻印刷稽核部门办公自动化系统、文档管理系统以及登录内部集合系统等功能外,由于稽核部门的性质,对信息的共享、交换、传递等功能的安全性要求也比一般的高,同时还要求设备  相似文献   

经过多年的不懈努力,中国金融业的信息化建设已取得了飞跃式的发展。一些金融机构已将综合业务系统、凭证查询系统整合成了核心业务系统。笔围绕金融业如何构建安全、高效、稳定的业务系统等需求,系统地阐述应用实达Windows终端的解决方案。[第一段]  相似文献   

A number of institutions make reports available regarding the types, impacts, or origins of cybersecurity breaches. The information content of cyber breach reports is examined in light of Principle 15 of the 2017 Committee on Sponsoring Organizations Enterprise Risk Management (COSO ERM) information security control framework to understand the degree to which cyber breach reports reflect the established COSO internal control framework. This study utilizes the COSO ERM internal control framework to examine whether current cyber breach reports contain information that may influence a firm’s ability to assess substantial change within its industry due to external forces (COSO ERM Principle 15). As such, this study focuses on data breaches, a special type of cyber incident, which may result in the loss of confidential information. Cyber decision makers rely on this type of information to calibrate information security programs to ensure coverage of relevant threats and the efficient use of available funds. These reports may be used for the purposes of cybersecurity risk assessment and strategic planning. We compare, contrast, and analyzie the reports to identify their utility in such contexts. We also provide an overview of the current cybersecurity reporting environment and suggest revisions to US national cyber policy with the intent of increasing the benefit to reporters and consumers of the data.This study is focused on education as to the current structure of breach reporting based upon our review and synthesis of publicly-available breach reports.In this study, we review nine (9) reports that meet four (4) criteria. We relate these criteria to the framework provided by COSO ERM Principle 15 by analyzing and placing the criteria into a taxonomy developed for this purpose. We analyze the degree to which the reports are complementary, reflect potential improvements of internal controls, and provide recommendations for ways in which these types of reports might be used by practitioners, while highlighting potential limitations. Our findings indicate that the sample reports contain little information that may be incorporated to improve the risk profile of an entity. We provide recommendations to improve the information content and timeliness of breach reports.  相似文献   

今天,当桌面计算已经进入了一个图形化的视窗时代后,曾经最早进入信息化的Unix终端行业用户,依然在使用着纯粹的Unix终端。当行业应用对终端产品提出更多新的需求,传统的Unix终端显然已经不能适应应用需求的快速延伸与扩展,我们不禁质疑:传统Unix终端还能走多远?2003年5月,国内图形终端的领导者升腾资讯公司,以“终结Unix终端时代”的鲜明旗帜,发布数十款升腾终端产品,以完善、成熟的“一台清”行业桌面应用方案,打响了一场全面替换传统Unix终端的产业升级革命。行业应用深刻变化提出“一台清”终端需求回顾终端发展历史,具有相对简单的…  相似文献   

夏沅 《中国金融电脑》2003,(2):53-55,75
随着网络技术发展,金融网络结构也发生了很大的变化,传统的金融终端网络模式是前置机、多用户卡,或者是采用Windows终端替代部分PC作为金融终端,整个系统为瘦客户/服务器结构这种最常见的模式.虽然传统方案有系统集中管理、操作简单易行等优点,但需要配置前置机、多用户卡、终端服务器等设备,造成资金的大量投入和浪费.而金融终端网络方案采用路由终端服务器(routeras),是路由器和终端服务器的融合设备,可以给远程用户和本地用户的终端之间提供简洁、安全、实用的连接方法,实现高效的应用.本文就金融终端网络方案进行探讨.  相似文献   

一、引言 金融系统应用计算机安全产品和技术的出发点是防范金融风险,确保金融安全.据统计,目前发生的金融犯罪,大多是内部作案或内外勾结作案.当前防火墙、黑客防范、链路密码机、VPN网络加密机等基于TCP/IP网络防范技术的安全产品,对于防范内部作案或内外勾结作案收效甚微,安全产品和银行安全需求二者之间存在着一定的脱节.  相似文献   

Traditional time value models, Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR), are now widely accepted in industry. This paper isolates three examples of how these simplified models can lead to less than optimal decision strategies. The conceptual basis for the discounting and reinvestment functions in time value analysis is first explored. Three investment areas highlighting misconceptions concerning the role of these rates are then analyzed. These areas include the utilization of risk adjusted discount rates, determination of bond yields and the analysis of leveraged leases. Finally, the impact of terminal values on the investment decision in each of these cases is demonstrated.  相似文献   

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