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从潜产权到产权:一种产权起源假说   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
现实中,常常有这样的现象:一个事物在完全成为该事物即确定为该事物之前,有一个模糊状态,这种状态还不是该事物,但是正在成为或可能成为该事物。笔者称这种状态为某种事物的潜状态。那么产权形成前是否存在潜状态即潜产权呢?笔者认为是存在的。  相似文献   

Matthew Longo 《Geopolitics》2017,22(4):757-771
Borders are changing in myriad and multifaceted ways. After 9/11, states redoubled efforts at shoring up their perimeters and building walls. But borders are not merely increasingly securitized, they are also becoming thicker and bi-national. This new ‘zonal’ border emerging worldwide radically shifts the debate about borders and sovereignty. If sovereignty is indivisible, unitary and final, how can it be shared between states at their mutual perimeters? Is this really evidence of sovereignty waning? In this article, I suggest we are stuck at this conceptual impasse because of two conflations. The first one involves two aspects of sovereignty: authority and control. Looking at borders as thin jurisdictional lines, we observe only their legal authority (de jure); instead, by examining changing modes of control, we can see how new securitized borders actually reinforce state strength. The second conflation revolves around the conceptual linking of borders, states and sovereignty. This article argues that as borders thicken, they start to resemble frontiers, and sovereignty starts to resemble imperium – a Roman designation for political authority that is territorially unbounded. This disrupts the border/state dyad and situates borders (lines) and frontiers (zones) on a continuum. In doing so, it reveals how sovereignty is not waning, but changing shape – a worrisome geopolitical conclusion given the possibilities of neo-Imperialism due to power asymmetries between neighbouring states.  相似文献   

陈鹏 《开放时代》2009,(4):126-139
作为一种新兴的社会现象,业主维权的兴起是中国城市化进程中住房商品化改革的结构性产物。在某种程度上,业主维权已经构成了当代中国城市居民生活中的一项重要内容,并引起了政府和学界的极大关注。本文首先从学理层面深入探讨了“业主维权”的概念内涵,然后对现有文献中有关业主维权研究的各种理论视角进行述评,最后根据笔者的研究经验提出业主维权研究的进一步议程或许可以纳入“公民的形成”、“中产阶级的形成”和“社会的形成”三个框架之中。  相似文献   

绩效新思路:从静态考核转变成全面管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
钱滔 《技术经济》2007,26(2):79-81109
从绩效考核转变成绩效管理,是战略性人力资源管理所倡导的新思路。绩效考核和绩效管理有实质性的区别,前者是传统的人事考核方式,而后者却是现代意义上的人力资源开发方式。绩效管理包括绩效计划、绩效沟通、绩效考评、绩效诊断和辅导。从绩效考核到绩效管理的深刻变革,对管理者提出新的要求:①必须从传统式的主管转变为教练型管理角色、②必须具备较高的传授和咨询的管理技能。  相似文献   

产权变迁下乡镇企业公司化轨迹研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以现代产权理论为工具,对我国乡镇企业的公司化过程进行了分析,从而得出了在市场经济的日益完善条件下乡镇企业公司化的必然性结论。  相似文献   

This paper discusses links between two approaches to the value of health: the willingness to pay approach of environmental economics and the quality-adjusted life year approach of health economics. The approaches are used in cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analyses of health interventions. Despite fundamental differences in the decision contexts and conceptual foundations of the two approaches, in current practice they are likely to lead to similar policy decisions. The paper also shows how research on the quality-adjusted life year (QALY) can be used to fill in gaps in the willingness to pay literature. The paper sketches a simple model that shows how to ``QALY-fy the value of a statistical life;' i.e., how to combine QALY estimates with estimates of the value of a statistical life to estimate willingness to pay for morbidity risks.Presented at the workshop “Economic Valuation of Health for Environmental Policy: Assessing Alternative Approaches," March 18–19, 2002, Orlando, Florida. I thank Glenn Blomquist, Mark Dickie, John Mullahy, Gary Zarkin and two anonymous referees for useful comments. All remaining errors are my own responsibility.  相似文献   

从刚性管理到柔性管理 发展人力资源管理的新途径   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文对柔性管理与刚性管理的辩证关系进行了客观分析 ,提出了以对人的行为研究为核心的柔性管理模式 ,是当今知识经济时代新型的人力资源管理模式。  相似文献   

在迈向全面建设小康社会的道路上,农村社会经济的发展应当与城市享有同等地位,农村饮水安全也成为发展过程中迫切需要解决的问题。为了选择适合我国国情的公有水务公司模式,激励公有水务公司发展,对比了当今世界现存的主要供水管理模式,探讨了最优委托权与成员相对重要性的关系,并根据具体情况分析最优委托权的大小,最后尝试探讨最优委托权中剩余索取权与剩余控制权之间的分配机制,为相关管理部门更好地服务农村居民提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

中国农村土地制度变迁:一个产权的视角   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农地制度历来是中国农村变革的关键,其要义在于产权。本文从产权角度对建国后中国农地制度变迁作了简要分析。作者认为,产权的界定与实施决定着产权的经济绩效。土地改革以来各种农地制度创新形式的不同经济绩效都与产权清晰程度和实施机制有关。  相似文献   

如何构建有效的金融契约是经济转型过程中提升我国企业公司治理效率、保护投资者利益的关键.最近兴起的金融契约理论突破传统的现金流思路.从控制权视角考察企业内部控制权配置机制及时各利益主体行动策略的影响.论文从控制权视角出发,系统回顾了金融契约理论的相关成果,并指出了目前该领域研究存在的主要局限.本文研究将对我国企业融资决策、内部公司治理和外部资本市场金融创新等具有一定的实践启示.  相似文献   

Using an innovative dataset built by merging survey and administrative data, we provide new estimates of intergenerational earnings’ inequality between fathers and sons in Italy, extending previous evidence in several directions. We rely on the TSTSLS method to predict fathers’ earnings and compute intergenerational elasticities and imputed rank–rank slopes, trying to reduce estimation biases. Confirming previous evidence, we find that Italy is characterized by a high intergenerational inequality in cross-country comparison. Extending previous analyses, we show that the intergenerational association increases when sons at older ages and multi-annual averages of pseudo-fathers’ and sons’ earnings are considered. We also find that the intergenerational persistence differs across geographical macro-areas and is high also for daughters, especially when family earnings are considered. Furthermore, estimates where possible mediating factors of the parental influence are included among the covariates show that a high intergenerational association persists when sons’ education and occupation are controlled for.  相似文献   

居阅时 《开放时代》2001,(3):121-124
学术界对文化研究的热衷己持续好长一段时间,但在纷繁的文化研究中,把战争与文化传统联系起来作广泛研究,借助文化视角审视战争在学术界却不多见。单纯研究战争的专著和文章不少,然而研究战争的似乎都是硬汉子军人,他们关注的是铁与血的战场和相关的战略战术,他们会捧读《孙子兵法》或克劳塞维茨的《战争论》,却往往不考虑更为广阔的文化背景。读《孙子兵法》同时很少想到孔子著述中去寻求关于战争的妙谛,当然也不太可能进一步深入探讨儒家战争观与现代战争的关系;读罢克劳塞维茨的《战争论》同样不太可能去翻阅荷马史诗《伊利亚特…  相似文献   

This paper assumes that in addition to conventional preferences over outcomes, players in a strategic environment have preferences over strategies. It provides conditions under which a player's preferences over strategies can be represented as a weighted average of the utility from outcomes of the individual and his opponents. The weight one player places on an opponent's utility from outcomes depends on the players’ joint behavior. In this way, the framework is rich enough to describe the behavior of individuals who repay kindness with kindness and meanness with meanness. The paper identifies restrictions that the theory places on rational behavior.  相似文献   

This paper studies the willingness to pay (WTP) for forest property rights in Viet Nam. We do so by asking respondents to estimate the value of two different forest property rights regimes where only the level of property security differs and all other forest plot characteristics are constant. We use this information to identify the value of the property rights security. Our results reveal that a significant number of individuals are willing to pay for an additional area of forestland but that the amount offered appears to be inadequate to compensate sellers, as very few land market transactions actually take place. The results further indicate that income relates positively to WTP, irrespective of forest property regime. Wealth, age, and ethnicity also have an impact on the amount households are willing to pay. As expected, there was a significant mark-up on the more secure right. Econometric estimates of the difference between the WTP for secure and insecure property rights show that a higher level of female education, and household age decrease the difference between the two WTP measures while the difference tends to increase as income improves. This has important policy implications, as it indicates that households tend to evaluate the property rights institutions differently.  相似文献   

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