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It is argued that networking entails complex processes and should not be seen as a neutral term, devoid of relational content. Foremost, the institutional framework and economic environment in which research is conceived, designed, implemented, and evaluated need to be explicated. The paper takes the risk possibly over contextualizing processes in order to expose strong economic and institutional forces that are intersecting in food chains. By revealing many layers of economic and institutional context, we are able to show how major actors both inside and outside the food chains are endeavoring to constrain other actors into particular trajectories, thereby remaking the local and global structure, organization, and wider territoriality of the food chains.  相似文献   

Governments invested substantially in renewable energy industries in responding to climate change, while seeking to promote economic growth. They also engaged in a series of major trade disputes, notably in the solar photovoltaic and wind sectors. The European Union (EU)–China solar dispute is one of the largest such cases. In 2013, the European Commission (EC) announced duties on imports of solar products from Chinese manufacturers. This decision was at odds with the fact that the majority of the European solar industry opposed tariffs. We propose that the decision was affected by a shift in negotiating power between business and the EC. We suggest that the rise of global supply chains undermined the structural power of industry by dividing manufacturers over trade policy and by fragmenting the information conveyed to policy-makers. This provided an opportunity to the Commission to engage in ‘interest shopping’ by selecting an industry position that matched its own interest. Evidence from a comparative case study on EU and German responses to solar imports supports our argument. The findings suggest that the globalisation of production can strengthen the negotiating power of policy-makers, and implies that policy-makers face new trade-offs at the intersection of manufacturing and climate policy.  相似文献   

We uncover the complete ordinal implications of supermodularity on finite lattices under the assumption of weak monotonicity. In this environment, we show that supermodularity is ordinally equivalent to the notion of quasisupermodularity introduced by Milgrom and Shannon. We conclude that supermodularity is a weak property, in the sense that many preferences have a supermodular representation.  相似文献   

现代物流及供应链管理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王倩 《经济经纬》2001,(6):38-39
现代物流是对流通方式的一场革命,作为一种先进的管理技术和组织方式,与传统的物流活动有着本质的不同;在信息技术迅猛发展和经济全球化的21世纪,中国物流产业正面临重大的发展机遇;有效的物流与供应链管理,已成为企业降低成本,培养核心竞争力,适应E时代市场的竞争的“利器”。  相似文献   

Transfer Pricing and Hold-Ups in Supply Chains   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract. We reconsider the hold‐up problem under symmetric information when more than two parties form a ‘supply chain’. The parties are assumed to renegotiate bilaterally and sequentially. Potential trade distortions then arise in addition to the usual investment problem. Following Edlin and Reichelstein (1995, 1996), we consider fixed‐quantity contracts. First‐best allocations are shown to be attainable if the parties are able to commit to a ‘forced‐compliance’ regime where a central office monitors the consistency of the bilateral renegotiations.  相似文献   

Global value chains (GVCs), led by transnational corporations (TNCs), have reshaped the world division of labor over the past two decades. GVCs are pervasive in low technology manufacturing, such as textile and apparel, as well as in more advanced industries like automobiles, electronics, and machines. This hierarchical division of labor generates wild competition at the lower value-added stages of production, where low wages and low profit margins prevail for workers and contract manufacturers in developing countries. At the top of the hierarchy another kind of competition prevails, centered on the ability to monitor and control intellectual property rights related to innovation, finance, and marketing. We argue that GVCs have had crucial effects on income inequality and the appropriation of rents in modern capitalism.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss the relationship between the sharing of information of supply chains and the supply chain management; we also discuss the function of information share, and the obstacles in sharing information. As we all know, information share between enterprises in supply chains is necessary and possible, but the existence of obstacles of sharing information in supply chains is also a severe challenge in practice. This paper tries to find right ways for enterprises to build the real trade partners' relationship and realize transferring the information smoothly in all these three levels among the partners in supply chains.  相似文献   

绿色供应链初探——以循环经济为理念的供应链新模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张涛  季建华 《生产力研究》2006,(12):17-18,88
文章介绍了循环经济的概念和传统供应链的缺陷,详细说明了绿色供应链的含义和内容,指出绿色供应链倡导的是一种循环经济,并总结了绿色供应链面临的挑战和机遇。  相似文献   

This paper examines global value chains at the level of the heterogeneous firm. The context is a world of horizontal intra-industry trade, characterized by imperfect competition and product differentiation at the firm level. Standard microeconomic tools are employed to assess the effects of inter-firm dissimilarities in both demand and supply on firms’ responses to changes in trade policy. In this set-up, dissimilarities in firm characteristics play roles similar to factor endowments and technology differences in traditional trade models. When cross-border production sharing (“fragmentation”) is introduced into this framework, those differences in firm characteristics determine the degree to which individual firms will enter into production networks. In this context, horizontal and vertical intra-industry trade elements interact in their effects on firm decisions. Traditional comparative advantage considerations still govern the choice of off-shored activities, while direct competition between imports and exports expands the range of possible outcomes. Finally, it is shown that cross-border production sharing reduces the sensitivity of firms to variations in exchange rates, matching a phenomenon that has been observed in traditional country-level models.  相似文献   

自二十世纪九十年代起,作为全球最大的零售商,沃尔玛开始面临公众对其全球供应链中劳工问题的广泛批评。1992年,像其他许多世界知名的品牌商和零售商一样,沃尔玛制订了与劳工权益相关的“公司行为守则”,向消费者和公众承诺承担企业社会责任,要求其全球的供应商按照守则所规定的劳工标准,改善劳动条件,维护工人最基本的权益。这种由国际零售商为主导的企业社会责任运动是如何通过其全球供应链得以推行的?公司行为守则的实施对于改善企业层面的劳工标准产生了什么样的实际效果?本文基于对沃尔玛在深圳的三家玩具供应商工厂的经验研究,探讨沃尔玛守则的实施机制及其对工厂层面劳工标准的实际影响。  相似文献   

考虑不确定性的供应链战略绩效评价体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在Chin-FuHo、Yen-PingChi和Yi-MingTai研究的基础上,将不确定性的具体衡量指标与供应链的绩效通过平衡记分卡结合起来,从财务价值、客户角度、供应流程、内部流程、未来发展性5个角度进行研究,构建了一个稳定高效的供应链绩效评价体系,并提出了相关参考指标。  相似文献   

“低端锁定”效应是我国企业参与全球价值链升级面临的主要问题。以地区差异为视角,通过在一般性产品价值链理论中纳入融资约束变量,探求了融资约束降低对于我国不同地区企业GVCs升级的贡献差异。结果发现,由于企业被“低端锁定”程度和地区金融市场发展水平存在差异,融资约束降低对于各地区企业GVCs分工地位的提升效果有所不同,且这种差异多方位决定了不同融资工具对我国企业GVCs分工地位提升效果。据此,提出适合不同地区企业GVCs升级的金融发展对策与建议,并发现合理调配和使用融资工具,是提升我国企业在全球价值链中分工地位的有效手段。  相似文献   

如何缓解中国企业的融资约束,是中央和地方政府长期面临的一个重要政策问题.本文提出并估计了供应链参与对缓解企业融资约束的贡献.具体而言,本文在国家级开发区设立的政策背景下,利用政府在国家级开发区中对主导产业的政策偏向构造外生冲击,借助1998-2007年工业企业数据和2000-2019年上市公司数据,考察这一外生冲击是否通过供应链关系使得主导产业的上下游企业得到融资约束的缓解.研究表明,开发区主导产业受到的正向冲击会有效缓解主导产业上下游企业的信贷约束,上游企业融资约束缓解约占现金流的12.5%,下游企业融资约束缓解约占现金流的8.5%.本研究一方面为中央和地方政府制定政策缓解企业融资难和融资贵提供了基于供应链的思路,另一方面为理解开发区政策对企业影响的微观机制提供了一个融资约束视角的解释.  相似文献   

This paper examines warehouse workers' experiences of the labour process and employment relations in an ambient food distribution depot governed by a labour management system described as lean logistics. Lean logistics is seen by the sector as an aid to, and necessary development of, the globalisation of the sector's supply chain (global commodity chain). The focus is on how the restructuring of work as a result of lean logistics and the consequent imposition of a supermarket Taylorist work culture led to the demise of an industrial workplace culture and a dramatic deterioration in pay and working conditions. The latter included an increase in the scope and intensity of management control of labour.  相似文献   

基于国内外对Bullwhip Effect现象的研究现状,分析了我国图书供应链中普遍存在Bullwhip Effect现象的原因及其危害性,并就如何削减Bullwhip Effect提出相关建议与对策  相似文献   

产业链的全球延展与我国地区产业发展分析   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
经济全球化进程的深化和拓展,引发世界价值创造体系的整合重构及产业链的跨国延展,并形塑了区域产业链群演进的新特征和新趋势.本文基于此宏观背景,提出我国地区产业发展的策略取向与企业战略的选择组合.前者包括强化苦笑曲线中制造功能的专属优势、逐步抬拉曲线两端的竞争能力和采取另起炉灶的技术创新,后者包括品牌导向战略、产能导向战略和因势借势战略.  相似文献   

In the period from 1995 to 2008, many countries experienced what we call the “value-added erosion.” It describes the decline in the sectoral shares of domestic value-added in a country’s exports as the country becomes more integrated into the global value chains (GVCs). We argue that the decline of the domestic value-added share in a country’s exports is likely to be caused by the expansion of high value-adding activities performed by foreign lead firms in the upper stream of the GVCs. The variables of interest — the domestic value-added share in exports and foreign high-skill labor embodied in a country’s exports (a proxy for foreign lead firms’ high value-adding activities) — are estimated using a multi-regional global input-output model. Using these results and other control variables, we apply a panel cointegration model to explain and assess the likelihood of value-added erosion and its possible determinants.  相似文献   

The current policy debate on opportunities for African smallholders in agricultural markets focuses on the need for proper institutions at the market level or governance in the global value chain (GVC). Both discussions neglect insights from strategic management. We argue that successful inclusion of smallholders in GVCs requires the deployment of strategic resources and capabilities in the farming systems. The consequence of this argument is that the ‘inclusion’ of smallholders in GVCs only makes sense if they have the opportunity to create strategic resources.  相似文献   

产业集群化作为一种区域经济现象,已越来越受到人们的关注,并被视为经济发展的一种竞争战略。运用供应链管理来优化产业集群化的运作机制,能加强产业集群中各企业之间的协同合作能力,提升产业集群的整体竞争力。因此,应运用供应链协同管理来优化工业园区建设,增强园区产业联系,优化园区企业运行机制,加强园区中各企业之间的协同合作,从而培育新疆产业集群。  相似文献   

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