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The recent financial crisis shows that financial markets can impact the real economy. We investigate whether access to finance typically time‐varies and, if so, what are the real effects. Consistent with time‐varying external finance costs, both investment and employment are less sensitive to Tobin's q and more sensitive to cash flow during recessions and low investor sentiment periods. Share issuance plays a bigger role than debt issuance in causing these effects. Alternative tests that do not rely on q and cash flow sensitivities suggest that recessions and low sentiment increase external finance costs, thereby limiting investment and employment.  相似文献   

This paper shows that variation in economy‐wide uncertainty causes asymmetric stock price responses to firm earnings surprises. The uncertainty that attends bad earnings news that arrives during expansions with greater economy‐wide uncertainty occasions larger price declines. This is because news inconsistent with investors’ prior beliefs about the state of the economy increases uncertainty, which amplifies the negative cash flow effects contained in bad earnings news. Asymmetrically, the positive cash flow effect of good earnings news that arrives during recessions is offset by increased investor uncertainty, which results in relatively smaller price reactions to the good news. This is consistent with Veronesi's rational expectations equilibrium model, which shows that investors demand higher expected returns in the face of greater uncertainty.  相似文献   

This paper reconsiders the effect of investor sentiment on stock prices. Our main contribution is that, in addition to the intermediate term return predictability, we also analyze the immediate price reaction to the publication of survey‐based investor sentiment indicators. We find that the sign of the immediate market response is the same as that of the predictability at intermediate time horizons. This is consistent with underreaction to cash flow news or with investor sentiment being related to mispricing. It is inconsistent with the alternative explanations of a rational response to cash flow news or sentiment indicators providing information about future expected returns.  相似文献   

From the perspective of ESG news-based sentiment, we examine the impact of ESG performance on stock price crash risk. This paper constructs a sentiment index based on ESG news to measure public opinion of listed firms. First, there is a significant negative relationship between ESG news sentiment and stock price crash risk, indicating that higher ESG news sentiment can reduce the crash risk. Second, heterogeneity analysis demonstrates that ESG sentiment has a greater impact on crash risk reduction for firms with lower analyst coverage, lower information transparency, voluntary ESG information disclosure and non-state-owned. In addition, mechanism tests indicate that ESG sentiment affects stock price crash risk by reducing negative ESG incidents, information asymmetry, and agency costs. This paper examines the research inference that ESG news sentiment is beneficial in reducing stock price crash risk and expands the research on the governance mechanism of stock price crash risk.  相似文献   

This study investigates the association between overnight and daytime-trading session returns in U.S. equity markets over the last 14 years and interprets it using the overreaction hypothesis. To identify the effects of overnight overreactions on daytime trading sessions, we control for daily investor sentiment, firms' fundamental variables, and risk factors. Our results suggest that investors tend to overreact overnight and react more dispassionately during daytime trading sessions. Investors' reactions differ across sectors, and the degree of overreaction is greater in cyclical industries than in defensive industries. Additionally, we analyze the impacts of overnight reactions on daytime trading sessions focusing on recession periods. The impacts differ by subperiods and are pronounced during the Global Financial Crisis and the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Investors' reactions to overnight news events also respond differently to demand and supply shock-induced recessions.  相似文献   

This paper quantifies the impact of stock-specific news sentiment on future financial returns. Daily predictive regressions yield significant t-statistics for 7% at most of our sample of more than 1000 large stocks listed in the USA. While a few assets do run through pockets of predictability, the evidence suggests that the feedback effect is stronger in the reverse direction: returns are more likely to drive future sentiment than the other way around.  相似文献   

This paper proposes that the dynamics of bond volatility may be understood by studying textual news sentiments. In this new approach, a modified framework is used to understand the atypical characteristics of bond market news. The paper proceeds in two steps. First, a word list of sentiment terms is generated using three sentiment word lists to determine negative and positive news sentiment scores. Second, four measures of volatility are estimated and combined with a nonlinear technique adapted from information theory to understand the correlation and direction of causality between sentiment scores and measures of volatility. This paper shows that sentiments extracted from textual news published in the newspapers can explain bond returns volatility or the quicksilver. The empirical results support that news sentiment is highly correlated with the measures of volatility and that information flows unidirectionally from news to volatility. This study, perhaps the earliest work in text mining to examine the run of causality between news signals and bond return volatility, adapts a nonlinear technique from information theory to describe the nonlinear behavior of Indian debt markets and understand the volatility dynamics of the benchmark bond.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of public news sentiment on the volatility states of firm-level returns on the Japanese Stock market. We firstly adopt a novel Markov Regime Switching Long Memory GARCH (MRS-LMGARCH), which is employed to estimate the latent volatility states of intraday stock return. By using the RavenPack Dow Jones News Analytics database, we fit discrete choice models to investigate the impact of news sentiment on changes of volatility states of the constituent stocks in the TOPIX Core 30 Index. Our findings suggest that news occurrence and sentiment, especially those of macro-economic news, are a key factor that significantly drives the volatility state of Japanese stock returns. This provides essential information for traders of the Japanese stock market to optimize their trading strategies and risk management plans to combat volatility.  相似文献   

This paper applies novel sentiment analyses to Reuters news to study stock and CDS traders' differential interpretations of financial news. We construct sentiment measures to identify which news content influences investors' behavior and create dynamic word lists that reflect the divergent viewpoints of CDS and equity investors. We find that (1) equity and CDS traders focus on different content within the same news; (2) traders particularly disagree with respect to news concerning debt topics, especially regarding M&A activity; (3) the Great Recession impacted debt news content and altered the typical inverse relationship between equity and CDS markets on news days.  相似文献   

This paper examines the equity market reaction to the monthly release of Australian consumer sentiment news. Our results indicate that consumer sentiment has valuable information content. Further, we document a version of the “negativity effect” (from the psychology literature) in which, upon announcement of bad (good) sentiment news, the equity market experiences a significant negative (no) announcement day effect. Notably, we find that the market recovers from the bad news shock relatively quickly post-announcement. The results are robust to a broad range of additional tests.  相似文献   

In this paper, we define and analyze the sentiment‐styled index for the CSI 300 index futures in the Chinese futures market. Our sentiment‐styled index for the CSI 300 index futures from April 16, 2010 to April 30, 2019 is constructed by the first and second principal component analyses, rather than only by the first principal component analysis used in the Baker and Wurgler (Journal of Finance 61(4): 1645–1680, 2006) method. The sentiment‐styled index explains 78.38% of the sample variance. The vector error correction model is adapted to study the dynamics of cointegration of the sentiment‐styled index and the logarithmic futures price. We use the GARCH‐DCC model to illustrate the spillover effect between the sentiment‐styled index and the Chinese futures market. We show that this investor sentiment‐styled index does have the price discovery from the Granger causality and common factor weights and the hedging function from the Baba–Engle–Kraft–Kroner model empirically; furthermore, we use the curvature term of the sentiment‐styled index to determine the multiple unit roots. More empirical results for the sentiment‐styled index of the Chinese stock market, the sentiment‐styled index of the CSI 300 index futures, and the return of the CSI 300 index futures market are studied in this paper.  相似文献   

We investigate earnings announcement lags (period from the end of the reporting period until the announcement date) for the good and the bad quarterly earnings news across different market sentiment periods as well as market reactions thereto. Companies listed on Baltic stock exchanges exhibit clear signs of strategic timing of earnings announcements. Earnings announcement lags for the bad news tend to be longer than those for the good news. This difference is more pronounced during low market sentiment periods. If the release of the bad news is postponed, abnormal return responses remain lower, as expected.  相似文献   

We document asymmetric announcement effects of consumer sentiment news on United States stock and stock futures markets. While a negative market effect occurs upon the release of bad sentiment news, there is no market reaction for the counterpart good news. This supports the “negativity effect” hypothesis. Notably, this effect seems most likely to occur in salient stocks, which is consistent with the availability heuristic.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the predictive ability of three sentiment indices constructed by social media, newspaper, and Internet media news to forecast the realized volatility (RV) of SSEC from in- and out-of-sample perspectives. Our research is based on the heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) framework. There are several notable findings. First, the in-sample estimation results suggest that the daily social media and Internet media news sentiment indices have significant impact for stock market volatility, while the sentiment index built by traditional newspaper have no impact. Second, the one-day-ahead out-of-sample forecasting results indicate that the two sentiment indices constructed by social media and Internet media news can considerably improve forecast accuracy. In addition, the model incorporating the positive and negative social media sentiment indices exhibits more superior forecasting performance. Third, we find only the sentiment index built by Internet media news can improve the mid- and long-run volatility predictive accuracy. Fourth, the empirical results based on alternative prediction periods and alternative volatility estimator confirm our conclusions are robust. Finally, we examine the predictability of the monthly sentiment indices and find that the two sentiment indices of social media and Internet media news contain more informative to forecast the monthly RV of SSEC, CSI800, and SZCI, however invalid for CSI300.  相似文献   

We document asymmetric announcement effects of consumer sentiment news on United States stock and stock futures markets. While a negative market effect occurs upon the release of bad sentiment news, there is no market reaction for the counterpart good news. This supports the “negativity effect” hypothesis. Notably, this effect seems most likely to occur in salient stocks, which is consistent with the availability heuristic.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of nonfundamentals‐based sentiment in house price dynamics, including the well‐documented volatility and persistence of house prices during booms and busts. To measure and isolate sentiment's effect, we employ survey‐based indicators that proxy for the sentiment of three major agents in housing markets: home buyers (demand side), home builders (supply side), and lenders (credit suppliers). After orthogonalizing each sentiment measure against a broad set of fundamental variables, we find strong and consistent evidence that the changing sentiment of all three sets of market participants predicts house price appreciation in subsequent quarters, above and beyond the impact of changes in lagged price changes, fundamentals, and market liquidity. More specifically, a one‐standard‐deviation shock to market sentiment is associated with a 32–57 basis point increase in real house price appreciation over the next two quarters. These price effects are large relative to the average real price appreciation of 71 basis points per quarter observed over the full sample period. Moreover, housing market sentiment and its effect on real house prices is highly persistent. The results also reveal that the dynamic relation between sentiment and house prices can create feedback effects that contribute to the persistence typically observed in house price movements during boom and bust cycles.  相似文献   

We construct a news sentiment index at the firm level by using textual analysis of news articles and find that dispersion in news sentiment is a significant predictor of corporate bond returns. Bonds of firms with high dispersion in news sentiment have a highly significant average return of 7.38 percent. A portfolio that longs bonds with high dispersion in news sentiments and shorts bonds with low dispersion earns an average biweekly return of 8.53 percent. This finding is in line with an argument that dispersion in news sentiment is a proxy for future cash flow uncertainty.  相似文献   

We provide robust evidence that news shocks about future investment‐specific technology (IST) constitute a significant force behind U.S. business cycles. Positive IST news shocks induce comovement, that is, raise output, consumption, investment, and hours. These shocks account for 70% of the business cycle variation in output, hours, and consumption, and 60% of the variation in investment, and have played an important role in 9 of the last 10 U.S. recessions. Our findings provide strong support for shifting focus to IST news shocks when investigating the role of news in driving U.S. business cycles.  相似文献   

We examine whether the financial press plays an important role in the correction of the accruals anomaly. Using 83,016 Wall Street Journal news articles published during 1993–2006, we find that a significant fraction of abnormal returns associated with the accruals trading strategy is concentrated on news days. The clustering of returns on news announcements is consistent with the financial press revealing information valuable for the correction of accruals mispricing. Further, we find that earnings‐related news is more influential in the correction process than non‐earnings‐related news. Collectively, the results suggest that the financial press provides useful information to capital market participants.  相似文献   

This paper proposes and implements a novel structural VAR approach to the identification of news shocks about future technology. The news shock is identified as the shock orthogonal to the innovation in current utilization-adjusted TFP that best explains variation in future TFP. A favorable news shock leads to an increase in consumption and decreases in output, hours, and investment on impact - more suggestive of standard DSGE models than of recent extensions designed to generate news-driven business cycles. Though news shocks account for a significant fraction of output fluctuations at medium frequencies, they contribute little to our understanding of recessions.  相似文献   

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