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This paper studies the ability of a general class of habit‐based asset pricing models to match the conditional moment restrictions implied by asset pricing theory. We treat the functional form of the habit as unknown, and estimate it along with the rest of the model's finite dimensional parameters. Using quarterly data on consumption growth, assets returns and instruments, our empirical results indicate that the estimated habit function is nonlinear, that habit formation is better described as internal rather than external, and the estimated time‐preference parameter and the power utility parameter are sensible. In addition, the estimated habit function generates a positive stochastic discount factor (SDF) proxy and performs well in explaining cross‐sectional stock return data. We find that an internal habit SDF proxy can explain a cross‐section of size and book‐market sorted portfolio equity returns better than (i) the Fama and French ( 1993 ) three‐factor model, (ii) the Lettau and Ludvigson ( 2001b ) scaled consumption CAPM model, (iii) an external habit SDF proxy, (iv) the classic CAPM, and (v) the classic consumption CAPM. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We introduce a novel two-factor model, incorporating market and liquidity factors, which outperforms the CAPM and Fama–French factor models when applied to stock market returns in Shanghai and Shenzhen over 2000–2019. We compute the liquidity factor as the return on a liquidity-mimicking portfolio, which we construct simultaneously using two measures of liquidity (one of them capturing liquidity’s trading-quantity dimension, and the other associated with its price-impact dimension). Unlike the CAPM and Fama–French factor models, the advocated two-factor model is able to account for numerous return anomalies, such as size, book-to-market ratio, earnings-to-price ratio, cash-flow-to-price ratio, return-on-equity, and volatility. The model’s performance is similar when applied separately to the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets. Furthermore, it fares similarly over the 1994–2004 and 2005–2019 sub-periods. This result is somewhat surprising, because liquidity seems likely to have been substantially lower over 1994–2004, as the Chinese markets were noticeably smaller, and the critical market reform aimed at eliminating non-tradable shares by the end of 2006 did not occur until 2005.  相似文献   

The paper applies a Factor-GARCH model to evaluate the impact of the market portfolio, as a single common dynamic risk factor, on conditional volatility and risk premia for the returns on size-based equity portfolios of three major European markets; France, Germany and the United Kingdom. The results show that for the size-based portfolios the factor loading for the dynamic market factor is significant and positive but the association between the risk premia and the conditional market volatility is weak. However, the dynamic market factor is shown to explain common characteristics in the conditional variance such as asymmetry and persistence. This finding is consistent across markets and portfolio sizes.  相似文献   

Single‐state generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) models identify only one mechanism governing the response of volatility to market shocks, and the conditional higher moments are constant, unless modelled explicitly. So they neither capture state‐dependent behaviour of volatility nor explain why the equity index skew persists into long‐dated options. Markov switching (MS) GARCH models specify several volatility states with endogenous conditional skewness and kurtosis; of these the simplest to estimate is normal mixture (NM) GARCH, which has constant state probabilities. We introduce a state‐dependent leverage effect to NM‐GARCH and thereby explain the observed characteristics of equity index returns and implied volatility skews, without resorting to time‐varying volatility risk premia. An empirical study on European equity indices identifies two‐state asymmetric NM‐GARCH as the best fit of the 15 models considered. During stable markets volatility behaviour is broadly similar across all indices, but the crash probability and the behaviour of returns and volatility during a crash depends on the index. The volatility mean‐reversion and leverage effects during crash markets are quite different from those in the stable regime.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the cryptocurrency pricing factors. We review the literatures which state that the cryptocurrency market is weakly efficient. We use the Fama–MacBeth method to investigate the pricing factors. The classical equity-based risk factors including size, momentum, and value to growth from the Fama–French three factor model are studied. We use crypto-unique coin-to-token as a proxy for value-to-growth. For volatility risk factor category, we investigate realized volatility, skewness and jump. We also investigate liquidity factors including bid–ask, volume growth and Roll’s measure. The macro factors are found not to be an explanatory factor. The attention factor works sometimes. The factor model constructed by the significant factors explain most of the excess return of cryptocurrencies.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to construct an illiquidity risk factor for the Spanish stock market over the 1994–2002 period. Because of the absence of consensus in empirical research about the most appropriate liquidity measure, we applied the Amihud [Amihud, Y. (2002). Illiquidity and stock returns: Cross-section and time-series effects. Journal of Financial Markets 5, 31–56] illiquidity ratio that shows the price response associated with one euro of trading volume. Moreover, we generated an illiquidity factor using the Fama and French [Fama, E. F., & French, K. R. (1993). Common risk factors in the returns on stocks and bonds. Journal of Financial Economics 33, 3–56] orthogonal approach and analyzed whether it enters the stochastic discount factor as an additional state variable. We conclude that systematic illiquidity should be a key ingredient of asset pricing.  相似文献   

Using a frequency domain approach, we compare the spectra of equity market index returns for the 12 Euro-zone countries, the UK, the US, and Japan, over several time frames before and after the introduction of the Euro. In the immediate aftermath of the Euro-introduction, we find a reduced volatility over all frequencies, in which no strong cyclical components are present. However, in the long run, equity markets exhibit a volatility increase: the larger European equity markets develop dynamics that exhibit strikingly similar patterns, while the smaller European equity markets appear to follow dynamics closely resembling white noise. The similarity in dynamics is a likely candidate to explain the increase in correlation among the European markets. Furthermore, the European equity markets initially exhibited dynamics that resembled those of the US, while after the introduction of the Euro, the dynamics of the European Markets exhibits patterns similar to those found the UK. This suggests a change in the dynamic interdependency between the UK and the European markets and an increased convergence of UK market behavior with that behavior dominant in the Euro-zone. The findings may provide important implications for investors seeking to take advantage of international diversification.  相似文献   

The range of daily asset prices is often used as a measure of volatility. Using a CARRX (conditional autoregressive range with exogenous variables) model, and the parsimony principle, the paper investigates the factors affecting the volatilities of Asian equity markets. Since the beginning of the new Century, emerging Asian markets such as Taiwan and Shanghai have been undergoing various stages of financial globalization. The volatility of the equity market may not be explained solely by its own dynamics. In this paper, we examine volatility using the following factors: (i) lagged returns; (ii) lagged absolute returns; (iii) own trading volume; (iv) U.S. factors; (v) European factors; and (vi) regional (Asian) factors. Points (i) and (iii) are by and large significant, while (ii) is not. Controlling for (i), (ii) and (iii), we find evidence that the volatility of European markets has spillovers on to both the Taiwan and Tokyo markets, mild evidence that the volatility of the U.S. market has spillovers on to the Hong Kong market, but there are no spillovers from the European or U.S. markets on to the Shanghai market.  相似文献   

This paper reconstructs the Fama–French three-factor (F–F) model as a panel smooth transition regression (PSTR) framework to investigate the differentiated effects of investor sentiment proxies-the volatility index (VIX), credit default swap (CDS), and TED spread-on the three risk premiums. Sample period spans from 2003: 1Q to 2013: 4Q. Sample objects are 58 semiconductor companies listed on Taiwan Security Exchange Corporation. The empirical results report that stock returns display a nonlinear path, and the three risk premiums are time-varying, depending on different proxies of investor sentiment in different regimes. Market premiums fall as investors in stock markets show extreme optimism or extreme pessimism. Except in rare situations, the size premium is significant and decreases with the increase in the VIX. Returns in holding growth stocks dominate holding value stocks when the investors show extreme pessimism or optimism. However, in normal sentiment of investment, value stocks earn more returns than growth stocks.  相似文献   

This paper shows that liquidity is an important source of priced risk in China. Using A-share stocks in Shanghai and Shenzhen Exchange over the period 2007–2017, we examine the influence of liquidity on stock returns. A new liquidity measure that captures multiple dimensions of liquidity is proposed. Fama-Macbeth cross-sectional regression shows that the expected return is negatively correlated with liquidity. Based on Fama and French (1993), we propose a five-factor pricing model by incorporating reversal factor and liquidity factor. Time-series regressions show that the liquidity factor makes significantly marginal contributions to explaining excess stock returns. The liquidity factor based on the proposed measure works better than alternative liquidity measures such as turnover, Amihud illiquidity measure and the measure in Liu (2006).  相似文献   

This paper examines short-term and long-term comovements between developed European Union (EU) stock markets and those of three Central European (CE) countries which recently joined the EU. Dynamic cointegration and principal components methods are applied, in addition to static tests. While we find no evidence of cointegration for the period July 1995–February 2005 as a whole, dynamic tests reveal alternating period of cointegration disrupted by episodes dominated by short-term domestic factors. Principal components analysis reveals that a stable factor explains a large proportion of return variances. Ultimately, despite the decade-long process of alignment by CE countries with the EU, evidence of steadily increasing convergence of equity markets is lacking.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2014,38(2):161-177
The global financial crisis (2007–2009) saw sharp declines in stock markets around the world, affecting both advanced and emerging markets. In this paper we test for the existence of equity market contagion originating from the US to advanced and emerging markets during the crisis period. Using a latent factor model, we provide strong evidence of contagion effects in both advanced and emerging equity markets. In the aggregate equity market indices, contagion from the US explains a large portion of the variance in stock returns in both advanced and emerging markets. However, in the financial sector indices we find less evidence of contagion than in the aggregate indices, and this is particularly the case for the advanced markets. The results suggest that contagion effects are not strongly related to high levels of global integration.  相似文献   

In this article, we survey the international portfolio choice literature to investigate why investors choose to bias their portfolios towards domestic equity, even though there are significant gains to diversifying internationally. We focus on three potential explanations. First, we consider if the high proportion of domestic assets in investors' portfolios can be explained by their desire to hedge home inflation. While the models of Krugman (1981), Sercu (1980), Adler and Dumas (1983), and Stulz (1981a, 1983) suggest that this is the case, the model in Uppal (1993) shows that this is true only when relative risk aversion is less than one. Second, we consider the prevailing institutional barriers to foreign investment to see if they are sufficiently large to explain the bias observed in investors' portfolios. Halliday (1989) reports that there are few constraints on investing in foreign stock markets. This is especially true when investing in the markets of developed countries. Even when restrictions exist, they are usually not binding. Third, we consider the models of Black (1974) and Stulz (1981b) to see if transactions costs for investing abroad and taxes on income from foreign assets can explain the home equity bias. Cooper and Kaplanis (1986, 1991) and French and Porterba (1991) estimate that the taxes required to explain the observed bias are much larger than those investors actually face. We conclude that it is unlikely that these three factors are significant enough to explain the degree of the bias in portfolios that is observed empirically.  相似文献   

Identifying contagion effects during periods of financial crisis is known to be complicated by the changing volatility of asset returns during periods of stress. To untangle this we propose a GARCH (generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity) common features approach, where systemic risk emerges from a common factor source (or indeed multiple factor sources) with contagion evident through possible changes in the factor loadings relating to the common factor(s). Within a portfolio mimicking factor framework this can be identified using moment conditions. We use this framework to identify contagion in three illustrations involving both single and multiple factor specifications: to the Asian currency markets in 1997–1998, to US sectoral equity indices in 2007–2009 and to the CDS (credit default swap) market during the European sovereign debt crisis of 2010–2013. The results reveal the extent to which contagion effects may be masked by not accounting for the sources of changed volatility apparent in simple measures such as correlation.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes market index returns in the Tehran stock exchange (TSE) within the context of three variants of the Capital Asset Pricing Model: the static international; the constant-parameter intertemporal; and a Markov-switching intertemporal CAPM, which allows for time-varying degree of integration with regional and international equity markets. We find that TSE returns are CAPM-efficient at monthly frequency with respect to several international market indices. Moreover, we find evidence in support of international integration of the TSE with respect to international markets. In addition, we conduct an extensive investigation for the direction of causality between TSE returns, international market index returns, and those in neighboring countries.  相似文献   

We propose a general double tree structured AR‐GARCH model for the analysis of global equity index returns. The model extends previous approaches by incorporating (i) several multivariate thresholds in conditional means and volatilities of index returns and (ii) a richer specification for the impact of lagged foreign (US) index returns in each threshold. We evaluate the out‐of‐sample forecasting power of our model for eight major equity indices in comparison to some existing volatility models in the literature. We find strong evidence for more than one multivariate threshold (more than two regimes) in conditional means and variances of global equity index returns. Such multivariate thresholds are affected by foreign (US) lagged index returns and yield a higher out‐of‐sample predictive power for our tree structured model setting. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Motivated by the European Union (EU) decision to mandate application of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) to the consolidated financial statements of all EU listed firms (Regulation (EC) 1606/2002), starting in December 2005, we compare the value relevance of accounting information in 14 European countries in the year prior to and the year of the mandatory adoption of the IFRS. We focus on three accounting information items for which measurements under IFRS are likely to differ considerably from measurements under domestic accounting practices across the EU countries prior to the introduction of the international standards: goodwill, research and development expenses (R&D), and asset revaluation. These three items, selected on an a priori basis, have been shown in previous research to differ in the effect of uncertainty on their future benefits. We use valuation models that include these three variables and in addition the book value of equity and earnings. Overall, our study suggests that the adoption of the IFRS has increased the value relevance of the three accounting numbers for investors in equity securities in the EU. Association tests support our two hypotheses: (1) in the year prior to the mandatory adoption of the IFRS, the incremental value relevance to investors of the three domestic GAAP-based accounting items was greater in countries where the respective domestic standards were more compatible with the IFRS; and (2) the higher the deviation of the three domestic GAAP-based accounting items from their corresponding IFRS values, the greater the incremental value relevance to investors from the switch to IFRS. These associations prevail when considering cross-country differences in the institutional environments, which tend to provide complementary effects.  相似文献   

This study examines volatility persistence on precious metals returns taking into account oil returns and the three world major stock equity indices (Dow Jones Industrial, FTSE 100, and Nikkei 225) using daily data over the sample period January 1995 to May 2008; the aim is to analyze market relationships before the global financial crisis. We first determine when large changes in the volatility of each market returns occur by identifying major global events that would increase fluctuations in these markets. The Iterated Cumulative Sums of Squares (ICSS) algorithm was used to identify the existence of structural breaks or sudden changes in the variance of returns. In each market the standardized residuals were obtained through the GARCH(1,1) mean equation. Our main results identify a clear relationship between precious metals returns and oil returns, while the interaction between precious metals and stock returns seems to be an independent one in the case of gold with mixed results for silver and platinum. In relation to volatility persistence, the results show clear evidence of high volatility persistence between these markets, especially during times when markets were affected by excessive volatility due to economic and financial shocks.  相似文献   

This research analyse the US and the EU money markets interdependence from 2004 to 2018. The study explains to what extent the volatility of the chosen money markets instruments in two regions is inter-correlated before, during and after the financial crisis of 2008. We apply the econometric analysis and estimate time-series models of class GARCH to study the historical dynamics of interbank rates and bond returns. The study demonstrates that correlation between returns of analogous money market instruments in the EU and US is not stable over time. We find that correlation rises in periods when countries are exposed to the same external shocks as global financial crisis. Wavelet coherence analysis suggests that investors do not get any advantages of portfolio diversification investing only in US treasuries with different maturities for more than 256 days and do not get any advantages at all investing only in European bonds.  相似文献   

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