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市场竞争逐渐由企业间的竞争转化为供应链间的竞争,供应链管理日益受到关注。文章采集163家企业信息进行实证分析,探索供应链管理实践和供应链敏捷性对企业绩效的影响与作用机制。研究结果表明:供应链管理实践对企业绩效具有直接正向影响,供应链管理实践对供应链敏捷性具有直接正向影响,供应链敏捷性对企业绩效具有直接正向影响且在供应链管理实践与企业绩效之间发挥部分中介作用。  相似文献   

The concept of supply chain agility (SCAGI) has been identified as one of the most important issues in supply chain management literature. However, despite the popularity of the concept, many aspects of SCAGI are largely unexplored. One area that is deficient in research is the behavioral/relational antecedents of SCAGI. Furthermore, no research to date has empirically established the link between SCAGI and firm performance. This article seeks to further theory development by addressing these gaps.  相似文献   

供应链竞争力评价指标体系研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王勇  孙良云 《商业研究》2002,(19):38-40
供应链竞争力是指实施供应链管理的核心企业整合其合作伙伴(供应商、分销商和零售商)的组织结构和业务流程,通过对顾客多变的需求作出比竞争对手更快速、更有效的反应来获取市场竞争优势的能力。通过对影响供应链竞争力的关键因素进行分析,提出了竞争力指标体系的设计原则并建立了供应链竞争力评价指标体系,给出了各指标的含义及计算方法。  相似文献   

王建华 《中国市场》2007,(36):94-95
在竞争日益激烈的市场环境下,探讨整个供应链中企业竞争力的提升是当今迫切考虑的课题。本文以敏捷供应链环境下订单牵引运作方式企业为例,通过对制造型企业面临问题的分析,提出了敏捷供应链环境下订单牵引运作方式企业的实现机制。  相似文献   

解决"从农田到餐桌"整个过程的食品安全问题,建立一个包括种植养殖、生产加工、储存运输、销售环节和政府职能部门共同参与的全过程管理体系是保证食品安全的有效措施,而供应链综合管理的理论提供了基本思路。由于食品的不安全因素贯穿于整个食品供应的全过程,不管哪个环节出现问题,都会影响到整个供应链的效益,突出源头治理,实施全程监控,也就成为降低环节风险,保障食品安全的有效手段和根本措施。我国应构建符合我国现阶段食品安全质量标准体系和与其相配套的全程监管体制,使之既有科学性、可行性,又具操作性、适用性,从而不断完善监管体制,确保食品安全。  相似文献   

As stakeholders continue to increasingly hold firms accountable for environmental and social performance in their supply chains, the importance of understanding how firms can be more sustainable becomes more prescient. Based on the underlying premise of stakeholder theory that business and ethics decisions are intertwined, the current research introduces the concept of supply chain integrity (SCI) to explore how the interdependence of business and ethics decisions can lead to improvements in sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) practices. Exploratory analysis employing secondary data sources in an elastic net (EN) logistic regression provides support for the proposed construct, by providing preliminary empirical evidence that SCI, measured through two subdimensions of structural and moral SCI, can be linked to firm sustainability. The research contributes to the supply chain management literature by: (1) introducing the concept of SCI; (2) performing an exploratory econometric analysis to provide initial validity of the SCI construct; and (3) providing a research agenda to guide further research on the concept of SCI and its role in SSCM.  相似文献   

Although market orientation (MO) has long been considered an important business philosophy, the examination of MO outside the firm's boundaries has been rather limited. To address this, this study explores how supply chain orientation and operational flexibility (FLX) facilitate the implementation of MO. Although the positive impact of MO on firm performance has been well established, this study highlights that such benefits are enhanced by the development of supply chain related capabilities. Results indicate that market‐oriented firms are more likely to realize the strategic importance of managing the supply chain when operating under conditions of high environmental munificence, dynamism, and complexity. This provides a better understanding of the complex relationship between the demand and supply sides of the firm. This study highlights the importance of marketing theory and concepts to supply chain management scholars, and vice versa. This further accentuates the importance of eliminating the disconnect between supply and demand‐management processes, also described as the “Great Divide” (Drucker 1973; Esper et al. 2010a,b). A number of key managerial implications are offered as well.  相似文献   

To achieve differential performance in today’s marketplace, supply chain decision makers must manage complex, multifaceted, and nuanced issues. To help decision makers, and advance the supply chain discipline, researchers need to consider how multidisciplinary and/or multimethod research can provide greater insight into today’s and tomorrow’s challenges and opportunities. We explore questions related to the supply chain–finance interface and global supply chain management to exemplify how multidisciplinary and multimethod research can increase the insight and influence of our research contributions.  相似文献   

Research has emphasized the importance of matching products' characteristics with their supply chain design (i.e., supply chain fit). Fisher ( 1997 ) introduced the notion of supply chain fit and indicated that before developing a supply chain firms must consider the nature of the demand for their products. I expand on the Fisher ( 1997 ) framework by offering a more comprehensive understanding of when it pays off for firms to deploy resources to achieve supply chain fit. I argue that it is simplistic to assume that perfect supply chain fit will always lead to improved financial performance because the benefits generated by perfect supply chain fit might be offset by the resources deployed to achieve that fit. In order to execute this research I use archival and survey data to evaluate the moderating effects of six dimensions of environmental uncertainty (e.g., munificence, market dynamism, technological dynamism, technical complexity, product diversity, and geographic dispersion) on the relationship between supply chain fit and financial performance.  相似文献   

Both customers and suppliers are becoming increasingly concerned about environmental issues in modern food chains. A firm’s decision to implement green supply chain management is based on the social objectives of the firm and its management, its desire to pursue corporate social responsibility, its relationships with channel partners, and environmental determinants such as government legislation. The speed at which green supply chain management is implemented within an organization depends on its agility and its ability to facilitate innovation. Innovation may take the form of new product development or new process development, including the introduction of environmental management systems and total quality management in both production and purchasing. This article presents a conceptual model to explain how the various theoretical constructs are related and how innovation effects green supply chain management and performance.  相似文献   

基于可持续发展能力的绿色供应链绩效测量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
供应链管理模式的出现适应了多变的供应链环境,提高了客户的满意程度。但是我们也不得不承认,供应链管理模式的出现也为供应链绩效测量提出了新的挑战。本文通过对绿色供应链绩效测量文献的研究发现,绿色供应链涉及的各相关方的战略目标多样化而且测量内容十分庞杂,这使得绿色供应链绩效测量系统复杂而难以执行。基于此,我们有必要把绿色供应链绩效测量回归到以供应链可持续发展能力为基础的测量系统中来。本文设计了以环境状况测量、环境行为测量、环境管理水平测量和环境投入产出测量四大模块为重点的绿色供应链绩效测量系统。  相似文献   

信息技术革命和国际垂直分工深刻地改变了全球制造业的生产格局和竞争基础,传统的企业间竞争正逐渐演化为供应链间的竞争。对2011-2018年A股制造业上市公司的实证分析发现:供应商集中度负向影响企业创新,但这一效应在市场地位较高的企业中得到弱化;客户集中度与企业创新则呈显著正相关,且在市场地位较高的企业中得到强化。研究还发现,融资约束缓解是供应链集中度影响企业创新活动的作用渠道。研究对于供应链与创新活动之间的关系做出了文献贡献,并对创新驱动发展战略下企业根据自身市场地位权变性地从事创新活动提供了实践指导。  相似文献   

姜艳 《中国市场》2008,(36):118-119
社会竞争日益激烈,供应链管理中风险的控制对于企业来讲越来越重要。本文从供应链柔性的角度来分析供应链的控制问题,首先分析了供应链风险的来源,供应链风险一般来自外部风险、内部风险以及资源流风险,然后从供应链柔性的角度来控制供应链风险。  相似文献   

在过去的几年中,无论在理论界还是企业界,人们对供应链管理的兴趣正在迅速增长,而且还将继续,原因是几乎全世界都公认实施供应链管理对现代企业增强竞争力有着举足轻重的作用。但是并不是所有的企业都适合进行供应链管理,企业要想成功实施供应链管理是需要具备一些条件的,本文就是提出了笔者认为三点最重要的条件。  相似文献   

基于房地产业特点以及供应链管理发展现状,将精益思想和供应链管理思想运用到房地产开发中,提出了基于精益供应链管理的房地产集成开发模式,并就精益供应链集成开发子节点运作以及精益管理平台的构成进行了详细分析,同时探讨了在精益供应链中精益设计、精益施工和精益营销等具体应用,是对房地产企业开发模式进行了深层次探索。  相似文献   

通过SWOT分析,广州市发展供应链金融有利于促进经济增长和产业的升级转型,也有利于解决中小企业的融资难的问题。对于在发展供应链金融时可能会遇到各银行之间的无序竞争与供应链金融的整体发展规划不符合,各参与主体对供应链金融理解不到位等问题,广州市应制定统一的供应链金融发展战略和发展规划,完善相关的法律、法规和政策细则,要防范和化解系统性金融风险,保障供应链金融各参与方的利益,打造中小企业的融资平台,并进行有效的风险管理。  相似文献   

国际供应链发展动因及其风险因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对国际供应链的产生和发展动因,以及国际供应链风险进行了分析,以使中国企业主动利用国际供应链,增强中国的国际竞争优势,从而促进中国经济的发展。  相似文献   

企业推行供应链管理必然面临电子商务这一新环境,电子商务为供应链管理创造了新机会,同时也对供应链管理提出了新挑战,供应链管理必须根据电子商务环境做出相应调整和重构。分析电子商务环境对供应链管理的影响,探讨电子商务环境下供应链设计与重构的方法、原则和步骤,使物流、信息流和资金流发挥最大效能,最终实现理想的供应链。  相似文献   

郭兰  李健宏  辛秀 《中国市场》2007,(28):113-114
企业经营范围、企业定位、技术价值评估都需要通过价值链的分析评价和选择,要关注交易价值链、知识价值链、物质价值链的作用,选择合适的合作伙伴,从而实现有效的供应链管理。  相似文献   

We opened our 2010 paper in the Journal of Business Logistics with a 6th century quote by Heraclitus – “The only constant is change.” This immutable law certainly holds in today's volatile business world, especially for supply chain management, and has been the driving factor behind the interest in resilience. Since the seminal works of the mid‐to‐late 1990s and early 2000s, the supply chain discipline has progressed toward a common understanding of resilience. But we're not there yet. This paper reflects on the impact of our 2010 paper, and envisions future opportunities for advances in resilience that will improve both day‐to‐day business continuity and long‐term sustainability. We are honored to be selected for this 40th Anniversary Issue of the Journal of Business Logistics, and proud that our paper has been recognized as the most cited of the decade.  相似文献   

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