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This study examines whether government intervention affects corporate investment comovement, and whether this impact varies across firms with different types of ownership. We use a large Chinese sample to investigate these questions, and perform a regional as well as firm‐level analysis. We show that government intervention is positively and significantly associated with investment comovement. We also find that the impact of government intervention on investment comovement is higher and more significant for state‐owned firms than for domestic private and foreign firms. Finally, we show that investment comovement hinders corporate performance for state‐owned and domestic private firms but not for foreign firms.  相似文献   

Sectoral comovement of output and hours worked is a prominent feature of business cycle data. However, most two‐sector neoclassical models fail to generate this sectoral comovement. We construct and estimate a two‐sector neoclassical Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DGSE) model generating sectoral comovement in response to both anticipated and unanticipated shocks. The key to our model's success is a significant degree of intersectoral labor immobility, which we estimate using data on sectoral hours worked. Furthermore, we demonstrate that imperfect intersectoral labor mobility provides a better explanation for the sectoral comovement than an alternative model emphasizing the role of labor‐supply wealth effects.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the price comovement of stocks actively traded by institutions and the investment performance of foreign and domestic institutional investors in Taiwan's stock markets during periods of large market movements. Stocks of small size, high share turnover, and high return volatility tend to move together with the market when markets rise sharply. In short-term holdings, foreign investors and domestic mutual funds can outperform the market by trading small-size, high-turnover, and high-volatility stocks.  相似文献   

Sticky‐price models suggest that capital investment shocks are an important driver of business cycle fluctuations. Despite quantitative importance in explaining business cycles, a comovement problem emerges because the shocks generate intertemporal substitution effects away from consumption toward investment. This paper resolves the problem by extending the standard sticky‐price model to a two‐sector model with consumer durable services. When durable goods are used as investment in capital and consumer durables, positive capital investment shocks also generate intratemporal substitution effects away from consumer durable services toward nondurable consumption that dominates intertemporal effects. Consequently, consumption increases, and the comovement problem is resolved.  相似文献   

商业银行的流动性过剩主要存在商业银行存差持续扩大、超额准备金居高不下、货币供应量增长过快和商业银行信贷反弹过快等四大表现.商业银行体系流动性过剩问题是多种因素综合作用的结果,且其会对我国的经济金融造成一些危害,为此,本文从商业银行角度出发,对解决流动性过剩问题提出如下对策建议:优化资产结构,提高资金运用边际收益;以利率为主要变量,实施收益精细化经营;树立以客户为中心的经营理念,积极发展零售和批发业务;加快创新,增强商业银行管理能力;探索"走出去"战略的金融支持体系,加快商业银行发展以及改善金融生态环境等.  相似文献   

We study investor communication and stock comovement using a novel data set from an active online stock forum in China. We find substantial comovement among the returns of a stock and its “related stocks,” which are frequently discussed in the subforum dedicated to the given stock. Comovement is greater when the discussion of related stocks is more intensive. Further, the effect of communication on comovement is stronger for stocks associated with higher information uncertainty. Codiscussed stocks are more actively traded and experience more correlated trading. A trading strategy that exploits communication‐driven comovement generates abnormal returns. Our findings highlight the impact of investor communication on asset comovement.  相似文献   

We propose a supplementary way to assess the information content of a financial statement disclosure based on the comovement of asset returns in different markets in response to information that has price implications for both. The influence of a signal that strongly influences at least two asset markets measures a dimension of information content less clearly reflected in single‐market responses. We apply our method to debt covenant violation (DCV) disclosures. These are the outcome of a debt renegotiation when the covenant promises in a debt agreement to manage the agency costs of debt are broken. We find that stock and bond return comovement is highest one day before DCV disclosure and differs depending on whether the debt covenant is waived or not waived. We find that stock and bond return comovement in the days following a DCV disclosure decreases more for non‐waiver disclosures than for waiver disclosures. This supports the theory that a non‐waiver outcome shifts control rights and bargaining power to the creditors. Consistent with this theory, single‐market tests show that bonds with a non‐waiver disclosure versus a waiver disclosure earn positive excess returns following a DCV disclosure whereas the reverse is true for stocks.  相似文献   

基于2011-2018年沪深A股上市公司样本,实证检验超额商誉对审计收费的影响以及高管激励的调节效应.研究表明:超额商誉提高了审计收费,且在民营企业更显著;而高管不同激励方式对超额商誉与审计收费的调节具有异质性:股权激励具有抑制作用,而薪酬激励具有增强效应;从作用机制来看,超额商誉通过增加经营风险和审计投入,进而提高审计收费.  相似文献   

Building on a no-arbitrage relationship suggested by Clare, Thomas and Wickens (1994) between the returns on equity, bonds and treasury bills, this paper develops what is termed a 'relative excess returns' approach to the understanding of movements in equity prices. This no-arbitrage relationship is used to derive an explicit measure of excess returns, which incorporates both the excess returns to equity and bonds while netting out any unprofitable (i.e. market efficient) return predictability caused by time variation in the treasury bill rate. This measure can be related to a series of observable variables in a consistent manner and used to construct a trading rule aimed at forecasting excess returns. In a series of empirical experiments, this trading rule appears to be more 'profitable' than both the rule suggested by Clare et al. (1994) and the gilt-equity yield ratio rule (used by many UK analysts to guide investment decisions), and outperforms the strategy of 'buy and hold equity'. More generally, the analysis provides support for the existence of predictable excess returns — returns which cannot be attributed to time-varying excess returns — and for the inefficient market explanation of predictable returns.  相似文献   

中国流动性过多与外汇储备累积   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文以流动性的界定以及流动性过多原因分析为起点,试图探究并论证我国流动性过多与外汇储备过度累计两者之间的关系及其作用机制。通过2000~2007年时间序列数据的经验研究表明,中国流动性过多与外汇储备累积之间存在双向因果关系。因此,要解决流动性过多问题,短期而言要缓解外汇储备过度累积,长期而言,要在外汇储备管理体制、人民币汇率制度、外汇市场交易体系等方面进行体制改革,从根本上切断外汇储备与货币供应之间的被动联系。  相似文献   

流动性过剩形成原因及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2003年以后,流动性过剩问题已在宏观经济层面反映出来,并日益对国民经济的健康运行产生着消极的影响,政府和中央银行不得不出台种种措施进行应对。本文认为宏观经济中的流动性过剩是经济发展的阶段性和制度性因素相互作用的结果,是经济发展战略选择的必然结果,也是内外部因素共同作用的结果,更是各种矛盾长期积累的结果,而且是传统的农业国家实现工业化过程不可回避的经济现象和无法跨越的一个经济发展阶段;从本质上说是社会发展中的经济现象在金融领域中的反映,只是金融领域又助推了这一现象的发展趋势,内在根源在于经济结构的失衡,是我国长期的粗放型和外需拉动型经济增长模式导致的必然结果。由此建议从调整经济结构入手,进一步落实科学发展观,调整国民收入分配政策、转变贸易发展方式、提高货币政策的科学性、前瞻性和时效性等。  相似文献   

在对流动性和流动性过剩的内涵进行分析的基础上,文章从货币超额供给、外汇占款持续快速增加、银行业金融机构货币沉淀快速扩大、价格泡沫日益显现和各因素的综合表现等五个方面分析了流动性过剩的主要表现。提出了流动性过剩宏观调控的对策建议:明确流动性过剩宏观调控应关注的方向、充分发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用、完善中央银行的宏观货币调控体系和进一步推进人民币国际化。  相似文献   

We investigate how executives, the board, and excess compensation jointly affect the performance of nonprofits. Since the common measure of nonprofit performance often includes salaries, we also use expenses that directly benefit the targeted population. Our results suggest that above average compensation for executives is associated with poor firm performance. However, the negative relation of CEO pay to performance occurs for firms with only one executive, the CEO. We conclude that a powerful CEO with autonomy can harm firm performance, but other executives can mitigate these agency problems. The board also appears to monitor direct community benefits more than indirect benefits.  相似文献   

Abstract:   The issue of whether or not asset prices are more volatile than the underlying fundamentals is an empirical question with implications for market efficiency. Recent research suggests that the volatility of closed end fund returns in the USA is significantly higher than the returns on assets held by the funds. This has been attributed to noise trading as closed‐end fund shares are predominantly held by individual investors. This study demonstrates that UK investment trust returns exhibit similar excess volatility in spite of the prevalence of institutional investors. However, big investment trusts in terms of market capitalisation show greater excess volatility than small trusts. Although most of the excess volatility appears to be idiosyncratic, investor sentiment index is the most important variable associated with residual returns.  相似文献   

This paper examines how commonly used earnings quality measures fulfill a key objective of financial reporting, i.e., improving decision usefulness for investors. We propose a stock‐price‐based measure for assessing the quality of earnings quality measures. We predict that firms with higher earnings quality will be less mispriced than other firms. Mispricing is measured by the difference of the mean absolute excess returns of portfolios formed on high and low values of a measure. We examine persistence, predictability, two measures of smoothness, abnormal accruals, accruals quality, earnings response coefficient and value relevance. For a large sample of US non‐financial firms over the period 1988–2007, we show that all measures except for smoothness are negatively associated with absolute excess returns, suggesting that smoothness is generally a favorable attribute of earnings. Accruals measures generate the largest spread in absolute excess returns, followed by smoothness and market‐based measures. These results lend support to the widespread use of accruals measures as overall measures of earnings quality in the literature.  相似文献   

外部经济失衡、流动性过剩与房地产投资过热   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国经济的高速发展,国际收支顺差不断增加,外部经济失衡加剧;同时,国内经济方面出现了由流动性过剩引起内部经济的结构性失衡,导致了我国经济出现了内外"双失衡"。该文通过国际收支顺差、流动性过剩和国内房地产投资之间关系的实证分析,认为国际收支顺差与流动性过剩是我国房地产投资过热的主要原因,并依此提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

我国商业银行流动性过剩问题探析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈锋 《金融研究》2008,(10):198-206
我国商业银行流动性过剩带有较强的外部输入特征,也与我国当前的体制性因素有关。国际收支持续顺差、银行信贷投放受制、直接融资发展、信用货币等都是我国商业银行流动性过剩的原因,对我国宏观经济运行和金融体系的稳定造成了很大的影响,在多种应对措施中,应加强主要政策的力度,逐步缓解商业银行流动性过剩的状况。  相似文献   

Comovement,information production,and the business cycle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent theoretical research suggests that information production is a positive externality of aggregate economic activity (Veldkamp, 2005). Both the quantity and quality of information increase during periods of economic expansion and decrease during periods of contraction. Based on this insight, we hypothesize and confirm that time-varying information production drives the comovement patterns observed in stock returns. We examine stock return comovement in 36 countries from 1980 to 2007 and show that, consistent with the theory, comovement patterns are countercyclical; that is, when information production is high (low), comovement is low (high). We also find that the relation between comovement and the business cycle is stronger in countries that experience large intertemporal swings in information production. Finally, we show that the relation between business cycle and comovement is stronger in poor countries, countries with less developed financial markets, and countries with weaker accounting and transparency standards. These results suggest that financial development and transparency are conducive to a steady flow of financial information over the business cycle.  相似文献   

本文在一定理论分析和相关假设的基础上,利用1997—2010年省级面板数据对政府行为、金融结构和地区全要素生产率之间的关系进行了实证。结果显示:政府不同项目的财政支出和不同金融资产结构.其对全要素生产率的影响存在一定的差异性。在全国以及东、西部地区,政府科技教育相关支出显著地促进了全要素生产率水平的提高,且西部地区的效果最明显;其它财政支出项目并没有很好的发挥其对金要素生产率的积极作用。进一步地,本文利用Malmquist指数法将全要素生产率分解为技术效率指数和技术进步指数,以考察政府行为、金融结构促进全要素生产率的内在路径。  相似文献   

税收超额负担是超过政府所征集的税收收入而形成的社会净福利损失。税收超额负担是税收效率分析的核心,它可以借助于消费者和生产者剩余以及无差异曲线进行分析,分析过程应更关注征税引起的价格变动的替代效应,我国现行主体税种都不同程度地破坏了各种市场资源配置的均衡条件,降低了经济运行效率,产生了超额负担。通过对税收超额负担的分析能够得出有助于提高资源配置效率的各种结论。  相似文献   

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