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Using trade‐level data, we study whether brokers play a role in spreading order flow information in the stock market. We focus on large portfolio liquidations that result in temporary price drops, and identify the brokers who intermediate these trades. These brokers’ clients are more likely to predate on the liquidating funds than to provide liquidity. Predation leads to profits of about 25 basis points over 10 days and increases the liquidation costs of the distressed fund by 40%. This evidence suggests a role of information leakage in exacerbating fire sales. 相似文献
If liquidity shortages cause financial crises, a lender of last resort can provide funds to banks facing potential fire sales. However, if funding problems primarily occur at banks with existing solvency problems, then government liquidity programs may not spur bank lending. We find that commercial bank funding does not typically dry up in a crisis, not even during the subprime crisis. Rather, weak banks are more likely to borrow less. Furthermore, banks rely more on deposits and newly issued equity than fire sales. When they do sell assets, they cherry pick assets in order to alleviate pressure from capital regulations. 相似文献
We identify a new channel for the transmission of shocks across international markets. Investor flows to funds domiciled in developed markets force significant changes in these funds' emerging market portfolio allocations. These forced trades or “fire sales” affect emerging market equity prices, correlations, and betas, and are related to but distinct from effects arising purely from fund holdings or from overlapping ownership of emerging markets in fund portfolios. A simple model and calibration exercise highlight the importance to these findings of “push” effects from funds' domicile countries and “co‐ownership spillover” between markets with overlapping fund ownership. 相似文献
The Paradox of Financial Fire Sales: The Role of Arbitrage Capital in Determining Liquidity

How can fire sales for financial assets happen when the economy contains well‐capitalized but nonspecialist investors? Our explanation combines rational expectations equilibrium and “lemons” models. When specialist (informed) market participants are liquidity‐constrained, prices become less informative. This creates an adverse selection problem, decreasing the supply of high‐quality assets, and lowering valuations by nonspecialist (uninformed) investors, who become unwilling to supply capital to support the price. In normal times, arbitrage capital can “multiply” itself by making uninformed capital function as informed capital, but in a crisis, this stabilizing mechanism fails. 相似文献
Edward C. Rosenthal 《The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics》2011,42(2):143-161
We introduce a pricing model for single-family residences on the real estate market. The model considers purchase offers that arrive according to a Poisson process. The homeowner’s problem is to set a price that will maximize his net profit. The selling agent suggests a price to the homeowner that will maximize her net profit, which consists of her sales commission minus her costs. Our model accounts for a deadline to sell the home, a common feature of the housing market, beyond which fixed and variable penalty costs accrue to both the homeowner and selling agent. We demonstrate the behavior of the model and show under what conditions the owner’s and agent’s incentives are aligned. Our computational results suggest, in most circumstances, that agents should not pressure owners to substantially lower their asking prices in the presence of a deadline. 相似文献
Mutual funds experiencing large outflows (inflows) tend to decrease (expand) their positions, creating downward (upward) price pressure in the stocks held in common by them ( Coval and Stafford [2007] ). This study shows that corporate insiders exploit the resulting mispricing by buying (selling) their company's stock if it is subject to such fire sales (purchases) by funds. We also show that the likelihood of option grants is greater for stocks that are subject to mutual fund fire sales. Finally, we show that both the insider trading and the option granting activities help speed up the correction of the flow‐driven mispricing. Overall, this study illustrates that insiders enhance personal benefits by trading on their personal account and influencing the timing of option grants in response to mispricing due to flow‐driven fund trading. Moreover, these activities help improve the informational efficiency of stock price. 相似文献
Matteo Marsili 《Quantitative Finance》2013,13(9):1663-1675
I study the limit of a large random economy, in the ideal case of perfect competition, where full information is available to all market participants, and where a set of consumers invests in financial instruments engineered by banks in order to optimize their future consumption. This provides a picture of how unregulated financial innovation pushes an economy towards the ideal limit of complete markets. Hedging new products with existing products allows financial institutions to reduce the associated risk and hence the risk premium. This has the expected consequence that markets, under such ideal conditions, converge to market completeness as the repertoire of financial instruments expands. As markets approach completeness, however, two ‘unintended consequences’ also arise: (i) equilibrium portfolios develop a marked susceptibility to idiosyncratic shocks and/or parameter uncertainty and (ii) hedging engenders divergent trading volumes in the interbank market. Combining these suggests an inverse relation between financial stability and the size of the financial sector, which can be quantified within the present framework. These results suggest that even under perfect competition and symmetric information, the pursuit of market efficiency—in terms of completeness—may erode financial stability. The proliferation of financial instruments exacerbates the effects of market imperfections and, in order to prevent an escalation of perverse effects, markets may require institutional structures that become more and more substantial as their complexity expands. 相似文献
MICHAEL J. AHEARNE JEFFREY P. BOICHUK CRAIG J. CHAPMAN THOMAS J. STEENBURGH 《Journal of Accounting Research》2016,54(5):1233-1266
We surveyed 1,638 sales executives across 40 countries regarding their companies’ likelihood of asking sales to perform real earnings management (REM) actions when earnings pressure exists. Using this information, which we refer to as companies’ REM propensities, we study how company characteristics and environmental conditions relate to the responses received. The use of cash‐flow incentives for sales personnel and the distribution of interfunctional power in favor of finance rather than sales are both associated with companies’ REM propensities. In addition, we show that sales executives preemptively change their behaviors in anticipation of top management's REM requests. Sales executives working for public companies and companies in the United States reported higher levels of REM propensity. The data also support an association between REM propensity and finance–sales conflict. These findings and others are compared and contrasted with existing empirical and survey‐based research on REM throughout the paper. 相似文献
Marc K. Francke Alex van de Minne 《The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics》2017,55(4):511-532
This paper concerns the estimation of granular property price indices in commercial real estate and residential markets. We specify and apply a repeat sales model with multiple stochastic log price trends having a hierarchical additive structure: One common log price trend and cluster specific log price trends in deviation from the common trend. Moreover, we assume that the error terms potentially have a heavy tailed (t) distribution to effectively deal with outliers. We apply the hierarchical repeat sales model on commercial properties in the Philadelphia/Baltimore region and on residential properties in a small part of Amsterdam. The results show that the hierarchical repeat sales model provides reliable indices on a very detailed level based on a small number of observations. The estimated degrees of freedom for the t-distribution is small, largely rejecting the commonly made assumption of normality of the error term. 相似文献
Reducing tax system complexity is a common goal amongst policymakers; yet there is no commonly agreed definition of complexity. This paper seeks to fill this gap, by proposing the construction of an index of tax system complexity, conceived as a summary indicator of the overall complexity of a tax system at a particular point in time. If adopted, such an index would not only enable assessment of the changing level of a country's tax system complexity over time, but may also facilitate comparisons of the relative complexity of different countries' tax systems in future. 相似文献
This article proposes a thermodynamic paradigm for the development of ecosystems. Ecosystems are viewed as non-equilibrium structures and processes, open to material and energy flows. It is suggested that as ecosystems grow and develop, they should increase their total dissipation by developing structures and processes to assist energy degradation. Species which survive in ecosystems are those that funnel energy into their own production and reproduction and contribute to autocatalytic processes which increase the total dissipation of the ecosystem. These studies may allow for the development of measures useful to environmental management and may help the science of ecology with a much needed theoretical framework. 相似文献
Dag Einar Sommervoll 《The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics》2006,33(2):151-165
Over the years, repeated sales models have come to wide and even commercial use. However, considering the subset of dwellings
sold twice entail several challenges. Small sample problems constitute a special concern in repeated sales models, since sample
sizes tend to be smaller than hedonic methods based on all transactions in a given period of time. Moreover, a cluster of
observations in one time period does not only influence the index corresponding to that particular time period, but all other
estimated indexes. A simulation approach is used to study the interplay between sample size and temporal aggregation. The
analysis shows that serious mis-measurements may occur even in cases where the statistical diagnostic tools like R
2 and t-values and empiric standard deviations indicate good explanatory power. However, the risk of serious biases driven by sparse
data sets tends to be small, even if the actual estimated price curve show signs of under-smoothing. Mis-measured curves have
unstable estimates with respect to temporal aggregation. Two repeated models, one with a slightly finer time partition achieved
by adding one more time dummy, used on the same sample can alter the index estimate at a given time with as much at 10–15%.
The simulations reveal that varying temporal aggregation is a powerful diagnostic tool and should be employed routinely. The
last part of the paper shows that choosing an appropriate temporal aggregation involves more than merely a balance between
under-smoothing and over-smoothing. Efficiency questions tend to be better addressed by a higher temporal aggregation, than
a good overall estimation of the price curve alone calls for.
Spatial Distribution of Retail Sales 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We examine the distribution of sales for a retail chain in the Houston market using a spatial gravity model. Unlike previous empirical studies, our approach models spatial dependencies among both consumers and retailers. The results show that both forms of spatial dependence exert statistically and economically significant impacts on the estimates of parameters in retail gravity models. Contrary to the suggestions of (Gautschi, D. A. (1981). “Specification of Patronage Models for Retail Center Choice,” Journal of Marketing Research 18, 162–174.) as well as (Eppli, M. J., and J. D. Shilling. (1996). “How Critical Is a Good Location to a Regional Shopping Center?” Journal of Real Estate Research 12, 459–468.), our results show the importance of the distance parameter in retail gravity models may be greatly understated. Thus, ignoring spatial dependence may lead to overestimation of the deterministic extent of trade areas, and underestimate the importance of good locations. 相似文献
增值税是价外税,以不含税的销售额为税基.对此,增值税暂行条例第六条明确规定,纳税人销售货物或者应税劳务的销售额,不包括收取的销项税额,并在该条例实施细则第十四条规定,纳税人采取销售额和销项税额合并定价的,应将含税销售额折算为不含税销售额,再乘以税率计算应纳增值税额.其计算公式为: 相似文献
Darren K. Hayunga 《The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics》2018,56(1):33-75
This article examines the use of concessions in the US housing market, specifically payments for closing costs, home warranties, and structural repairs. This is the first study to examine the motivations and characteristics of homeowners that utilize concessions. It also examines the impact concessions have on transaction prices and marketing durations. While the literature has attempted to determine if concessions can reduce marketing durations or increase transaction prices, the evidence is tainted by endogeneity and sample issues. Additionally, we find that relative bargaining power between buyers and sellers has a fundamental effect on how concessions alter prices and marketing durations. This aspect has been considered only narrowly in the extant literature. Our results demonstrate that when sellers have bargaining power, transactions including concessions exhibit higher prices and shorter marketing durations. Conversely, when buyers have greater negotiation leverage, transactions including concessions experience lower prices and longer marketing periods. 相似文献
The National Health Service (NHS) has entered a new world of managed competition, where the purchasing and provision of services are formally separated. Accompanying the changes are major investments in computer systems, which will continue for at least the first half of the 1990s. However, the performance of the NHS in implementing computer systems has been variable, so that now is an appropriate time to review the current status of NHS computing, and to consider the key issues for computing in the new environment. 相似文献
Martin O'Connor 《Futures》1994,26(6)
Techniques such as bifurcation, mathematical chaos and catastrophe theories are characterized by an insistence on phenomena of change and on an inherent unpredictability in systems evolution. Yet, our culture is, on the whole, deeply preoccupied with certainty and foreknowledge. This article considers whether these techniques provide an improved basis for management control or whether their emergence should prompt us to reconsider the cultural assumptions that underlie our quest for control and determination. 相似文献
LIU YANG 《The Journal of Finance》2008,63(5):2231-2262
I develop a dynamic structural model in which a firm makes rational decisions to buy or sell assets in the presence of productivity shocks. By identifying equilibrium asset prices, the model also examines the aggregate asset sales activity over the business cycle. It shows that changes in productivity, rather than productivity levels, affect decisions: Firms with rising productivity buy assets and firms with falling productivity downsize (“rising buys falling”). As such, industries in which firms have less persistent and more volatile productivity experience greater asset reallocation. Using plant‐level data from Longitudinal Research Database (LRD), I find strong support for the model's predictions. 相似文献