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钟祖昌  王刚 《中国市场》2007,(36):110-111
供应链中成员的相互合作是改善供应链绩效的有效方法,本文在前人研究的基础上,提出分析合作供应链的基本框架,构建一个基于六个组成要素的合作供应链模型,同时分析了合作供应链中的关键绩效变量,构造了一个简单的影响矩阵,为构建合作供应链绩效评价体系提供了良好的基础。  相似文献   

To increase the relevance of logistics and supply chain academic research, this paper recommends the development and testing of middle‐range theory and practice‐level theory. Yet, there are a number of research issues that arise when academic researchers test middle‐range and practice‐level theory, both in measuring constructs and in testing theoretical relationships between constructs. Concerning the measurement of constructs, this paper recommends that academic researchers pay more attention to content validity and undertake rigorous processes to ensure content validity. In addition, academic researchers need to more explicitly define constructs as either reflective or formative. If the construct is defined as formative, then the traditional statistical approaches to validate these measurement scales are not recommended. The appropriate use of employing single‐item measures for concrete constructs is discussed. In regard to conducting hypothesis tests, research issues associated with multicollinearity and omitted variable bias are discussed. Relative weight analysis is ideal for testing theoretical models and research hypotheses when survey data are obtained, multicollinearity is present, and there are a large number of independent variables predicting a dependent variable. Thus, relative weight analysis is ideal for testing research hypotheses in logistics and supply chain management.  相似文献   

文章为给物流服务供应链的研究提供理论架构,在对物流服务供应链的内涵和结构进行归纳的基础上,提出了物流服务供应链的研究基础:企业物流网络。并对企业物流网络的内涵、运作和结构进行剖析。提出了物流服务供应链的研究范式:服务主导逻辑。对服务主导逻辑的内容进行了探讨,在此基础上,对服务主导逻辑下物流服务供应链的价值创造机理与传导规律进行了研究。最后,提出了服务主导逻辑下的物流服务供应链的未来研究主题。  相似文献   

Achieving impact in research is the goal of any singular article and for the journal, in total. This editorial helps to define how impact in scholarship and practice is achieved in the Journal of Business Logistics. We encourage scholars to “get out ahead” of practice by identifying problems that truly matter to industry and to conduct those inquiries using state‐of‐the‐art methods, such that relevance, rigor, and impact are fully realized.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments provide an underutilized methodology for subjecting research in logistics and supply chain management to rigorous scientific scrutiny. As discussed in this paper, by following established procedures researchers can create an economic system in which behavior can be observed and replicated. With the ability to control the institution and the environment, researchers have complete information and can exogenously manipulate treatment variables, neither of which may be feasible in field work. We also address many of the reservations that skeptics of laboratory experiments often express including issues of realism, participant sophistication, and payoff stakes. We then provide several examples where experiments have been used to study issues relevant to logistics and supply chain management including auctions, wholesale practices in gasoline markets, inventory replenishment, liberalization of the electric power industry, and deregulation of the natural gas markets. Finally, we identify several additional areas where laboratory experiments could be informative.  相似文献   

阎实  刘晓娟  郑继兴 《中国市场》2007,(45):108-109
21世纪的竞争不再是企业与企业之间的竞争,而是供应链与供应链之间的竞争。基于供应链管理的营销与物流的整合将实现顾客价值和供应链价值的最大化。本文在分析了营销与物流关系的基础上,阐述了营销物流的概念,并提出了基于供应链管理的营销物流整合的对策。  相似文献   

The modeling of logistics systems is performed to seek the best possible system configuration to minimize costs or maximize operational performance, in order to meet or exceed customer expectations. Classically, analytic system analysis of this type has been performed using optimization, simulation, or heuristics. However, in the past two decades, a newer class of techniques, metaheuristics, has emerged as a capable method for quickly providing near‐optimal solutions for problems that exact optimization cannot solve. This article outlines recent advances in metaheuristics development, and considers the ability of these advanced techniques to resolve various logistics and supply chain problem types. Specifically, the article discusses the ant colony optimization, genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, and tabu search metaheuristics. The capabilities of these metaheuristic techniques to examine supply chain risk and disruptions, intermodal operations, customer service trade‐offs, backhaul strategies, and simultaneous facility location and vehicle route problems are proposed. The article concludes by describing how faculty can bring these techniques into the classroom to ensure their students enter the logistics and supply chain field with a current and relevant understanding of the state of the art in supply chain design techniques.  相似文献   

目前.美国有大量的制造业企业在海外投资设厂,虽然有反全球化的现象,但这种趋势不会改变.美国有多种运输模式,这些模式是服务水平和价格的函数,订货至交货时间均值和方差的提高往往伴随着缓冲库存量和存货持有成本的增加.在供应链和物流研究方面,对不确定性事件和重大中断事件的研究以及对弹性供应链的研究是两个重要的研究方向.可以使企业能对高破坏性事件作出迅速反应,并从中迅速恢复.  相似文献   

在对物流服务供应链风险进行定义和深入分析物流服务供应链不确定环境的基础上,通过构建物流服务供应链的风险分类模型,理清其联盟生命周期各阶段的风险类型,并提出相应的风险防范策略;针对不确定环境中尤为突出的分包商组合风险问题,设计一种分包商绩效与风险矩阵,利用权变理论进行了合理的剖析,从而对物流服务供应链风险有了一个全面而系统的认识,为有效防范该风险奠定基础。  相似文献   

基于复杂方法的食品冷链物流技术植入研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何有效地把各种食品冷链物流技术恰当运用到各类食品物流体系中,使食品物流体系形成统一化管理模式,成为当前食品管理中亟待解决的问题。文章以流程分析为核心,采用价值—过程—技术系统集成设计方法定位冷链价值,构建价值、过程、技术各级层次结构模型,加强技术、流程与价值的对应,同时生成冷链价值系统模型、冷链流程系统模型和冷链物流技术系统模型。并采用模糊0-1规划分析法进行验证,最终确定物流技术植入方案。整个食品冷链物流技术植入过程结合实证研究对象,整体采用多种方法集成设计的思想,使冷链物流技术植入过程更加具有科学性和实用价值。  相似文献   

物流企业智力资本测度的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对智力资本进行有效管理与开发是企业亟待解决的问题,而构建科学的智力资本测度体系是有效管理并开发智力资本的基础和首要条件。为更好地开发物流企业智力资本,应基于当前智力资本研究成果,融合物流企业自身特点,构建物流企业智力资本测度体系。研究发现,物流企业智力资本是人力资本、结构资本、关系资本三大要素耦合、交互作用的结果,其要素结构一直处于动态变化之中。同时,物流企业智力资本存量也并非一成不变,它们随企业所处生命周期阶段的不同、国家相关政策等环境的变化而变化,并使得智力资本总量发生变化。在不同的发展阶段,智力资本对物流企业的贡献存在差异,且物流企业智力资本各要素对处于不同发展阶段的企业所贡献的价值也不尽相同。尽管智力资本结构存量一直处于动态变化之中,但在有限的财务约束下,在三要素的彼此互动、互相制约、紧密耦合下,每个存量并不会无限增大。由此,可以提出既定投入条件下物流企业智力资本效益最大化的构想,即以当前人力资本、结构资本、关系资本价格作为生产要素投入价格构造等成本函数,以人力资本、结构资本、关系资本三要素为生产要素构建三维立体坐标,来展示物流企业智力资本三要素之间的互相影响与约束。物流企业管理者通过对三要素的不断调整使之得以动态平衡,形成智力资本的有效结构,从而实现产出的最大化。当然,随着物流企业智力资本要素构成的复杂化,该构想可进一步推广到多维空间坐标,探讨多维空间下物流企业智力资本的动态优化问题。  相似文献   

供应链一体化时代的物流管理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文认为,2005年初美国物流管理协会正式更名为供应链管理协会,这不仅意味着协会的服务对象和领域的扩展,而且从物流的角度看,标志着物流管理进入到供应链一体化时代,从中可以看出物流管理发展的脉络。文章提出,企业物流管理水平和发展阶段是与经济发展程度和市场环境紧密联系在一起的,随着企业经营环境的变化,企业参与世界经济分工程度的加深,物流管理必将朝着供应链一体化的方向发展。  相似文献   

程永生 《中国市场》2008,(49):111-113
探讨基于物流合作与信息共享的供应链战略。分析表明制造商将MRP滚动表上信息与供应商共享,可以使双方获益;制造商和物流服务商合作决策,订货频次增高,使订货批量小型化,可以大幅降低制造商的库存水平,提高经济效益。通过信息共享的水平层次和物流合作的程度,总结出五种信息共享战略。  相似文献   

Academic conferences serve the critical purposes of bringing together scholars to not only advance the state of the art in research, teaching, and practice, but also to socialize with established and prospective members of the academic society. In this way, conferences help to instill and reinforce the values of the academic society. Logistics and supply chain scholars are increasingly targeted to join in the dialogue of different academic networks and attend conferences in tangential disciplines. This editorial speaks to the growing affinity for logistics and supply chain scholars in different disciplinary settings, yet underscores the CSCMP Annual Global Conference (AGC) and its Academic Research Symposium (ARS) as the premier forums for advancing the state of the art in supply chain scholarship and reinforcing the discipline’s traditions and values.  相似文献   

经过近十年的努力和完善,世界海关组织、国际海事组织、国际标准组织、货物资产保护协会等国际组织以及包括美国、欧盟和我国在内的全球主要贸易国及地区分别针对加强海上货物运输供应链的安全保护开展了新一轮立法和规范,国际物流供应链安全规范性法律体系建设已日臻完善。推进全球物流供应链安全一体化的的政策策略,建立物联网下视频识别技术智能化供应链的安全规范以及推进食品等特殊商品领域的国际物流供应链安全保护应当成为国际物流供应链安全政策法律的发展方向。  相似文献   

姚丽凤 《中国市场》2008,(19):120-121
我国是世界水果生产第一大国,但由于水果产业物流供应链整体效能不高及部分薄弱环节的存在,使我国水果产业存在果品质量差、国际竞争能力不强、果农增收困难等问题。本文通过分析我国水果产业物流供应链四种模式现状,指出其中存在的问题,提出政府统一协调、合作组织建设、龙头企业核心作用的发挥、信息体系建设等方面改进的关键对策措施。  相似文献   

基于制造商视角,从外部环境、组织内部以及合作特征三方面对多渠道供应链渠道合作驱动因素进行分析归纳,得到包括竞争压力、消费者需求等八项驱动因素。以合作意向、合作行为作为结果变量构建多渠道供应链渠道合作驱动因素理论模型,利用结构方程模型结合217家多渠道制造商的调查数据对上述模型进行实证检验。结果表明竞争压力、消费者需求、组织资源、渠道互补、感知相对优势和感知复杂性对合作意向有显著影响,且通过合作意向间接影响合作行为,而高层支持和组织相容性对合作意向影响不显著。  相似文献   

基于客户需求的供应链物流服务质量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于客户需求的物流服务是供应链物流服务质量管理的核心,具有可得性、经济性、时间性和可靠性等特点,其内涵在基本物流服务系统、物流运作绩效、客户认同的物流服务质量等三个方面中有所体现。企业要持续长久地赢得客户满意,必须从整体上建立令客户满意的物流服务运作体系,建立完善的物流服务质量系统,充分认识和把握物流服务质量的显著特点和基本内涵,从满足客户需求出发,为客户提供价廉质优的物流服务。  相似文献   

Demand and supply integration is the subject of increasing scholarly attention. The theoretical emphasis on combining market and supply chain data as the basis for strategic and operational decision making is particularly relevant in the context of Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) supply chains, and offers the basis for advancing our understanding and knowledge in this field. Point‐of‐sale (POS) data are commonly used as the demand signal in CPG supply chains. Using empirical data, this research demonstrates that POS data can be influenced by nondemand factors. We present a number of issues raised by this finding.  相似文献   

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