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This paper investigates the relationship between household saving and pensions, and estimates both the displacement effect of pensions on private saving and the precautionary saving effect due to uncertainty in pension income. I estimate the savings equation implied by a simple life‐cycle model featuring income uncertainty using survey data for Dutch households, with subjective expectations on pension benefits and uncertainty. Exploiting exogenous variation due to pension fund performance, I find that households save significantly more due to uncertainty in pension income. Not controlling for uncertainty biases the estimated displacement effect of pensions on private savings towards zero.  相似文献   

We develop adjustments to align the NIPA measures of key household variables with cash flow concepts that reflect household budgets and actual demand generated by households. The adjusted variables have substantially different behaviors across time than NIPA measures of household spending and saving. Furthermore, household income aggregated from micro data sets like the CPS, SCF, and PSID differs significantly from NIPA personal income. But the micro survey data likely reflect cash flow concepts rather than NIPA definitions. Indeed the adjusted cash flow measure of income eliminates much of the gap between micro data income variables and NIPA household income.  相似文献   

Using a unique experimental subject pool, I analyse the behaviour of subjects in a life-cycle consumption experimental task. As in previous experiments, it is clear that different subjects solve the task differently – some having strategies close to the fully optimal and others using simple heuristics. The nature of my subject pool enables me to see if there is any link between the strategies employed by the subjects and their demographic characteristics. I also explore whether the parameters in the task influence the chosen strategy. I find little systematic demographic influence. The results of the paper have an important message concerning the representativeness of typical subject pools used in economics experiments.JEL Classification: C91, D91  相似文献   

本文根据大量最新统计资料,详细分析了我国的能源消费现状以及国际能源市场的最新变化,指出了我国建设资源节约型社会的必要性和紧迫性。针对建设资源节约型社会在能源领域的实现途径.本文随后给出了若干政策建议。  相似文献   

劳动要素报酬、人口结构与中国居民储蓄   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以动态一般均衡模型为出发点,分析劳动要素报酬、人口结构对居民储蓄率的影响,并运用中国1978~2009年的数据对劳动要素报酬、老人赡养比、儿童抚养比与中国居民储蓄率进行实证检验。研究发现,市场经济转型以来的劳动要素报酬高速增长、老人赡养比上升以及儿童抚养比的下降导致中国储蓄率不断升高,在此基础上给出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

中国城镇、农村居民消费的分析与比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈荣  石昶 《技术经济》2007,26(9):84-87
在借鉴西方跨期最优消费选择理论和相对收入假说所提出的"棘轮效应"的基础上,估计中国的消费函数,鉴于我国城镇和农村居民在消费行为方面存在差异,本文分城镇居民和农村居民对模型单独进行检验,考察两者在影响消费的因素方面的差异,并试图找到产生这种差异的原因。最后,根据城镇居民和农村居民消费函数的不同特点,提出拉动居民消费的政策建议。  相似文献   

目前,我国的养老保障机制采用以社会养老保险为基础的多渠道养老保险机制,家庭成员赡养、个人金融投资和养老保险就成为了三种主要方式。这一结论已经得到了学术界的广泛认可,然而我国不同养老渠道之间的比例和关系尚缺乏实证研究。家庭自主的金融资产投资、家庭成员之间的赡养效果还没有得到充分的检验。文章基于2008年和2009年的中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)数据,首次运用2005年政策调整后的数据进行实证研究,对我国养老金财富、个人金融投资以及家庭成员赡养率之间的关系进行了分析研究。文章根据传统的世代交叠模型,针对现有数据,建立了一个三期世代交叠模型,然后分析了不同渠道养老保险收入对家庭储蓄率的影响。研究结果表明,基本养老金财富与个人金融投资对非退休人群的储蓄有显著的负向影响,退休者的储蓄率主要受家庭成员赡养影响,并且呈负相关的关系。  相似文献   

传统合作博弈中对合作剩余的分配,没有纳入到生产和消费的系统循环中来考虑,只是在对公平与合理的个人主观理解上给出了对合作剩余的分配办法。在引入消费在一定期限内具有餍足性的假设条件下,把生产和消费纳入一个统一的分析框架之内,在最简单的两人合作中,用线性规划对具体数值给出一个唯一解,用代数方法得出两人合作中的一般整体最优分配解。实证结果证明,两人合作效率优于单人。  相似文献   

汪伟 《财经研究》2008,34(2):53-64
文章运用1995-2005年省际动态面板数据研究了城镇与农村居民储蓄率的决定因素,并检验了凯恩斯绝对收入理论与永久收入假说(生命周期理论)对中国的适应性。计量结果表明:城镇样本较好地支持了永久收入假说(生命周期理论),农村样本则较好地支持了凯恩斯理论。长期收入增长率是居民储蓄率的基本决定因素,高增长是高储蓄的主要原因。另外,居民储蓄的行为模式、人口年龄结构、社会保障制度、不确定性、信贷约束以及地区差异都是居民储蓄率的重要决定因素,但这些因素对城镇与农村居民储蓄率的影响存在显著差异。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between the post-tax real interest rate and the Australian household saving ratio at the empirical level. Using alternative models of the consumption-saving decision and different estimation periods, it is shown that the post-tax real interest rate exerts a significant negative influence on the saving ratio. The estimates, therefore, imply that the fall in post-tax real interest rates during the 1970s contributed to the rise in the Australian saving ratio.  相似文献   

徐小鹰 《经济问题》2012,(10):11-16
通过引入流动性约束和不确定性等因素,分析了房价波动影响居民消费的预防性储蓄效应这一作用机制。研究发现,不论是从长期还是短期来看,房价上涨通过预防性储蓄效应对居民消费产生负面影响,换言之,房价上涨通过不确定性因素和流动性约束导致居民预防性储蓄增加最终会使居民消费下降,短期内预防性储蓄效应的影响系数要小于其长期影响系数。  相似文献   

After 1995, the United States experienced housing and mortgage booms, fuelled by increased lending from less regulated institutions, such as hedge funds. At the micro level, the housing boom may have left families with more wealth, but the mortgage boom may have increased their financial vulnerability. Using the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finances, we consider both wealth creation and a select number of financial vulnerability measures of homeowners. The data indicate that the housing boom was not only associated with larger house values, but also moderated wealth gains and substantially greater financial vulnerability of homeowners. Both trends were more pronounced among middleincome and Hispanic families, who saw larger wealth gains, but also greater increases in financial vulnerability than their counterparts. Given the breadth of the spread in homeowners’ financial vulnerability alongside sharply higher house prices, our results support the link between more deregulated financial markets and rising financial instability.  相似文献   

本文从能源节约、水资源节约、原材料节约、土地资源节约、矿产资源节约、循环经济等六个方面构建了资源节约型矿区评价指标体系,并利用层次分析法与模糊综合评判法建立了评价模型。然后通过枣庄矿业集团的实地调研数据,运用上述评价模型,最终得出评价结果。并针对调研结果,提出相关改进意见。  相似文献   

In this paper, a formal test of intra-household commitment is derived and performed. To that end, two models of household intertemporal behaviour are developed. In both models, household members are characterized by individual preferences. In the first formulation, household decisions are always on the ex ante Pareto frontier. In the second model, the assumption of intra-household commitment required by ex ante efficiency is relaxed. It is shown that the full-efficiency household Euler equations are nested in the no-commitment Euler equations. Using this result, the hypothesis that household members can commit to future allocations of resources is tested using the Consumer Expenditure Survey. I strongly reject this hypothesis. It is also shown that the standard unitary framework is a special case of the full-efficiency model. However, if household members are not able to commit, household intertemporal behaviour cannot be characterized using the standard life-cycle model. These findings have two main implications. First, policy makers can change household behaviour by modifying the decision power of individual household members. Second, to evaluate programmes designed to improve the welfare of household members, it would be beneficial to replace the standard unitary model with a characterization of household behaviour that allows for lack of commitment.  相似文献   

养老保险改革对家庭储蓄率的影响:中国的经验证据   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
本文利用1995年和1999年城镇住户调查数据(CHIPS)分析中国养老保险制度改革对家庭储蓄率的影响,从一个新的角度解释20世纪90年代中后期中国家庭储蓄率上升的原因。1995—1997年间中国对城镇企业职工进行的养老保险制度改革使得企业职工养老金财富发生变化,这种养老金财富的变化具有外生性,因而这项改革可以作为一项政策实验用来识别养老金财富对家庭储蓄率的影响。研究结果表明:中国的储蓄行为可以由生命周期模型解释;养老金财富对于家庭储蓄存在显著的替代效应,这一效应平均为-0.4—-0.3左右;但不同家庭这种替代效应有明显差异,户主年龄在35—49岁的家庭,储蓄率会显著受到养老金财富的影响,其他家庭这一影响并不显著。  相似文献   

High resident saving and high foreign exchange reserve are the inevitable products in China during the period from planned economy to market economy, and there is high correlation between them. On the one hand, this kind of economic phenomenon can't persist in a long time; on the other hand, to implement relevant fiscal and monetary policy, foreign trade policy, and foreign exchange management policy to change them in view of their negative effects to present economy is one of the present economic tasks.  相似文献   

This article develops a two-sector growth model in which institutional investors play a significant role. A necessary and sufficient condition is established under which these investors own the entire capital stock in the long run. The dependence of the long-run growth rate on the behaviour of such investors and the effects of a productivity increase are analysed.  相似文献   

This short essay surveys recent literature on the competitive saving motive and its broader economic implications. The competitive saving motive is defined as saving to improve one’s status relative to other competitors for dating and marriage partners. Here are some of the key results of the recent literature: (i) cross-country evidence show that greater gender imbalances tend to correspond with higher savings rates; (ii) household-level evidence suggest that: (a) families with unmarried sons in rural regions with more skewed sex ratios tend to have higher savings rates, while savings rates of families with unmarried daughters appear uncorrelated with gender imbalances; and (b) savings rates of families in cities tend to rise with the local sex ratio; (iii) rising sex ratios contribute nearly half of the rise in housing prices in the People’s Republic of China; and (iv) families with sons in regions of greater sex ratios are more likely to become entrepreneurs and take risky jobs to earn more income.  相似文献   

与以往研究不同,笔者首次以1978年~2009年我国居民的广义储蓄数据为基础,根据Houthakker和Taylor提出的动态存量调整模型构建理论框架,利用ARDL方法,分别估计了预期通货膨胀、非预期通货膨胀对居民储蓄总额及结构的影响.结果表明,预期通货膨胀对居民储蓄行为有显著影响,且金融储蓄受影响程度远大于实物储蓄;除了居民存款外,预期通货膨胀对其他储蓄形式的影响均为正;非预期通货膨胀对居民储蓄的影响不显著.  相似文献   

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