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Spending decisions for industrial trade shows are studied here. A discriminant analysis procedure identifies those factors that separate products that use trade shows from those that do not. The product category, fraction of sales made to order, industry sales level, importance of the product to the customer, and purchase frequency were found to be most instrumental. Another model evaluates the level of spending for products that use trade shows. The sales of the product and stage in the life cycle are shown to be most important in the budget-setting process. The potential use of these results for industrial communications and promotional planning and evaluation decisions is discussed.  相似文献   

The trade show marketing literature has been growing over the past decades, attracting a steady stream of research and journal publications. However, this body of research has not been subject to a systematic literature review. Accordingly, the purpose of this article is to provide a systematic review of the trade show marketing literature with the aim of delineating its current state, trends, gaps and inconsistencies. To this end, multiple electronic databases were searched and 91 trade show articles published in 24 marketing journals were extracted. The extracted articles were carefully analyzed with the help of a comprehensive classification framework focusing on broad thematic, theoretical and methodological dimensions. The findings revealed that: (a) trade show research is marked by inconsistencies that concern core thematic issues, such as trade show participation modes, trade show activity stages and trade show performance; (b) trade show research is atheoretical for the most part, but has become increasingly theory oriented in recent years; and (c) trade show research is heavily dependent on a combination of cross-sectional designs and surveys, with limited application of other designs and data collection approaches. Building on these findings, the review proposes an extensive research agenda to help move the trade show marketing literature forward.  相似文献   

Although there have been several studies dealing with trade show performance recently, most of these research measured only overall success or sales performance of trade shows and failed to capture other dimensions of trade show performance such as image-buildings, information-gatherings and so on. In this research, we study the differential effects of determinants on each dimension of trade show performance considering the multi-stage nature of trade show management. We suggest and verify a conceptual structure that captures multi-dimensions of trade show performance (i.e., sales-related, image-building, information-gathering, and relationship-improvement) and relate each performance dimension to tactical variables such as quantifying show objectives, pre-show promotion, booth staff training, follow-up and so on. More importantly, we have categorized these variables by three stages of pre-show, at-show, and post-show activities. Thus, we developed a set of models linking tactical variables in each stage with the appropriate performance dimension. Results suggest that the variables we considered in each stage have a significant and differential impact on each dimension of trade show performance. Managerial implications of the findings are considered and limitations along with future directions discussed.  相似文献   

In spite of the fundamental nature of trade shows as venues for working on webs of vertical and horizontal relationships, the extant trade show literature neglected relationship and network context factors. Specifically, previous studies attributed superior trade show performance to internal resource conditions and hence failed to address the moderating influence of important contexts such as relationship assets and knowledge assets. This study adopts the contingent resource perspective and extends the literature by proposing that the main effect of trade show resources on trade show performance is contingent upon the firm's internal knowledge assets and its external relationship assets. Overall, the empirical evidence supports the contingency models. One major managerial implication for exhibitor managers is the need to adjust allocation of its trade show marketing resources according to market-based assets it possesses.  相似文献   

中国制造业贸易成本的测度   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
传统贸易成本的估计采用缺乏微观基础且基于对称性假设的理论模型,本文利用克服以上缺点的模型,估计了中国与主要贸易伙伴之间制造业各产业的贸易成本,结果显示:1997—2007年,中国与主要贸易伙伴的贸易成本在制造业各产业上都表现出不同程度的逐年下降趋势,在制造业所有的产业中,高技术型制成品贸易成本最低,下降幅度最大。在主要贸易伙伴中,中国与日本、韩国的贸易成本低于欧美国家。中国与欧美等发达国家之间存在较大的技术鸿沟,高技术产业仍处于国际产品内分工的低端环节。因此,国家亟待调整和出台国际贸易及相关支持政策,引导、促进中国制造业在国际产业价值链中加快升级,减少贸易成本。  相似文献   

Although many foreign buyers attend American trade shows, domestic exhibitors often overlook export opportunities because of the numerous difficulties involved in foreign sales. This article examines the problems encountered by exhibitors as they attempt to export at trade shows. Based on an analysis of export and trade show literatures, hypotheses regarding the types of difficulties exhibitors experience at shows are developed. Data collected from over 200 exhibitors at a major industrial trade show are used to test the hypotheses. The results suggest that the ability to sell to foreign attendees is associated with two internal characteristics of the exhibiting firm: its commitment to exporting and its show staffing practices.  相似文献   

在国际贸易繁荣的景象下时有贸易保护主义的存在,推动贸易便利化成为大势所趋。本文利用与我国汽车行业贸易最密切的47个国家为样本实证研究得出,贸易便利化4个一级指标对我国汽车行业出口的影响从大到小依次为电子商务、口岸效率、海关环境、规制环境。然后利用跨国面板数据进行实证研究表明贸易便利化对我国汽车行业出口贸易有显著影响,并且通过提高贸易便利化来推动贸易只在“出口不足”的国家有效。  相似文献   

In an international duopoly model, we investigate how trade liberalisation impacts on collective bargaining outcomes when workers are represented by open shop unions. We find that, with intermediate levels of union density, trade liberalisation may lead to higher negotiated wages even if no trade occurs in equilibrium. In addition, we show that union wages may be higher with free trade than in autarky.  相似文献   

This article addresses the pretesting of industrial advertising messages diffused through (mass) communications media such as professional and trade journals. It is based on case-study experience and presents a normative framework for pretesting industrial advertising.  相似文献   

本文基于开放条件下的内生经济增长理论,构建居民、贸易与非贸易企业三部门的动态一般均衡理论分析框架,演绎了出口贸易、消费品与中间产品进口贸易以及加工贸易对经济增长的效应及其内生作用机理,并采用动态面板数据模型GMM估计方法予以实证检验。研究发现,消费品进口贸易对经济增长具有相同单位的边际制约效应;出口贸易通过直接与间接拉动效应以及收入效应促进经济增长,中间产品进口贸易与加工贸易通过直接与间接推动效应以及收入效应促进经济增长;另外,出口贸易与加工贸易促进经济增长还存在“乘数”现象。本文的发现对于我国经济发展“新常态”背景下的贸易政策改革与创新具有启示意义。  相似文献   

为了解决中国省际贸易流量数据资料收集难度大、非连续、统计口径不一致等问题,采用2001年—2003年28个省份省际面板数据,在外贸引力模型的框架下构建、扩展、估计省际贸易潜力测度模型。实证检验表明:构建的测度模型符合个体固定效应,并通过了多维度稳健性检验,可以用于省际贸易潜力估算。通过模型估算2001年和2012年省际贸易数据,对省际贸易特征进行解析。结果发现,中国省际贸易集中度偏高,随着时间推移,各省份省际贸易差距增大,省际贸易趋于不平衡,多数省份处于省际贸易"入超"状态;省际贸易空间流向使得市场整合、分割、局部市场一体化、国内市场一体化并存。总体而言,中国各省区产品和服务市场是趋于整合的。  相似文献   

在我国大力倡导“一带一路”,推动全球对外经贸合作深入发展的今天,建立“中蒙俄经济走廊”,充分发挥中俄蒙三国的经济互补性,挖掘三国之间的贸易潜力和合作空间,对三国的经济发展均有重要的战略意义。基于此研究背景,本文利用2002~2015年中俄对外贸易面板数据,通过引力模型分析了中蒙俄三国的贸易潜力。结果表明,近几年中俄两国之间的实际贸易额呈下降趋势,贸易增长潜力较大;中蒙两国之间的贸易虽呈现“贸易过度”的状态,但贸易额波动较大,且贸易总量较小。最后,从加强基础设施建设,增强政治、经济和文化交流以及完善边贸管理体制等3个方面对建立“中蒙俄经济走廊”提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

在过去的30年中,我国对外贸易结构发生了巨大的变化,与各国签订的双边和多边贸易协定越来越多,同时贸易过程中发生的摩擦也越来越频繁,那么弄清楚我国对外贸易各组成部分的相互替代和互补关系,对于调整和制定有效的贸易策略就具有重要的指导意义。本文采用完全灵活的对称标准二次型(Symmetric Normalized Quadratic)总函数,估计了1990—2010年我国主要对外贸易伙伴的进口和出口偏价格弹性。考察的贸易伙伴包括我国对外贸易中的16个主要国家和地区,展示了我国对外贸易的替代和互补关系图,以及这种关系的动态变化,最后利用这些替代和互补关系的结果总结了我国对外贸易策略的主旨。  相似文献   

西亚地处亚欧非交界地带,自古以来就是丝绸之路的重要组成部分,广泛开展与西亚各国的经贸关系对“一带一路”建设具有重要意义。本文以中国与西亚各国的进出口贸易数据为基础,利用扩展的贸易引力模型分析了中国与西亚各国的贸易潜力,测算了双边贸易效率。实证结果表明:双方人均GDP、西亚各国的人口规模和区域贸易协定可以显著促进双边贸易,双边距离和中国的人口规模会阻碍贸易发展。据此建议中国在与西亚贸易往来时,应注重优化贸易结构、加强区域合作、发展港口运输和基础设施建设以及防范贸易风险。  相似文献   

Customer engagement is a buzzword in today's business landscape. It is a key driver of a firm's long-term success. Marketers overwhelmingly agree that engaged customers are valuable because, in all likelihood, they will keep coming back to transact business. In this study, which uses the novel context of B2B trade shows, the authors link engagement with two outcomes – intention to attend the next show and intention to purchase from exhibitors. Based on data collected from attendees before and after the show, they propose and test a conceptual model of customer engagement. They show that satisfaction with the trade show fully mediates the impact of behavioral engagement on the two outcomes. They also find that marketers i.e., the show organizer and exhibitors, benefit when visitors become engaged with the trade show in a fully comprehensive manner, even if some visitor segments may initially have low anticipation with regard to the upcoming event and the activities involved.  相似文献   

考察国际贸易的变化是测度金融危机影响的一种直接手段。通过比较借鉴经典的银行挤提理论和引力模型,对国际贸易视角下的金融危机影响进行了理论分析;筛选了20个国家2008年的双边贸易数据、宏观经济数据等作为样本,进行了实证检验。结果表明,金融危机对国际贸易有显著影响且其影响具有滞后性。同时探讨了我国可以采取的对策。  相似文献   

面对当今世界区域贸易日益活跃,中国与欧亚经济联盟达成“一带一盟”建设对接合作共识。双方以丝绸之路经济带核心区为支点,以贸易领域为双方优先对接合作内容之一,为区域经济发展培育新增长点,推进欧亚区域经济一体化进程。本文通过贸易互补性指数、贸易结合度指数等所构建的体系,多维剖析了双方经济开放度、贸易竞争力、贸易商品互补性、贸易亲疏关系等的基础与现状。分析结果显示欧亚经济联盟的开放型经济为加强双方贸易对接合作奠定了良好基础,双方贸易商品的高互补性明确了双方合作大于竞争的贸易关系,应以双方互补性极强的SITC3(矿物燃料及润滑油)为重点,促进欧亚经济联盟向中国出口的贸易关系的进一步提升,并以此平衡中国东、西部经济开放的程度,推动中国外贸供给侧改革,引导我国外贸产业由劳动力密集型产品的生产向技术、资本密集型产品生产的转型,繁荣欧亚区域贸易。  相似文献   

Trade promotion has a significant impact on the retail business, particularly in the fashion sectors. Manufacturers have traditionally been concerned with the inefficiency of trade promotion due to the low pass-through rate of the trade deals from retailers to customers. The scan-back (SB) trade deal, which monitors a retailer's sales via an IT system, benefits the manufacturer, but may or may not benefit the retailer. We provide insight into when a retailer in a two-stage supply chain has incentive to accept the SB trade deal. We show that (1) the manufacturer and the entire supply chain can always benefit from the SB trade deal while the retailer benefits only under some conditions, and that (2) both the retailer and the manufacturer can benefit from the SB trade deal if the SB deal is accompanied by a buyback (BB) contract. We examine the effect of a retailer's confidential pass-through rate on both the retailer's and the manufacturer's incentives to use the SB trade deal.  相似文献   

With the digital transformation of the economy and society, high-speed Internet is becoming an important supporting infrastructure for international trade activities. This study treats the pilot policy of the Broadband China strategy as a quasi-natural experiment and investigates the ways in which broadband infrastructure development affects export trade in Chinese cities. Empirical results show that export trade in the pilot cities increases by 6.82%–18.8% on average as a result of the Broadband China policy intervention. Our study shows that this policy can effectively promote the use of Internet facilities, and broadband infrastructure can significantly promote the growth of a city's export trade. Broadband infrastructure influences export trade through the direct channel of improving information efficiency, which in turn lowers logistics costs, promotes trade efficiency, and reduces barriers to trade. There is no significant regional heterogeneity and urban characteristics heterogeneity in the export trade effect. Although broadband infrastructure can affect exports through the indirect channels of industrial structure and technological innovation, the direct effect accounts for much of the total effect.  相似文献   

Relationship learning at trade shows: Its antecedents and consequences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In spite of the increasingly recognized role of trade shows as a highly cost-effective medium, there are few established guidelines on how to capitalize on these meeting occasions. The relational view of competitive advantage, however, identifies relationship learning as an important avenue for creating differential advantage and supernormal profits in relationships. The purpose of this study is to develop a theoretical model explicating relationship-based learning activities growing out of trade shows, its determinants and performance effect. Specifically, it examines the roles of relationship properties of trade show participants, and collective inquiry approaches used for trade shows, in fostering learning between exhibitors and visitors. The model was tested by a sample of 414 exhibitor-visitor relationship dyads identified at specific trade shows. The direct effect of relationship commitment, consensus, and collective inquiry on relationship learning at trade shows was confirmed. The powerful influence of relationship learning activities on relationship performance outcomes as perceived by exhibitors at trade shows was substantiated.  相似文献   

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