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随着我国金融市场全面对外开放,许多外资银行正加速进入中国金融市场,中国金融市场的竞争空前激烈。国有商业银行以往主要依靠存贷款利差的获利空间被进一步压缩,要想在行业结构的转变中抢占先机,银行应坚持“以客户为中心、以价值最大化为目的”的经营管理理念,加快金融产品的创新和金融产品营销的创新。近年来,商业银行作了不懈的努力,推出了不少创新产品,  相似文献   

商业银行的境外投资理财是指由具有合格境内机构投资(QDII,Qualified Domestic Institutional Investors)资格的各银行机构,聚集境内投资的资金,投资于境外金融市场,从而博得比境内更高的收益的活动。2006年,伴随着人民币理财产品业务轰轰烈烈的展开,国内各家银行相继获准开办代客境外理财业务,理财产品投资地域范围由境内扩展至境外,中国银行业进驻国际金融市场迈开了新的步伐。[第一段]  相似文献   

随着经济全球化、一体化的发展,外资银行进驻中国市场,而我国市场经济体制不断完善,这就使得国内金融市场的竞争日趋激烈,金融产品的创新与银行营销模式的变革越来越受到重视。基于以上,本文从金融产品创新与银行营销模式变革的背景分析入手,探讨了金融产品创新与银行营销模式变革的问题和具体建议,旨在为提升我国商业银行在金融市场上的竞争力。  相似文献   

詹峰 《云南金融》2012,(2X):193-193
中国金融市场的竞争日趋激烈,当前同业之间的竞争所涉及的广度、深度则是前所未有,并且最终都集中反映在金融产品和金融销售上。笔者认为,新时期促进银行产品营销,应当进一步打造优质的营销团队、采取有效的营销方法、提供优良的营销业务。  相似文献   

中国金融市场的竞争日趋激烈,当前同业之间的竞争所涉及的广度、深度则是前所未有,并且最终都集中反映在金融产品和金融销售上。笔者认为,新时期促进银行产品营销,应当进一步打造优质的营销团队、采取有效的营销方法、提供优良的营销业务。  相似文献   

信息技术风险(ITRS)总体上属于银行经营风险中操作风险的范畴。随着中国金融市场开放时限的迫近.如何规避ITRS引起我国越来越多的银行家、政府官员和社会民众的关注。银行引进先进IT技术,极大地改造了银行的服务体系,但同时也引进了新的风险点。目前,IT系统稳健运行已成为  相似文献   

信用卡业务被称为中国零售金融市场的最后一块奶酪。按照人民银行规定,信用卡的透支年利率高达18.25%,与银行其它资产业务相比,利润巨大。在西方国家,如花旗银行信用卡业务收益几乎占其纯利润的20%,美国运通公司更凭借着运通卡支撑着70%的利润来源。[第一段]  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,银行深化综合营销机制,是追求利润最大化、在同业竞争中取胜、金融产品促销和社会进步的需要。如何完善银行综合营销机制,笔者认为途径如下:1、分析市场机会.选择目标市场。银行市场是经济生活中金融市场的重要组成部分,涉及客户数量、金融交换能力、交换欲望、金融市场效率四个基本因素,其中前三个变  相似文献   

我国已加入WTO,在今后的3—5年里,各地金融业的开放问题是金融界最重要的焦点问题之一。随着金融市场的逐步开放,外资银行来中国发展业务将逐步增多。虽然国内银行业可以吸收外资银行的先进管理经验、促进改革,但是在客户与人才的竞争方面,特别是银行机制的竞争上,外资银行会给国内银行带来压力。银行卡业务也是如此,我国商业银行的银  相似文献   

西方银行大量涌入中国金融市场.是机遇还是危机?毫无疑问.中国金融市场规模巨大.事实上也是如此诱人。以致于全球各大银行都希望来华投资.以期在中国金融市场占得一席之地。尽管中国银行业近期实施了一些改革举措.但腐败、不良资产以及薄弱的管理在这一领域仍比较普遍。考虑到中国金融市场的规模.银行急于投资的行为是可以理解的。然而现实的忧虑是.当国际主流银行匆忙进军中国金融市场时.他们实际购买的是比机遇更多的麻烦。根据中国银监会(CBRC)的数据.中国金融资产已达47万亿美元.其中超过一半的资产被中国四大国有商业银行控制着。在这四大国有银行中.只有第三大的中国建设银行(CCB)已经挂牌上市。2005年,该银行通过在香港的IPO共筹得资金92亿美元,成为近四年来全球规模最大的IPO。  相似文献   

近几年来,在体制转型和机制转换的推动下,市场营销问题越来越受到各家商业银行的高度重视。然而,在具体操作中,一些基层行暴露出重宣传、轻销售,重投入、轻产出,重客户数量、轻客户质量,市场细分不够、目标客户模糊等诸多缺陷和问题。这些问题的出现,说明了一些单位工作创新不够、营销文化建设不到位。因此,在全面推进精细化管理、坚定不移地走质量效益发展之路的过程中,  相似文献   

Today's business professional should consider three dimensions, or success drivers, when devising marketing programmes: profitability, profit potential and likelihood for retention — the ’marketing cube‘. Simply said, the margins on customers who fall into the ’right customer‘ group, as defined by this framework, are too great to ignore. Profit, widely confused with lifetime value, is a fact based on previous behaviour — and many financial service organisations are now calculating revenue minus costs for each customer to determine profit. Profit potential is an estimate of one individual customer's contribution to a company's bottom line. It emerges from a model. The modelled profit less actual is referred to as ’profit opportunity‘.Retention is the third component of the framework, and here there are ways to predict the loss of revenue from customers and implement preventive measures, before this loss even happens. A matrix of these three dimensions can help any financial service marketer build a next most logical product model and business rules that govern a successful customer relationship management (CRM) programme.  相似文献   

数据库营销是利用企业经营过程中形成的各种数据,通过对其加工处理获取制定营销策略所需的信息,并在此基础上制定相应的营销策略,在信息社会,银行在竞争中取胜的关键是优先占有信息、分析信息,利用所掌握的信息开辟市场、开拓业务。所以信息资源、人力资源、资本资源成为银行业的三大资源。近年来银行管理的理念、手段、方式、空间、节奏发生的巨大变化是由于计算机与网络技术在银行的广泛运用引起的。利用数据库,针对不同客户的特殊需要提供差别化服务是现代银行的一大特点。  相似文献   

Managing hybrid marketing systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As competition increases and costs become critical, companies that once went to market only one way are adding new channels and using new methods - creating hybrid marketing systems. These hybrid marketing systems hold the promise of greater coverage and reduced costs. But they are also hard to manage; they inevitably raise questions of conflict and control: conflict because marketing units compete for customers; control because new indirect channels are less subject to management authority. Hard as they are to manage, however, hybrid marketing systems promise to become the dominant design, replacing the "purebred" channel strategy in all kinds of businesses. The trick to managing the hybrid is to analyze tasks and channels within and across a marketing system. A map - the hybrid grid - can help managers make sense of their hybrid system. What the chart reveals is that channels are not the basic building blocks of a marketing system; marketing tasks are. The hybrid grid forces managers to consider various combinations of channels and tasks that will optimize both cost and coverage. Managing conflict is also an important element of a successful hybrid system. Managers should first acknowledge the inevitability of conflict. Then they should move to bound it by creating guidelines that spell out which customers to serve through which methods. Finally, a marketing and sales productivity (MSP) system, consisting of a central marketing database, can act as the central nervous system of a hybrid marketing system, helping managers create customized channels and service for specific customer segments.  相似文献   

This article proposes an innovative model of marketing practice for public services. This is rooted in the paradigm of relationship marketing and emphasizes the need to build relational capital between and within organizations operating in the public services arena. It is argued that this is essential for the effective management of contemporary public services in the fragmented state.  相似文献   

美国著名管理学家杜拉克在二十多年前就在《管理》一书中指出了企业的两大职能,其中一大职能就是市场营销,并在进行大量实例研究的基础上得出结论认为,美国IBM在计算机领域的巨大成功和...  相似文献   

银行为客户提供的文化体验不同于价格、质量、服务等销售手段,它具有独特性,是不可复制性的,是现代银行核心竞争力的重要方面。  相似文献   

Corporate imagination and expeditionary marketing   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
In the 1980s, competitive success came mostly from achieving cost and quality advantages over rivals in existing markets. In the 1990s, it will come from building and dominating fundamentally new markets. Core competencies are one prerequisite for creating new markets. Corporate imagination and expeditionary marketing are the keys that unlock them. McKinsey Award winners Gary Hamel and C.K. Prahalad argue that corporate imagination quickens when companies escape the tyranny of their served markets. (Motorola, for example, sees itself as a leader in wireless communications, not just as a maker of beepers and mobile phones). Think about needs and functionalities instead of marketing's more conventional customer-product grid. Overturn traditional price/performance assumptions. (Fidelity Investments unlocked a vast new market by packaging sophisticated investment vehicles for middle-income investors.) And lead customers rather than simply follow them. Creating new markets is a risky business, however--a lot like shooting arrows into the mist. Imaginative companies minimize the risk not by being fast followers but through the process the authors call expeditionary marketing: low-cost, fast-paced market incursions designed to bring the target quickly into view. Toshiba introduced laptop computers to the market at such a blistering pace that it could explore every conceivable niche--and afford an occasional failure without compromising its credibility with customers. To stimulate corporate imagination, top management needs to redefine failure and develop new time- and risk-adjusted yardsticks for managerial performance. Managers must be encouraged to stretch their company's opportunity horizon well beyond the boundaries of its current businesses.  相似文献   

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