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ISCA模型是基于会计环境信息化的会计信息系统体系结构,是会计信息化领域的重要理论框架.笔者从ISCA模型的基本组成出发,对现代会计信息系统的概念、特征、建立和实施,进行系统的理论概括.研究发现:现代会计信息系统具有以符合企业管理和会计管理变革的需求为主要目标、以解决企业会计核算和管理所面临的问题为主要功能、以现代计算机硬软件和网络平台为处理环境等特征,建立和实施流程大致可以分为由部门级会计信息系统向企业级会计信息系统发展、实现事前计划、事中控制和事后统计的集成、利用MIS已有信息和模型建立决策系统等步骤.现代会计信息系统体系了ISCA模型的可行性和实用性  相似文献   

ISCA模型——IT治理视角下的解析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在会计管理信息化的ISCA模型基础上,从当前我国会计管理信息化发展中面临的问题出发,结合国际上IT治理方面的理论和方法,从IT治理的视角对ISCA模型进行了解析,认为当前我国会计管理信息化应从注重技术和设备转向注重提高治理水平、重视总体规划和组织保证;解析了建立信息系统内部控制制度的内涵、主体和依据,从信息化流程和会计审计流程两个角度较全面地介绍并辨析了当前主要的相关规范或标准,提出企业实施标准认证是完善信息系统内部控制制度的重要途径;区分了信息系统审计的三大主体并明确了各主体工作的相关重点。  相似文献   

会计信息化对内部控制的影响及对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
闫萍 《会计师》2009,(6):81-82
<正>会计信息化是采用现代信息技术,对传统的会计模型进行重整,并在重整的现代会计基础上,建立信息技术与会计学科高度融合的、充分开放的现代会计信息系统。这种会计信息系统全面运用现代信息技术,通过网络系统,使业务处理高度自动化,信息高度共享,能够进行主动和实时报告会计信息。同时,信息化和互联网本身的特点,对会计信息的安全以及企业内部控制制度提出了很大的挑战  相似文献   

随着我国计算机技术的发展,会计电算化成为了企业会计处理的新宠。会计电算化是运用计算机进行日常会计数据全权处理,这不仅仅是改变了会计处理的方法,在一定程度上也会改变企业的内部控制制度。为了确保企业资金的安全。确保会计信息的准确性,提高企业的经营水平,都需要健全的企业内部控制制度。因此,在电算化环境下建立适合企业的会计信息系统非常重要。  相似文献   

一、引言AIS是会计信息系统的简称,AIS审计指采用客观的标准和相关审计准则,利用计算机技术和信息技术手段对会计系统设计、开发、运行、系统维护等全流程活动开展完整的、有效的检查与评价工作。在企业对信息技术应用范围逐步扩大的背景下,财务共享、云会计等信息化手段都得到普及和应用,网络安全和数据库安全都成为业界关注的重点,在此背景下,许多会计师事务所逐步实施信息系统审计。  相似文献   

随着医院信息化建设的迅猛发展,医院会计信息系统同样朝着网络化的方向发展,成为网络会计信息系统。网络环境下的会计管理产生了新的风险。因此,建立完善的风险控制体系,建立健全内部控制制度,才能保证网络会计信息系统安全、可靠、有效地运行。  相似文献   

会计信息体系结构的发展   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:29  
张广  陈翔  朱朝华 《会计研究》2002,(10):48-52
社会经济发展导致企业管理信息需求发生变化 ,而技术的创新又为信息系统提供日益先进的实现手段。本文把会计信息系统体系结构的发展划分为部门内信息集成、企业内过程集成、企业间过程集成三个阶段 ,分别论述了每个阶段的经济特点和管理要求、IT技术发展状况和AIS特点 ,对如何推进AIS体系结构的进步提出建议。  相似文献   

会计信息化是采用现代信息技术,对传统的会计模型进行重整,并在重整的现代会计基础上,建立信息技术与会计学科高度融合的、充分开放的现代会计信息系统.而信息化对审计的影响表现在如审计线索、审计准则和审计依据、审计内容、内部控制的改变、审计技术等方面.在应对这些影响时,应首先对被审计单位的信息化会计系统进行评审.其次,再制定合理的信息化会计审计程序.以求以较合理、完善的对策来应对会计信息化为审计带来的影响.这种会计信息系统将全面运用现代信息技术,通过网络系统,使业务处理高度自动化,信息高度共享,能够进行主动和实时报告会计信息.它不仅仅是信息技术运用于会计上的变革,它更代表的是一种与现代信息技术环境相适应的新的会计思想.  相似文献   

价值链会计管理信息化的变革   总被引:39,自引:2,他引:39  
杨周南 《会计研究》2005,(11):36-40
本文提出了有限闭环价值链的基本概念,指出价值链会计管理信息化是实现价值链会计管理的重要环境和技术基础,研究和分析了价值链会计管理信息化的十大变革,即目标定位的提升、技术平台的变革和提升、业务流程的变革;内涵的提升:从AIS到ISCA模型;标准体系的扩展;价值链会计管理重点的变革;价值链会计管理计划和会计控制作用的提升;价值链会计管理审计体系的变革;财会人员职责的提升。  相似文献   

现代信息技术在发展过程中与社会诸领域及其各个层面动态地相互作用,形成信息化过程.会计信息化是现代信息技术与会计的融合,是应用现代信息技术对传统手工会计的变革,其目的是建立以信息技术为技术特征的新的会计信息体系.在这样一个全新的管理平台上,如何借助会计信息系统的特点和本身所提供的功能进行企业内部控制的重新设计,使内部控制不再停留在制度上和口头上,而是内化、固化在系统中,无疑对于有效地加强企业内部控制,提升企业管理水平具有重要意义.  相似文献   

信息技术与会计价值超越   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
会计信息是经济领域最重要的信息之一,然而在信息时代,会计系统所提供的信息已经难以在相关性、可靠性、及时性等方面满足组织内外信息用户的要求,从而引发会计价值危机。信息技术在会计领域的运用将有利于会计价值的回归和超越。信息技术与会计的结合呈现出三个有较大飞跃的阶段,即电算化会计阶段、与管理信息系统的集成阶段和网络会计系统阶段。但尚不能断言信息技术将使会计价值无限提高。  相似文献   

投资者关系是资本市场上资金的供给方(投资者)与需求方(企业)之间的关系。会计信息系统是资金需求方在其内部构建的,为价值管理、价值创造提供决策信息的系统。在经济一体化、信息技术飞速发展的今天,在资金流动并增值的整个过程中,投资者关系管理(IRM)与会计信息系统(AIS)密不可分又各有分工,共同完成价值管理与价值创造。将以客户关系管理为主的关系型企业的模式应用于资金流方面,关系型AIS用全新的视角看待投资者关系,并充分地利用现代信息技术进行资金流上的关系管理,以发现、对话、制度为管理框架,实现价值创造的最终目标。  相似文献   

我国会计电算化存在的问题及对策   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
我国会计电算化存在的问题有:对会计电算化认识不到位,会计电算化基础管理工作十分薄弱,缺乏会计电算化专业人才,会计软件存在缺陷。因此,我国应采取进一步完善会计电算化的配套法规,创造良好的会计信息系统运行环境,建立健全内部控制制度,加大对"复合型"会计电算化人才的培养等对策,以便使我国会计电算化尽快得到推广和应用。  相似文献   

基于会计相关性的企业内部报告地位与价值   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文从会计相关性对内部报告的需求出发,首先探讨了企业内部报告的内涵,明确了企业内部报告与外部报告的关系,以及企业内部报告的主导地位。在此基础上,分别从企业内部报告与管理会计创新,企业内部报告与财务报告变革,企业内部报告与内部控制实施,企业内部报告与财务分析发展,企业内部报告与公司理财完善五个方面,论述了企业内部报告的理论价值与应用价值。随着企业内部报告体系的建立,管理会计将从基于会计的管理转向基于管理的会计;财务报告的变革将以内部报告创新为基础;内部控制实施的信息将更加系统;财务分析将从基于投资者的财务分析发展到基于管理者经营的财务分析;公司理财将更加注重资本经营、资产经营、商品经营和产品经营的协调统一。  相似文献   

会计控制新论——会计实时控制研究   总被引:67,自引:1,他引:67  
随着信息技术 (IT)的广泛应用和价值链管理新理念的形成 ,企业管理从传统管理转向了信息化和价值化管理。这种变革 ,一方面对传统会计控制提出了挑战 ,另一方面 ,也为会计控制理论的发展提供了机遇 :一种新的会计控制观 -会计实时控制观越来越受到企业的关注 ,并推动着会计控制理论和实践向纵深发展。本文从IT的视角来诠释会计实时控制的概念、探讨会计实时控制的框架体系 ,以期丰富会计理论并使会计实时控制在企业管理中特别是在价值链管理中发挥作用。  相似文献   

Despite the usefulness of computer-assisted audit tools and techniques (CAATTs) in increasing audit productivity and reducing costs, their adoption by audit firms is low in developing countries. The aim of this study is to investigate whether organizational and environmental factors can help explain CAATTs adoption in less developed countries, such as Malaysia. The research framework was developed based on the Technology-Organization-Environment framework (TOE). The results reveal that for environmental factors, the complexity of clients' accounting information systems (AIS) and perceived level of support of professional accounting bodies (PABs) affect CAATTs adoption. For organizational factors, firm size, top management commitment and employee IT competency were found to be significant factors. Moreover, firm size partially moderates the influence of clients' AIS complexity on CAATTs adoption. This paper contributes to existing adoption theory by extending our understanding of the impact of factors unique to CAATTs adoption.  相似文献   

This study provides empirical evidence on the effects of internal and external governance on IT control quality proxied by IT related material weaknesses. IT control governance is defined as the leadership and organizational structures and control processes which ensure that the company's IT sustains and extends the company's strategies and objectives. Specifically, we examine the influence of senior management, the board of directors, and audit committees regarding IT control governance. We find that companies with more IT-experienced senior managers, with CIO positions or longer tenured CIOs and with higher percentages of independent board directors are less likely to have IT material weaknesses. We also provide partial evidence that more IT-experienced audit committee members are associated with less IT material weakness. The results suggest that both internal and external governance serve important roles in IT control quality.  相似文献   

There is a great interest among researchers and practitioners in accounting information systems (AIS) value. This is particularly important in cases of systems such as enterprise resource planning (ERP). This paper empirically measures and analyses the determinants of ERP use and value in a single framework, as well as provides empirical evidence from Portuguese small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Drawing upon theories on the process and contexts of information technology (IT) we postulate nine hypotheses. Used the technology–organization–environment (TOE) framework to hypothesize how compatibility, complexity, efficiency, best-practices, training, and competitive pressure explain ERP use. Based on the resource-based view (RBV) theory we hypothesize how ERP use, collaboration and analytics explain ERP value, and its potential contribution for the nature of management control and accounting information systems on Portuguese SMEs. Through structural equation modeling, a data set of 134 web-surveyed firms is used to test the hypotheses. Our empirical analysis leads to six main findings: 1) compatibility, complexity, best-practices, and efficiency are more important determinants for ERP use as well as training and competitive pressure, suggesting that technological, organizational and environmental characteristics are the main drivers of ERP use among Portuguese SMEs. 2) Similarly, collaboration and analytics are more important for ERP value upon use, suggesting that system capability characteristics are the main drivers of ERP value. 3) ERP value benefits from system enhancements to firms' business processes in the post-implementation phases. 4) For Portuguese SMEs the mostly valued metric attained through ERP is management control. 5) Impelled by legislation, Portuguese SMEs are using ERP as the accounting system for management, financial and tax accounting. 6) Portuguese SMEs invest more than 70% of their annual IT budget to ERP use. Together, these findings offer insights into how Portuguese SMEs use and extract value from ERP, and how enhancements positively impact the system's value. Unlike the typical focus on ERP adoption described in the literature, this research focuses on the post-implementation phase, linking actual use with value creation, adding an empirical study to the AIS literature.  相似文献   

This paper examines the prediction that blockchain technology will transform accounting and the profession because transactions recorded on a blockchain can be aggregated into financial statements and confirmed as true and accurate. We argue that blockchain technology affects the database engine of the accounting information system (AIS) through digitisation of the current paper‐based validation process. In a blockchain‐based AIS, accountants will no longer be the central authority but will remain the preparer of financial reports required by regulations; they will continue to influence policies such as the choice and accreditation of validators and serve as validators of last resort. Audit evidence still needs to be gathered for rendering of an audit opinion in a blockchain‐based AIS. While digitisation of the validation process reduces the error rate and lowers the cost of vouching and tracing, and immutability of blockchain data reduces the incentive and opportunities for fraud, a blockchain‐based AIS alone does not guarantee that financial reports are true and fair. Lower error rates and reduced incentives for accounting fraud in a blockchain‐based AIS are expected to improve audit quality. This prediction will need to be empirically tested when blockchain‐based AIS become available. Using the three‐tier architecture of the AIS, this paper addresses the gap in the literature that misses how characteristics of blockchain technology can influence the implementation of a blockchain‐based AIS with related implications for the accounting profession.  相似文献   

One commonly used framework for developing and evaluating technology intensive information systems is CobiT. This framework was originally a benchmark of best control practices developed and maintained by the Information Technology Governance Institute, the umbrella organization to the Information Systems Audit and Control Association. We empirically examine the conceptual model that underlies the CobiT internal control framework as it applies to an audit setting (including operational, compliance, and financial audit settings). We find that superimposing CobiT's conceptual model onto audit relevant assessments made by a panel of highly experienced IT auditors confirms the internal consistency between the underlying constructs of CobiT. Furthermore, we find that CobiT's conceptual model predicts auditor behavior in the field related to their seeking help and giving help as evidenced by their postings to a general IT audit listserv. Given the results of this study, we propose future research aimed at developing a general theory of internal control applicable to information technology based on CobiT.  相似文献   

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