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This paper is a comment on Vernon Smith's paper, Adam Smith: from propriety and sentiments to property and wealth. This paper argues that while Vernon Smith is correct in his analysis that Adam Smith's theory of human nature, as expressed in The Theory of Moral Sentiments, provides a much more accurate model of behavior than does that of utility maximization, Vernon Smith's analysis can be much enriched by including a more complete explanation of Adam Smith's model of human behavior to include an analysis of prudence, justice, beneficence, and self-command.  相似文献   


Some recent writing on Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments has emphasised the importance of vanity as one of the most important human motivations. This reading leads to a new version of Das Adam Smith Problem, but this is unwarranted. Such a reading tends to conceal the significance that Smith gave to the love of system, which motivates the actions of the philosopher, the man of state, and above all the entrepreneur. This paper shows, by contrast, that by using this conception we can relate Theory of Moral Sentiments to Wealth of Nations, and reject the idea that these works are based upon contradictory assumptions.  相似文献   

当前我国社会正处在道德危机的隐显和形成之中,道德危机的实质是道德权威性的危机与道德信念的危机.道德危机的根源包括历史的原因、体制的原因、政治体制改革的不完善与公共权力的滥用等.消除道德危机则需要整个社会和我们每一个社会成员的不懈努力.  相似文献   

刘健 《经济研究导刊》2013,(24):235-237
城市危机管理是现代社会面临的一大严峻挑战,构建完整有效的危机管理体系有助于提升城市的危机应对能力,保障社会群众生命财产安全。针对现存城市危机应对中的普遍问题,分析现代城市危机的特点与发展趋势,介绍国外城市危机管理的模式与经验,提出了中国城市危机管理的完善方法与可行建议,以期对现实问题的解决有所帮助。  相似文献   

亚当·斯密是伟大的经济学家和伦理学家,其两本著作《国富论》和《道德情操论》分别立足经济发展和伦理道德两个领域,其中所阐明的理论和思想,对一国的经济发展和社会进步有着不可忽视的借鉴作用。文章将两本书结合起来学习,汲取其中之精华,通过分析两部巨作的理论观点,论述其对我国经济发展和道德建设的启示意义。  相似文献   

This note points out a neglected parallel between the philosophies of Adam Smith and Immanuel Kant related to their views on self-interest, morality, and society. First, I explain the distinction between Kant’s perfect and imperfect duties, and how they result from his moral philosophy. Next, I summarize Smith’s two major perspectives on human behavior, as presented in The Theory of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth of Nations, and discuss the apparent conflict between them. Finally, I use Kant’s two types of duties, along with his concept of the kingdom of ends, to explicate my interpretation of the relationship between Smith’s two strains of thought. By explaining these dual aspects of Kant’s ethical system in relation to Smith, I hope to give a new perspective on the apparent duality in Smith’s thought, as well as help bring out the oft-neglected social aspects of Kant’s.  相似文献   

银行危机过程中的道德风险及其对银行危机成本的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从理论和实证的角度分析了处于危机状态的银行,为什么会产生严重的道德风险问题,以及道德风险是如何影响危机处理成本的,并提出我国中小金融体系重建必须重视先从根本上克服存在的问题。  相似文献   

本文从美国宏观经济的表现、巨型垄断企业的经营状况、工人的失业率等几个方面分析了美国经济危机的最新发展情况。  相似文献   

证券化金融创新与"次级债"危机的道德风险机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周军  李泽广 《现代财经》2008,28(1):42-46
次级按揭贷款及按揭贷款证券化是美国在上世纪80年代两大金融创新.一般认为,引发全球金融动荡的"次级按揭贷款危机"根源是全球性流动性过剩、过度的融资套利和松弛的风险控制所致.值得关注的是金融创新机制内含的道德风险和自循环机制,并由此对我国按揭贷款市场发展的启迪作用.  相似文献   

本文从一个崭新的视角———"新自由主义"出发,即从新自由主义诸般理论主张到阿根廷新自由主义改革的种种实践,分析新自由主义改革与阿根廷经济危机的关系,并得出一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

金融危机背景下信用违约互换道德风险研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年爆发的金融危机中,信用违约互换蕴含的道德风险使其成为危机发生和发展的助推器。本文通过构建信用违约互换交易的合约设计模型,研究该产品的作用以及控制其道德风险的最优合约设计。分析发现:交易双方资金成本差异决定了信用违约互换具有优化配置信用风险、提高银行收益和拓宽市场主体投资渠道等有利作用,但信用违约互换交易会降低银行监督信贷资产的努力水平,导致信用风险积聚和增加。通过引入不完全保护机制,我们给出了有效控制信用违约互换道德风险的最优合约。本文的研究结论为防范和控制信用衍生品隐含的道德风险提供了借鉴,有利于促进其发挥分散信用风险等积极作用。  相似文献   

In general, people always try to achieve their goals in several aspects of their lives such as the studies, jobs, and leisure time. Unfortunately, goals are not always achieved. Sometimes people simply give up on achieving them, or on other occasions, goals are not achieved completely (later, more costly, and to a lesser extent than desired). The principal objective of the present paper is to identify which variables determine success while people try to achieve their own goals. In order to analyze this fact, the authors will define a sample of university students, taking as a goal their current situation, defining the maximum quality of not staying down or not having more than two subjects left to pass. A questionnaire will be developed in order to identify which variables are more important to achieve goals. Answers from the students will permit one to know the importance given to the different variables by them, as well as how students manage these variables in order to achieve their goals. Moreover, a mathematical model will be used to evaluate what is the influence and relevance of each variable to achieving personal goals.  相似文献   

陆岷峰 《经济纵横》2007,(12):10-12
全面危机管理是现代商业银行的重要管理理念和方式.推行全面危机管理,是商业银行加强管理、防范和消除危机的根本措施,是遵循国际惯例、适应监管要求的必然选择.  相似文献   

"里根经济学"的兴起,有力地推动了西方金融革命,并使"货币热"席卷全球.与此同时,金融危机也波及整个世界。开展新金融革命,是消除世界金融危机的最佳途径.  相似文献   

都市家庭农业:城市化危机、战略价值与支持体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
都市家庭农业在部分发达国家和发展中国家已成为一种普遍现象,并在城市食物供应系统和城市生态系统中占据极其重要的地位。进入21世纪以来,我国城市化的进程明显加快,城市化程度的大幅提升和城市规模的急剧扩张助推了能源、食物和生态三大战略性危机。都市家庭农业以其多功能性在缓解这些危机方面具有显著的战略价值。而推动我国都市家庭农业的发展需要一个以提供相关生产资料和技术服务的企业为基石的具有高度集成性和便捷性的都市家庭农业支持体系。  相似文献   

Vernon Smith (VS) discovered Adam Smith (AS) late in his professional career, and has adopted ideas from The Theory of Moral Sentiments to explain findings in experimental economics. Most important is the theorized link between moral sentiments and the evolution of property rights and law as foundations for commerce. VS's encounter with AS, while not new, provides a compelling look at the modern laboratory of social science through the lens of the Enlightenment, and cannot easily be encapsulated within a utilitarian framework. This paper provides an overview and commentary on VS's approach.  相似文献   

在金融业全面开放背景下,全球经济一体化趋势逐渐增强。在国际金融危机冲击下,中国的经济体制改革是停滞不前,还是破浪前行,备受海内外关注。针对改革开放新时期的世界经济局面,借鉴其他发展中国家的经验,提出了适时的针对中国自身金融体制的改革建议。  相似文献   

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