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安全生产标准化是指通过建立安全生产责任制,制定安全管理制度和操作规程,排查治理隐患和监控重大危险源,建立预防机制,规范生产行为,使各生产环节符合有关安全生产法律法规和标准规范的要求,人、机、物、环处于良好的生产状态,并持续改进,不断加强企业安全生产规范化建设.  相似文献   

安全质量标准化管理是建设安全型企业的有效手段,是安全生产形势稳定好转,实现安全型企业建设的根本途径。铁路运输公司实施安全质量标准化管理已多年,有着丰富的实践经验。笔者通过深挖安全质量标准化的内涵和实质,对铁路运公司此项工作开展实际情况进行分析,对铁路运输公司未来安全质量标准化工作提出几点改进意见。希望促进铁运公司安全质量标准化工作不断向前。  相似文献   

煤矿企业要改善和优化施工现场安全生产管理状态,创造良好的施工作业环境条件,形成安全生产管理良性循环机制,有效预防生产安全事故发生,控制和减少安全隐患和不利的现场安全生产环境因素,确保长效久治和持续改进的各项制度落实。  相似文献   

从分析供电企业安全管理方式入手,借鉴职业健康安全管理、全面质量管理、卓越绩效管理等先进方法和理论,通过建立安全生产风险库、建立健全安全生产风险的发现识别机制、分析评估机制、治理防范机制、考评激励机制,研发应用安全生产风险管控信息系统,建立科学的安全生产持续改进机制,有效运行安全生产风险管控体系,实现安全生产的长治久安。  相似文献   

随着现代社会的飞速发展,我国各个行业的生产管理开始迈入标准化水平,尤其是我国的生产机械化以及自动化水平得到飞速发展,因此,在企业中进行安全生产标准化管理成为了必然。标准化管理不仅可以降低危险事件的发生率,同时有利于促进资源整合,并不断提高工作效率。但是在实际生产过程中,企业生产标准化管理中仍存在较多的问题,在此结合当前的实际情况,提出相应的改进措施,希望能够对企业规范化管理有所帮助。  相似文献   

安全生产始终是我国的一项基本国策,煤矿企业形成安全管理良性循环机制才能保障煤矿企业持续稳定发展,从而实现较好的经济效益.但是,煤矿企业安全管理目前还存在着这样一些问题:安全管理观念淡薄、制度体系不够完善、企业技术人才匮乏、安全培训不够到位、奖惩机制不够完善等,需要从创新科学的安全管理理念、建立科学的安全管理系统、建立安全管理标准化机制、强化素质教育与安全培训、建立严格的安全检查制度等五方面加以改进.  相似文献   

当前安全生产形势严峻,从行业来看人生死亡事故时有发生,从公司层面看违章情况没有杜绝,纵观安全管理措施、安全管理制度、安全管理方式不可谓不多,但安全管理还是没有落地生根,说明我们在安全管理上还存在欠缺,贯彻上级制度没有具体措施、解决下级问题没有对症下药,个人认为作为管理人员认清形势制定对策、消除误区持续改进、找准关键有的放矢是落实安全管理的基础,也是做好个人安全、管好队伍安全的基础。  相似文献   

随着我国石油开采能力的逐年加大,钻井工程由于常年在野外施工,环境恶劣,存在着巨大的安全风险,因此,建立钻井企业安全文化与安全管理制度是实现可持续发展的保证.本文通过分析钻井企业安全文化的涵义,针对安全文化建设与管理现状及面临的问题提出几点改进措施,以期通过本文的阐述增强钻井施工企业"关爱生命、安全发展"的意识,为实现安全生产持续健康发展提供理论参考.  相似文献   

石油工业近年来呈现突飞猛进的发展,在各国的经济发展中都占据着重要地位。与其迅速发展相对应的,是石油生产的安全问题,要保证石油工业的安全生产,就必须对其实施标准化的规范管理。本文就石油生产的实际情况,介绍了标准化的重要性,分析石油生产的安全现状以及存在的问题,期待可以改善石油工业安全生产的现状,促进石油工业的标准化管理。  相似文献   

马庆洲 《商》2013,(8):20-20
安全标准化是我国现代经济行业中重要的建设管理内容和系统。尤其是现在我国很多行业如危险化学品行业、石油开采行业、化工行业、电力行业等等危险程度较高的行业中,安全标准化管理能够提高企业生产制造过程中的规范性和安全性,从而有利于降低企业突发事件的发生率,有利于企业长期、健康、稳定发展。但是在我国很多企业都没有加快植入安全标准化管理,虽然很多企业都理解安全标准化管理的重要性,然而很多企业自身的管理体系与安全标准化管理无法达成统一。这对我国企业市场推进安全标准化管理尤为不利。  相似文献   

随着农业的不断发展,粮食的供给能力大幅度地提升,有效地推动了人民生活水平的提高。但理性地审视粮食供求的紧张平衡可发现,粮食安全并未摆脱威胁,只是农业在短期内,把粮食的安全转向食品和生态安全。因此,若只是从微观视角的监管等方面避开粮食安全的威胁,对食品安全事故也很难解释。  相似文献   

我国粮食安全模式探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李春华  李宁  史培军 《商业研究》2006,(20):163-167
基于我国土地和水资源状况和我国农业投入成本和效益分析,我国未来粮食的自我保证能力有限。同时分析世界粮食的供求、我国外汇能力和我国粮食进口对世界粮食市场的影响,目前国内粮食生产的成本已经很高,粮食进口尚有一定的上升空间。因此结合我国的特殊国情,我国的粮食保障应选择适度进口的“双保险”粮食安全模式。  相似文献   

再论食品安全的法律保障   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
食品是人们生活的最基本的必需品。“苏丹红事件”挑战中国食品安全监管,笔者认为:应尽快建立我国食品安全法律保障体系,应借鉴国外对食品从源头上实施安全管理的经验,尤其要借鉴美国强力推行的食品召回制度,借鉴日本食品安全立法的成功作法。要尽快使我国食品安全标准与国际食品安全标准相适应,尽快使我国食品工业企业标准与国际标准相符合,对食品工业企业实行强制性的产品认证制度,建立和完善我国食品安全检验检测监督机制。  相似文献   

转基因食品产业是21世纪的新产物,其研究并未成熟,其安全性尚不明确。借转基因食品安全不确定性的争议,引出并分析了我国转基因食品的应用和监管现状,认为我国转基因食品存在立法层次不高、监管标准与程序不规范、责任不到位等问题。提出构建更为全面、严格,科技发展与生态安全、消费者健康与社会利益相平衡的有效安全监管体系。  相似文献   

建筑施工是一个繁琐复杂的系统工程,不稳定的危险因素很多,极易产生安全事故。建筑安全的主要问题是手续不全擅自开工、安全防护投入不足、安全生产基础薄弱、安全监理不尽责。要实现安全生产,就必须保证建筑工程严格依法依程序进行,杜绝"开绿灯"现象;建立建设单位"保证金"制度;安全检查常态化,健全组织机构和各项规章制度;实行监理企业安全工作综合考评制度。  相似文献   

The US construction industry annually experiences a relatively high rate of fatalities and injuries; therefore, improving safety practices should be considered a top priority for this industry. Modular/prefabricated building construction is a construction strategy that involves manufacturing of the whole building or some of its components off-site. This research focuses on the safety performance of the modular/prefabricated building construction sector during both manufacturing and on-site processes. This safety evaluation can serve as the starting point for improving the safety performance of this sector. Research was conducted based on Occupational Safety and Health Administration investigated accidents. The study found 125 accidents related to modular/prefabricated building construction. The details of each accident were closely examined to identify the types of injury and underlying causes. Out of 125 accidents, there were 48 fatalities (38.4%), 63 hospitalized injuries (50.4%), and 14 non-hospitalized injuries (11.2%). It was found that, the most common type of injury in modular/prefabricated construction was ‘fracture’, and the most common cause of accidents was ‘fall’. The most frequent cause of cause (underlying and root cause) was ‘unstable structure’. In this research, the accidents were also examined in terms of corresponding location, occupation, equipment as well as activities during which the accidents occurred. For improving safety records of the modular/prefabricated construction sector, this study recommends that future research be conducted on stabilizing structures during their lifting, storing, and permanent installation, securing fall protection systems during on-site assembly of components while working from heights, and developing training programmes and standards focused on modular/prefabricated construction.  相似文献   

Food Safety     

Food safety in the foodservice industry is an issue that is a priority at the federal level. In 1999 the National Food Safety System formed the Coordinating Committee to combat the problem. Since the formation of this group, outreach programs have extended globally to assist other countries with this issue. According to Susan Alpert, national leader on the Food Safety Initiative, many states are experiencing the same food safety challenges. Programs and standards have been established for each state; however, the problems of state implementation of a high quality food safety program is becoming a growing issue. This study investigated the importance of food safety training for food handlers and compares the current training and inspections for those who manage foodservice establishments. Data is presented from one high tourism state serving as an example of the violations to and the training given on food safety. The study presents the food safety training program required, inspection form used, and categories of violations most often experienced. Issues related to combating food safety are presented as well as suggestions for improving food safety training and inspection process.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of, and factors associated with, bicycle helmet usage in southern and central Malawi. This study was across-sectional observation of public behaviour. The urban and rural roadways in southern and central Malawi were studied during the dry season. In total, 1900 bicyclists were observed along the roadways of southern and central Malawi over a four-day period. Observer ascertainment of cyclists' helmet status, approximate age, sex and bicycle operator or passenger status were measured. Of the 1900 cyclists observed, no cyclist was identified as wearing a helmet (exact 95% CI: 0.0–0.2%). There was no variation by age, sex or operator/passenger status. Nearly, 91.5% of observed cyclists were males and 87.7% were operating the bicycle. The sizeable majority of male cyclists were classified as young adults from adolescence to 25 years old (47.2%) or adults over age 25 (44.9%); 7.9% of male cyclists were pre-adolescent. Passengers were more likely to be female than operators (39.1% versus 4.2%), though, even for passengers, a higher proportion were males than females (p < 0.001). In Malawi, helmet usage is so rare as to be non-existent. This suggests an opportunity for significant improvement. Based on the observed cyclists' characteristics, interventions should be targeted to adult and young adult males.  相似文献   

论述了安全意识“疲劳”表现及导致“疲劳”的因素,探讨采取缓解安全管理疲劳措施,指出安全管理者要积极主动地搞好安全管理、坚决做到思想到位、制度措施到位、深入现场与深入实际到位、检查考核和奖惩到位。  相似文献   

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