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以2015年为基期,将54个国家的中国对外直接投资(OFDI)存量作为样本,利用模糊集定性比较分析法(FsQCA),从东道国制度环境、东道国与中国之间的制度距离以及双边投资协定(BIT)三个方面考察了制度视角下中国OFDI区位选择的路径。选择了5个指标作为前因变量——母国与东道国文化距离、经济制度距离、政治制度距离、双边投资协定以及东道国制度环境,分析前因变量之间的何种组态可以最终导致结果变量——中国对东道国高OFDI投资规模的产生。研究结果表明:中国与东道国之间的文化距离小是中国对其进行OFDI投资的必要条件;东道国与中国之间签订的双边投资协定与两国之间较小的正式制度距离,包括政治制度距离和经济制度距离存在替代性;良好的东道国制度环境会对中国对其OFDI规模产生正向的影响。  相似文献   

Events in the wake of the ‘credit crunch’ can be understood only against institutional structures within which interdependent monetary and fiscal policy are administered. In the Eurozone, the attempt to keep a central monetary authority (together with its associated national central banks) independent from 17 diverse fiscal authorities was flawed. When sovereign debt approaches unmanageable levels, the Maastricht Treaty presents austerity as the single option. In the UK, the electorate has an opportunity to choose between monetary financing (inflation) and fiscal consolidation (austerity). Policy choices within the Eurozone and the UK are set against Keynes's focus on unemployment and more recent concerns to retain (or restore) price and/or financial stability.  相似文献   

There is little doubt that the EU's Reform Treaty is a very substantial document with significant implications for business and the economy. Unfortunately, there is little in the Treaty that would appear to promote liberal economic policies. On the contrary, there are at least two developments that should cause concern. The first is the Charter of Fundamental Rights which will probably have significant, anti-liberal, implications for Britain's labour market laws. And the second is the removal of 'free and undistorted competition' from the list of the EU's objectives in the main body of the Treaty.  相似文献   

The European Union (EU) was supposed to make a great leap forward in 2003. In many ways, it did. The European Convention presented its draft constitutional treaty. The 10 candidate countries signed and ratified their treaties of accession, and the EU and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) agreed to share institutional resources. However, the year was marked more by division than by achievement. A series of crises over Iraq, the Stability and Growth Pact and the intergovernmental conference together shook confidence in the future of Europe. This essay examines what the implications of these crises are for Europe’s future. It argues that they represent important disagreements––but not lasting differences––between the member states. The politics of Europe remains on track at the intergovernmental level. If there are problems in Europe’s future, they are more likely to arise between elites and voters than between the member states.  相似文献   

In this paper, we assess the possibility of producing unbiased forecasts for fiscal variables in the Euro area by comparing a set of procedures that rely on different information sets and econometric techniques. In particular, we consider autoregressive moving average models, Vector autoregressions, small‐scale semistructural models at the national and Euro area level, institutional forecasts (Organization for Economic Co‐operation and Development), and pooling. Our small‐scale models are characterized by the joint modelling of fiscal and monetary policy using simple rules, combined with equations for the evolution of all the relevant fundamentals for the Maastricht Treaty and the Stability and Growth Pact. We rank models on the basis of their forecasting performance using the mean square and mean absolute error criteria at different horizons. Overall, simple time‐series methods and pooling work well and are able to deliver unbiased forecasts, or slightly upward‐biased forecast for the debt–GDP dynamics. This result is mostly due to the short sample available, the robustness of simple methods to structural breaks, and to the difficulty of modelling the joint behaviour of several variables in a period of substantial institutional and economic changes. A bootstrap experiment highlights that, even when the data are generated using the estimated small‐scale multi‐country model, simple time‐series models can produce more accurate forecasts, because of their parsimonious specification.  相似文献   

The context of HRM is important but undertheorized (Paauwe, 2009) and subsequently underresearched (Jackson, Schuler, & Jiang, 2014). We offer two recent perspectives of institutional theory—institutional logics and institutional work—as theoretical lenses through which scholars can explore the influence of institutional context on HRM and more intriguingly the influence of HRM professionals on their institutional contexts. Though others have introduced institutional theory to HRM scholarship (e.g. Paauwe & Boselie, 2003), we bring a conceptualization of institutional theory that reflects its advances over the last fifteen years, advances highly relevant to HRM scholars. While previous conceptualizations of institutional theory focus on the direct constraint of institutions on HRM, institutional logics emphasizes complexity, multilevel dynamics, and agency. Similarly, institutional work addresses agency at the day-to-day level, exploring how actors create, maintain, and disrupt the institutional contexts in which they are embedded. Directions for HRM research are discussed.  相似文献   

Steinberg  David M.  Rabinowitz  Nitzan 《Metrika》2003,58(1):31-57
Seismic networks are used to monitor seismic activity including explosions and natural events such as earthquakes. Data from a seismic network are used to identify the occurrence of an event and to determine the source location. The precision of the location estimates is highly dependent on the network configuration. In this article we apply the statistical theory of optimal design to derive network configurations that maximize the precision of location estimates. We derive theoretical characterizations of optimal networks and bounds that can be used to benchmark networks when practical constraints are present. We also discuss practical issues that often arise in seismic monitoring. An application of particular importance for our results is On Site Inspection (OSI) of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. Suspected violations of the Treaty may lead the Treaty Organization to send an OSI team to investigate. One of the first tasks of the OSI team will be to deploy a mobile seismic network that can help pinpoint the source of the suspected blast from aftershock activity. Rapid deployment of an efficient network will be critical to the success of the mission. Our results provide a theoretical basis and practical guideline for configuring such a network.  相似文献   

证券市场从某种意义上而言也是一个信息市场,完善的信息披露制度结构是其正常运转的重要基础。安然事件后,从信息披露制度入手成为目前监管证券市场的重要思路。但在信息披露制度结构中,人们似乎更多地讨论会计、审计制度安排,而财务分析制度作为这一制度结构中不可或缺的一项制度安排,对其关注较少,这在逻辑上是缺乏理由的。本文拟就财务分析制度的产生、其制度收益以及制度的再安排作初步的探讨。  相似文献   

With the termination of the Panama Canal Treaty, a new mode of canal operation can be expected. The treaty affects the transfer of the Panama Canal from the United States to the Government of Panama at the end of the year 1999. Whether or not the Panamanian Government will maintain the current price of canal passage is the major concern of this paper. This paper forecasts the future traffic in the canal, and examines possible changes in canal pricing along with possible actions of canal users, under the framework of a gaming situation. The feasibility of building a new canal is also examined.  相似文献   

本研究采用案例研究方法,通过对中国林德集团收购德国帕西姆机场过程的分析,探索了新兴市场企业在成熟市场跨国并购过程中通过制度创业实现资源整合从而创造竞争优势的过程。本研究从制度视角探索了跨国并购的制度创业动因、机制和资源整合路径。突破了以往基于成熟市场的交易成本理论和组织学习理论通过股东收益和组织学习能力获取的传统跨国并购理论认识范式。研究发现,制度环境会影响组织通过制度创业建构合法性从而获得竞争优势资源;企业决策者的创业意愿和能力会影响企业制度创业成果;决策者意愿和能力与制度环境的互动机制影响制度创业效率;企业场域位势的嵌入程度较低以及处于业务和制度边界交界地带的企业,会实施制度创业改变企业的场域位势;企业通过制度创业跨越制度障碍形成的合法性成为企业新的竞争优势资源。  相似文献   

The Treaty of Rome promised European economic integration through free trade in goods, services and capital. Instead, Brussels has imposed ever-increasing regulation, which must weaken adaptation to global competition.  相似文献   

Permaculture is a growing but little researched phenomenon emphasising care for the environment, equity, fair treatment of people and working with—and not against—nature. It thus represents a potential alternative to business as usual, capable of addressing fundamental challenges posed by human-made climate change. The paper examines a previously ignored site of entrepreneurship by taking a practice perspective, exploring connections between the practice and growth of permaculture and institutional entrepreneurship. It assesses practice-related and institutional factors affecting the start-up and operation of permaculture enterprises in the United Kingdom. The study maps and surveys UK Permaculture Association members who have started up their own business and reports on qualitative data from personal interviews with twenty of them. Data analysis employs NVivo software and involves thematic analysis pertaining to the practice, institutional biographies and institutional portfolios of permaculture entrepreneurs. The findings show the importance of permaculture activists' institutional biographies and institutional portfolios to the start-up and operation of permaculture enterprises and for shaping permaculture-related practice. The contribution of the paper lies in how it balances attention to individual agency with subfield-specific, organisational field and macrosocial factors in understanding ‘beyond profit’ entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with the way colonial land use planning practices have persisted within local institutional structures in the former French colony of Morocco. We use a historical institutionalist approach to reevaluate Morocco's land use planning history and identify key feedback mechanisms that support the continuity of colonial practices within the Moroccan planning institutional structure. We used institutional mappings to identify key actors involved in planning and examined the formal power relations between them. Interviews were used to discuss the effect of informal interactions on the development of land use plans. We argue that aspects of French colonial planning that persisted within the Moroccan local institutional structure have created constraints for Moroccan land use planning. We focus in particular on how a centralist formalization of planning institutions has hampered the effectiveness of decentralization reforms and explain how institutional patterns deriving from the French paternalist approach to colonial rule have persisted in the form of a duality in modern planning structures. Finally, we argue that this path dependence has been strengthened by the creation of the derogation system as a potential way out for actors who are most capable of inducing change.  相似文献   

This article examines the institutional strategies of multinational enterprises (MNEs) operating in an emerging market, drawing attention to how longstanding foreign subsidiaries proactively negotiate their involvement with socio-political actors. We build on institutional logics to explain how MNE subsidiaries develop sustained political, cultural, and cognitive embeddedness. Using an inductive, interpretive study of four century-old Dutch MNE subsidiaries with a colonial legacy in Indonesia, we examine these three dimensions of the institutional environment, finding that local employees embedded in both the MNE and the host country sets of logics ‒ rather than expatriate managers ‒ most effectively facilitated sustained institutional embeddedness. Our findings also suggest that embedding practices in host institutional contexts and developing structures that align with host institutional expectations provided a platform for the unfolding of institutional strategies by local employees. However, MNE subsidiaries face contrasting logics between home and host country institutions, placing significant strains on MNEs’ ability to enact change.  相似文献   

Police performance is not easily measurable and the organization and circumstances of police work vary among European countries. Further, police work is surrounded by multiple pressures to make it both economical and effective. Consequently, there are multiple institutional logics in decision-making which may affect the selection and the use of police key performance indicators (KPIs). The KPI selection and use processes reflect the institutional logics, though KPI use may also sometimes influence the institutional logics of police work. In this study, we analyze the KPIs and institutional logics in police work in Finland and Spain. A comparative case research approach is used in order to highlight the differences in institutional logic emphases and in circumstances. Data from semi-structured interviews, internet reports, project work, and discussions are used. Both similarities and differences in the KPIs and in the institutional logic emphasis are found between the Finnish and Spanish police. Understanding the partly general and partly locally constructed nature of institutional logics may facilitate the development of police work performance measurement. We also suggest ways of coping with multiple institutional logics. For example, risk analyses and selecting KPIs against the current institutional logic may facilitate organizational developments.  相似文献   

A bstract . European Community monetary integration has received periodic attention often as a result of financial crises but has now evolved into its major aim. To achieve this goal the European Monetary System was established in 1979. It was designed to provide a tool, the Exchange Rate Mechanism , for exchange rate stabilization and convergence of economic and monetary policies. To give further impetus to monetary integration the Maastricht Treaty was approved in December 1991. Experiences with the operation of the European Monetary System show that there is no conclusive evidence that it has disciplined the monetary and fiscal policies of all its members. More recently, Germany's insistence on a tight monetary- policy, to fight the inflation that resulted from unification costs, has brought turmoil in European financial markets and has dealt a serious blow to the system. Furthermore, the ensuing recession and its impact on the European economies make improbable that the timetable of the Maastricht Treaty will be met.  相似文献   

abstract    In this paper, we present the results of a study of the loss of institutional trust following a merger. Specifically, we focus on how issues of organizational identity and identification processes contributed to the loss of institutional trust among a group of employees of Citigroup after its creation through the merger of Citicorp and Travelers. Our study makes two important contributions. First, we propose and demonstrate empirically that institutional trust, like interpersonal trust, can be identity-based. Second, adopting a narrative approach to organizational identity, we explore institutional trust in a post-merger context, highlighting how institutional trust is initially undermined after a merger by the ambiguity of the new organization's identity; and how later, once the identity of the new organization becomes less ambiguous, institutional trust can continue to be undermined by the absence of employees' identification with the new organization, especially among those who were highly-identified with their legacy organizations.  相似文献   

Innovation offshoring (IO) has become a widespread management practice. Yet, evidence on the performance implications is inconsistent, and scattered across disciplines and contexts. We argue that the benefits firms can derive from IO depend on the institutional environment at home. Drawing on recent work on institutional theory in international business, we explore institutions that facilitate reverse knowledge transfer and/or institutional arbitrage with respect to innovation‐related activities. The results of our meta‐analysis that synthesizes evidence from 48 samples show that IO is related positively to innovation performance. As predicted, this relationship is moderated by differences in the institutional environments across countries. Specifically, when national innovation systems are weak at home, IO appears to enable institutional arbitrage strategy whereas Confucian cultures enable more effective reverse knowledge transfer. However, contrary to our expectations, the beneficial effects of IO appear to have diminished over time.  相似文献   

This paper shows that the inclusion of institutional indicators in a traditional model of growth substantially improves its explanatory capacity. The results have implications for economic policy, because not all the dimensions of institutional quality influence growth to the same extent. A large sample of 165 countries and estimation methods with instrumental variables are used to solve endogeneity problems.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2022,46(4):101041
Financial sector development is a multidimensional process that plays a vital role in the economic growth and development of a country. This study investigates the effect of institutional quality on multidimensional financial sector development, and its dimensions, such as, depth, access, and efficiency. We used a panel dataset of 85 emerging and developing economies from 1996 to 2018 for analysis. Our findings based on 2SLS estimation demonstrate that institutional quality has a significant positive effect on the progress of the financial sector, especially its depth, access, and efficiency. The breakdown analysis shows that most of the key components (control of corruption, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, rule of law, and voice and accountability) of institutional quality enhance the financial sector development. Our empirical results are robust across alternative measures of institutional quality, split-sample analysis, alternative instrument, and estimator. This paper also offers useful policy implications to the stakeholders in emerging and developing economies.  相似文献   

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