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《国务院关于试行国有资本经营预算的意见》确定了国有资本经营预算与公共预算间关系的指导原则:"相对独立,相互衔接"。然而这仅是一个方向性的指导,对于两者之间如何独立与衔接并没有明晰界定。明确国有资本经营预算与公共预算相对独立性下,如何实现二者的互补与衔接成为操作上的难点。公共财政是我国财政建设的目标模式,本文以其为目标导向,对国有资本经营预算与公共预算互补与衔接进行理论和实践上的探索。  相似文献   

绩效预算改革是政府绩效管理改革的重要组成部分,深入推进绩效预算改革是建设"责任政府"、"阳光政府"、"服务政府"和"节约政府"的重要途径,对于提高政府财政资金使用效率和提升公共服务水平,优化公共资源配置具有十分重要的意义。本文通过对哈尔滨市绩效预算改革进行研究,分析哈尔滨市在绩效预算改革实施过程中存在的问题,最后针对问题提出了具体的解决对策。  相似文献   

全口径预算管理要求将政府全部收支都纳入预算管理中,是真正意义上的完整的政府预算。全口径预算并非简单的预算口径问题,它关系到公共资源配置、国家方针政策和公众利益等重要问题。自2003年提出全口径预算的概念以来,我国政府预算管理已经朝着这一方向有所推进,未来继续深化全口径预算管理可以考虑在切实将预算外纳入预算内、推进部门预算改革和完善复式预算体系等方面重点推进。  相似文献   

社会保险基金预算法律制度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会保险基金预算是社会保险基金监管的重要内容。目前各国或地区的社会保险预算主要包括纳入公共预算、社会保险基金专项预算、不纳入政府财政预算、纳入单独的社会保障预算等模式,我国目前应当选择社会保险基金专项预算模式,并厘清社会保险预算收支总额是否要过录到政府的经常预算当中、是否继续保留当前的财政专户、社保征收还是地税征收、个人账户基金如何处理等问题,构建完善的社会保险基金预算法律制度。  相似文献   

中国公共预算改革的目标选择:近期目标与远期目标   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文运用凯顿的预算模式理论研究了中国公共预算改革的目标选择主要结论是,中国现阶段仍然应该以建立一种"控制取向"的现代公共预算体制为目标,中国预算改革的当务之急是将政治控制与行政控制纳入预算过程.最后,虽然新绩效预算是一种非常理想的预算模式,但是,中国目前并不具备实行的条件.即使对于实行新绩效预算来说,先实行一种"控制取向"的预算体制也是有帮助的.  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,伴随全球化经济发展的浪潮以及我国在新经济常态下发展模式的转型,产业结构也面临着巨大的结构性调整,企业面临的竞争环境日趋激烈。因此,在此背景和信息化的推动下,探究企业的预算控制方式,加强企业的预算控制,使其企业有限的资源充分发挥效益。企业预算控制是否强力有效是企业可持续发展的重要保障。本文将参照我国企业预算控制的分类情况,较为系统的总结当前企业预算控制应该遵循的原则,在原则的指导下,针对目前预算控制具体的方式分类和方式选择、应用予以探讨,以预算管理理念、预算控制制度、预算控制实施和相关信息化保障等方面作为细化的切入点,对各类预算控制方式的实施进行总结,进而提出可行性的建议和策略,为促进我国企业管理中预算控制模式的不断变革和发展提供支持性建议。  相似文献   

我国政府会计改革近期的首要任务是全面反映和控制预算收支的状况,满足财政管理的需要。中期任务是反映公共预算的绩效和政府的受托责任。基于此,我国政府会计应当改革现行单一的预算会计,实行以预算会计为主、预算会计与财务会计有机结合的模式。在去年的研究报告中,我们将预算会计的对象界定为全口径的预算收支,反映预算执行情况;将财务会计的对象界定为除企业会计和民间非营利组织会计以外的所有单位(基金)的价值运动,即政府财务状况。  相似文献   

董小冬 《中国外资》2013,(23):160-160
随着社会经济的发展,电力企业的竞争越来越激烈,电力企业要想提高自身的竞争力,就必须做好企业的预算控制与管理工作。由于我国的电力企业的预算控制与管理工作体系还不完善,我国电力企业的预算控制与管理工作还存在着一些问题,我们要理性地认识这些问题。本研究从多个方面分析了电力企业的预算控制与管理。  相似文献   

独立初期,财政收支矛盾十分突出,新加坡政府高度重视公共预算管理。本文通过深入分析新加坡公共预算管理的做法,结合我国现阶段公共预算管理中存在的问题,提出了学习借鉴新加坡公共预算管理的三点思路。  相似文献   

随着新公共管理的产生和发展,西方国家一直在对19世纪建立起来的传统预算进行改革。这些改革都希望将预算理性引入公共预算过程,改进预算资金的配置效率与管理效率,但都没有获得成功。20世纪80年代以来的新绩效预算吸收了以前预算改革中有价值的成分,并有所创新,成为众多国家预算改革的方向。联合国作为政府问国际组织,其预算管理方式也随着新绩效预算的发展进行了改革.  相似文献   

关于绩效预算与零基预算相结合的预算方法体系的思考   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
零基预算作为一种有效的财政预算编制模式,在许多西方发达国家得到广泛应用.近几年我国也开始试行零基预算,取得了一定成效,但也存在很多不足.本文首先论述了零基预算编制模式以及它在我国实践当中所面临的问题;接着阐述了绩效预算的涵义及其优势;最后指出建立以零基预算与绩效预算相结合的预算方法体系,对零基预算在我国的运行以及发挥财政预算的控制、评估、监督作用具有重要意义.  相似文献   

绩效预算是西方国家实践证明了的先进的预算管理模式。但绩效预算的实行需要社会相关制度环境的配套。中国目前尚不具备实施绩效预算的基本条件。中国预算制度改革的当务之急是建立控制取向的预算管理模式,解决财务合规性问题。待相关条件具备后,再选择绩效预算管理模式。  相似文献   

The practices and norms of public budgeting have often been seen as a brake on the flexibility needed of government organisations. This remains true despite historically significant financial management reforms designed around budgetary devolution. Seeing flexibility as operating along two dimensions – devolution and discretion – this paper revisits the underlying features of traditional public budgeting to develop a taxonomy of six generic ‘budget rules’. By isolating key properties of budget control, the paper uses two of the more prominent rules – annuality and purpose – to illustrate how the rules interact to generate control capacity, as well as the scope for rule variability in promoting increased flexibility.  相似文献   

Developing a dialectic of control theoretical framework, the paper shows how the theory may be applied to explain turbulence in public sector budgeting. Applying the framework to fieldwork research in two large UK local authorities, the study explores the knowledge and intentionality of actors engaged in budgeting. Focusing on a crisis in educational funding, cognitive issues based around unreliability of cost and planning data were significant factors behind tactical successes for local budgetees. Central government, however, was able to exert power through its ability to change the rules, leading to new structures for public education provision. The dialectical framework avoids the reductionism and functionalism that characterises some of the budget gaming literature and also has potential implications for interpreting step changes in public funding.  相似文献   

This article tests three common budgetary decision–making theories in the US states. Pooled time series cross–section analysis is used from 1960 to 1996 to test the garbage can theory and incrementalism, and from 1989 to 1996 to test various theories of rational budgeting. The results demonstrate that there was some support for all three theories in terms of their impact on reducing state budget outputs. Rational budgeting reduces expenditures in aggregate, incrementalism has relatively low explanatory power below the aggregates, and garbage can budgeting is more prevalent in functional areas than for government as a whole. These findings imply that the future research agenda on budgetary decision–making theories should focus more on a system–wide approach, which takes into account many of the characteristics of all three rival models of decision–making, rather than exclusively focusing on each one singly.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how clinicians perceive managerial budgeting and how this affects clinical practice. To this end, case‐studies were conducted involving two Italian public hospitals. The results show that clinicians' commitment to organizational objectives was strongly enhanced by the use of the budget as a means to evaluate and reward clinicians' performance. One of the main lessons learned from this study is that aligning existing institutions to organizational objectives is the only way forward for effective reform implementation. Consequently, the challenge for future reforms is to deal with the search of balance between efficiency goals and existing institutions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a contextual. historical analysis of recent accrual accounting developments in the Australian Public Sector (APS). It takes a critical stance in that it questions the accrual accounting developments on a number of grounds. The paper examines changes in public sector financial management and accountability in four distinct settings, being: accrual financial reporting, accrual management systems, whole of government reporting, and accrual based budgeting. The findings show that already in Australia accrual accounting has made significant encroachments into some areas of annual financial and budget reporting. This influx has meant that terms such as 'deficit', 'debt', 'liabilities', 'operating results', 'assets', etc. have begun to change in meaning, which it is argued has important implications for the current process of transformation of aspects of the APS.  相似文献   

This paper tests a theory of public budgeting as a long–run and short–run process. In this model, political decision makers strive to achieve budgetary balance over the long–run but are constrained in the short–run and follow incremental decision–making. First, the budget equilibrium theory is elaborated upon and is used to explain the relationship between revenues, expenditures, and debt along with control variables one being provincial general elections. Second, the interaction between these variables is tested with a vector error correction model for each of the Canadian provinces using annual data between 1961 and 2000. The results show that in the long–run the driving force of provincial budgeting was expenditure control initiatives in seven of the ten provinces. In the short–run, incrementalism occurred in all of the provinces and a political business cycle was evident in six provinces.  相似文献   

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