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In this paper, we revisit the relationship between educational and income inequalities in a historical perspective, using a newly developed annual dataset of average years of education in Europe. Theoretically one would expect a reduction in educational inequality should, given the positive correlation between education level and income, initially increase and then, at a later stage, reduce income inequality. Testing for such a Kuznets-type relationship between educational and income inequalities yields an unexpected result: we find the expected inverse U-curve before the 1950s, but the relationship changes into a normal U-curve afterward. We explain this observation by a change in the trend of skill premium during the second half of the twentieth century due to an increased relative demand for skills, which contradicts the usual assumption of decreasing returns to education. Due to lack of appropriate wage data, we cannot directly capture this effect. Yet, once we use an instrumental variable estimation method to filter out the effect of the omitted skill premium, the expected inverse U-curve also appears for the latter decades of the twentieth century.  相似文献   

巴尔特图解在表示矽卡岩化过程中的物质成份带出带入规律时并不很清晰明确。经笔者修正后新图解的作图方法是:把矽卡岩的“标准晶胞”中的各阳离子数作为基数,计算出内外接触带相应的阳离子数之差,并以矽卡岩的各阳离子的基数作为零坐标,分别绘出阳离子的带入、带出图.  相似文献   

姜范 《新智慧》2001,(2):35-37

Not long ago,Prof.Kezhong Shao,the Director of College Libraryand the Head of Geological Research Section,the Editor—in—Chief ofour Journal,had received invitation letter from Dr.W.Petruk,theChairman of 1989 International Symposium on Applied Mineralogy,whoexpressed deep aspiration to see prof.Shao join this grand Meeting to  相似文献   

文章通过对使用ADO.NET和ASP.NET访问SQL Server数据库的描述,重点阐述了Web.config配置文件的介绍,通过创建函数进行数据库的连接以及对数据库的访问。  相似文献   

John Komlos 《Cliometrica》2007,1(3):211-237
We examine secular trends in biological well-being in the Habsburg Monarchy circa 1850–1910 on the basis of evidence on the physical stature of recruits disaggregated at the regional level. We find that heights stagnated generally among the 1850s birth cohorts. The secular increase in heights that lasted until the twenty-first century began among the 1860s birth cohorts. Men born in the more developed Czech and Austria areas were as tall as many populations in Western Europe, whereas the men born in the Polish/Ukrainian provinces were about as tall as the Mediterranean populations. There was a 3.3 cm gap between the heights of men living in the core versus periphery of the Monarchy, which reflects a substantial gap in biological living standards. We also consider spatial convergence of biological living standards. Heights did not converge across the different provinces of the Monarchy at all in the 1850s, diverged in the 1860s, and began to converge subsequently. Convergence was more rapid among those born in the 1880s than among the cohorts of the 1870s, even though the average rate of increase in heights was greater in the 1870s than in the 1880s. The convergence was limited to the peripheral regions (Polish/Ukrainian, Romanian, and Slovakian). No convergence was evident among the Austrian, Czech, Hungarian or Croatian areas. By the end of the period under consideration the gap between Austrian and Polish/Ukrainian heights was reduced to 1.5 cm. The evidence on heights is quite similar to the evidence on GDP growth insofar as it points to some positive elements but is by no means uniformly favorable. The Monarchy was not stagnating, or about to collapse on the eve of World War I on account of economic considerations as the Soviet Union did, but it was also not among the high-achievers of the era as the Scandinavian countries or Germany.
John KomlosEmail:

V.A.奥勃鲁契夫是19世纪俄国的著名地质和地貌学家。他曾几次(1880,1892—1894,1905—1906)来到中国东北、西北地区考察,著述甚多。对中国的地质和地貌学研究,特别是论述了中国黄土分布与成因方面做出了贡献。本文主要记述了他在1892—1894年来中国西北部地区考察的情况,并把要阐述他这次考察的学术成果。  相似文献   

(23)业主篱障因何而起 王小姐来找我的时候,我正在会议室组织管理人员培训,观看一套叫作<企业新晋员工职业化训练教程>的录像带.从王小姐推门而入的动作力度和表情特征,我就知道麻烦事儿又来了.果然,还没等我给她打招呼,王小姐就尖叫了起来:"好啊,好啊,我找了一圈没找着人,原来你们都躲到这里看电视来了!"  相似文献   

(25)遭遇卧底 星期一上午一上班,保安队冯队长便报告说昨天下午小区里来了两个人,男的,清一色小平头,开着一辆桑塔纳2000,样子看上去挺牛的.  相似文献   

沉融 《现代经济》2005,(2):60-62
(21)无馅之饼 大门岗保安员打对讲过来说,有位姓刘的先生找我,说是想和我谈谈工作上的事,我说我现在正忙,你们问问他究竟有什么事.因为小区内目前正在装修期,经常有跑业务搞销售的人冒充是我朋友往小区里面混,发现了几次后,我便要求大门岗把那些所谓"找你们领导有事"的一律拦住,没我同意不准入内.  相似文献   

文章研究了微软最新的服务器操作系统Windows .NET Server的安全性机理,包括Active Directory、Kerberos V5、EFS、IPSec等,提出基于Windows .NET Servers可构建更安全的系统平台。  相似文献   

<现代物业>推出了我手写我心--"我与现代物业"网络征文启事.一见,一股热潮不禁由心而生,是一种充满感激的情潮.<现代物业>就像征文启事中所说的:这是一个共同的追求,这是一个互动的平台!因为梦想,所以追求;因为追求,所以成就;因为成就,所以感动!  相似文献   

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