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舒朝普 《中国外资》2013,(19):30-33
在国际资本对全球投资环境缺乏足够信心的当下,中国是否依旧对全球资本充满吸引力?跨国投资对中国又有哪些新偏好?  相似文献   

杨晓兰  沈翰彬  祝宇 《金融研究》2016,438(12):143-158
本文以投资者在东方财富网股吧针对创业板上市公司发表的90多万条帖子为研究对象,通过IP地址识别,构建本地关注指标;并利用计算机文本挖掘技术,提取网络发帖所体现的情绪倾向,构建投资者情绪指标。实证结果显示,本地关注对股票收益率的影响取决于投资者情绪,当投资者持积极情绪时,本地关注对股票收益率有显著的正向影响;当投资者持消极情绪时,该影响显著为负。在积极情绪和消极情绪下本地关注对股票交易量都有显著正向影响,但积极情绪下的影响程度比消极情绪下更大。此外,本地关注与投资者情绪的交叉效应在上市公司样本数量较多的北京、广东、江苏、上海、浙江这五个区域都存在,并与整体样本的特征基本一致,但在样本数量较少的其他区域并不完全一致。  相似文献   

投资者保护与控股股东资产偏好   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文从控股股东资产偏好的角度构建了一个在股权集中型公司中研究控股股东侵占中小股东利益的行为决策分析框架。理论分析表明,投资者保护可以缓解因控股股东对流动性资产的偏好而形成的投资不足,但公司现金持有水平取决于公司投资不足和控股股东资产转移两个方面的净效应。实证研究结果证实了较好的投资者保护能够在一定程度上缓解公司投资不足,并抑制控股股东的资产转移动机,从而促使外部投资者对公司所持有的现金予以较高的价值评估。我们还发现中国上市公司控股股东较高的现金流权对应着较高的控制权,其结果是加剧公司投资不足,导致公司现金水平较高而现金价值较低。  相似文献   

本文基于我国企业会计准则国际趋同背景,综合运用价值相关性理论和投资者情绪理论,以2007-2011年持有PE公司股权的A股上市公司为样本,实证检验PE公司IPO核准公告的信息含量和IPO公允价值的价值相关性。研究发现,IPO核准公告具有显著的信息含量,而且与IPO公允价值显著正相关。同时,投资者情绪对IPO核准公告和IPO公允价值之价值相关性有显著的正向影响。但是,机构投资者对IPO核准公告信息含量的影响并不显著。本文的研究结论对我国全面引入国际趋同的公允价值计量规范之经济后果评估,以及投资者情绪和机构投资者在传递市场有效信息中的作用,具有重要的政策参考意义。  相似文献   

企业用于研发、广告和软件上的无形资产投资,通过提高企业的产品定价能力、管理水平和扩大市场份额等服务于企业的长期利益,为实现企业价值创造发挥重要作用。实证研究表明,企业无形资产的投资支出显著地提高了企业的销售毛利率、资产周转率的水平,从而实现企业价值创造。  相似文献   

公允价值的价值相关性:B股公司的证据   总被引:59,自引:3,他引:59  
邓传洲 《会计研究》2005,(10):55-62
本文研究了B股公司按国际会计准则第39号(IAS39)披露公允价值的股价反映,以及公允价值揭示对会计信息价值相关性的影响。本研究发现,公允价值披露显著地增加了会计盈余的价值相关性。按公允价值计量的投资持有利得(损失)具有较弱的增量解释能力。而投资的公允价值调整没有显示出价值相关性。公允价值调整及持有利得(损失)对股价的影响存在差异,原因可能在于我国投资者对盈余的关注程度要高于对账面净值的关注程度。公允价值调整及持有利得(损失)缺乏很强的价值相关性的原因在于,公允价值存在计量误差,而投资者也看穿了这一计量误差。  相似文献   

本文分析了影响中国上市公司定向增发新股折扣率的因素,并研究了中国上市公司定向增发新股折扣率对公司短期股价表现的影响。本文认为,影响中国上市公司定向增发新股折扣率的因素与外国不同,中国上市公司定向增发新股折扣率的高低与股东的身份有关,向控股股东及关联投资者定向增发新股的折扣率要低于向非关联投资者定向增发新股的折扣率。并且,中国上市公司定向增发新股的折扣率越低,投资者获得的超额累积收益率越高。本文运用中国证券市场定向增发新股的数据,对影响中国上市公司定向增发新股折扣率的因素及中国上市公司定向增发新股折扣率对公司短期股价表现的影响分别进行了实证研究,实证研究结果证明了本文理论分析的结论。  相似文献   

本文就资产质量、债务融资与企业价值之问的关系进行了理论分析和实证检验,发现高资产质量公司债务融资与企业价值为正相关关系;低资产质量公司债务融资与企业价值为负相关关系,并且在国有控制公司中表现尤为明显,资产质量与企业价值显著正相关。因此,表明真正体现企业价值的是资产质量而不是债务融资,债务融资只不过是一种中间表现形式。  相似文献   

2015年开始,保险公司在股票二级市场的频繁举牌成为保险业界、监管机构和社会公众普遍关注的热门现象,保险公司作为大股东持股上市公司,能否提升上市公司的经营业绩?保险公司是否是优质的机构投资者?本文选取中国A股市场2006~2015年上市公司的数据,采用Tobit模型对保险公司作为前十大股东持股的上市公司的特征进行了实证研究。研究发现:寿险公司作为大股东,其持股比例与上市公司的经营业绩、公司规模、发展能力、流通股比例、第一大股东持股比例、股票回报率显著正相关,与贝塔系数负相关;财险公司作为大股东,其持股比例与上市公司的经营业绩、公司规模、发展能力、流通股比例、股票回报率显著正相关。此外,本文进一步采用多元线性回归模型对保险公司作为大股东持股与上市公司经营业绩二者的关系进行了实证分析,结果显示:寿险公司持股可以显著提升上市公司下一期的经营业绩;财险公司持股对上市公司下一期经营业绩则无显著影响。  相似文献   

2015年股市异常波动以来,市场开始呼唤理性的价值投资,这其中如何评估股票的价值尤为关键。通过考察财务信息披露后的市场反应,本文测算了公司盈利能力、现金流量、成长能力、营运能力、竞争能力对股票估值的影响,并在回归检验的基础上构建了基于财务信息的股票估值模型。研究结果显示,安全边际较高的股票会带来更多的投资收益,这为价值投资在中国的适用性提供了证据支持。本文将市场价格和财务信息同时运用到股票价值评估中来,克服了传统估值模型中需要主观预测未来的内在局限,为分析股票的投资价值提供了新的视角和思路,也为如何提升市场定价效率提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

This study investigates the time series behavior of real estate company net asset value discount/premium (NAVDISC) in eight Asian-Pacific securitized real estate markets from 1995 to 2003. We postulate that if there is a stable NAVDISC for real estate companies in the long-run, then there should be a long-run cointegrating relation between their stock prices (Ps) and net asset values (NAVs). Employing panel data cointegration econometrics that comprises three approaches; panel unit root test, heterogeneous panel cointegration test and dynamic panel error-correction modeling (ECM), we find that long run NAVDISCs persist in individual Asian-Pacific securitized real estate markets and the regional market. All the NAVDISCs exhibit mean reversion and that the respective disequilibrium errors fluctuate around the mean values. Moreover, NAV is an important factor that statistically explains the price variations in real estate stock prices regardless of their speed of mean-reversion in the NAV discount /premium.  相似文献   

Non-U.S. firms cross-listing shares on U.S. exchanges as American Depositary Receipts earn cumulative abnormal returns of 19 percent during the year before listing, and an additional 1.20 percent during the listing week, but incur a loss of 14 percent during the year following listing. We show how these unusual share price changes are robust to changing market risk exposures and are related to an expansion of the shareholder base and to the amount of capital raised at the time of listing. Our tests provide support for the market segmentation hypothesis and Merton's (1987) investor recognition hypothesis.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of information asymmetry on equity prices in the local A‐ and foreign B‐share market in China. We construct measures of information asymmetry based on market microstructure models, and find that they explain a significant portion of cross‐sectional variation in B‐share discounts, even after controlling for other factors. On a univariate basis, the price impact measure and the adverse selection component of the bid‐ask spread in the A‐ and B‐share markets explains 44% and 46% of the variation in B‐share discounts. On a multivariate basis, both measures are far more statistically significant than any of the control variables.  相似文献   

In contrast to the negative average abnormal return associated with the announcement of a control‐related targeted repurchase (greenmail transaction), we find that the announcement of a noncontrol‐related targeted repurchase is associated with a positive and significant average abnormal return. Cross‐sectional analysis indicates that the change in firm value at the announcement of a noncontrol‐related targeted repurchase is negatively related to the resulting changes in both insider ownership and outside blockholdings. We also find significant differences in announcement‐period stock price effects depending on the identity of the selling shareholder.  相似文献   

We find evidence that foreign asset divestitures announced by Korean listed firms lead to a decrement in firm value. Interestingly the divestiture announcements by firms with a large proportion of institutional investors, who hold advanced professionalism in stock investments, contribute to an increment in firm value, but ones by firms with a large proportion of individual investors lead to a decrement in it. Unlike the case of firms in advanced countries, our distinctive finding that the divestiture announcements produce a decrement in firm value around the announcement day sheds new lights on market valuation effects of foreign asset divestitures of firms in other emerging economies.  相似文献   

We provide causal evidence on the value of asset pledgeability by exploiting a unique feature of Chinese corporate bond markets: bonds with identical fundamentals are traded on two segmented markets with different rules for repo transactions. Using a policy shock that rendered AA+ and AA bonds ineligible for repo on one market only, we compare how bond prices changed across markets and rating classes around this event. When the haircut increases from 0% to 100%, bond yields increase by 39 bps to 85 bps. These estimates help us infer the magnitude of the shadow cost of capital in China.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the conventional definition of the cost of equity at the corporate level is likely to be fundamentally flawed under conditions of personal taxation. A 'dimensionally consistent' definition is developed utilising the pioneering contributions of Auerbach and Elton and Gruber. Consequent benefits are straight-forward expressions for the cost of equity capital at the corporate level (for both retained earnings and new equity) as well as at the investor level (post personal tax) in terms of both the dividend discount and CAPM-type models, which are applicable to classical and imputation tax systems. A fundamental framework is thereby provided which succeeds in illuminating investor pesonal tax liabilities as they might be expected to impact on a firm's investment and related dividend policies.  相似文献   

This paper investigates nonlinear pricing kernels in which the risk factor is endogenously determined and preferences restrict the definition of the pricing kernel. These kernels potentially generate the empirical performance of nonlinear and multifactor models, while maintaining empirical power and avoiding ad hoc specifications of factors or functional form. Our test results indicate that preference-restricted nonlinear pricing kernels are both admissible for the cross section of returns and are able to significantly improve upon linear single- and multifactor kernels. Further, the nonlinearities in the pricing kernel drive out the importance of the factors in the linear multi-factor model.  相似文献   

We show that 70% of Chinese listed companies are ultimately controlled by government agencies, thereby indicating that state ownership remains widespread in China's stock markets. Three questions are considered that are related to government control structures and their impact on firm value: (1) how do government agencies maintain their control of listed companies; (2) what are the impacts of different government control structures on firm value; and (3) are these impacts different in local government and central government-controlled firms? We find that the Chinese government controls listed companies directly or indirectly through solely state-owned enterprises (SSOEs). Taking into account the trade-off between political and agency costs, we show that firm value increases when some control rights are decentralized from the government to state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Moreover, decentralization improves significantly the performance of local government- controlled, but not central government-controlled firms.  相似文献   

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