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This article builds on the recently increasingly mentioned notion that entrepreneurship in the service sector is a worthwhile, but clearly underresearched topic. Using a sample of 1,612 small- and medium-size enterprises from the four German-speaking countries Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein, and using structural equation modeling, this article finds that service firms have a significantly higher entrepreneurial orientation (EO) than manufacturing firms – both on the overall level as well as for each of the three sub-categories proactiveness, innovativeness, and risk-taking. With regards to the positive relationship between a firm's EO and its growth aspirations, nevertheless, no significant differences could be identified. Accordingly, this study shows that EO is a strategic orientation of highest value for service firms as well, under the premise of growth-orientation.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of international trading activities of firms on creating productivity gains in Turkey by using a recent firm-level data set over the period 2003–2010. We establish treatment models and investigate the productivity improvements of firms through trade by using propensity score matching techniques together with difference-in-difference estimates. Three different groups of treatment are constructed: (1) firms that are involved only with import activities, (2) firms that are involved only with export activities and (3) firms that are involved with both export and import activities. The results of the study suggest that both exporting and importing have positive significant effects on total factor productivity (TFP) and labour productivity (LP) of firms. Importing is found to have a greater impact on productivity of firms compared to exporting. Further, two-way trade is found to have more significant effects than those of one-way trade on firm productivity. Finally, our results indicate that international trade has greater impact on LP rather than TFP of firms.  相似文献   

The measurement of the relative efficiency of the sub-groups of large and small enterprises in each Australian manufacturing industry is undertaken in this study using two concepts of efficiency. Technical efficiency is assessed in relation to an estimated frontier production function while economic efficiency is expressed in terms of a sales based price-cost margin — a proxy for profitability. The large enterprises were found, for the most part, to be more technically efficient than the small. In terms of the profitability measure the small firms were just as likely to be the more efficient in any industry. They were generally more dispersed around the mean of both efficiency measures than were the large. The industries in which the large (or small) firms were found to be more technically efficient were not necessarily the industries for which the large (or small) firms were the more profitable. The study highlights the relationships between technical and economic efficiency and emphasises the need for careful definition of the concept efficiency when making comparisons of performance among enterprises.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors argue that manufacturing experiences much of the turbulence and conflict imposed by the dynamic global marketplace through its relationship with marketing, because marketing is usually responsible for introducing changing competitive priorities and demand patterns to the organization. Through a survey of manufacturing and marketing managers within international firms, the authors develop a profile of manufacturing-marketing conflicts experienced in each of four international strategy environments: export, multidomestic, global, and transnational. As international strategies became more complex, firms made use of more techniques for coordinating between marketing and manufacturing, with more use of decentralized and informal approaches. Coordinating techniques included individual MBO-reward systems, joint task forces for problem-solving, and direct involvement of manufacturing and marketing in establishing the competitive priorities of the firm.  相似文献   

Strategic management researchers have traditionally focused on growth-oriented strategies for small firms. Yet studies of small businesses have consistently cited overzealous pursuit of growth as the number one contributor to financial decline and failure. Record numbers of small firms are finding themselves confronted with declines of sufficient magnitude to require the implementation of turnaround strategies.Much has been written about turnaround strategies for large corporations—the problem is that the commonly recommended turnaround strategies are not often feasible for small firms. Unfortunately, there are no investigations reported in the literature that approach the subject of turnaround from the perspective of the small-market-share businesses.The purpose of this research was to explore turnaround from the small firm perspective. The study focused on the turnaround strategy most often referred to as entrepreneurial retrenchment, i.e., the aggressive pursuit of cost and asset reduction. The results showed that firms that pursued entrepreneurial retrenchment were more successful than firms that continued to pursue growth with the preexisting configuration of assets, even after a period of extensive cost cutting. The findings suggest strongly that managers of successful small-market-share firms must be able to quickly recognize and ameliorate underper forming assets when they encounter turnaround situations.The findings were a result of empirical analyses of 33 small-market-share firms that had encountered turnaround situations. Turnaround situations were initially identified by the incidence of at least two successive years of declining profitability that exceeded any industry-wide decline that may have occurred over the same time period. The firms were subsequently contacted to verify that they considered the timeframe to indeed coincide with a period during which their managerial actions were targeted to achieve a performance turnaround.Each of the firms was then classified according to the direction of their cost and asset changes over the turnaround period. Nonretrenchers were those firms that did not achieve net reductions in costs or assets for any years after the decline. Cost retrenchers were those firms that achieved net costs reductions but not asset reductions for a minimum of one year succeeding the decline. Finally, entrepreneurial retrenchers were those firms that sustained a minimum of one year of asset reductions in addition to cost reductions in the years immediately after the decline.Although entrepreneurship research has traditionally focused on developing and investing in new businesses, little has been done on the issue of asset restructuring that precedes entrepreneurial endeavors in established companies (Robinson and Pearce 1988). For single businesses the essence of entrepreneurship is the ability to quickly respond to marketplace opportunities. The underside of this pursuit is the ability to quickly reposition assets to accompany ensuing moves for competitive viability.For single business firms, an inability to respond quickly to financial downturns creates turnaround situations. Therefore, an examination was prepared to determine the value of retrenchment as a means to achieve turnaround and financial stability.The results were produced through an analysis of longitudinally collected financial data that was used to profile each firm's turnaround situation severity, their classification of retrenchment, and the degree to which they were able to successfully achieve a return to predownturn financial performance.  相似文献   

During the past quarter of a century, Asia has risen to become the world's factory. This trend has, however, coincided with the relative decline in value of manufacturing compared to other value adding activities, including R&D, design, and branding. This significant “value shift” has eroded the margins of manufacturing firms and sparked considerable interest among executives in Asia to design, brand, and market their own products. To date, though, this transition from being manufacturing oriented to becoming brand owners has largely only been accomplished by Japanese and Korean firms. In the rest of Asia—including in the rising giants of China and India—there are very few valuable brands. In fact, there is not a single Asian brand from a country other than Japan and Korea in Interbrand's 2008 valuation of the world's top 100 brands. Our article discusses, in depth, the challenges that Asian manufacturing firms encounter as they try to become “branders” and how these challenges can be overcome. Based on our collaboration spanning academia and consulting, we have been able to tap a wealth of information made available through research, case studies, and Interbrand's database of completed brand related assignments across Asia.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that market structure will have an impact on within-industry differentials in efficiency, or cost disadvantages of small firms. To test this hypothesis, this paper examines the effects of market structure on the productivity (relative to industry productivity) of small manufacturing firms in Japan. The results show that market structure elements such as concentration and capital requirements work to the disadvantage of small-firm efficiency. The findings provide support for the hypothesis.  相似文献   

Offshore production and skill upgrading by Japanese manufacturing firms   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We investigate the influence of offshore production by Japanese multinationals on domestic skill intensity. Identifying relationships based on within variation in a panel of 1070 firms, we find that additional foreign affiliate employment in low-income countries raises skill intensity. The positive effect of FDI on domestic skill intensity, however, diminishes as investment shifts towards high-income countries. Increases in affiliate employment in low-income countries also raise a firm’s reliance on finished goods purchases, suggesting that overseas employment affects domestic skill intensity because imports of final goods from foreign affiliates displace domestic production.  相似文献   

We focus on the relationship between age and diversification patterns of German machine tool manufacturers in the post-war era. We distinguish between ‘minor diversification’ (adding a new product variation within a familiar submarket) and ‘major diversification’ (expanding the product portfolio into new submarkets). Our analysis reveals four main insights. First, we observe that firms have lower diversification rates as they grow older, and that eventually diversification rates even turn negative for old firms on average (where negative diversification corresponds to exit from certain product lines). Second, we find that product portfolios of larger firms tend to be more diversified. Third, with respect to consecutive diversification activities, quantile autoregression plots show that firms experiencing diversification in one period are unlikely to repeat this behavior in the following year. Fourth, survival estimations reveal that diversification activities reduce the risk of exit in general and to a varying degree at different ages. These results are interpreted using Penrosean growth theory.  相似文献   

Following recent models in international trade this paper examines the characteristics that businesses should possess to pursue internationalization strategies. We do this in the peculiar context of Italy, the G-7 country with the largest share of the black economy in GDP. Specifically, we posit that Italian manufacturing firms may use three strategies to counter the competitive threats by emerging economies: (i) improve the innovative content of their products (ii) venturing into offshoring, or, alternatively, (iii) entering the black economy. We estimate the impact of these moves with firm-level data drawn from two waves of the Italian Manufacturing Survey (IMS) covering a six-year period (1998–2003). We find that offshoring firms are larger, more innovative, have higher capital/labour ratio and are located in provinces where the share of the black economy is lower. Firms belonging to provinces in which the share of the black economy is larger are less likely to choose the internationalization mode. The offshoring-black economy nexus bears relevant policy implications. In particular, vis-à-vis their offshoring companions, firms choosing to enter the black economy may be producing negative spillover effects by lowering productivity and the propensity to innovate.  相似文献   

Proponents of trade liberalization argue that exporting helps firms to achieve higher productivity levels. This hypothesis is examined for a panel of manufacturing firms in nine African countries. The results indicate that exporters in these countries are more productive and, more importantly, exporters increase their productivity advantage after entry into the export market. While the first finding can be explained by selection–only the most productive firms engage in exporting–the latter cannot. The results are robust when unobserved productivity differences and self-selection into the export market are controlled for using different econometric methods. Scale economies are shown to be an important channel for the productivity advance. Credit constraints and contract enforcement problems prevent firms that only produce for the domestic market from fully exploiting scale economies.  相似文献   

Exporting raises productivity in sub-Saharan African manufacturing firms   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Proponents of trade liberalization argue that exporting helps firms to achieve higher productivity levels. This hypothesis is examined for a panel of manufacturing firms in nine African countries. The results indicate that exporters in these countries are more productive and, more importantly, exporters increase their productivity advantage after entry into the export market. While the first finding can be explained by selection-only the most productive firms engage in exporting-the latter cannot. The results are robust when unobserved productivity differences and self-selection into the export market are controlled for using different econometric methods. Scale economies are shown to be an important channel for the productivity advance. Credit constraints and contract enforcement problems prevent firms that only produce for the domestic market from fully exploiting scale economies.  相似文献   

Advertising is widely considered to be an important isolating mechanism through which firms may defend an established competitive advantage. However, there is relatively little empirical evidence on the extent of the strategic use of advertising either to deter or in response to entry. In this paper, I report on a study of the advertising practices of 843 medium‐sized and large UK‐based firms. Nearly one‐quarter of all the advertisers surveyed state that they attribute importance to entry deterrence as an aim of their advertising. Further, one in five managers of advertising firms state that they would increase advertising expenditure if a new rival company appeared in their market. It is also apparent that there is a strong correlation between the perceived importance of advertising as an entry‐deterring tool and the intensity of advertising spending. Multivariate modelling provides confirmation that the existence of a sheltered market position, and the profitability that typically accompanies this, provides a statistically significant determinant of the decision to use advertising as a strategic entry‐deterring weapon.  相似文献   

Trade and growth with heterogeneous firms   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper explores the impact of trade on growth when firms are heterogeneous. We find that greater openness produces anti- and pro-growth effects. The Hopenhayn-Melitz-model selection effects raises the expected cost of introducing a new variety and this tends to slow the rate of new-variety introduction and hence growth. The pro-growth effect stems from the impact that freer trade has on the marginal cost of innovating. The balance of the two effects is ambiguous with the sign depending upon the exact nature of the innovation technology and its connection to international trade in goods and ideas. We consider five special cases (these include the Grossman-Helpman, the Coe-Helpman, and the Rivera-Batiz-Romer models) two of which suggest that trade harms growth; the others predicting the opposite.  相似文献   

How do multinational corporations (MNCs) influence each other's foreign entry decisions? In this paper, I examine the interactions in MNCs' entry decisions by investigating how MNCs respond to competition threats from their multinational competitors. The analysis shows that entry threats anticipated through foreign investment news encourage MNCs to take preemptive actions by entering the same city after the news, while the actual entry of competitors and the anticipated expansion of incumbents discourage more entry. Incumbent MNCs, on the other hand, respond to entry threats by upgrading productivity. The effect of competition threats depends on each MNC's own existing activity and production network within the region. The effect of entry threats increases with the size of threats, measured by the investment value, expected employment and expected output, the influence of the news, the credibility of the news and the local market orientation of the threats. Across industries, MNCs' entry decisions are found to respond to only the actual entry—not anticipated entry—in vertically linked industries. Further, by exploring the time path, I find that MNCs' preemptive entry is only taken before FDI news expires. The main results are robust to IV analyses that explore unique information from news source and news content.  相似文献   

Organisational learning is increasingly being mentioned in the literature as a mechanism for assisting the market performance of small firms. There exists, however, limited empirical evidence on the learning systems utilised to manage the process. A survey was undertaken to acquire data on whether a relationship exists between learning style and the nature of learning systems used by small UK manufacturing firms. The results suggest that as firms move from single towards double-loop learning this is accompanied by the adoption of a more formalised learning system inside the organisation. The implications of these finding are discussed and proposals presented on the needs for further research.  相似文献   

We argue that partnerships are the optimal governance structure for professional service firms (PSFs) based on our analysis of their need for collegial controls, the use of tacit knowledge, and an investigation of agency costs. However, these factors and the resulting choice of partnership as a governance structure constrain the ability of PSFs to successfully pursue growth strategies. In addition, their growth potential is further circumscribed by diversification limitations, as well as reputational and resource constraints.  相似文献   

A puzzling but consistent result in the empirical literature on banking is that firms with close bank ties do not grow faster than bank-independent firms. In this paper, we reconsider the link between relationship lending and firm growth, distinguishing firms by size and expansion/contraction conditions. The idea is that the beneficial effects of relationship lending on information asymmetries can be compensated by other negative capture, risk, and externality effects which make relational banks reluctant to support long-term growth projects of client firms, and that the strength of these compensating effects varies with firm size and health status. We explore the influence of long-lasting bank relationships on employment and asset growth of a large sample of Italian firms. The main finding is that relationship lending hampers the efforts of small firms to increase their size, while it mitigates the negative growth of troubled, medium–large enterprises.  相似文献   

While most services innovation studies are concentrated on the OECD or EU countries, research on services innovation in the non-OECD context is still rare. This study investigates innovation behaviour of a certain group of services – knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS), compared with the manufacturing sector in Singapore. The main findings of this study are: (1) KIBS firms have higher innovating ratio than manufacturing firms, but innovating manufacturing firms are more likely to do R&D than innovating KIBS firms; (2) KIBS firms have higher human capital intensity, training spending intensity, innovation spending intensity, and R&D spending intensity than manufacturing firms; (3) KIBS firms and manufacturing firms have similar innovation objectives, although some delicate nuances do exist; (4) KIBS firms are less likely to have overseas partners for innovation collaboration than manufacturing firms; (5) there is a U pattern of innovation collaboration with geographic distance for both KIBS and manufacturing firms; (6) social capitals are important for KIBS firms' successful provision of innovation support to manufacturing clients; (7) the importance of spatial proximity varies over different phases of innovation support.  相似文献   

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