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宏观调控是我国在经济新常态下调节经济的重要方式,而货币政策作为干预和调节宏观经济的手段,必须是建立在市场经济的基础上。每个国家的市场经济与制度不同,实施的货币政策也不同。随着我国经济的发展,货币政策在调节经济上起着越来越大的作用。文章在阐述我国货币政策涵义和特点的基础上,分析了货币政策对金融市场的调控效应,说明了货币政策对我国金融市场发展和经济发展的重要影响及其意义。  相似文献   

李淑华 《北方经济》2008,(10):80-81
再贷款作为国家货币政策工具和调控宏观经济的重要手段.在促进我国货币政策目标实现和经济结构战略性调整以及国民经济健康稳定发展方面发挥着非常重要的作用。再贷款货币政策在通辽市地区实施以来发挥了积极作用。  相似文献   

宏观财政政策和货币政策是我国中央政府进行宏观调控的不可缺少的重要手段。从我国财政政策和货币政策多年运作的实际看,虽然它们在维持经济稳定发展方面付出了很大努力,也收到了一定效果,但财政政策和货币政策实施后所产生的各种结果,即政策效应,与政策本身所期望的...  相似文献   

为应对金融危机,我国实施了积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,推动我国经济在全球率先复苏。随着经济逐渐步入正轨,过量货币对经济发展的副作用开始显现。但进入2010年,随着希腊债务危机爆发,全球经济有二次探底的可能性,我国货币政策面临两难选择。该文运用基本经济理论,对我国宽松货币政策退出的必要性、判断指标等进行了分析,认为宽松货币政策确实面临退出要求,但鉴于传统退出手段给市场带来压力过大,应当通过金融体制创新和金融产品创新吸收流动性,实现适度宽松货币政策的平稳退出。  相似文献   

程成 《湖北经济管理》2014,(16):124-125
随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的不断完善和中央银行宏观调控由直接向间接方式的逐渐转变,利率政策不仅是货币政策的重要构成,更是货币政策实施的重要手段,在国民经济中发挥着重要作用.但现实表明,我国利率政策效果并不令人满意.因此,研究我国货币政策的利率传导机制的有效性有助于为如何提高利率传导机制的效果,保持经济稳定增长,更加有效地进行宏观调控提供理论依据.  相似文献   

当前我国处于后危机时代,经济回暖向好,但仍存在一些问题,巩固经济刺激政策成果、推动经济全面恢复、预防通胀风险,成为货币政策的重要使命。从理论上看,货币政策属于总量政策,主要通过经济总量的调节来促进社会总需求和总供给的平衡,是市场经济条件下实施宏观调控的重要手段之一。  相似文献   

在开放经济中,货币政策国际协调日益成为各国解决贸易争端,促进经济和谐发展的必要手段。改革开放后,我国经济融入世界经济的步伐加快,我国的货币金融市场呈现出既矛盾又统一的特点,这一特点决定了我国的货币政策国际协调处于相对被动的局面。因此,在今后一段时间,如何采取合适的协调方式,将是我国货币政策进行国际协调的新课题。  相似文献   

王自力 《南方经济》2000,(11):52-55
本文对近期货币政策进行客观评价,探讨了有效的货币政策问题。提出有效货币政策要求其提供与经济增长速度相宜的货币供给,实施与市场经济发展相宜的货币政策手段,有积极财政政策与之相匹配配并把握与长远经济发展相宜的货币政策调控方向。  相似文献   

后金融危机时代我国货币政策工具的优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡晔 《特区经济》2012,(7):97-99
货币政策是我国宏观经济调控的重要途径之一,在特定时期内制定实施合适的货币政策能够促进经济发展目标的实现。在以转变经济发展方式、优化经济结构为目标的后金融危机时代,货币政策的制定不仅要考虑对经济总量的调控,更要兼顾经济结构的调控。本文旨在对当前我国央行货币政策工具的实施情况进行归纳,以期发现新时期在兼顾总量与结构调控的背景下当前货币政策工具的不足,并提出优化货币政策工具的建议。  相似文献   

这是十年之后,我国宏观调控再一次出现“积极财政政策“。1998年,亚洲金融危机爆发,我国开始实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策;从2004年始,我国实行“双稳健“的财政、货币政策;之后由于国内经济形势的变化,2007年中央经济工作会议明确提出,2008年实施稳健的财政政策和从紧的货币政策;今年下半年,国际经济形势风云突变,  相似文献   

The present study investigates the main determinants of the employment share of the service sector using a panel of 66 countries over the period 1983–2007. Based on alternative measures of currency misalignment, the study extends the literature by investigating the impact of an undervalued currency on services. The empirical findings show that together with productivity and income per capita, currency undervaluation significantly determines the total employment share of services. Another key finding is that conventional crosscountry determinants and the exchange rate undervaluation can only partially explain the underdevelopment of services activity in China and in other South‐East Asian countries. In these countries, policies that aim at rebalancing the economy towards services should include elements to reform the domestic financial market, and the social security and healthcare systems.  相似文献   

美元作为主权货币国际化,在适应并促进世界经济增长的同时,其内在矛盾成为世界经济失衡、汇率大幅波动以及流动性泛滥的重要因素。解决美国主权货币国际化助推的贸易赤字、财政赤字和巨额债务问题,需要美国政府财政政策、货币政策和产业政策的重大调整,还需要国际货币体系的重大改革,从美元主导的单一货币模式转变为多元模式。美元、欧元以及正在走向国际化的人民币共同构成代表和主导北美、欧洲、亚洲等三大经济圈、覆盖全球经济体的国际货币体系。研究主权货币国际化的内在矛盾以及国际货币体系多元发展路线的历史逻辑,对有效应对复杂多变的国际经济环境,加快人民币国际化进程具有理论和决策参考价值。  相似文献   

伴随着中国一系列政策的出台,人民币国际化已经悄然启动.在当今的国际政治经济背景下,人民币国际化只能依靠中国经济与金融的强大,而高端货币是人民币国际化的终极目标.目前,人民币国际化还缺乏两个最重要的微观基础:中国外贸的自主优势与中资银行的广泛国际存在.稳步推进人民币国际化,需要做好以下几件事:短期内尽快出台人民币国际化的官方蓝图,中长期内稳步构架微观基础、促进宏观经济尤其是人民币币值的国内稳定.  相似文献   

曲艺 《改革与战略》2012,28(1):39-41
金融危机的不断发生暴露出现行的国际货币体系的诸多弊端和不足,构建超主权国际货币则是国际货币制度改革的方向。汇率的稳定以及国际储备资产价值的稳定对于一国国际经济的发展尤为重要,为此世界各国希望有一种有效的国际储备货币以减轻汇率波动所带来的负面影响,这种国际储备货币便是超主权货币。文章从国际货币体系对国际贸易和国际金融的影响方面进行了探讨,进一步分析了超主权国际货币的构建对世界经济的影响。  相似文献   

Existing literature suggests that macroeconomic and institutional factors are the drivers of currency substitution. The persistent and significant incidence of currency substitution during the period of mixed performance of macroeconomic variables suggests the existence of a knowledge gap on the drivers of currency substitution during the era of rapid technological innovation. To contribute to this literature, we augmented the traditional money demand model of the determinants of currency substitution to introduce financial innovation. We use Nigerian data from 2005Q1 to 2019Q4 and Pesaran et al. (2001, https://doi.org/10.1002/jae.616 ) autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) bound test approach to cointegration to estimate the models. The results confirm the presence of short-run and long-run relationships between financial technology and currency substitution in Nigeria. In effect, the deployment of financial technology in developing payment system infrastructure creates additional incentives for economic agents to hold foreign currency deposit. Economic managers must, therefore, mainstream credible monetary and fiscal policies to moderate the effect of financial innovation on currency substitution.  相似文献   

Asian currencies lack regional policy coordination and are therefore subject to volatilities such as the Asian currency crisis of 1997/99. As the Asian currencies have already been observed to be ‘flying-in-unison’, a stable exchange rate arrangement can be helpful as the next step of evolution for regional financial stability. We consider that creating a cluster effect from coordinated efforts/policies of policy-makers can lead to regional exchange rate stability. To demonstrate this cluster effect, a three-party-game is computed for an Asian bloc, viz-á-viz US dollar and the Euro, based on a Nash and a cooperative equilibrium. The cluster effect would generate external and internal pressures that work towards the formation of a regional currency, although the exact form of exchange rate regime would have to await political consensus. There are substantial welfare gains within Asia network economy through currency cooperation. The formation of an Asian currency bloc would also create counter-balance to the current dominance of the US dollar and the Euro. Like the epic story of Three Kingdoms who sought hegemony in Chinese history, the Asian currency bloc will contend with many possible outcomes of competition as well as cooperation.  相似文献   

李婧 《亚太经济》2008,(6):29-33
2006年以来,美元对国际主要货币的大幅贬值导致全球金融市场动荡,国际短期资本大量流向中国,威胁中国的金融安全,使中国有步骤推进人民币资本账户可兑换、促进跨境资金双向流动的计划受到挑战。中国需要继续完善市场经济体制,按照市场化原则稳步推进资本账户开放;采取盯住货币汇率制度、完善外汇市场等手段,促进人民币汇率的稳定和灵活;提升人民币的国际影响力,增强中国经济抵抗外部冲击的能力。  相似文献   

China has emerged as a major power in the world economy, so it seems natural to consider whether its currency will also have a major role. At present the renminbi is not used internationally. We look at the factors that contribute to the international use of currencies, and focus on the aspects of China's financial system that would have to change before the renminbi emerged as an important regional or world currency. Even with significant reforms, two questions would remain: whether the authorities would want to encourage its international use, and whether an economy with substantial party control could gain international acceptance for its currency.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the creation of a common currency for the industrialized democracies, notably the United States, the European Union, and Japan. A common currency implies a common monetary policy; institutional arrangements for which are discussed. The rationale rests on the assumption that asymmetrical financial shocks will become more important than asymmetrical real shocks for these large, diversified economies, and that one of the growing sources of financial shocks will be changing expectations about exchange rate movements among national currencies. These financial shocks will in turn disturb real economies, such that flexible exchange rates among major currencies will increasingly become sources of shock more than shock absorbers. Such a common currency would also make it much easier for emerging markets to frame their monetary and exchange rate policies.  相似文献   

2008年下半年开始,冰岛的经济形势急转直下,甚至濒临"国家破产"。冰岛的货币体制是导致冰岛危机的重要原因。冰岛克朗是全世界可自由兑换、汇率自由浮动的流通量最小的货币。当金融危机出现的时候,冰岛克朗会受到最大的冲击,货币不稳定又会进一步放大金融危机的作用。这说明小国开放经济体的货币存在国际脆弱性。东亚各经济体货币同样面临国际脆弱性问题,其根源是东亚发展模式的脆弱性。为了防范货币国际脆弱性引起经济危机,东亚应该加强区域金融合作,其现实路径是建立各经济体汇率的分层次协调机制。  相似文献   

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