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Scale Externalities in Korea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper estimates the nature and magnitude of scale externalities in a developing country, Korea, in the period 1983–1993. This is a period of rapid industry deconcentration from Seoul to other metro areas, providing a context where externalities are measured when local scale magnitudes are changing dramatically. The data allow us to examine the emerging degree of national industrial concentration in different industries, as related to their scale externality magnitudes. We also examine whether individual industries agglomerate in cities which have a comparative advantage for that industry.  相似文献   

This paper sets out to examine the unique industrial relations systems of East Asian developing countries with special reference to Korea. Following the presentation of a framework of analysis, there is an assessment of environmental conditions, the strategy of the main actors and the changes to them arising from the progress of industrialization. Trade union organizations and collective bargaining in Korea are then examined. This involves special reference to an account of major differences between the Korean system and that of Japan. Outcomes of industrial relations and their recent changes are next discussed. Finally, the analysis is concluded with a review of prospects for the future.  相似文献   

中国人民银行宣布从2005年7月21日起美元对人民币交易价格调整为1美元兑换8.11元人民币,升值2.1%。文中对人民币升值的背景作了探讨,对人民币升值给韩国企业对华出口的影响进行了分析,同时提出了人民币再次升值的可能性和对韩国企业的对华出口所可能带来的更深远的影响,从而提出韩国企业应该采取的对策措施。  相似文献   

邹瑞霞 《东方企业家》2008,(6):I0044-I0045
在天津,就算不会中文,韩国人也可以生活得相对惬意。因为这里有韩国人开的烧烤店、美容美发院、服装店、超市,打开电视可以看天津卫视的阿里郎;如果生病,可以选择天津市政府专门给韩国人开设的定点医院,这里的医生护士多少都会说韩语;不愿租房子的人甚至可以在天津购置房产……  相似文献   

解读韩国企业文化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩国公众文化的特征 韩国各大企业的企业文化共性鲜明,并具备以下三方面的重要特征. 一、深受儒家文化的影响 从文化哲学基础来看,韩国企业文化的产生和发展深受中国儒家文化的影响.可以说,韩国企业文化是在接受中国儒家文化的基础上,兼容了西方发达国家现代企业管理理论而树立起来的独具特色的企业文化.儒家文化对韩国企业文化的影响,可简单概括成下表:  相似文献   

文章介绍了韩国自2009年1月1日开始实行的新认证体系KC(Korea Certification)认证,包括认证产品范围,认证程序、申请认证所需要的文件、检测机构、工厂审查、认证标志及该认证所带来的影响等内容。  相似文献   

This study is an attempt to construct and test a distress classification model for Korean companies. Utilizing a sample of 34 distressed firms from the recent 1990-1993 period and a matched (by industry and year) sample of non-failed firms, we observe the classification accuracy of two models. Both models utilize measures of firm size, asset turnover, solvency and leverage with one model available for testing only on publicly traded companies and one model applicable to all public and private entities. We observe excellent classification accuracy based on data from the first two years prior to distress. And, although the accuracy drops off after t -2, the models still provide effective early warnings of distress in many cases. The results of this study are of particular relevance in the current financial market scenario of increased deregulation and greater individual financial institution decision making. It is somewhat ironic for us to be proposing the use of a financial distress early-warning model given the current robust economic growth and low bankruptcy rate in Korea. But, the financial problems in Japan are a sobering reminder that high growth can be followed by financial excesses, increased business failures and large loan losses.  相似文献   

郭石磊 《价值工程》2011,30(36):267-267
中秋节不仅在中国,在韩国也是一个重要的传统节日。韩国的中秋节文化和中国既有相似之处又有不同之点。中秋节时富有传统色彩的祭祀活动,传统食物,民俗游戏都充分展现了韩国悠久灿烂的历史文化。  相似文献   

韩国企业的国际化战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界经济一体化的深化,跨国公司纷纷加快国际化进程.韩国企业因特殊的宏观、微观环境,尤其重视国际化战略,并已在世界范围内取得了广泛的成功.详细分析韩国公司选择国际化战略的原因,并探讨它们实施国际化战略的具体策略.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to clarify whether the entry into self-employment was an inevitable move due to economic recession (push hypothesis) or a voluntary move due to entrepreneurship (pull hypothesis) in Korea. It also examines how this decision is affected by changes in socio-economic conditions. The empirical analysis in this study exploited the matched sample for the adjacent months in the Economically Active Population Survey (EAPS) conducted by Korea National Statistical Office in 2000–2004. The empirical results showed that the push aspect of self-employment was strong in Korea over the whole sampled periods. The entry into self-employment in South Korea is largely attributable to economic sluggishness and an increase in unemployment rather than a voluntary transition resulting from entrepreneurship. Policy environment (such as providing information and financial support for new start-ups after the Asian financial crisis), which is a country-specific factor magnified the pushed effects. For the pushed (unprepared) self-employed people, not only is there a need to expand the coverage of vocational training programmes, but also it is vital that social safety nets are strengthened and supplemented.  相似文献   

As the world factory strives to climb the global value chain and China's domestic consumer market becomes growingly sophisticated,efficient movement of goods along the supply chains is now critical for every business success as well as China's overall competitiveness.Demand for modern logistics services is growing at stellar pace.  相似文献   

近年来,韩国政府采取多种措施保障中低收入和低收入家庭的基本住房需求,取得了一定成效。本文在综述韩国保障性住房政策的基础上,着重从供给体系和供给管理方面,讨论2008年金融危机后出台的安居住房政策。研究发现,韩国政府在保障性住房供给方面,采用多种供给模式,实行预申请制度,专设机构统筹管理,使保障性住房建设取得良好效果。其经验具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This paper constructs a quantitative lifecycle model with uninsurable labor income and housing return risk to investigate how Korean households make saving and portfolio decisions. The model not only incorporates the special roles housing plays in the portfolio of households: collateral, a source of service flows, as well as a source of potential capital gains or losses, but also adds to existing models of wealth accumulation some unique institutional features present in Korea, namely the rental system (‘chonsae’) and the lack of a mortgage system. When the model is calibrated to match the Korean economy, several key features of the data are better able to be reproduced. The paper also analyzes the role of institutional features by comparing several alternative housing market arrangements to assess their impact on wealth accumulation, portfolio choices, and homeownership. A 10 percentage points reduction in down-payment requirement is associated with approximately 1 percentage point increase in the aggregate homeownership ratio in Korea. Lower down-payment also increases the fraction of aggregate wealth held in housing assets but lowers aggregate net worth with mixed demographic implications.  相似文献   

This paper examines market concentration and competition in the Korean commercial banking market for the period of 1992–2004. While market concentration decreased due to financial regulation before the Asian financial crisis, the Korean banking industry has become increasingly concentrated in the process of restructuring and consolidation since the crisis. Contrary to a growing concern over market power in Korean banking, this study finds that increased concentration has not lessened competition. The H statistic of the Panzar–Rosse model indicates that the Korean commercial banking market was monopolistically competitive during the pre-crisis period and the post-crisis period with temporary deviation to the level of perfect competition during the crisis period.  相似文献   

韩国电视剧《大长今》在世界各地播出后可谓空前火爆。如在中国12个中心城市的平均收视率达到2.44%,收视份额突破10%,在全国同时段的节目中雄居第一。中国许多地方还掀起了韩国料理热,学做韩国菜成为一种时尚,甚至有旅行团带游客到韩国去体验宫女生活。  相似文献   

韩国是经济是怎样摆脱金融危机的   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1997年7月爆发的亚洲金融危机.至今已有三年多了.在这期间,有关国家采取了一系列经济和金融整改措施,对缓解危机起到了积极作用.其中特别引人注目的是韩国,通过一系列的改革,经济迅速恢复,成为"东亚地区遭受金融危机的国家中第一个摆脱危机的国家(国际货币基金组织负责人语)".1999年韩国GDP增长速度达到10.7%,外汇储备由危机时的39亿美元增至697亿美元.利率、物价、汇率保持稳定,国际信用不断提高.2000年经济增长率同比高达10%.韩国经济之所以能够在较短的时间内从危机的"重灾区"脱颖而出,很大程度上归功于政府采取的一系列标本兼治的措施.  相似文献   

中韩海运物流合作的新探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
受韩国海洋水产部和韩国海洋研究院的委托,上海扬子江物流管理咨询有限公司就充分利用韩国釜山新港、光阳港的保税物流园区和保税加工区来推进中韩海运物流合作这一专题进行了半年的调研并得出了有价值的结论。1发展中韩海运物流合作的良好宏观背景众所周知,日本、韩国、中国自  相似文献   

The research reported in this article evaluates the extent to which the theoretical constructs established as determinants of behavioral commitment in the U.S. have cross-cultural validity in South Korea. A causal model developed and validated in the U.S. is estimated among automobile workers in Korea and the results indicate 18 prominent determinants: job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job search, met expectations, legitimacy, transfer costs, positive and negative affectivity, opportunity, role conflict and ambiguity, spouse and supervisor support, routinization, autonomy, job hazards, involvement, and distributive justice. These are fundamental explanatory constructs that have long been affirmed in the U.S., and, as such, this study suggests evidence to support their cross-cultural validity. In spite of several Korean cultural characteristics that are relevant to employee behavioral commitment, the theoretical constructs explaining behavioral commitment are generally the same between the U.S. and Korea. The findings are interpreted with discussions of the implications.  相似文献   

中国与韩国的经济合作在近十几年里面取得了快速的发展。韩国与中国建立外交关系比较晚,一直到1992年两国才建立正常的外交关系,但建交12年来,中韩两国的双边贸易的年增长率高达27%,2005年中韩贸易额将超过一千亿美元。中国已经成为韩国最大的贸易国,韩国也已经成为中国第三位的投资国,双方经济合作的发展速度在世界上是罕见的。随着双边贸易和投资的发展,中韩两国产业链发展日趋紧密,韩国的制造业和中国东北、华北、华东地区的制造业互相渗透,紧密结合。韩国的著名企业在中国的制造业务和销售业务发展十分快速,三星在中国的销售额在2004年…  相似文献   

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