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Despite its worldwide success, the innovation systems approach is often criticised for being theoretically underdeveloped. This paper aims to contribute to the conceptual and methodological basis of the (technological) innovation systems approach. We propose an alteration that improves the analysis of dynamics, especially with respect to emerging innovation systems. We do this by expanding on the technological innovation systems and system functions literature, and by employing the method of ‘event history analysis’. By mapping events, the interactions between system functions and their development over time can be analysed. Based on this it becomes possible to identify forms of positive feedback, i.e. cumulative causation. As an illustration of the approach, we assess the biofuels innovation system in The Netherlands as it evolved from 1990 to 2007.  相似文献   

There is little doubt that technology has had the most profound effect on altering the tasks that we humans do in our jobs. Economists have long speculated on how technical change affects both the absolute demand for labour as a whole and the relative demands for different types of labour. In recent years, the idea of skill‐biased technical change has become the consensus view about the current impact of technology on labour demand, namely that technical change leads to an increase in the demand for skilled relative to unskilled labour painting a bleak future for the employment prospects of less‐skilled workers. But, drawing on a recent paper by Autor, Levy and Murnane (2003) about the impact of technology on the demand for different types of skills, this paper argues that the demand in the least‐skilled jobs may be growing. But, it is argued that employment of the less‐skilled is increasingly dependent on physical proximity to the more‐skilled and may also be vulnerable in the long‐run to further technological developments.  相似文献   

杨思群  申旻彦 《金融评论》2012,(3):55-65,124,125
货币需求是被理论界和政策制定者长期关注的重要理论和实践问题,是货币政策决策的一个重要参考变量。货币需求的长期均衡和短期均衡关系反映了收入水平、利率、消费价格水平以及资产价格水平和货币需求之间的重要关系。这些关系也是确定货币政策时所需要考虑的重要内容。本文对中国的长期货币需求和短期货币需求1985~2010年年度数据进行了协整和误差修正模型分析。结果发现:资产价格(房地产价格水平)对货币数量在长期和短期都有着十分重要的影响;利率水平在长期仍是货币需求的重要影响因素;消费价格的长期货币需求弹性较低,短期和货币需求没有关系;当货币数量失衡时,向长期均衡进行调整的速度很慢。由此,中国的货币政策在中介指标、操作指标以及货币政策工具等方面都需要做出适当的调整。  相似文献   

在中国股票市场从传统的计划经济体制向现代市场经济体制的转变过程中 ,制度短缺成为一种普遍现象。在其制度变迁中 ,政府是中国股票市场制度供给的主体 ,而股票市场市场化和国际化则是制度需求的动力。分析中国股票市场的制度供给与创新 ,有助于我们探寻一种适合中国股票市场健康成长的强制性的制度变迁模型  相似文献   

中国寿险需求影响因素的检验   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文运用面板数据分析方法.从宏观角度实证分析了1997~2003年中国内地30个省(市)寿险需求的影响因素,探讨了经济发展、教育水平、居民储蓄存款、人均可支配收入、竞争程度因素对寿险保费收入的影响。实证检验发现,以上因素对一个地区的寿险需求均有显著的正向影响。我国各地区寿险市场的发展是“经济推动型”,寿险市场发展不平衡的根本原因在于经济发展不平衡。  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence in favour of greater generality in the demographic demand literature. We propose two demographic demand procedures. One extends the Gorman model by allowing non additive interaction between overheads and Barten scaling. The other extends Price Scaling, by allowing the equivalence scale to vary with utility, and offers a test of Equivalence Scale Exactness (ESE). The rejection of ESE is robust to the assumed demand functional forms (RNLPS, QAIDS), to items chosen, and the estimation method (MLE, GMM). The results show that published cell averages yield well determined estimates of the demographic generalisation parameters.This paper was written during my visit to the UBC in Vancouver, Canada in 1992/93. I am grateful to two anonymous referees for their helpful remarks on an earlier version. The disclaimer applies.  相似文献   

《Research in Economics》2022,76(4):277-289
Does adopting social distancing policies amid a health crisis, e.g., COVID-19, hurt economies? Using a machine learning approach at the intermediate stage, we applied a generalized synthetic control method to answer this question. We utilize state policy response differences. Cross-validation, a machine learning approach, is used to produce the “counterfactual” for adopting states—how they “would have behaved” without lockdown orders. We categorize states with social distancing as the treatment group and those without as the control. We employ the state time-period for fixed effects, adjusting for selection bias and endogeneity. We find significant and intuitively explicable impacts on some states, such as West Virginia, but none at the aggregate level, suggesting that social distancing may not affect the entire economy. Our work implies a resilience index utilizing the magnitude and significance of the social distancing measures to rank the states' resilience. These findings help governments and businesses better prepare for shocks.  相似文献   

我国货币需求的协整分析及其货币政策建议   总被引:55,自引:1,他引:55  
王少平  李子奈 《经济研究》2004,39(7):9-17,114
本文运用协整以及弱外生和短期因果关系检验 ,对我国货币需求的长期稳定性进行实证 ,由此而产生的主要结论为 :我国货币需求的长期稳定性 (协整 )依赖于时间趋势 ,货币政策目标变量为M1,实际货币政策效应主要体现在促进经济增长。我国货币需求和利率是关于协整向量的弱外生变量。基于上述结论所提出的政策建议为 :当前的货币政策重点应转向于防范通胀  相似文献   

国外居民旅游需求对中国入境旅游贸易增长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈福义  生延超 《现代财经》2007,27(1):77-80,F0003
中国入境旅游的快速发展除了国内丰富的旅游资源外,还得益于世界各国来华旅游消费倾向的提高,而旅游消费倾向则主要是各国人均收入增长的结果。鉴于各国人均收入的变化,应对中国入境旅游贸易增长的影响进行实证研究,以期为拓展中国入境旅游贸易提供发展思路。  相似文献   

本文运用结构向量自回归模型,将海湾六国产出的同步波动性和遭受冲击的对称性联系起来。研究发现,1977-2006年间海湾六国遭受需求冲击的对称程度要高于供给冲击,对称性的需求冲击对维持六国经济周期的同步性既显著又重要,而供给冲击的对称性对维持六国经济周期的同步性几乎没有作用;另外,本文没有发现供给和需求冲击的对称性对经济周期的同步波动有滞后影响。本文实证研究的结果对于海湾六国未来单一货币的汇率制度选择具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

The present paper proposes a new method for the measurement of sectoral interdependencies. It is shown that the elements of the eigenvector corresponding to the dominant eigenvalue of a matrix may be used for measuring interindustry linkages. In an empirical study, the eigenvector method is compared with the two methods that are usually applied. Linkage indicators and key sectors are determined for the Netherlands for the entire post-war period 1948–1984. The results show that the eigenvector method provides a better measurement of the interindustry linkages, that it is useful in detecting clusters of sectors, and that it is sensitive to changes in the structure of the economy.  相似文献   

试论需求层次理论在中国行政管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
激励是人力资源管理的核心问题,它对于充分调动组织成员工作的积极性、创造性,吸引和留住人才以及提高个人和组织绩效都具有决定性的意义。在中国政府行政管理中运用马斯洛的需要层次理论,结合行政管理的具体特点,完善公务员绩效考核和有效激励体系,是提高公务员工作的积极性、创造性,提高行政效率的科学选择。  相似文献   

孙文杰 《经济研究》2012,(5):120-131
理解现阶段我国经济系统中劳动报酬的形成机理和产生效率,对于中国顺利实现产业结构转型,避免落入"中等收入陷阱",具有极其重要的意义。本文利用非竞争型投入产出模型,重点从需求结构和技术效率两个视角深入分析了开放背景下1987—2007年中国劳动报酬份额的演变趋势及其背后动因。研究发现,最终需求变动和技术效率变化对我国1987—2007年劳动报酬份额的演变具有非常显著的影响,最终需求结构、以需求衡量的产业结构、最终需求进口替代、劳动回报率、进口中间投入和投入产出效率对1987—2007年劳动报酬份额下降的贡献率分别为11%、14%、2%、38%、2%和33%。进一步研究发现,1997年之后,国内消费、投资和出口对我国劳动报酬的拉动系数呈大幅下降趋势,且拉动重心逐渐由国内居民消费转向投资和出口,这在很大程度上导致了1997年之后劳动报酬份额的显著下降。此外,包括劳动回报率、进口中间投入和投入产出效率在内的技术效率变化也是引起劳动报酬份额下降的重要原因。  相似文献   

This paper aims at empirically estimating the demand effects of changes in functional income distribution for Austria. Based on a Post-Kaleckian macro model, this paper estimates the effects of a change in the wage share on the main demand aggregates. The results for the behavioral functions for consumption, investment, prices, exports and imports are compared with the specifications of the WIFO macro model and the IHS macro model. A reduction in the wage share has a restrictive effect on domestic demand as consumption decreases more strongly than investment increases. Because of the strong effects on net exports the overall effects of a decrease in the wage share are expansionary. However the latter effect operates only as far as the fall in the wage share increases competitiveness. As wage shares were also falling in Austria’s main trading partners, the effect seems to have been neutralized.
Stefan EdererEmail:

本文构建了一个产品从低端到高端分布的Hotelling模型,以探讨我国低端下游企业进行跨国垂直并购的时机选择和决定因素。研究表明,垂直并购国外高端上游企业能实现扩大市场份额、提升产品定位的双重效能。海外市场需求环境对低端下游企业拓展战略起关键性作用。在正常需求条件下,与直接出口及先并购国内上游企业再出口两种模式相比,跨国垂直并购并非最优选择。在遭受负向需求冲击时,国外上游企业生产成本的大幅上升以及国外下游竞争对手品牌价值的下降给跨国垂直并购带来了契机,此时在技术密集度较高的上游产业进行跨国垂直并购成为国内低端下游企业的最优选择。如果并购能实现足够大的品牌价值效应,还会改善被并购企业所在国的社会福利水平。  相似文献   

本文在理论诠释地方政府支出对农村居民消费需求的传导机制下,通过建立地方政府支出与农村居民消费支出之间的个体固定效应变截距模型,运用我国31个省(市、自治区)1998~2007年的经验数据进行实证检验.结果表明:地方政府财政支农支出对农村居民消费具有显著的挤入效应,而转移性支出与农村居民消费的相关程度并不明显.  相似文献   

Athlete Endorsement Contracts: The Impact of Conventional Stars   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Despite a continuing increase in the dollar value of athlete endorsement contracts and the prominence of athlete endorsements as a marketing tool, the value of endorsement contracts has gone largely unexamined. Employing event study analysis, this paper assesses the effects of endorsement contract announcements on changes in the share price of firms. In contrast to previous studies which focus on a single megastar athlete or sporting event and find significant positive returns to the firm, this study evaluates 148 endorsement announcements for conventional athletic stars in various sports and finds that the average endorsement contract has an insignificant impact on the market value of the firm. Also, there is no support of the product–endorser match-up hypotheses but endorsements by golfers do exhibit significant abnormal returns.   相似文献   

基于最终需求视角分析中国经济增长的动力来源,可以为中国经济发展模式转变提供新的思路。本文利用国家统计局的投入产出数据,使用非竞争型投入产出模型,对1987—2007年间中国经济增长的动因进行了系统分析。结果表明:(1)包括消费、投资及出口在内的最终需求对于我国经济的拉动效果呈现下降趋势,当前经济的生产诱发效果重心主要在工业部门,且迅速地从轻工业向重工业转移;(2)1987—2007年间中国经济的依存结构发生了本质变化,经历了从"内需依存型"向"出口导向型"转变;(3)中国经济增长主要来源于最终需求的拉动,但动力来源结构在此期间发生了根本性的变化。最后,本文结合实证分析结果对中国经济发展方式转变提供了相关建议。  相似文献   

刘刊 《技术经济》2020,39(6):80-88,98
享平台与传统平台的经济模式不同,具有典型的P2P双边市场特征,探索用户异质性对情感认知的影响,能够在大数据背景下快速、全面地识别和预测共享平台双边市场用户的情感认知差异,对共享平台营销模式的设计及产品定价决策具有重要意义。本文结合心理学中的大五人格理论和管理学研究方法,聚焦于共享出行平台,以服务质量为中介变量、使用需求为调节变量,使用AMOS24构建结构方程模型进行分析,以考察用户异质性对共享平台的情感认知差异。研究结果表明,人格异质性是导致用户对共享出行平台情感认知差异的重要原因,共享出行平台企业可以通过识别用户人格特质差异进行市场细分,在提高服务质量的同时增加用户的使用频率,以提高运营效率。  相似文献   

Objective: This article aims to calculate the impact of orphan drugs on the Belgian drug budget in 2008 and to forecast its impact over the following 5 years.

Method: The 2008 budget impact was calculated by triangulating information derived from multiple Belgian data sources. The 2008–2013 budget impact analysis was based on three scenarios reflecting different levels of growth in the number of registered orphan drugs in the European Union, the number of drugs reimbursed in Belgium, and the average annual cost per patient per drug in Belgium.

Results: The orphan drug budget impact amounted to €66.2 million (or 5% of the Belgian hospital drug budget) in 2008. The impact would increase to €130–204 million in 2013, depending on the scenario.

Conclusions: This static analysis measured orphan drug costs only, assuming that other components of health expenditure do not change over time. The analysis showed that the budget impact of orphan drugs in Belgium is substantial and rising, thereby putting pressure on total drug expenditure. Policy options to address the rising budget impact include pricing linked to return on investment, risk-sharing arrangements and re-appraisal of orphan drug status if additional indications are approved.  相似文献   

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