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为完善外债、建立健全境外债权的统计监测与管理,防范外债支付风险.规范贸易项下资金跨境流动,促进国际收支平衡,2008年7月14日以来,国家外汇管理局先后对企业货物贸易项下外债及境外债权实行登记管理,并辅之推行了贸易信贷登记管理系统.为了解政策执行情况.国家外汇管理局湖南省分局对辖区内外汇指定银行、外贸企业进行了贸易信贷抽样调查.  相似文献   

付文杰  鲁荣 《中国外汇》2013,(15):66-67
在现行的贸易信贷统计制度下,区域进出口货物流与资金流出现偏离,两者差额与实际贸易信贷规模不相匹配,不能反映出贸易信贷对货物流与资金流偏离程度的影响。从企业个案来看,贸易信贷统计制度存在的贸易信贷数据统计口径差异及贸易融资数据获取可得性低、准确性不高,是导致上述情况的主要原因,亟需完善。  相似文献   

商业银行贸易融资业务的快速发展引发了国际收支统计申报中的诸多问题,本文从申报制度、业务操作、数据核查、统计监测等各角度具体阐述了贸易融资对国际收支统计申报的影响,并提出了相关对策建议。  相似文献   

在现行的贸易信贷统计制度下,区域进出口货物流与资金流出现偏离,两者差额与实际贸易信贷规模不相匹配,不能反映出贸易信贷对货物流与资金流偏离程度的影响。从企业个案来看,贸易信贷统计制度存在的贸易信贷数据统计口径差异及贸易融资数据获取可得性低、准确性不高,是导致上述情况的主要原因。亟需完善。  相似文献   

关于完善贸易信贷统计的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所谓贸易信贷,按国际货币基金组织制定的国际收支统计概念框架中的规定:由货物、服务交易的供货商向买方直接提供信贷而产生的资产和负债,即由于涉及货物和服务的资金支付时间与货物所有权转移、服务发生时间的不同而形成的债权和债务.  相似文献   

如何有效利用贸易信贷促进对外贸易的发展,同时又防范跨境收支交易风险、将贸易信贷控制在合理的规模内、防止贸易信贷冲击国际收支平衡,一直是国际性难题.国家外汇管理局(以下简称外汇局)经过多年的研究和充分论证,决定实行贸易信贷登记管理制度,其核心是对贸易信贷项下对外债权债务实行登记管理、余额调节、  相似文献   

胡红 《中国外汇》2006,(7):42-43
随着我国对外贸易快速发展,我国对外贸易经营者海外应收账款规模与质量引起社会舆论较大关注。实际上,国际收支统计中,资本和金融项下专设“贸易信贷”项目,用于衡量一国贸易收付款规模和能力。贸易信贷由资产和负债构成。其中,贸易信贷资产包括出口应收款和进口预付款,是居民向非居民提供的直接商业信用;贸易信贷负债包括进口应付款和出口预收款,是非居民向居民提供的直接商业信用。  相似文献   

近年来,以预收货款和延期付汇为主要形式的贸易信贷负债增长迅猛.贸易信贷快速增长,是关联方交易、外债管理政策及人民币升值等多因素共同作用的结果,其对国际收支平衡产生的潜在影响值得关注.  相似文献   

记者:国际收支统计申报制度是何时实行的,它有什么意义? 负责人:国际收支统计申报制度是从1996年1月1日起开始实行.1995年8月,经国务院批准,中国人民银行以行长令的形式公布了<国际收支统计申报办法>.该制度对推动外汇管理体制改革,健全和完善我国宏观经济监测体系具有十分重要的意义.国际收支统计申报制度强调了进行国际收支申报是涉外交易主体应尽的义务,明确规定凡是通过我国境内银行办理涉外收付款的行为,都必须进行国际收支申报.  相似文献   

陈昌焕 《中国外汇》2006,(11):71-71
国家外汇管理局通过两年来的贸易信贷调查,为准确编制国际投资投寸表和国际收支平衡表提供了信息数据支撑。近期,荆州市中心支局对辖内34家贸易信贷调查样本企业两年来的数据质量情况进行了调研分析,认为,现行的贸易信贷调查在手段、方法、管理等方面还存在一定的缺陷,在一定程度上影响到贸易信贷调查数据的真实性、完整性,降低了贸易信贷调查数据质量。针对这一情况,我们试图从改进方法、强化手段、完善制度着手,对提高贸易信贷调查数据质量进行了一些探索与思考,初步归纳出了影响数据质量的以下因素:一是企业对贸易信贷概念认识不清,将贸易信贷与银行贷款混淆,  相似文献   

This paper investigates how the supplier's bargaining power affects trade credit supply. We use a novel firm-level database of Chinese firms with unique information on the amount, terms, and payment history of trade credit extended to customers and detailed information on product market structure and clients-supplier relationships. We document that suppliers with weak bargaining power towards their customers are more likely to extend trade credit, have a larger share of goods sold on credit, and offer a longer payment period before imposing penalties. Important customers extend the payment period beyond what has been offered by their supplier and generate overdue payments. Furthermore, weak bargaining power suppliers are less likely to offer trade credit when credit-constrained by banks. Our findings suggest that suppliers use trade credit as a competitive device in the product market.  相似文献   

Little attention has been paid to the balance of payments provisionsof the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), despitethe fact that they directly influence the trade policies ofthe developing countries. This article suggests that there isa need to reconsider these provisions in the context of theongoing Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations. Thearticle traces the historical evolution of GATT practices ontrade restrictions for balance of payments purposes. With thegeneral introduction of more flexible exchange rate arrangements,the original rationale for temporary barriers to safeguard acountry's external financial position appears to have lost itsforce. Recent theoretical and empirical work has demonstratedthat neutral or export promoting trade strategies are more effectivefor development than the import substitution frequently advocatedby economists in the 1950s and 1960s. The current debt problemsof developing countries strengthen the argument for a relativelyopen trade and payments regime to attain balance of paymentsviability. The article suggests that stronger internationaldiscipline over trade restrictions for balance of payments purposeswould contribute to and presuppose other necessary improvementsin the multilateral trading system which are already on theagenda of the Uruguay Round.  相似文献   

This study examines the association between government contracts and firms' use of trade credit. Firms with government contracts may demand less trade credit because of their lower operational risk, higher firm performance, stronger capacity to generate internal funds, and better access to other sources of financing. On the other hand, government contractors could receive more trade credit extensions from suppliers. We examine a sample of U.S. listed firms from 2000 to 2016 and find that firms with government contracts have a lower level of trade credit. We also find that government contractors make quicker payments for trade credit contracts than other firms. Moreover, we provide empirical evidence of government contractors' lower levels of operational risk and higher firm performance, which may enable government contractors to generate adequate internal funds for their operations or to obtain other forms of financing at a lower cost and thus lower their demand for trade credit. Incremental to prior research, our study suggests that having government contracts is one of the factors determining trade credit and firms' financing decisions.  相似文献   

This paper extends the invoicing currency literature to the theory of multinational firms. Even with strong tax credit provisions net payments and receipts associated with intra-firm trade usually do not consolidate to zero. The statistical behavior of the resulting transactional value is affected by the decision on the invoicing currency. Thus, a carefully chosen invoicing currency can create foreign exchange exposure which offsets some other risks of the firm. The paper examines how and under what conditions this insight is relevant to a risk-averse multinational enterprise. A preliminary empirical study generates evidence which supports our ideas.  相似文献   

外商直接投资对中国国际收支影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外商直接投资(FDI)可以从多方面对一国的国际收支产生影响,包括对资本和金融账户的直接影响和对经常账户的间接影响。本文结合中国具体情况,利用1982-2009年的相关历史数据,通过建立贡献率指标,分析外商直接投资对国际收支产生的综合影响。结果显示,近年来,由于外商直接投资持续、大量的流入,不仅直接对国际收支产生正面影响,而且带动了出口快速增长,积累了巨额贸易顺差,成为导致国际收支失衡的重要因素之一。同时,撤资、利润汇出等负面效应所带来的国际收支风险也应被密切关注,尤其是在经济环境恶化时期。  相似文献   

2019年人民币对美元即期汇率呈现先升后贬再升的“N”字型走势。中美贸易谈判进展继续主导人民币汇率波动;国际收支保持基本平衡,汇率对国际收支“调节器”作用显现;逆周期调节措施稳定市场预期,人民币境内外价差保持基本稳定。展望2020年,我国国际收支有望继续保持总体稳定、基本平衡的格局,预计中美贸易谈判进展情况将继续主导人民币汇率走势。  相似文献   

In this study the determinants of both domestic and foreign trade credit are investigated. Data were obtained from about 1600 industrial firms in The Netherlands with 100 or more employees and covering the period 1957–1971. The main findings are as follows. In the first place, (net) trade credit turns out to be a structural source of funds for the weaker firms in the simple. Secondly, these weaker firms receive more (net) trade credit when monetary policy is tightened (this could be an argument for the authorities to pursue a general monetary policy). Finally, it appears that it is especially the buyer (debtor) who may ‘lead’ or ‘lag’ international payments in the short run.  相似文献   

国际收支结构研究:基于人民币国际化视角的分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
跨境贸易人民币结算试点标志着人民币国际化已经进入了一个新的阶段。人民币国际化是一个由初级到高级逐步发展的渐进过程。人民币国际化的不同阶段需要不同的条件。本文主要探讨了人民币国际化不同阶段所要求的国际收支结构特征,在此基础上,结合我国当前的国际收支结构状况,对国际收支政策及人民币国际化战略提出建议。  相似文献   

This study investigates the trade credit channel of monetary policy transmission in Turkey by using a large panel of corporate firms and includes detailed information on balance sheets and income statements of firms that regularly reported to the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey during the period 1996-2008. The study suggests that the composition of external finance differs considerably across firm types based on size and export performance under tight and loose financial conditions. Small and medium-size manufacturing firms and firms with a low export share are less likely to have access to bank finance, especially in tight periods. In addition, financially constrained firms with limited access to bank finance (small, low-export-share firms) tend to substitute trade credits for bank loans more aggressively in tight periods as monetary policy tightens. The large volume of trade credit on firms' balance sheets and its positive response to contractionary monetary shocks imply that the trade credit channel might subdue the traditional credit channel of monetary transmission.  相似文献   

This paper provides a detailed empirical study on the use of advance payments by firms. It establishes that some trade credit theories can also be applied to prepayment. The results, obtained from a large panel dataset, suggest that a series of factors affect prepayments. First, financially stronger customers finance the production of their financially weaker suppliers. Second, advance payments also occur as a response to transaction risk in both domestic and international transactions. Finally, besides financial and warranty reasons, the trading partners' relative bargaining power influences payment terms as well.  相似文献   

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