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针对如何研究中国经济思想史,当前我国知识界一直有不同的观点.但"范式规定"的研究方法已为公认.从理论与操作角度分析、探讨研究中国经济思想史的指导思想、研究体系和方法体系,有利揭示当前中国经济思想史学科研究的新特征.  相似文献   

胡寄窗中国经济思想史研究的学术思想   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
程霖  刘甲朋 《财经研究》2003,29(10):67-72
胡寄窗教授是中国经济思想史学科一位主要的开拓者和创始人。他在对中国经济思想史进行系统梳理研究的过程中,探索出了一整套中国经济思想史研究的科学方法,提出了一系列关于中国古、近代经济思想发展演变的独创见解。  相似文献   

赵靖先生(1922-2007)是我国著名经济学家,中国经济思想史学科的主要开拓者和奠基人之一。他在半个多世纪的学术生涯中,不仅系统总结了中国四千年经济思想的发展演变历程,提出了中国经济思想史学科特有的研究模式,而且还开拓了中国经济管理思想史、中国人口思想史等分支学科的研究,为中国经济思想史的创建和发展做出了卓越的贡献。从学术史的角度来看,系统总结赵靖先生的学术贡献是十分必要的。  相似文献   

梁启超是中国近代最早较为系统地研究中国古代经济思想的人。他的相关论著以西方经济理论为参照,为中国经济思想史学科的建立创造了条件。他的研究存在着观点跳跃和逻辑矛盾的现象,这种现象在此后中国经济思想的发展过程中仍然延续。文章在方法论的层面,从传统文化的角度对此进行了新的解析。  相似文献   

中国经济思想史学会第十四届年会于2010年8月9日至13日在武汉中南财经政法大学召开。本届年会由中国经济思想史学会主办,中南财经政法大学经济学院承办,来自北京大学、中国社会科学院、上海财经大学、复旦大学、武汉大学、上海社会科学院等全国  相似文献   

杨全山 《财经问题研究》2003,(11):F003-F003
中国货币思想史的研究在20世纪取得许多重大成果,1986年和1987年,叶世昌教授的<中国货币理论史>(上册)和萧清教授的<中国古代货币思想史>出版.  相似文献   

The international community of historians of economic thought is not essentially divided between ‘absolutists’ and ‘relativists’, or between ‘continuists’ and 'discontinuists Rather it is the specific content of the métier d'historien which makes the difference. This paper aims at highlighting and systematizing the features characterizing the work of innovative historians. Some of these features are represented by analyses concerning:

1 the intersections between pre-theoretical categories;

2 enunciative homogeneities/heterogeneities;

3 the formation and decomposition of social knowledge;

4 schools of thought

These different research practices are then unified under the common label of ‘uckronies’ (possible albeit non-arbitrary histories). Lastly, some implications of this interpretation are examined. One of them is particularly important: i. e. the irreducible ambiguity of the historian of economic thought vis-à-vis the economist. On the one hand, the former may hermeneutically discover new and valuable ideas from an intellectual viewpoint, but, on the other hand, the ways in which these ideas can enrich economic theory are absolutely uncertain. This ambivalence, together with the ‘scandalous’ trans-disciplinarity of the concepts and instruments employed by the historian of economic thought, may explain the diffidence of the economists towards the new tendencies of historiography.  相似文献   

孙歌 《开放时代》2010,(11):35-63
与通常的使用理论表述结构设想并完成体系性论述的方式不同,沟口是用具体的经验研究推进他的结构性思考的。但与一般经验研究局限于一点或者泛泛而论地随自然时间叙述不同,沟口在长时段的历史时间中挑选了若干个关键时刻作为着眼点,并对这些点上的问题进行深入开掘,这些点之间的内在联系构成了他所思考的中国思想史结构,它们相互缠绕、纠结,沟口把这种关系称之为中国历史的“基体”,却基本上不把重点放在对于“基体”的正面论述上。他最下功夫的是深入展开他所开掘的若干问题群,这些问题群透射着中国思想史的关节点,而这些关节点均处在历史剧烈变动的时期,因此可以说,沟口的中国思想史是在研究这些问题群高度变动的脉络及其内在动力。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to provide an insight into the ethics in the works of Christian economists in The Netherlands. The paper starts with a brief review of some key texts by Dutch Christian economists representing faith-based organizations. The next section presents a summary of (Dutch) Christian ethics, distinguishing four approaches: motivation, values, institutions, and instrumentalism. The following section will discuss some recent scholarly texts by Dutch Christian economists. It will be shown that three of the four ethical approaches are represented in these writings. In a comparison of the texts, the faith-based civil society economic thought seems to remain closer to the Christian ethics tradition. The last section will explain this gap by showing how, in faith-based civil society, morality is largely understood as being part and parcel of the economy, whereas in the academic economic literature, morality is largely regarded as belonging to the private sphere.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to provide an insight into the ethics in the works of Christian economists in The Netherlands. The paper starts with a brief review of some key texts by Dutch Christian economists representing faith-based organizations. The next section presents a summary of (Dutch) Christian ethics, distinguishing four approaches: motivation, values, institutions, and instrumentalism. The following section will discuss some recent scholarly texts by Dutch Christian economists. It will be shown that three of the four ethical approaches are represented in these writings. In a comparison of the texts, the faith-based civil society economic thought seems to remain closer to the Christian ethics tradition. The last section will explain this gap by showing how, in faith-based civil society, morality is largely understood as being part and parcel of the economy, whereas in the academic economic literature, morality is largely regarded as belonging to the private sphere.
Irene van StaverenEmail:

经济转型期的产业断层危机   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
产业断层危机不同于一般经济周期,它产生于产业结构升级转换中的结构失衡,表现为中长期的结构错落和增长速度迟缓。根据引发的因素可以分为“康氏周期拐点型”、“泡沫经济引致型”、“货币危机引致型”和“产业升级转换型”等类型,中国目前正处于工业化中期阶段,产业结构正面临着向新兴技术和新兴产业转型阶段,到2005年前后,我国将面临产业结构大规模升级,届时由于现阶段的资源瓶颈、产业回补、出口压力、技术瓶颈、产业虚高度化和尤格拉周期因素,可能会发生较大的产业断层危机。  相似文献   

在当今新课改的氛围中,培养学生的创新能力和创新思维,是历史课的一个重要任务。根据学生的心理发展规律和认识学习规律,对在历史教学中培养学生创新思维能力提出了五点看法:一是设计问题,培养创新思维;二是创设情景,解决问题,激发学生的创新思维;三是利用兴趣,培养学生的创新思维;四是线索是历史知识的骨架。是形成创新能力的关键;五是创新反思是历史知识的升华。  相似文献   

Among the many insightful contributions of Thorstein Veblen and John R. Commons is that habits of thought matter. Habits of thought condition policy and place limits on what is possible. This article tackles five habits of thought that inhibit the process of economic development. These include: (i) the confusion of economic development with economic growth; (ii) the crowding-out hypothesis; (iii) the concept of the steady state economy; (iv) the peak oil hypothesis; and (v) the inevitability of economic progress. None of the discussions in this article are intended to minimize the importance of other very real constraints to the development process. A few of these other constraints are war, racism, sexism, political instability, corruption, and climate change.  相似文献   

The aim of this contribution is to study the notion of the period of production by taking into consideration the time-consuming nature of capital. Long delays between investment expenditures and receipts of profits from capital are indeed a remarkable property of the Austrian theory of capital. The study of the great essays of the neo-Austrian capital theory modeling allows us to postulate that there are at least two large contributing groups depending upon whether the production period is endogenous or exogenous. Our work consists in showing the well-founded methodology of the first current by suggesting a neo-Austrian inerpretation of the non-steady state behavior of the standard macroeconomic model. We show that the origin of economic cycles is the potential conflict between the producer's plan of investment through the period of production and the inter-temporal choices of the consumers.  相似文献   

尉麒珺 《经济研究导刊》2011,(27):249-251,299
“和谐”与“均衡”思想是中国传统文化的精髓,体现在社会文化生活的各个方面,饮食文化自然不例外。中华民族传统食文化,把古老而有效的中医理论体系和人民大众日常生活中日积月累的生活经验相结合,注重膳食中的阴阳、寒热等各方面的平衡,以达到强身健体、延年益寿之功效。这与今天医学和营养科学角度所提倡的膳食平衡是不谋而合的。  相似文献   

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