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本文从系统学、区域经济学和演化经济学视角,探讨了城市低碳竞争力的内涵和形成机制,并以济南市为例进行实证研究。根据系统论,城市低碳竞争力主要来源于两个方面:城市低碳发展相对独立运作产生的低碳竞争力和城市与外部区域之间低碳发展相互作用形成的城市低碳竞争力。根据区域经济学理论,低碳经济生产要素供给的城市差异、集聚低碳经济、低碳经济转移成本、城市动态比较低碳经济优势、低碳需求的城市差异、城市低碳经济结构、城市低碳文化和城市低碳公平是城市低碳竞争力的主要影响因素。根据演化经济学理论,以上任何形成因素的创新均影响城市低碳竞争力。  相似文献   

推进主体功能区建设是贯彻落实科学发展观、促进区域协调发展的重大战略举措。区域利益是客观存在的,良好的区域利益协调机制有利于区域利益的协调和主体功能区建设的顺利推进。河北省主体功能区建设中面临着区域主体不成熟、地方政府理性的有限性、区域主体参与性不强和区际间区域利益关系尚未理顺等问题,需要着力构建一个包括协调目标、协调内容、协调主体、协调程序、协调手段及实现途径等在内的完善的区域利益协调机制,并通过成立专门的协调机构、推进区域治理主体多元化、构建区别对待的政府绩效考核机制与区域利益补偿机制等途径实现区域利益的有效协调。  相似文献   

林建宗 《现代管理科学》2008,(2):102-103,114
协调机制选择取决于组织间的相互依赖、不确定性、相互信任和关系准则等因素。由于技术与商务环境变化的影响,再加上关系存续期间的知识转移、经验积累、绩效改变以及其他意外事件的作用,这些因素是动态变化的。因此,有效的协调机制不是静态,而是动态演化的。  相似文献   

随着当前我国新型城镇化的提出以及区域合作的进一步发展,同城化已经成为我国城市群(带)、城市圈发展的一种特殊形式。同城化是当前区域合作的高级形态。新区域主义兴起的今天,同城化协调机制构建必须从区域主义和公共选择的传统路径中走出来,探索基于信任基础上的网络化治理之路。  相似文献   

本文首先论述了南京城市用地的扩张过程,及其伴随城市快速扩张而来的城市物质和社会空间结构的重组,在此背景下提出了土地利用不经济、社会空间分化、城市文化景观变异等问题,最后根据土地与环境问题以及社会问题的矛盾,对城市如何步入可持续的良性发展轨道的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

智慧城市作为新型城镇化推进的重要抓手,在提升城市信息化水平的同时,也为城市规划与研究提供了多源、实时、精细的要素运行数据。将多源数据引入规划编制工作,可以有力支撑现行静态目标性规划向动态过程性规划发展转型。目前,全国已有多个城市以"一张蓝图"为目标开展了"多规合一"规划编制及信息平台建设工作,其中对多规数据进行冲突检测与协调衔接是其工作重点。在梳理多规间层级关系的基础上,分析现行多规衔接难点与冲突类型,提出基于多源数据的多规冲突协调总体框架与具体操作方法。在此基础上,以张家港"多规合一"规划编制为例展开具体应用实践,在统一城市目标定位与发展规模的基础上,提出了面向"多规合一"的城市空间优化策略,以期为各地"多规合一"规划编制工作提供有益的参考借鉴。  相似文献   

随着旅游业不断发展,新问题新矛盾不断出现,旅游产业利益相关者的利益冲突不断,协调解决的效果一直很不理想,成为影响旅游业发展的重点与难点问题。本文通过对旅游产业核心利益相关者利益冲突的表现形式分析,提出科学的利益协调机制,保证社区居民的正当利益,促进旅游业可持续发展。  相似文献   

文章以银联的ATM网络为基础,提出了一个水平的组织际关系模型,用以审视电子商务环境下水平的组织际关系协调及其参与主体之间的相互影响,从而帮助我们了解影响水平的组织际关系协调的主要因素。组织际关系的协调者(银联)收取的佣金和使用其他成员的私有网络的租金,对组织际关系中成员的投资会产生重要的影响,最终影响了整个网络的收益和组织际关系的协调;水平组织际关系中的成员的规模与佣金、租金的高低有关,并受这两者的综合影响。  相似文献   

随着旅游业不断发展,新问题新矛盾不断出现,旅游产业利益相关者的利益冲突不断,协调解决的效果一直很不理想,成为影响旅游业发展的重点与难点问题。本文通过对旅游产业核心利益相关者利益冲突的表现形式分析,提出科学的利益协调机制,保证社区居民的正当利益,促进旅游业可持续发展。  相似文献   

在分析住宅区用地规模控制根源的基础上,提出了尊重各个利益主体价值取向的用地规模控制思路,并从物业管理的经济性、公建规模的合理性、绿地系统的功能性、居住空间的多样性和城市更新的整体性等方面探讨了住宅区用地最小规模控制的依据.  相似文献   

针对当前都市圈规划实践中存在的问题,尝试将循环经济理论引入到都市圈规划中.在充分论证其可行性和必要性的基础上,提出了都市圈规划中发展循环经济的对策与建议.  相似文献   

生态、人文与园林景观研究--以三亚南山文化旅游区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国传统文化的博大精深与当代生态环境意识的崛起,为三亚南山文化旅游区的生态、人文与园林景观的构建提供了丰富的内涵.从南山地域特色出发,探索生态、文化与园林景观的关系,提出主题旅游景区的规划思路.  相似文献   

This paper provides a case study of the process of de jure harmonization of financial reporting by examining the extent to which in the UK and France the regulations relating to the notes on the accounts (annexe) have been harmonized by the Fourth and Seventh Company Law Directives of the European Union and ‘deharmonized’ by other regulations. It looks at the requirements of the directives in relation to the notes and the reactions in the two countries to those requirements. It examines a number of areas in which implementation of the directives has been different, viz. consolidated financial statements; exemptions and extensions; financial statement formats; accounting policies; true and fair view; and tax. Finally, it explores the problem of readability and understandability and the choice between disclosure in the notes and disclosure elsewhere.  相似文献   

徐坚 《城市问题》2006,(6):21-25
滇西地区具有独特的山地城市形态结构.这种独特的结构要求在山地城市景观体系建构上,体现出整体景观、边缘景观、重点景观的优化组合.通过对滇西地区的景观环境体系、绿化网络等建设实践的分析,为该地区及相似地区的可持续发展提供有益借鉴.  相似文献   

Nonprofit and voluntary sector organisations are taking an increasingly sophisticated approach to their financial management, including their banking requirements. While there have been signs that the mainstream commercial banks have been responding to those needs, recent years have also witnessed a number of initiatives taken by organisations with roots closer to the nonprofit and voluntary sector. One such organisation is Triodos Bank. This paper seeks to explain what Triodos Bank does, paying particular attention to those unusual features of its operations which are likely to be of interest to managers of nonprofit and voluntary sector organisations. It is suggested thatwhatTriodosdoesisbothinterestinginitself and indicative of ways in which social economy financing might develop in the future. Copyright © 2001 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

从景观中心的确定、景观轴线及景观视廊的控制、景观序列的组织、绿地系列规划、高度控制系统、天际线的形成、建筑物的形式与风格设计等7个方面论述了景洪市澜沧江沿江城市风貌规划的原则与策略,探讨了这一区域规划在整个景洪市乃至西双版纳-澜沧江一线的重要地位和作用.  相似文献   

The circular economy (CE) is a more holistic approach that advocates towards extracting the value from the waste and reaching sustainability goals. The objective of the present study is to highlight the prospects, impediments, and prerequisites while transiting from the linear economy (LE) to CE of SMEs. The study gathers information on prospects, impediments, and prerequisites for the transition of LE to a CE from recent studies . A semi-structured interview questionnaire was prepared, and a survey was conducted on representatives of six SMEs . Further, six caselets were developed to understand the prospects, impediments, and prerequisites based on the findings of the interview and previous information gained from existing literature . The major prospects favoring transition from LE to CE found in the study are significance of 3R (reduce and reuse and recycling) approach, CE leads to competitive advantage, recycling attracts consumers in few cases, CE helps in achieving sustainability goals and reuse of materials are significant in resource conservation. There are certain impediments found such as issues associated with awareness, recyclability issues, financial challenges, and weak management vision of SMEs towards CE implementation. Other resource-based impediments were found related to trained employees, lack of experience. Whereas, consumer acceptability is also a major concern towards implementing CE. The findings of the study suggest major prerequisites towards CE implementations such as strong “management will,” innovation, technology up-gradation, training to employees, motivation, and appropriate guidelines. Government pressure to implement CE cannot be an effective step towards the transition of LE to CE.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse the wage-price relationship of an economy in transition characterized by important structural changes. It is known (see Perron, 1989) that structural breaks in stationary time series can induce apparent unit roots. The stationarity analysis of the series employed in the present model is conducted jointly with the assumption that the breakpoint location is unknown. We follow a testing procedure recently proposed by Zivot and Andrews (1992). Cointegration analysis of wages and prices in the presence of structural breaks finds empirical evidence in favour of two cointegrating vectors involving prices and wages. Our analysis focuses on the different structural behaviour of the price-wage dynamic relationship in the short and long term; we also demonstrate the relative importance of import prices as a source of wage-price fluctuations.  相似文献   

构建城市雨洪管理系统的景观规划途径——以威海市为例   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对目前我国城市所面临的洪涝灾害严重和水资源紧缺的状况,提出应整体和多目标地解决这个问题,而非单一目标或工程的方式来解决.运用景观安全格局途径,前瞻性地判别出对控制洪涝灾害关键的局部、点和位置关系,通过保护、管理和规划坑塘、湿地和绿色水道系统来实现城市的洪涝治理,并通过蓄滞和下渗雨水来实现雨水的资源化.另外,通过规划前后定量化的模拟比较,在一定程度上对规划的结果进行检验.  相似文献   

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