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This paper suggests a novel inhomogeneous Markov switching approach for the probabilistic forecasting of industrial companies’ electricity loads, for which the load switches at random times between production and standby regimes. The model that we propose describes the transitions between the regimes using a hidden Markov chain with time-varying transition probabilities that depend on calendar variables. We model the demand during the production regime using an autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) process with seasonal patterns, whereas we use a much simpler model for the standby regime in order to reduce the complexity. The maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters is implemented using a differential evolution algorithm. Using the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS) to evaluate the goodness-of-fit of our model for probabilistic forecasting, it is shown that this model often outperforms classical additive time series models, as well as homogeneous Markov switching models. We also propose a simple procedure for classifying load profiles into those with and without regime-switching behaviors.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of damping X-12-ARIMA's estimated seasonal variation on the accuracy of its seasonal adjustments of time series. Two methods for damping seasonals are proposed. In a simulation experiment, we generated time series data for each of 90 distinct experimental conditions that, in aggregate, characterize the variety of monthly series in the M3-competition. X-12-ARIMA consistently overestimated the actual seasonal variation by an amount consistent with statistical theory. Damping seasonals reduced X-12-ARIMA's estimation error by as much as 79% and under no conditions was estimation error increased beyond a trivial amount. Improvement depended primarily on the degree to which random variation in a series dominated seasonal variation. When the multiplicative X-12-ARIMA model did not match the data-generating model, overestimation was less for trend series than for series with no trend; otherwise the presence of trend had no discernible effect. One of the proposed methods was somewhat more accurate and robust, but more complex, than the other. In an analysis of real data—the 1428 monthly series of the M3-competition-damping X-12-ARIMA seasonals prior to forecasting (1) reduced the average forecasting MAPE by 4.9–1.4% and (2) improved forecasting accuracy for 59–65% of the series, depending on the forecasting horizon. This research suggests that damping X-12-ARIMA seasonals leads to more accurate seasonal adjustments of time series, thus providing a more reliable basis for policy-making, forecasting, and the evaluation of forecasting methods by researchers.  相似文献   

We evaluate the performances of various methods for forecasting tourism data. The data used include 366 monthly series, 427 quarterly series and 518 annual series, all supplied to us by either tourism bodies or academics who had used them in previous tourism forecasting studies. The forecasting methods implemented in the competition are univariate and multivariate time series approaches, and econometric models. This forecasting competition differs from previous competitions in several ways: (i) we concentrate on tourism data only; (ii) we include approaches with explanatory variables; (iii) we evaluate the forecast interval coverage as well as the point forecast accuracy; (iv) we observe the effect of temporal aggregation on the forecasting accuracy; and (v) we consider the mean absolute scaled error as an alternative forecasting accuracy measure. We find that pure time series approaches provide more accurate forecasts for tourism data than models with explanatory variables. For seasonal data we implement three fully automated pure time series algorithms that generate accurate point forecasts, and two of these also produce forecast coverage probabilities which are satisfactorily close to the nominal rates. For annual data we find that Naïve forecasts are hard to beat.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a novel meta-learning algorithm for time series forecast model performance prediction. We model the forecast error as a function of time series features calculated from historical time series with an efficient Bayesian multivariate surface regression approach. The minimum predicted forecast error is then used to identify an individual model or a combination of models to produce the final forecasts. It is well known that the performance of most meta-learning models depends on the representativeness of the reference dataset used for training. In such circumstances, we augment the reference dataset with a feature-based time series simulation approach, namely GRATIS, to generate a rich and representative time series collection. The proposed framework is tested using the M4 competition data and is compared against commonly used forecasting approaches. Our approach provides comparable performance to other model selection and combination approaches but at a lower computational cost and a higher degree of interpretability, which is important for supporting decisions. We also provide useful insights regarding which forecasting models are expected to work better for particular types of time series, the intrinsic mechanisms of the meta-learners, and how the forecasting performance is affected by various factors.  相似文献   

We participated in the M4 competition for time series forecasting and here describe our methods for forecasting daily time series. We used an ensemble of five statistical forecasting methods and a method that we refer to as the correlator. Our retrospective analysis using the ground truth values published by the M4 organisers after the competition demonstrates that the correlator was responsible for most of our gains over the naïve constant forecasting method. We identify data leakage as one reason for its success, due partly to test data selected from different time intervals, and partly to quality issues with the original time series. We suggest that future forecasting competitions should provide actual dates for the time series so that some of these leakages could be avoided by participants.  相似文献   

The increasing importance of solar power for electricity generation leads to increasing demand for probabilistic forecasting of local and aggregated photovoltaic (PV) yields. Based on publicly available irradiation data, this paper uses an indirect modeling approach for hourly medium to long-term local PV yields. We suggest a time series model for global horizontal irradiation that allows for multivariate probabilistic forecasts for arbitrary time horizons. It features several important stylized facts. Sharp time-dependent lower and upper bounds of global horizontal irradiations are estimated. The parameters of the beta distributed marginals of the transformed data are allowed to be time-dependent. A copula-based time series model is introduced for the hourly and daily dependence structure based on simple vine copulas with so-called tail dependence. Evaluation methods based on scoring rules are used to compare the model’s power for multivariate probabilistic forecasting with other models used in the literature showing that our model outperforms other models in many respects.  相似文献   

We introduce a general class of periodic unobserved component (UC) time series models with stochastic trend and seasonal components and with a novel periodic stochastic cycle component. The general state space formulation of the periodic model allows for exact maximum likelihood estimation, signal extraction and forecasting. The consequences for model‐based seasonal adjustment are discussed. The new periodic model is applied to postwar monthly US unemployment series from which we identify a significant periodic stochastic cycle. A detailed periodic analysis is presented including a comparison between the performances of periodic and non‐periodic UC models.  相似文献   

In this work we introduce the forecasting model with which we participated in the NN5 forecasting competition (the forecasting of 111 time series representing daily cash withdrawal amounts at ATM machines). The main idea of this model is to utilize the concept of forecast combination, which has proven to be an effective methodology in the forecasting literature. In the proposed system we attempted to follow a principled approach, and make use of some of the guidelines and concepts that are known in the forecasting literature to lead to superior performance. For example, we considered various previous comparison studies and time series competitions as guidance in determining which individual forecasting models to test (for possible inclusion in the forecast combination system). The final model ended up consisting of neural networks, Gaussian process regression, and linear models, combined by simple average. We also paid extra attention to the seasonality aspect, decomposing the seasonality into weekly (which is the strongest one), day of the month, and month of the year seasonality.  相似文献   

A new method for forecasting the trend of time series, based on mixture of MLP experts, is presented. In this paper, three neural network combining methods and an Adaptive Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) are applied to trend forecasting in the Tehran stock exchange. There are two experiments in this study. In experiment I, the time series data are the Kharg petrochemical company’s daily closing prices on the Tehran stock exchange. In this case study, which considers different schemes for forecasting the trend of the time series, the recognition rates are 75.97%, 77.13% and 81.64% for stacked generalization, modified stacked generalization and ANFIS, respectively. Using the mixture of MLP experts (ME) scheme, the recognition rate is strongly increased to 86.35%. A gain and loss analysis is also used, showing the relative forecasting success of the ME method with and without rejection criteria, compared to a simple buy and hold approach. In experiment II, the time series data are the daily closing prices of 37 companies on the Tehran stock exchange. This experiment is conducted to verify the results of experiment I and to show the efficiency of the ME method compared to stacked generalization, modified stacked generalization and ANFIS.  相似文献   

Accurate demand forecasting is one of the key aspects for successfully managing restaurants and staff canteens. In particular, properly predicting future sales of menu items allows for a precise ordering of food stock. From an environmental point of view, this ensures a low level of pre-consumer food waste, while from the managerial point of view, this is critical to the profitability of the restaurant. Hence, we are interested in predicting future values of the daily sold quantities of given menu items. The corresponding time series show multiple strong seasonalities, trend changes, data gaps, and outliers. We propose a forecasting approach that is solely based on the data retrieved from point-of-sale systems and allows for a straightforward human interpretation. Therefore, we propose two generalized additive models for predicting future sales. In an extensive evaluation, we consider two data sets consisting of multiple time series collected at a casual restaurant and a large staff canteen and covering a period of 20 months. We show that the proposed models fit the features of the considered restaurant data. Moreover, we compare the predictive performance of our method against the performance of other well-established forecasting approaches.  相似文献   

Identifying the most appropriate time series model to achieve a good forecasting accuracy is a challenging task. We propose a novel algorithm that aims to mitigate the importance of model selection, while increasing the accuracy. Multiple time series are constructed from the original time series, using temporal aggregation. These derivative series highlight different aspects of the original data, as temporal aggregation helps in strengthening or attenuating the signals of different time series components. In each series, the appropriate exponential smoothing method is fitted and its respective time series components are forecast. Subsequently, the time series components from each aggregation level are combined, then used to construct the final forecast. This approach achieves a better estimation of the different time series components, through temporal aggregation, and reduces the importance of model selection through forecast combination. An empirical evaluation of the proposed framework demonstrates significant improvements in forecasting accuracy, especially for long-term forecasts.  相似文献   

We explore a new approach to the forecasting of macroeconomic variables based on a dynamic factor state space analysis. Key economic variables are modeled jointly with principal components from a large time series panel of macroeconomic indicators using a multivariate unobserved components time series model. When the key economic variables are observed at a low frequency and the panel of macroeconomic variables is at a high frequency, we can use our approach for both nowcasting and forecasting purposes. Given a dynamic factor model as the data generation process, we provide Monte Carlo evidence of the finite-sample justification of our parsimonious and feasible approach. We also provide empirical evidence for a US macroeconomic dataset. The unbalanced panel contains quarterly and monthly variables. The forecasting accuracy is measured against a set of benchmark models. We conclude that our dynamic factor state space analysis can lead to higher levels of forecasting precision when the panel size and time series dimensions are moderate.  相似文献   

The well-developed ETS (ExponenTial Smoothing, or Error, Trend, Seasonality) method incorporates a family of exponential smoothing models in state space representation and is widely used for automatic forecasting. The existing ETS method uses information criteria for model selection by choosing an optimal model with the smallest information criterion among all models fitted to a given time series. The ETS method under such a model selection scheme suffers from computational complexity when applied to large-scale time series data. To tackle this issue, we propose an efficient approach to ETS model selection by training classifiers on simulated data to predict appropriate model component forms for a given time series. We provide a simulation study to show the model selection ability of the proposed approach on simulated data. We evaluate our approach on the widely used M4 forecasting competition dataset in terms of both point forecasts and prediction intervals. To demonstrate the practical value of our method, we showcase the performance improvements from our approach on a monthly hospital dataset.  相似文献   

This work focuses on developing a forecasting model for the water inflow at an hydroelectric plant’s reservoir for operations planning. The planning horizon is 5 years in monthly steps. Due to the complex behavior of the monthly inflow time series we use a Bayesian dynamic linear model that incorporates seasonal and autoregressive components. We also use climate variables like monthly precipitation, El Niño and other indices as predictor variables when relevant. The Brazilian power system has 140 hydroelectric plants. Based on geographical considerations, these plants are collated by basin and classified into 15 groups that correspond to the major river basins, in order to reduce the dimension of the problem. The model is then tested for these 15 groups. Each group will have a different forecasting model that can best describe its unique seasonality and characteristics. The results show that the forecasting approach taken in this paper produces substantially better predictions than the current model adopted in Brazil (see Maceira & Damazio, 2006), leading to superior operations planning.  相似文献   

The familiar concept of cointegration enables us to determine whether or not there is a long-run relationship between two integrated time series. However, this may not capture short-run effects such as seasonality. Two series which display different seasonal effects can still be cointegrated. Seasonality may arise independently of the long-run relationship between two time series or, indeed, the long-run relationship may itself be seasonal. The market for recycled ferrous scrap displays these features: the US and UK scrap prices are cointegrated, yet the local markets exhibit different forms of seasonality. The paper addresses the problem of using both cointegrating and seasonal relationships in forecasting time series through the use of periodic transfer function models. We consider the problems of testing for cointegration between series with differing seasonal patterns and develop a periodic transfer function model for the US and UK scrap markets. Forecast comparisons with other time series models suggest that forecasting efficiency may be improved by allowing for periodicity but that such improvement is by no means guaranteed. The correct specification of the periodic component of the model is critical for forecast accuracy.  相似文献   

Global forecasting models (GFMs) that are trained across a set of multiple time series have shown superior results in many forecasting competitions and real-world applications compared with univariate forecasting approaches. One aspect of the popularity of statistical forecasting models such as ETS and ARIMA is their relative simplicity and interpretability (in terms of relevant lags, trend, seasonality, and other attributes), while GFMs typically lack interpretability, especially relating to particular time series. This reduces the trust and confidence of stakeholders when making decisions based on the forecasts without being able to understand the predictions. To mitigate this problem, we propose a novel local model-agnostic interpretability approach to explain the forecasts from GFMs. We train simpler univariate surrogate models that are considered interpretable (e.g., ETS) on the predictions of the GFM on samples within a neighbourhood that we obtain through bootstrapping, or straightforwardly as the one-step-ahead global black-box model forecasts of the time series which needs to be explained. After, we evaluate the explanations for the forecasts of the global models in both qualitative and quantitative aspects such as accuracy, fidelity, stability, and comprehensibility, and are able to show the benefits of our approach.  相似文献   

We propose a simple way of predicting time series with recurring seasonal periods. Missing values of the time series are estimated and interpolated in a preprocessing step. We combine several forecasting methods by taking the weighted mean of forecasts that were generated with time-domain models which were validated on left-out parts of the time series. The hybrid model is a combination of a neural network ensemble, an ensemble of nearest trajectory models and a model for the 7-day cycle. We apply this approach to the NN5 time series competition data set.  相似文献   

This paper shows that forecasting accuracy can be improved through better estimation of seasonal factors under conditions for which relatively simple methods are preferred, such as relatively few historical data, noisy data, and/or a large number of series to be forecasted. In such situations, the preferred method of seasonal adjustment is often ratio-to-moving-averages (classical) decomposition. This paper proposes two shrinkage estimators to improve the accuracy of classical decomposition seasonal factors. In a simulation study, both of the proposed estimators provided consistently greater accuracy than classical decomposition, with the improvement sometimes being dramatic. The performances of the two estimators depended on characteristics of the series, and guidelines were developed for choosing one of them under a given set of conditions. For a set of monthly, M-competition series, greater forecasting accuracy was achieved when either of the proposed methods was used for seasonal adjustment rather than classical decomposition, and the greatest accuracy was achieved by following the guidelines for choosing a method.  相似文献   

We extend neural basis expansion analysis (NBEATS) to incorporate exogenous factors. The resulting method, called NBEATSx, improves on a well-performing deep learning model, extending its capabilities by including exogenous variables and allowing it to integrate multiple sources of useful information. To showcase the utility of the NBEATSx model, we conduct a comprehensive study of its application to electricity price forecasting tasks across a broad range of years and markets. We observe state-of-the-art performance, significantly improving the forecast accuracy by nearly 20% over the original NBEATS model, and by up to 5% over other well-established statistical and machine learning methods specialized for these tasks. Additionally, the proposed neural network has an interpretable configuration that can structurally decompose time series, visualizing the relative impact of trend and seasonal components and revealing the modeled processes’ interactions with exogenous factors. To assist related work, we made the code available in a dedicated repository.  相似文献   

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