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中国对外开放进入新阶段:更均衡合理地融入全球经济   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
经过10多年较大规模吸收外资,我国在全球跨国投资流动中的地位正在发生变化。第一,作为FDI东道国的相对地位下降,表现为外资占国内固定资本形成总额的比重下降,在各东道国中按外资比重衡量的排名下降。第二,对外投资迅速增长,未来五年投资总额可能超过800亿美元,成为发展中国家中最大的投资母国之一。第三,利用国外资金和技术的方式多样化,表现为非FDI方式使用外资增多,以购并方式吸收外资和对外投资增多,服务业吸收外资增多,以我为主组合利用全球技术资源的能力增强等。这些变化使跨境资金流动与国内经济的互动关系更加复杂。面对新形势研究开放问题,要综合考虑商品和要素流动的需求,考虑作为外资东道国和投资母国的利益需求,更均衡合理地融入全球经济。  相似文献   

全球化背景下我国企业对外直接投资的动因研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何骏 《经济经纬》2007,(2):57-59
2006年10月16日,联合国贸发会议(UNCTAD)发布了<2006年世界投资报告>.该报告指出,来自发展中国家和转型期经济体的外国直接投资(FDI)开始蓬勃兴起.2005年,发展中国家跨国公司对外直接投资额达到了创纪录的1200亿美元.特别是,中国在吸收外资保持世界第三的同时,自身的对外直接投资也呈现出快速增长的态势,中国跨国公司的崛起已经引起全球注目.我国对外直接投资快速增长的主要动因则是获取技术和融入全球供应链.  相似文献   

张贯一 《经济经纬》2003,87(3):12-14
财产的专属性、投机行为妨碍了市场经济的正常运作,而人类的有限理性又限制了人们借助于完全合同来预防投机行为的发生,由此暴露了市场经济的局限性,即不能适用于垄断性的市场和信息不完全的市场。为了完善市场这个重要的交易形式,必须引入信誉机制来规范交易者行为。  相似文献   

外国直接投资、技术许可与技术创新   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
本文以经济全球化条件下 ,以包括中国在内的发展中国家努力向发达国家通过FDI(国外直接投资 )和LICENSING(技术许可 )的渠道进行技术引进以达到自主技术创新从而推动本国经济持续增长的目标为背景 ,建立了一个技术引进与经济增长的扩展模型。本文的主要结论是 :对于包括中国在内的发展中国家 (LDC)而言 ,技术许可比FDI所带来的技术外溢更有效 ,LDC或者依赖FDI,或者依靠技术许可作为其技术引进的主要来源。没有相应管制时倾向于依赖FDI。考虑制定何种政策以达到社会福利的最优化时 ,人力资本的水平起到了决定性作用。  相似文献   

Two main contributions to literature on foreign direct investment (FDI) and economic growth are made in this paper. First, the paper examines the effect of FDI on economic growth for 44 developing countries using heterogeneous panel cointegration techniques that are robust to omitted variables and endogenous regressors. The main result is that FDI has, on average, a negative effect on growth in developing countries, but there are large differences in the effect across countries. Second, a general‐to‐specific model‐selection approach is used to systematically search for country‐specific factors explaining the cross‐country differences in the growth effects of FDI. The results suggest that the cross‐country heterogeneity in the growth effect of FDI can be explained mainly by cross‐country differences in freedom from government intervention, business freedom, FDI volatility, and primary export dependence.  相似文献   

进入模式是跨国公司战略投资的基石。跨国公司在其全球战略的指导下,不断调整其全球投资战略及拓展国际市场的战略思路与模式。中国实行改革开放二十多年来,吸收外商投资取得了举世瞩目的成就,连续多年成为发展中国家的最大外资流入国,因而研究跨国公司进入中国市场模式具有重要意义。文章在充分回顾已有文献的基础上,尝试构建跨国公司在华进入模式模型,并对进入模式的变动及影响因素进行相应地分析。  相似文献   

国际直接投资对发展中国家的经济影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪90年代以来,经济全球化的迅猛发展使国际直接投资产生了很多重要变化。在这种新的环境和条件下,这些变化使得国际直接投资对发展中国家产生了新的经济影响。认识到这种变化,对于发展中国家吸引外资,以及最大程度地利用外资,同时限制其不利影响,都是有积极意义的。  相似文献   

朱东平 《经济研究》2004,39(1):93-101
本文在一个由发达国家企业和发展中国家企业所构成的寡头垄断的产量竞争模型中 ,考察了在发达国家企业所进行的产品创新型R&D投资具有溢出效应的情况下 ,发达国家企业对发展中国家的外商直接投资 (FDI)所产生的福利效果。本文发现 ,即使发展中国家拥有生产成本相对低廉的优势 ,发达国家企业对发展中国家的FDI也只有在溢出效应较小时才可能发生。但这种情况下的FDI也可能损害发展中国家的同类竞争企业 ,甚至损害发展中国家的社会福利。当然 ,以上结论并不意味着引进外资必然损害发展中国家的利益 ,外资引进对发展中国家所产生的福利效果 ,在很大程度上取决于FDI的性质 (产品市场的所在国 )、发展中国家成本优势的大小以及它对知识产权的保护力度等因素。  相似文献   

明娟  张建武 《技术经济》2008,27(8):114-118
鉴于外商直接投资(FDI)对一国经济的重要作用,积极引进FDI已成为发展中国家发展国内经济的一项重要政策。而关于FDI对就业和经济增长的影响,理论界仍存在争议。本文尝试对FDI、就业和经济增长的关系进行实证研究,运用Cobb—Douglas生产函数和Eviews5.0统计软件,以安徽省为例,利用安徽省1991—2006年外商直接投资(FDI)、就业与经济增长的相关数据,研究FDI对就业和经济增长的作用。研究结果显示:当年实际利用外商直接投资额(增量FDI)与就业呈负相关关系,而年底累积外商直接投资额(存量FDI)与就业呈正相关关系。由此可见,外商直接投资对就业的影响是长期的创造效应与短期的挤出效应并存。Granger因果关系检验结果显示,FDI所带来的就业与经济增长之间存在双向因果关系。  相似文献   

全球外国直接投资在世界范围内遭受到经济和金融危机的严重影响。危机改变了外国直接投资的格局:对发展中经济体和转型期经济体的投资骤增;流入发达国家的外国直接投资同期大幅度下降。同时中国对外直接投资强劲增长,成功地成为对外直接投资的重要来源。与全球外国直接投资整体下滑之势相反,中国对外直接投资呈现出逆势增长的趋势。因此有必要从宏观经济的角度对中国对外直接投资的动因进行探讨。本文从理论和实证两个角度分析中国对外直接投资的动因,认为国民生产总值、出口、对矿产和能源进口需求、外汇储备和中国对外直接投资额之间存在长期稳定的关系,其中国家政策的影响显著,中国对外直接投资会随着对矿产和能源进口需求和外汇储备的增加而增加。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyze the changes in the wage share in the manufacturing industry in Mexico, Turkey and Korea in the era of globalization. The focus is on the one hand on the effects of globalization on the wage share, which is measured by the effects of international trade and FDI intensity of the economy. On the other hand, the process of opening up has been accompanied by major currency crises in most developing countries in the last decade, which has affected the wage share through exchange rate depreciation and economic recession. The paper develops a Post‐Keynesian conflicting claims model for an open economy under the pressure of globalization, and an equation for the wage share is estimated for each country using the Seemingly Unrelated Regression method. The results show that both recessions and nominal depreciations have a clear and lasting negative effect on the manufacturing wage share in all countries, whereas the effect of openness, in particular international trade depends on industrial policy structure. Increased export intensity leads to a decline in the manufacturing wage share in Turkey and Mexico, but has no significant effect in Korea. The positive expectations from FDI are also not materialized in any of the three countries.  相似文献   

Standard neoclassical models of economic integration are based on the assumptions that capital and labor are substitutes and that the geography of factor market integration does not matter. Yet, these two assumptions are violated if agglomeration forces among factors from specific source countries are at work. Agglomeration implies that factors behave as complements and that the country of origin matters. This paper analyzes agglomeration between capital and labor empirically. We use state-level German data to answer the question whether and how migration and foreign direct investment (FDI) are linked. Stocks of inward FDI and of immigrants have similar determinants, and the geography of factor market integration matters. There are higher stocks of inward FDI in German states hosting a large foreign population from the same country of origin. This agglomeration effect is confined to higher-income source countries.  相似文献   

国际金融危机的冲击使欧美对外投资能力明显下降,中国等新兴市场国家的对外投资能力有所增强。2011年以来世界范围内发展国际直接投资面临以下现实因素制约:(1)发达国家的量化宽松政策,引起了金融资产价格上涨,并传导到实体部门的资产价格,提高了并购FDI的国际投资成本;(2)欧元区等国家货币有贬值要求,汇率风险加大,以及世界主要国家货币政策和财政政策空间有限,会恶化企业对外FDI的风险态度,减少FDI流出;(3)全球经济衰退,跨国公司产品缺少市场需求;(4)东道国为了弥补财政赤字和偿还债务,税收负担相对较重。  相似文献   

The quality of local labor is an important factor in a multinational corporation's (MNC) decision to set up production operations in a developing country. It is often observed that developing country governments attempt to attract MNCs by enhancing labor quality. This paper studies the interaction between an MNC and a local government which has superior information on local labor quality. The local government has an incentive to enhance the labor quality and share that information with the MNC because it increases both its net tax revenue and profit of the MNC. The paper provides an explanation for recent findings of FDI in developing countries: the bulk of FDI has been directed toward a limited number of countries and human capital plays an increasingly important role in attracting FDI.  相似文献   

不完全契约理论认为,由于当事人的有限理性和事后机会主义行为导致敲竹杠发生;完全契约理论则认为,不完全契约理论存在契约不完全性外生化和有限理性假设矛盾等缺点,且不可验证性也不会阻碍有效的投资行为。不完全契约理论引入复杂性与参考点等概念说明,即使在完全理性条件下也可能产生敲竹杠问题,从而内生化了契约的不完全性。交易成本经济学从纵向一体化、产权理论从产权分配、关系契约理论从声誉博弈、完全契约理论从履约理论等角度提出了解决敲竹杠问题的方法。  相似文献   

The impact of women's rights on a country's competitiveness in the global economy is a source of contention. While educational opportunities for women, as well as political empowerment, are linked to a variety of positive outcomes, the impact of economic rights is mixed. Toward better understanding these issues, we focus on the role of women's rights in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI). Though foreign capital plays a key role in the development strategies of many countries, and many of the growth areas in FDI rely heavily on women's labor, extant literature on the determinants of FDI largely ignores gender. To gain insight into these issues, we examine the impact of women's political, economic, and educational rights across four different types of US FDI into the developing world. We find a mixed relationship between women's rights and FDI that varies across industrial sectors.  相似文献   

2007年,我国连续第15年成为发展中国家里吸引FDI最多的国家。在当前引进外资规模已经相当大的背景下,很多人开始担忧我国FDI规模是否过大。对国内外FDI规模的研究进行回顾和评述,概括了三条确定FDI规模是否最优的评价标准,在此基础上,本着"让数据说话"的原则,对FDI规模的一些重要测度指标在国际间进行比较。比较认为我国引进FDI规模并没有过大,应该继续积极引进FDI。  相似文献   

This paper examines the long-run effect of the level of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the level of total factor productivity (TFP) for 49 developing countries for the period 1981–2011 using panel cointegration and causality techniques. It is found that (i) FDI has, on average, a negative long-run effect on TFP in developing countries, (ii) long-run causality runs in only one direction, from FDI to TFP, (iii) in the short run, TFP has a negative effect on FDI, and (iv) the long-run effect of FDI of TFP differs between selected groups of countries: While the estimated long-run FDI–TFP coefficients are always relatively large, negative, and significant for countries with lower levels of human capital, financial development, and trade openness, the estimated effects are relatively small, insignificant, or even significantly positive for subgroups of countries with higher levels of human capital, financial development, and trade openness.  相似文献   

Using panel data for 29 source and 65 host countries in the period 1995–2009, we examine the determinants of bilateral FDI stocks, focusing on institutional and cultural factors. The results reveal that institutional and cultural distance is important and that FDI has a predominantly regional aspect. FDI to developing countries is positively affected by better institutions in the host country, while foreign investors prefer to invest in developed countries that are more corrupt and politically unstable compared to home. The results indicate that foreign investors prefer to invest in countries with less diverse societies than their own.  相似文献   

中国西部地区外向型经济发展的差距与对策研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
郑伯红  汤建中 《经济地理》2002,22(2):148-152
基于外向型经济战略在众多发展中国家和地区获得成功,贸易和投资自由化正为世界经济增长的发动机,本文分析了经济全球化背景下中国西部地区和对外贸易,引进外资及国际旅游创汇方面的差距与不足,提出了中国西部地区外向型经济发展的战略对策和建议,旨在推动中国西部大开发。  相似文献   

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