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品牌之所以重要,原因在于:在自己的土地上学习如何创建品牌对于中国来讲是一个前所未有的机会,因为这可以帮助中国的企业学会如何将来在全球市场上角逐。在中国企业面前,还有着非常大的学习空间。国际品牌在品牌创建方面有着多年的经验,对此应当抱以开放的态度,因为正是这些品牌才会提出挑战,以促进中国品牌的学习及成长。  相似文献   

荆奇 《广告导报》2005,(5):42-43
2004年,分众传媒在江南春的领导下,不仅赢得了广告市场的高度认同,更得到国际知名投资机构的积极支持,成为该市场领域无可争议的主导者。  相似文献   

新年伊始,沃尔沃汽车集团董事会和全球高管齐聚上海,布局中国,打响2013年沃尔沃汽车在中国的"亮剑行动",计划向中国引入6款全新产品,充分展示了对中国市场的高度支持和坚实承诺。沃尔沃汽车集团总裁兼首席执行官汉肯·塞缪尔森(Hkan Samuelsson)表示:"2013年将是充满机遇和挑战的一年,也是沃尔沃在中国的亮剑之年,我们将通过推出6款产品,年伊尔车集会  相似文献   

2009年新年伊始,In—GameMedia网游传媒CEO陈念端将告别自己一手打造的中国领先的独立第三方游戏置入广告平台,赴任TBWA\腾迈(中国)首席执行官一职。同时,作为对陈念端在IGA领域为建立In-GameMedia网游传媒品牌做出杰出贡献的肯定,主要投资方盛大集团也将保留陈念端在董事会的董事身份。  相似文献   

福中博士是国际咨询业巨擘,摩立特集团的首席执行官,在中国初始汇入世界经济潮流之际,他为中国企业热心地号脉问诊,结果令人吃惊。可谓“疾在腠里,不治将深”。福中认为:从大战略层面讲,中国企业在制定企业战略时,倾向于制定一种关于未来发展的远景,而没有具体的实施方案。远景  相似文献   

Richard Nordstrom麦肯全球健康传播首席执行官 Richard于2005年1月任职于麦肯全球健康传播,作为全球首席执行官,他对麦肯全球集团的医疗业务做出了调整,使其分为三个有活动力并极具发展潜质的医疗机构网络  相似文献   

眼下越来越多的零售企业已经不再一味地将追求利润最大化作为单一发展目标,而是愈发强调社会责任与企业业绩的"相辅相成",由此可见,重视和履行社会责任不失为一种企业实现经济效益与社会效益双赢的好路径  相似文献   

产品中与生俱来的伟大戏剧性,正在某处静静等待我们去发现。葛瑞于1917年在纽约成立,隶属于WPP集团,世界顶尖的营销传播服务公司之一,在全球96个国家设有432个分公司,雇员逾10,000名。它为《财富》500强中五分之一的企业提供服务。  相似文献   

TUV(Technischer UberwachungsVerein)在英语中意为技术检验协会(Technical Inspection Association)。“权威认证,创享价值”(Choose certainty.Addvalue.)是TUV南德意志集团提供服务的核心理念。致力于不断为客户提高安全性并增加经济价值,实现技术、系统和专长的最优化,加强客户在全球范围内的竞争优势。  相似文献   

研发管理不只是从事研发的部门经理要关心的事情,而是企业的领导者和高层管理人员的基本责任。能否成功地领导和管理研发活动,能否在巨大的研发投资与巨大的利润之间“飞夺卢定桥”,将决定一个企业的成败。  相似文献   

SUBARU将进一步扩大对中国汽车市场的销售力度,提升SUBARU品牌在中国区域的认知度,以全新的方式进入中国市场。  相似文献   

自沃尔沃汽车宣布旗下入门级豪华轿车S40在中国生产后,驰骋欧洲大陆数十年的豪华品牌“三驾马车”——奔驰、宝马、沃尔沃已经全部驶入中国市场。在一个人文、地理、消费习惯、价值观全然不同于欧洲大陆的崭新的东方国度市场里,这豪华的“三驾马车”将如何继续驰骋呢?  相似文献   

当潮水退去的时候,谁没有穿裤子,就一目了然了;反之,当潮水涌来的时候,谁不会游泳,也照样一目了然了;同理,当危机如潮水般突然来袭的时候,哪一个品牌忘了配备救生圈,也自然是一目了然了。  相似文献   

In this paper, we summarize how internationalization research has evolved over time, where it stands today, and how it might evolve going forward. Specifically, we examine internationalization research from earlier times to the present day. We contrast the incremental internationalization characteristic of older multinational enterprises with the early, rapid internationalization of born global firms. The paper summarizes the evolution of research on early internationalization and born global firms, and provides evidence to suggest why this area now has attained legitimacy in scholarly research. We then examine important theoretical issues in born global research and suggest avenues for future research.  相似文献   

一、面对国际强手,推出"非常可乐" 浙江杭州娃哈哈集团公司经过12年的艰苦创业,获得了超常规的发展.1998年,其饮料总产量达93万吨,居全国同行业之首,年实现利税7.25亿元,利税总额已连续4年位居全国食品行业第一.其注册商标"娃哈哈"被国家工商局评为"中国驰名商标".早在1997年,经过公司决策层的再三研究,原以生产乳酸饮料、纯净水、营养八宝粥三大类产品为主的娃哈哈公司决定生产碳酸类可乐饮料.此举可谓平地激起三尺浪.  相似文献   

To survive and thrive, multinational enterprises (MNEs) have had to adapt to dramatic changes and increasing complexity in the global competitive landscape over the past 50 years. MNEs’ international strategies and the academic research on the various attributes and outcomes of these strategies have evolved accordingly. This work reviews the evolution of international strategy research over the past five decades. In particular, the research on international diversification and the timing and speed of entering international markets is closely examined. In recent years, the influence of formal and informal institutions on international strategy has become a central research topic. Furthermore, MNEs’ strategies often seek to explore and exploit critical capabilities to build advantages in international markets. Finally, emerging research themes, such as institutional complexity, business sustainability, emerging economy firms and international new ventures are highlighted.  相似文献   

The first anti-consumption special issue was published by Psychology & Marketing in 2002. More than a decade later, in 2018, the International Center for Anti-consumption Research held its seventh Symposium at the University of Almeria, Spain. This gathering was accompanied by an open call-for-papers in Psychology & Marketing to create a much-anticipated follow-up special issue. Many papers were received for both the symposium and official call. This editorial introduces the final 10 papers that comprise the Psychology & Marketing 2020 special issue on anti-consumption. While the area of anti-consumption has mushroomed into a vast array of work since 2002, this editorial provides four major themes that help to frame the contributions of the 10 new papers as well as set the scene for future work in anti-consumption. The four themes are: Conceptual clarity and refinement; ideological perspectives; environmental and sustainability focus; and novel outlooks on anti-consumption.  相似文献   

We provide a quasi-historical review of how the field of global leadership evolved. In doing so, we conceptually map an overall trajectory of the field of global leadership, discussing the nature of its origins in the field of cross-cultural management. We trace evolutionary trends in the field of cross-cultural management from 1960 to the present, and explore how these trends influenced the formation of the global leadership literature. After reviewing the primary domains of the global leadership field, we conclude with a discussion of the implications of our analysis for future research and managerial practice.  相似文献   


This paper examines the use made by management of market research data in the evaluation of new product development (NPD) projects. Stressing the need for a systematic approach to NPD the paper sets out four brief case histories, the products being Crocodillo, Paul Masson wine, the Prudential's Holburn UK Unit Trusts, and Golden Wonder's Preludes. These case histories illustrate both the value of a systematic approach to NPD by building up a market research programme and also the limitations of market research data which cannot alone be any guarantee of success.  相似文献   

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