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今年3月,某市标准计量局的执法人员,带着10升的标准容器,对A加油站的一台加油机的售油情况进行执法监督检查,测量3次的平均误差为1.4%,超过国家规定的0.3%的允许误差,准备封存、并按《计量法》有关条款处罚。 A站经理认为:该加油机是经计量测试所检定合格的,在有效周期内,无人破坏,故不应重复检定;退言  相似文献   

今年的早春春寒料峭,国内IT业频传高层"人事地震",从搜狐到康柏再到微软,而其中最让人震惊和发人深思的无疑应该是微软(中国)总裁兼总经理高群耀博士的突然离职.尽管微软方面称高群耀是"为了追求新的事业发展机会"选择了离开,但更多的人不相信这个理由,人们更关注的是高群耀离职的背后.  相似文献   

实际工作中,违纪员工的处理常常令HR们非常头疼,一不小心就容易引发劳动争议和纠纷。本期我们请到长期处理劳动争议案件的专家,希望能够帮助HR在处理违纪员工的过程中澄清观念上的误区,采用合适的方式方法,避免出现不必要的纠纷。  相似文献   

2005年8月,醴陵市金桥房屋中介公司在办理一宗业务时,出现了许多比较复杂的情况,因其不仅涉及业主与中介方,而且还涉及业主之间和职能部门的权益,引起了很大的反响,笔特就出现的情况和相关法律上的问题上谈点不成熟的看法。  相似文献   

刘良 《广东质量》2003,(7):62-63
1935年1月,在贵州遵义召开的中共中央政治局扩大会议。结束了王明左倾错误路线在党和军队中的统治地位,毛泽东重新回到党和军队的领导岗位。  相似文献   

拨开“辞职”一团雾   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2000年 8月的一天,湖南省常德市武陵区某村合法当选的村委会主任权某向镇党委提交辞职报告,镇党委当即准了他辞去村委会主任职务的请求。这确实出乎人们意料:经过一番周折才当选村主任的权某为何提出辞职 ?笔者经过一番走访调查终于拨开一团迷雾,看清其中的真相。   要说权某当选村主任也确有一番周折。 1999年 4月 2日,几个村民拿着有 75人签名、表示对本村 3月 30日进行的第四次村委会换届选举结果不服的告状信,先后来到区人大和区民政局反映情况,要求上级调查处理。经请示区有关领导,区民政局同区委组织部派员进行调查,先后…  相似文献   

<正>亲爱的同志们:你你们辛苦了!作为一个业主,我只有在辞去了业主委员会主任的职务后才能大胆地说:你们工作不容易,我们业主委员会支持你们。我相信,全国广大业主也将认同我的观点,  相似文献   

1994年6月29日,某医院院长与该院职工韩某签订了一份《医疗药剂科承包合同书》,合同期限自1994年6月29日至1995年6月29日。合同规定:承包期内,该科人员的工资、一切补助、奖金均由承包者负责。合同签订后,双方进行了移交手续,尔后韩某进行经营管理。1995年4月,该院变更了法定代表人,该院向其主管部门请示终止与韩某的承包合同得到同意后,遂于同年4月5日通知韩某合同终止。随之出现了该科人员文某等11人的同年3月份的工资该由谁支付的问题。院方称1995年3月份属合同承包期内,其工资应由承包者负责;而韩某认为院方擅自单方违约(法院也判决认定医院违约)终止合同给承包人造成了经济损失而造成工资无法支付,该科人员3月份工资应由院方承担。申诉人文某等5人系该医院工人,黄某等6人为该院干部。他们多次要求承包人支付工资,但均得不到  相似文献   

<正>人生就像河流,总会有一些随波而逝,也总有 一些会沉淀下来,成为一个个记忆的码头。营销做 了几年,有些故事回味起来仍是非常有趣。 有人说游戏是人的天性,在营销生涯中,我尝 试设计了一个又一个游戏,在这些游戏中,我给人 们提供了有趣的生活和有趣的产品,也体会到了成 功的喜悦。在游戏中享受营销,在快乐中改善生活。  相似文献   

Job protection reduces job turnover by changing firms' hiring and firing decisions. Yet the effect of job protection on workers' quit decisions and post-quit outcomes is still unknown. We present the first evidence using individual panel data from 12 European countries, which differ both in worker turnover rates and in the level of job protection. We find that workers are less likely to quit their job in countries with more job protection, and those workers who quit receive higher wages compared to stayers. This evidence can be explained by increased mobility costs associated with higher expected risk of post-quit layoff and job mismatch.  相似文献   

Marginal Workers and Their Decisions to Work or to Quit   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract . What motivates the marginal worker to decide to work or to quit and collect unemployment insurance or welfare payments? A study of poultry processing plant workers in Georgia indicates that few quit to obtain more leisure. Dissatisfaction with compensation is only a secondary factor. Primary ones are cumulative dissatisfaction with work and the total work environment. Changes in supervision and in the Job structure are suggested.  相似文献   

常琪 《中国审计》2005,(1):32-35
自从重庆忠县黄金镇办公楼群落成后,当地群众对该建筑群的议论就一直没有停止过.该镇党委、政府修建办公大楼,竟然修成了"天安门"城楼的样式!这栋耗资400余万元的仿古建筑气势不凡,门前的台阶有6层111阶.而政府在修建过程中所征用的土地,并没有按照国家有关规定,给农民相应的补偿.  相似文献   

贾可  孙铭训  姜蔓 《经营者》2013,(2):104-113,17
沸沸扬扬的萨博收购案终于盖棺,这位汽车业最自信的玩家至今依然认为一切都在他的控制范围中沸沸扬扬的萨博收购案终于盖棺,但庞青年并不认为自己已输。2012年11月的广州车展正式开幕前夜,这位中国汽车业可谓最自信的玩家,选在下榻的酒店与《汽车商业评论》记者面对面,率直、诚恳、谈笑风生,全然看不出传言中的落寞。一个月后的12月6日,他又神采奕奕地出现在北京,红色条纹衬衫,红色条纹  相似文献   

Understanding to what or whom corporate communications leaders feel responsible is important in this age of rapid technological and economic change. A fast‐changing world demands self‐awareness among its leaders, particularly those who manage communications in an increasingly transparent environment. This study takes an in‐depth look at how senior practitioners in one of the most traditional leadership roles in public relations—the corporate communications leader—define responsibility and do work that is excellent in quality, socially responsible, and personally meaningful. This study is modeled after the GoodWork® protocol, initiated in 1996 by psychologist Howard Gardner and colleagues, employing Q‐sorts, personal diaries, and semistructured interviews with a purposive sample. “Asking the right questions and involving the right people” emerged as a working definition of personal responsibility, and themes of honesty/integrity, life balance, and relationships also surfaced as influential in defining what personal responsibility means in communications leadership.  相似文献   

危机营销,最初主要用于产品方面,是指销售者在销售某产品的时候,为了让消费者更加重视该产品的功能,于是从该产品功能针对的需求进行负面宣传和引导,使消费者认识到不使用该产品可能存在的严重后果的一种销售方式。  相似文献   

考虑到零售商存货后悔和缺货后悔的心理效用,文章将心理账户理论和后悔理论纳入报童模型,建立了报童的随机后悔效用函数,证明了期望后悔效用函数的凹性,以及最优购量满足的最优性条件。同时解析地进行了存货后悔和缺货后悔决策权重系数的比较静态分析。结果发现:其最优订购量随存货后悔权重系数增加而减少,随缺货后悔权重系数增加而增加。最后,数值验证了存货后悔和缺货后悔对最优订购量的影响。  相似文献   

Most route choice models assume that people are completely rational. Recently, regret theory has attracted researchers’ attentions because of its power to depict real travel behavior. This paper proposes a multiclass stochastic user equilibrium assignment model by using regret theory. All users are differentiated by their own regret aversion. The route travel disutility for users of each class is defined as a linear combination of the travel time and anticipated regret. The proposed model is formulated as a variational inequality problem and solved by using the self-regulated averaging method. The numerical results show that users’ regret aversion indeed influences their route choice behavior and that users with high regret aversion are more inclined to change route choice when the traffic congestion degree varies.  相似文献   

丁敏 《价值工程》2011,30(29):267-268
教师在日常教学中,提问的水平越高,越表明其教学水平的优秀,会恰当的提问,常常能激发起学生们的求知欲望。课堂教学过程其实就是不断地提出问题,不断地解决问题的过程,有一些教师往往把自己当作教学活动的主体,在教学活动中以自己的意志为转移,以居高临下的身份提出一些学生根本不会回答的问题,这样做极大地抹杀了学生学习的积极性,教师应训练学生进行积极的、有效的、独立的思考,而这种思考的前提,就是教师应该懂得恰当的提问,讲究提问的策略与艺术,让学生在符合其思维水平的前提下,进行积极有效地思考,培养其自主学习的能力,提高其学习积极性。  相似文献   


The authors discuss the process of asking and answering yes/no-questions in personal survey interviews from a conversational perspective. They examine the process with regard to yes/no-questions as given in the questionnaire and with regard to the yes/no-questions that interviewers may pose in the subsequent stages of a sequence, when they are probing on the respondent's initial answer or are trying to solve other problems. Hypotheses are derived from the co-operation principle and the politeness principle of conversation, and then empirically evaluated for survey interview settings. In the relatively informal stages of the answering process (subsequences) the conversations appear to go quite well according to the conversation rules, but in the beginning formal stage to a much lesser degree. In particular it has been observed that interviewers strongly prefer to ask one-sided positive yes/no-questions in the subsequences, and, secondly, that respondents usually give agreeing answers to these yes/no-questions. It is argued that this “normal” conversation strategy may seriously affect the validity of the information obtained, and, more generally, that the practical demands from the conversation rules on the interviewer's behaviour set limits on the researcher's abstract demands on that behaviour.


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