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Abstract The present paper seeks to provide some new insights into the precise nature and the analytical foundations (or lack of them) of the familiar industry supply curve. We reconsider some fundamental phases of its historical evolution. Two different traditions are distinguished: one consists of the formalisations of Marshall's theory proposed by Barone and, later, by Pigou, Viner, Harrod and Robinson; the other consists of the models of Hicks and Allen, on the basis of ideas and criticism put forward by other London School of Economics scholars, like Kaldor and Robbins, in the mid-1930s. It is argued that the second tradition did not really remedy the weak aspects of the Marshallian theory of supply. 相似文献
Paul W. Miller 《Economics Letters》1985,19(3):287-290
Hours worked by employed married females in Australia are analysed using techniques to correct for sample selection bias. Consistent with the conclusions of the study of female labour supply in the U.S. and Canada by Nakamura and Nakamura (1981), working wives work fewer hours per week when paid higher hourly wage rates. 相似文献
Jon D. Wisman 《Review of Political Economy》2013,25(1):94-112
The inadequancy of the work-leisure choice model of orthodox theory suggests the need to reexamine the nature of work from the vantage points of anthropology and economic history. Such a reexamination challenges the theory of human behaviour upon which the work-leisure model is built. It suggests that work is not necessarily painful. Moreover, it suggests that more attention needs to be given to the potential for institutional changes which encourage creativity in the workplace. 相似文献
This paper clarifies the current textbook interpretations of the IS curve and the aggregate demand (AD) curve. Most macroeconomic textbooks portray the IS curve as representing equilibrium in the product, goods, or commodity market. This paper illustrates that in flexible-price models the IS curve does not necessarily portray equilibrium in the goods market because the textbooks introduce two contradictory notions of equilibrium. Furthermore, it will be shown that, contrary to popular textbook usage, the AD curve, which is derived from the IS-LM framework, is not the economy's effective demand curve for goods. 相似文献
Michael Waterson 《International Review of Applied Economics》1992,6(2):152-165
This article considers whether privatization or liberalization of the Royal Mail division of the Post Office is likely to be desirable. It examines the natural monopoly issue but finds it not definitive. It then investigates various potential outcomes of change in the direction of privatization and liberalization and several potential instruments for securing these changes. The article argues for improved regulation rather than denationalization as a means of sustaining improvement in performance. 相似文献
Orlando Gomes 《Research in Economics》2012,66(1):45-64
This paper offers the rationale for presenting a particular type of Phillips curve and develops the dynamic behavior of an economy where such a Phillips curve relation is observed. The specific kind of relation that is explored has similarities with the sticky-information Phillips curve of the Mankiw-Reis framework. Nevertheless, it adds an important dimension: firms need to form expectations about current events on past time periods not because of infrequent optimal updating of information but because producers want to evaluate the possibility of taking advantage of information deficiencies on the consumers’ side. A positive probability of ‘fooling’ consumers with a price above the one imposed by market conditions re-shapes the dynamic relation between the inflation rate and the output gap. 相似文献
This paper studies the dynamics associated with permanent and temporary reductions in the devaluation rate. The analysis uses an intertemporal optimizing model of a small open economy with imperfect capital markets and endogenous labor supply. With a constant capital stock, the model predicts an initial reduction in real wages and an expansion in output. Consumption falls on impact but increases afterward. In addition, with a temporary shock, a current account deficit emerges and a recession sets in at a later stage. With endogenous capital accumulation, numerical simulations show that the model is also capable of predicting a boom in investment. 相似文献
We generalize the concept of the natural rate of interest (Laubach and Williams, 2003; Woodford, 2003) by defining and estimating the natural yield curve (NYC) – the term structure of natural interest rates. Our motivation stems i.a. from the observation that at times when central banks attempt to directly affect long-term interest rates (e.g. via quantitative easing) the gap between the short-term real and natural rate is no more a good indicator of the monetary policy stance. We estimate the NYC on US data, document its main properties and show i.a. that in the period 2008 to 2011 the NYC allows to better capture the US monetary policy stance than the short-term natural rate. 相似文献
Josef Christl 《Empirica》1991,18(1):33-45
TraditionalU/V analysis so far has been based on the assumption that the matching technology is linear-homogeneous. Only if this assumption holds, shifts of the Beveridge curve can be regarded without more ado as an increase or decrease of structural and/or frictional unemployment. If, however, the matching technology exhibits increasing or decreasing returns to scale, shifts of the Beveridge curve, leaving a variation in the matching probability aside, may be due to an increase or decrease in the matching activity level. The empirical results using Austrian data suggest that slightly increasing returns to scale are present in the matching process, but these are not so high that the observed shifts in the steady-state Beveridge curve could be explained by this fact.
I am indebted for helpful comments to Wolfgang Franz, Klaus Neusser, Karl Pichelmann, Denis Snower, Herbert Walther, and three anonymous referees. 相似文献
Zusammenfassung Die traditionelle U/V-Analyse basiert auf der Annahme, daß die Job-Vermittlungstechnologie auf dem Arbeitsmarkt linear homogen ist. Denn nur in diesem Fall lassen sich Verschiebungen der Beveridge-Kurve eindeutig als Anstieg oder Verringerung der Struktur- bzw. Friktionsarbeitslosigkeit interpretieren. Weist hingegen die Vermittlungstechnologie steigende oder sinkende Skalenerträge auf, so können Verschiebungen der Kurve auch durch Veränderungen im Transaktionsniveau auf dem Arbeitsmarkt hervorgerufen werden. Die ökonometrischen Schätzungen der Matchingfunktion mit österreichischen Daten zeigen, daß diese leicht steigende Skalenerträge aufweist; die Skalenerträge sind freilich nicht so groß, daß durch sie die Außenverschiebung der österreichischen Beveridge-Kurve in den achtziger Jahren erklärt werden könnte.
I am indebted for helpful comments to Wolfgang Franz, Klaus Neusser, Karl Pichelmann, Denis Snower, Herbert Walther, and three anonymous referees. 相似文献
Federico Ravenna 《European Economic Review》2008,52(8):1494-1521
The canonical new Keynesian Phillips curve has become a standard component of models designed for monetary policy analysis. However, in the basic new Keynesian model, there is no unemployment, all variation in labor input occurs along the intensive hours margin, and the driving variable for inflation depends on workers’ marginal rates of substitution between leisure and consumption. In this paper, we incorporate a theory of unemployment into the new Keynesian theory of inflation and empirically test its implications for inflation dynamics. We show how a traditional Phillips curve linking inflation and unemployment can be derived and how the elasticity of inflation with respect to unemployment depends on structural characteristics of the labor market such as the matching technology that pairs vacancies with unemployed workers. We estimate on US data the Phillips curve generated by the model. While we can reject the baseline new Keynesian Phillips curve in favor of the search-frictions specification, we show it is still too stylized to fully describe the dynamics of firms’ marginal costs. 相似文献
Throughout the last two decades, some economists have objected to the conventional shape of one peak point on the Laffer curve. This paper examines the reservations presented in the literature and demonstrates the possibility of a Laffer curve with three peak points. Such a shape may be due to the three heterogeneous population groups of younger workers, adult males, and adult females. These groups respond differently to net wage rate changes, thus reducing the applicability of the changing of tax rates by policymakers.
《Journal of public economics》1986,29(3):263-279
It is shown that, in a general equilibrium model with one private good, one public good, labour and an income tax, certain widely-assumed properties of the Laffer curve do not necessarily hold. For well-behaved functional forms it may not be continuous and may not have an interior maximum. Its slope depends on technology as well as on the tax elasticity of labour supply. For certain technologies, a more negative elasticity may imply a more positive slope. Moreover, the relevant tax elasticity is a general equilibrium one which may differ in sign from the widely- quoted partial equilibrium one. 相似文献
Steven Deller 《Economics Letters》2011,113(3):231-233
Blanchflower and Oswald argue that the wage curve is a predictable empirical relationship with the “unemployment elasticity of pay” of about −0.1. Using GWR I find evidence of significant spatial heterogeneity in the unemployment elasticity of pay for US counties. 相似文献
Advertising can rotate the demand curve if it changes the dispersion of consumers’ valuations. We provide an elasticity form measure of the advertising-induced demand curve rotation in five demand models and test for its presence in the US nonalcoholic beverage market. The Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) model reveals that doubling advertising spending rotates the demand curves clockwise for milk, and coffee and tea with associated slope changes of 7 and 12%. Soft-drink advertising rotates its demand curve counterclockwise. Our policy suggestion is that milk and soft-drink firms time advertising to coincide with high-and low-price periods, respectively. 相似文献
Sidney G. Winter 《Journal of economic behavior & organization》1982,3(4):277-321
In a binary choice experiment, the subject predicts on a series of trials whether a particular random event will or will not occur. The results of such experiments show systematic departures from expected value maximization, but to a degree that decreases as the reward for successful prediction increases. This paper proposes that the mechanism underlying these results involves the supply of memory. Subjects are influenced by the outcomes of recent trials, but tend to respond to the evidence in a larger number of trials as reward (and hence attention) are increased. Broader conceptual issues surrounding the notion of rational choice are also discussed. 相似文献