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中国上市公司并购绩效的实证分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
西方经典企业并购理论可主要归结为使总价值增加的效率理论、自大理论、代理问题和再分配理论。为检验这些理论在中国的适用性,本文分别采用会计研究法和事件研究法,对中国上市公司1999年发生的85起控制权转让案和2002年55起重大资产重组案的并购绩效进行了全面分析,兼顾了并购绩效产生所需的时间因素和实证研究的实效性,从而揭示中国企业并购之动机及其绩效。研究表明,并购重组给目标企业带来了收益,其CAR为24.502%,超过20%的国际水平;而收购企业收益不大且缺乏持续性。同时本文结合个案分析补充大样本研究的不足,得出并购理论在中国具有一定适用性。最后,本文从并购动机、并购方式等不同角度分析了我国并购失败率高的原因。  相似文献   

蒋弘  李芃  龚雪 《技术经济》2022,41(3):35-46
以我国 A 股上市公司并购融资事件作为研究样本,对并购融资决策如何影响企业技术创新这一问题做出分析。结果表明:在并购融资中,如果企业越偏好债权融资,技术创新就越弱。产权性质具有调节作用,国有产权能够减弱并购债权融资决策对技术创新的负面影响。并购债权融资决策对企业技术创新的影响以及产权性质的调节作用,主要在成长期企业和高新技术企业中得到体现。并购债权融资决策显著影响的是企业的中级和初级技术创新活动,产权性质的调节作用也集中体现在上述关系中。研究的启示是:第一,具有研发需求的企业,特别是成长期企业、高新技术企业、小步快跑式创新企业,要慎重对待并购债权融资;第二,创新金融体制机制,为企业并购提供更多的融资方式选择。  相似文献   

在吸收理论的基础上,结合行业技术环境和企业双元创新倾向,提出跨界技术并购企业创新绩效实现机制的整合性分析框架,并使用fsQCA对107个上市公司跨界技术并购案例进行构型研究。结果发现,在高创新绩效构型中,主并企业创新倾向与吸收能力不同维度间存在差异化匹配关系;企业潜在吸收能力与现实吸收能力间具有一定的替代关系,技术基础广度和吸收转化投入强度对于创新绩效提高相对重要;丰富的外部技术资源更有助于创新绩效提升。研究结论拓展了吸收能力理论,丰富了跨界技术并购领域实证证据,可为不同特征企业制定跨界技术并购决策提供参考依据。  相似文献   

创业导向并购战略是新创企业发展采用的探索性扩张战略。以大富科技为例,在分析企业创业导向并购行为产生机理的基础上,根据企业并购目的,定义了3种不同类型的创业导向并购行为,分别为基于开拓新市场的创业导向并购、基于进入新行业的创业导向并购以及基于深化工艺和系统支持的创业导向并购。在此基础上,总结归纳了3种创业导向并购对象选择因素及其特征,丰富了创业导向战略相关研究内容。  相似文献   

贸易自由化中并购问题的经济学剖析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在贸易自由化对并购影响进行考察的基础上 ,可以发现 ,贸易自由对于潜在的并购者来说有两种意义 :受到保护的市场中的低效企业此时更容易被并购 ,对相对低效企业进行的并购变得越来越缺乏吸引力 ,不能实际地融合在一起 ,或者如果已经融合在一起的话 ,就出现了 (资源的 )耗散。无论在哪种意义上贸易的自由化都会激发并购活动的发生 ,但其中并不是所有的都符合整个社会的利益  相似文献   

One of the important issues with regard to the relationship between M&As (mergers and acquisitions) and economic growth or stock prices is whether such activities can act as a predictor of these two variables' performance, or whether these variables have resulted in significant impacts on M&A activities. The aim of this paper is to use the method proposed in Kónya (2006) to carry out a causality test among M&A activities, economic growth and stock prices, because the causal relationships that may be uncovered by this would be meaningful for both policymakers and stockholders. This paper uses quarterly data from six OECD countries for the period from April 1980 to March 2010. The bootstrap panel Granger causality test that this work applies also considers cross-sectional dependency and slope heterogeneity simultaneously. The findings of the paper are as follows. There is significant, one-way causality from stock prices to M&A activities, and thus changes in stock prices lead M&A activities. With real GDP as the control variable, for all the countries surveyed, except Australia, stock prices lead M&A activities. As for the impact that economic growth has on M&A activities, we conclude that, when using stock prices as the control variable, there is almost no lead-lag relationship between economic growth and M&A activities, except for in Japan.  相似文献   

With the acceleration of the economic globalisation process, worldwide market competition is becoming increasingly intense. To remain impregnable in face of fierce competition, Merger and Acquisition (M&A) become the important means to obtain technology, gain core competitiveness, and increase market share. Therefore, studying the effects of M&As on innovation performance has a certain practical significance. With a sample of 96 M&A events of Chinese listed manufacturing enterprises from 2004 to 2011, we find that horizontal M&A and conglomerate M&A can reduce innovation performance, while vertical M&A has no significant effect thereon. Technological M&A has a positive effect on the innovation performance of the acquiring firm, while the effect of non-technological M&A thereon is negative. In technological M&As, entered technological M&A will lower innovation performance, complementary technological M&A can increase innovation performance, while upgraded technological M&A has no significant effect on innovation performance.  相似文献   

中国企业海外并购既有经济风险因素,又有非经济风险因素。在经济风险因素中,战略选择阶段中的战略定位失误,评估实施阶段中的低估并购成本、交易方案设计缺陷,整合阶段中的文化冲突等,都是中国企业海外并购的主要风险因素。而政治、社会、军事、法律、舆论等非经济风险因素则贯穿并购的各个阶段。要较好地规避海外并购的风险,中国企业应该系统地分析内外环境及各种可能产生的风险,作出相应的对策。  相似文献   

李光荣  杨锦绣  黄颖 《技术经济》2020,39(12):26-35
运用事件树方法与模糊集理论对产业链协同视角下企业并购风险分析及评价展开研究。分析并购活动过程中各阶段存在的主要风险因素,根据并购过程中的风险事件序列构建产业链协同并购风险事件树分析模型。讨论提出基于模糊集理论的事件发生概率评价算法,依据并购活动序列事件发生概率及所造成损失率计算其风险大小,解决了事件树方法中风险评价值难以量化的问题。通过案例分析进一步指明产业链协同并购活动中的关键风险点,同时印证了该方法的可行性与有效性。最后,根据研究结果提出产业链协同并购风险管控建议。  相似文献   

新会计准则规范了会计信息的计量、确认、披露;规定公允价值在具有商业实质并能可靠计量时才能采用,其主要运用在金融工具、投资性房地产、非共同控制下的企业合并、债务重组和非货币性交换等方面。同时,资产减值不得转回、存货发出计价取消后进先出法、债务重组收益计入营业外收入等计量方法的变革,有利于对利润的准确计量。  相似文献   

本文通过融入偏向性产业政策特征,拓展了在经济政策不确定下企业并购时机选择的实物期权模型。本文使用2002—2018年中国上市企业海外并购数据,从微观层面检验了经济政策不确定性对企业海外并购时机选择的影响以及产业政策对上述影响的调节作用。理论研究发现不确定性升高会导致企业最优并购时机延后,产业政策会缓解上述影响从而使得并购呈现“逆势”特征。实证检验证实了中国企业海外并购存在“逆势”特征,且“五年规划”产业政策是中国企业呈现“逆势”并购特征的重要推动力。机制分析显示,“五年规划”产业政策通过缓解融资约束和增加政府补贴两个渠道影响企业海外并购时机选择。相对于未实施海外并购的企业,在上一期实施了并购的企业获得贷款资金和国家补贴资金显著提高。企业对上述“政策收益”的预期进一步助推了其海外并购决策。  相似文献   

Studies on Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) typically relate innovation synergies to either context characteristics or post-M&A integration. There is little research on how to tune the relevant practices to the benefit of realising specific innovation synergies. It is the purpose of this paper to develop a conceptual framework on innovation synergy realisation in large M&As, that relates the following components: (1) strategic M&A characteristics; and (2) post-M&A integration mechanisms; to (3) innovation synergy realisation. The research explored how different innovation synergies were achieved in nine large medium-tech and high-tech M&As in the life sciences. From this case studies research, it turns out that higher degrees of technological relatedness allow for the realisation of more types of innovation synergy, brought about by the more demanding integration mechanisms structural linking and process re-design.  相似文献   

Canadian sponsors of successful rehabilitation programs have found they offer impressive benefits for participants in long-term disability plans, as well as for employers and insurers. However, multiemployer plans frequently are not able to capitalize on these benefits.  相似文献   

基于DEA的上市公司并购效率研究   总被引:58,自引:0,他引:58  
本文以经过筛选的沪深两市发生并购的 1 0 3家上市公司为样本 ,首次利用数据包络分析方法 (DEA)计算出公司并购前后的绩效稳定性指标 ,并系统分析了并购活动的绩效。研究证实 ,并购活动总体上提升了上市公司的经营管理效率 ,同时并购后的几年内继续保持着绩效稳步提高的趋势。资产置换和资产剥离方式的并购效率并不高。不同的股权结构类型对并购的效率有显著的影响 ,国有股权的集中对企业并购绩效产生负面影响 ,法人股占比例最大的类型在并购后的绩效提高较快。  相似文献   

Networks’ impact on business outcome is documented in various theories. We examined the role of specific actors in the networks of successful Israeli technology ventures and identified the actor's contribution during early, advanced, and merger and acquisition (M&A) stages. A mixed qualitative–quantitative method was applied to collect insight and data from 185 founder-entrepreneurs who exited via M&A. A name generator-interpreter technique was used to obtain details on the role and contribution of 768 actors. Our findings pointed to the influential role of actors such as Venture Capitalists , angels, board members, and multinational firms, as well as the vital contribution of foreign actors, during M&A transactions. We further draw implications to illustrate that, if applied, lessons learned from sell-side acquired ventures can benefit Chinese companies in their quest to acquire innovation via M&A. We suggest that the understanding of networks practiced by acquired ventures can increase buyers’ accessibility and visibility to target opportunities and improve M&A outcomes.  相似文献   

在不完美市场和信息不对称的背景下,企业并购能否通过协同效应带来有效的市值管理?本文选取了在2007—2010年期间发生并购的A股上市公司,检验了并购的价值创造和市值管理有效性之间的联系,并做了分组检验。实证结果表明,对企业未来三年经营绩效有正协同效应的并购可以为上市公司带来更高的市值管理效用。分组检验结果进一步显示,投资者更为关注异地并购、同行业并购、民企并购以及股权分散型企业并购。这些并购类型的市值管理更为有效。  相似文献   

本文跟踪了并购事件层次商誉从形成到首次减值的过程,并将商誉减值时间和减值风险分为合理减值和延迟减值两部分,通过使用生存分析模型的半参数模型,在一定程度上解决了合理减值时间和风险无法衡量的问题,实证检验了并购特征中的管理层过度自信程度与商誉减值及时性的关系。研究发现,相比于非过度自信的管理层,并购时过度自信的管理层会高估并购溢价,对后续期间的商誉减值风险认知不足,进而延长商誉减值延迟时间、降低商誉减值及时性。本文的研究结果对商誉减值及时性领域做出了有益补充,为有关部门完善商誉减值相关准则和制定商誉减值风险管控政策提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

In many countries, occupational plans are being reformed away from defined-benefit (DB) to defined-contribution (DC) designs. This paper explores the case of the Netherlands, which features a particularly high ratio of occupational pension assets to GDP. Dutch occupational DB plans suffer from a number of serious weaknesses, including ambiguous ownership of assets, back-loading of benefits, and lack of tailor-made risk management. To address these weaknesses, we propose collective individual DC plans that are actuarially fair. These schemes maintain important strengths of collective schemes, such as mandatory saving, collective procurement, and pooling of biometric risks. At the same time, they eliminate intergenerational conflicts about risk management and distribution through transparent individual property rights on financial assets and tailor-made risk profiles in individual accounts. We show how the transitional burden due to phasing out the back-loading of pension benefits can be addressed without a substantial increase in contributions.  相似文献   

This article studies the triggers and the agglomeration of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity within clusters constituted by time, market and industry. Based on almost 500,000 individual transactions, we find that industry factors play a significant role in triggering activity and that M&A agglomerates strongly across related industries. While clustering in time turns out to be insignificant, stock market effects can be either an attracting or a repelling force, depending on the type of deal examined. This supports the view that merger waves are largely driven by industry shocks.  相似文献   

This study examines whether the “soft” information present in merger and acquisition (M&A) announcement press releases contains incrementally valuable news relative to traditional “hard” data. Using the methodology of Loughran and McDonald [2011], we construct measures of synergy expectations and managerial optimism for more than 1,200 M&A announcements over the period 1995–2007. We find that synergy expectations are positively related to announcement period returns, longer-run performance, and the market's reaction to quarterly earnings announcements. Managerial optimism is insignificant for explaining a merger's subsequent performance. We conclude that the soft information contained in M&A announcements concerning synergy expectations can provide useful information to investors.  相似文献   

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