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The decoupling of US short and long interest rates has been a distinctive feature of the 2000s. We employ recent advances in panel econometrics to document this disconnect for industrial countries and link it to a global latent factor in long term rates. We investigate whether international forces, such as global inflation, global output, or the global savings glut may be behind this global latent factor. The savings glut is the most likely contender, suggesting that reserve accumulation and a search for yield from emerging markets has lowered long rates internationally, driving a wedge between domestic short and long rates.  相似文献   

Prior empirical research on the relation between credit risk and the business cycle has failed to properly investigate the presence of asymmetric effects. To fill this gap, we examine this relation both at the aggregate and the bank level exploiting a unique dataset on Italian banks’ borrowers’ default rates. We employ threshold regression models that allow to endogenously establish different regimes identified by the thresholds over/below which credit risk is more/less cyclical. We find that not only are the effects of the business cycle on credit risk more pronounced during downturns but cyclicality is also higher for those banks with riskier portfolios.  相似文献   

In single-equation tests, real exchange rates show mean reversion for nine of 10 Central and Eastern European transition countries for the period January 1993 to December 2005. Because of the shift from controlled to market economies and accompanying crises, failed policy regimes and changes in exchange rate regimes, unit root tests for transition countries often require allowance for structural changes. Accounting for structural breaks gives substantially faster mean-reversion speeds than those found for major industrialized countries. These fast adjustment speeds are plausible: Transition countries had perhaps 10 years to make unprecedented adjustments required for accession to the European Union. A number of papers have applied non-linear models to the Central and Eastern European countries. This paper investigates four non-linear models and compares them with piece-wise linear break models. The break models appear superior in detecting mean reversion for the Central and Eastern European transition countries.  相似文献   

There are two competing explanations for the existence of a value premium, a rational market risk explanation, whereby value stocks are inherently more risky than growth stocks, and a market over-reaction hypothesis, where agents overstate future returns on growth stock. Using asymmetric GARCH-M models this paper tests the predictions of the two hypotheses. Specifically, examining whether returns exhibit a positive (negative) risk premium resulting from a negative (positive) shock and the relative size of any premium. The results of the paper suggest that following a shock, volatility and expected future volatility are heightened, leading to a rise in required rates of return which depresses current prices. Further, these effects are heightened for value stock over growth stock and for negative shocks over positive shocks. Thus, in support of the rational risk interpretation, with a volatility feedback explanation for predictive volatility asymmetry.  相似文献   

We investigate the interdependence of the default risk of several Eurozone countries (France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain) and their domestic banks during the period between June 2007 and May 2010, using daily credit default swaps (CDS). Bank bailout programs changed the composition of both banks’ and sovereign balance sheets and, moreover, affected the linkage between the default risk of governments and their local banks. Our main findings suggest that in the period before bank bailouts the contagion disperses from bank credit spreads into the sovereign CDS market. After bailouts, a financial sector shock affects sovereign CDS spreads more strongly in the short run. However, the impact becomes insignificant in the long term. Furthermore, government CDS spreads become an important determinant of banks’ CDS series. The interdependence of government and bank credit risk is heterogeneous across countries, but homogeneous within the same country.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates how to value American interest rate options under the jump-extended constant-elasticity-of-variance (CEV) models. We consider both exponential jumps (see Duffie et al., 2000) and lognormal jumps (see Johannes, 2004) in the short rate process. We show how to superimpose recombining multinomial jump trees on the diffusion trees, creating mixed jump-diffusion trees for the CEV models of short rate extended with exponential and lognormal jumps. Our simulations for the special case of jump-extended Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross (CIR) square root model show a significant computational advantage over the Longstaff and Schwartz’s (2001) least-squares regression method (LSM) for pricing American options on zero-coupon bonds.  相似文献   

We propose a new accurate method for pricing European spread options by extending the lower bound approximation of Bjerksund and Stensland (2011) beyond the classical Black–Scholes framework. This is possible via a procedure requiring a univariate Fourier inversion. In addition, we are also able to obtain a new tight upper bound. Our method provides also an exact closed form solution via Fourier inversion of the exchange option price, generalizing the Margrabe (1978) formula. The method is applicable to models in which the joint characteristic function of the underlying assets forming the spread is known analytically. We test the performance of these new pricing algorithms performing numerical experiments on different stochastic dynamic models.  相似文献   

Whether stock returns are linked to currency movements and whether currency risk is priced in a domestic context are less conclusive and thus still subject to a great debate. Based on a different approach, this paper attempts to provide new empirical evidence on these two inter-related issues, which are critical to investors and corporate risk management. In particular, this paper not only explores the possibility of asymmetric currency exposure that may explain why prior studies, which focus exclusively on linear exposure, have difficulty in detecting it, but also tests whether this asymmetric currency exposure is priced. The results show strong evidence of asymmetric currency exposure and currency risk pricing, suggesting that both asymmetry and conditional heteroskedasticity play important roles in testing currency exposure and its price.  相似文献   

This paper examines granularity adjustments to parameter estimators in a default risk model with cohorts. The model is an extension of the Vasicek model (Vasicek, 1991) and includes a general factor and cohort specific factors. The granularity adjustments derived in the paper concern the mean and/or the variance of observed default frequencies and are easy to implement in practice. For illustration, the method is applied to the S&P corporate ratings. The Granularity Adjusted (GA) estimators are compared to the unadjusted estimators in terms of their asymptotic properties and in finite sample.  相似文献   

Analyses of a large retail scanner price data set reveal a new and surprising regularity - small price increases occur more frequently than small price decreases for price changes of up to 10¢. That is, we find asymmetric price adjustment “in the small.” Furthermore, it turns out that inflation offers only a partial explanation for the finding. Indeed, substantial proportion of the asymmetry remains unexplained, even after accounting for the inflation. For example, the asymmetry holds also after excluding periods of inflation from the data, and even for products whose price had not increased. The findings hold for different aggregate and disaggregate measures of inflation and also after allowing for lagged price adjustments.  相似文献   

This paper adds to the literature on the information content of the paper-bill spread by explicitly taking into account the two sources of wider spreads, rises in the paper rate and declines in the bill rate. Results from impulse response analysis and variance decompositions suggest that decreases in real output are greater and last longer when a widening of the paper-bill spread comes from an increase in the paper rate rather than from an equivalent decrease in the bill rate. This is consistent with the idea that changes in the commercial paper rate have greater information content about future business cycles than do changes in the Treasury bill rate.  相似文献   

This study investigates the investment decision and dividend policy jointly from a non-steady state to a steady state. We extend ,  and  sustainable growth rate model and develop a dynamic model which jointly optimizes the growth rate and payout ratio. We optimize the firm value to obtain the optimal growth rate in terms of a logistic equation and find that the steady state growth rate can be used as the benchmark for the mean-reverting process of the optimal growth rate. We also investigate the specification error of the mean and variance of dividend per share when introducing the stochastic growth rate. Empirical results support the mean-reverting process of the growth rate and the importance of covariance between the profitability and the growth rate in determining dividend payouts. The intertemporal behavior of the covariance may shed some light on the fact of disappearing dividends over decades.  相似文献   

The dynamic minimum variance hedge ratios (MVHRs) have been commonly estimated using the Bivariate GARCH model that overlooks the basis effect on the time-varying variance–covariance of spot and futures returns. This paper proposes an alternative specification of the BGARCH model in which the effect is incorporated for estimating MVHRs. Empirical investigation in commodity markets suggests that the basis effect is asymmetric, i.e., the positive basis has greater impact than the negative basis on the variance and covariance structure. Both in-sample and out-of-sample comparisons of the MVHR performance reveal that the model with the asymmetric effect provides greater risk reduction than the conventional models, illustrating importance of the asymmetric effect when modeling the joint dynamics of spot and futures returns and hence estimating hedging strategies.  相似文献   

As a considerable source of asymmetry in return volatility, this paper introduces asymmetric herding and extends the continuous beliefs system to account for its asymmetry and derive the asymmetric herding parameters that are easily estimated by using a maximum likelihood method based on the GARCH-type econometric model. This paper presents new empirical evidence for asymmetry in the exchange rates volatility of major currencies against the US dollar, which have bilateral nature. Interestingly, the asymmetry of Japanese yen is the opposite of that of others and the global financial crisis highlights the opposite asymmetry. Some of traditional hypotheses, such as the leverage effect and the volatility feedback effect, do not adequately explain these findings; however, a significant asymmetric herding effect is observed and appears to be time-varying. Further, the clear link between asymmetric herding and volatility strongly supports the hypothesis of the asymmetric herding effect.  相似文献   

This study presents evidence that, since the early 1990s, the prime rate has become more responsive to changes in money market conditions. More important, the evidence indicates that the responsiveness of the prime rate is independent of the direction in the movement of market interest rates, but is related to uncertainty regarding the direction in the movement of market interest rates. These findings are inconsistent with the literature suggesting that adjustment of the prime rate is asymmetric in the sense that it follows market interest rates more closely in upward movement than in downward movement.
Wanli LiEmail:

This study proposes an information asymmetry hypothesis to examine why bank credit ratings vary among countries even when bank financial ratios remain constant. Countries are divided among those with low and high information asymmetry. The former include high-income countries, those in North America and West Europe regions, and those with strong institutional environment quality, whereas the latter group possess the opposite characteristics. This study hypothesizes that the influences of financial ratios on ratings are enhanced in low information asymmetry countries but reduced in countries with high information asymmetry. The sample includes the long-term credit ratings issued by Standard and Poor's from 86 countries during 2002-2008. The estimated results show that the effects of financial ratios on ratings are significantly affected by information asymmetries. Countries wishing to improve the credit ratings of their banks thus should reduce information asymmetry.  相似文献   

The prime business loan rate has become widely viewed as one of the chief barometers of credit market conditions, yet we know little about how this rate is determined. The objective of this paper is to attempt to further our understanding of the prime rate through an analysis of recent prime rate movements in order to determine if the prime reacts immediately to changes in money market conditions, as would be the case of a competitively-determined price, or whether the prime demonstrates properties of an oligopolistic price. The empirical findings contained herein appear to support the hypothesis that the prime rate is an average of a bank's cost of its currently- and previously-issued, but still outstanding, managed liabilities. This type of pricing minimizes the interest rate risk in the bank's balance sheet and facilities coordination and discipline in an oligopolistic market. Furthermore, it also appears that banks may be using the prime rate in conjunction with below prime lending to price discriminate between customers on the basis of whether these customers have alternative channels of short-term financing.  相似文献   

Institutional trading arrangements often involve the portfolio manager delegating the task of trade execution to a separate division within the firm. We model the agency conflict that arises in this setting and show that optimal performance benchmarks often create an incentive to execute orders contrary to concurrent information flow. We hypothesize that aggregate contrarian trading resulting from widespread application of such benchmarks leads to delays in the assimilation of information in security prices. Using institutional trading data, we document the hypothesized contrarian trading pattern and relate the pattern to price-adjustment delays in the response of individual stocks to index futures returns. The evidence supports the assertion that delegated institutional trading contributes to these delays.  相似文献   

A strong turnover premium exists such that stocks with lower turnover have higher future returns in the 5 years following their formation than those with higher turnover. This turnover premium cannot be explained by existing asset-pricing models, a risk-based liquidity factor, or anomalies such as size, book-to-market ratio, or momentum. Further analysis indicates that the turnover premium is greater for stocks with higher idiosyncratic volatility, higher transaction costs, lower institutional ownership, and lower investor sophistication, which implies it is consistent with the mispricing explanation based on arbitrage risk.  相似文献   

We show that the conventional procedure of risk adjustment by running full-sample time-series Fama-French three-factor regressions is not appropriate for momentum portfolios because the procedure fails to allow for the systematic dynamics of momentum portfolio factor loadings. We propose a simple procedure to adjust risks associated with the Fama-French three factors for momentum portfolios. Using our proposed method, the Fama-French three factors can explain approximately 40% of momentum profits generated by individual stocks and nearly all of momentum returns from style portfolios.  相似文献   

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