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Exchange Rate and Interest Rate Polarization. - The relationship between the polarization phenomenon in foreign exhange markets and a similar regu-larity in interest rate differentials is considered. In the case of perfect substitutability and of perfect foresight, both polarizations would be perfectly complementary. Risk premia and forecast errors, however, might induce some degree of substitutability between the two concepts. Throughout almost the entire EMS experience, in France and Italy both phenomena appear to be equivalent. At the end of the 80s, however, interest rate polarization has surged at the expense of exchange rate polarization. In fact, a bias in estimates was found to explain this recent behaviour.  相似文献   

Conclusion This paper examines the change in exchange rate uncertainty between the Bretton Woods and floating exchange rate periods. We estimate both the unconditional variance and the conditional variance of the DM/dollar exchange rate under each exchange rate regime. The former is estimated on the basis of the coefficient of variation and the latter on the basis of a GARCH model. Our GARCH results show that the unconditional variance greatlyunderstates the change in exchange rate uncertainty that resulted from the switch to a flexible exchange rate regime.  相似文献   

简胜前 《特区经济》2005,(12):279-280
一、名义汇率与实际汇率我们知道,汇率的变化会对国际贸易产生直接的影响。例如,当本币贬值时,以外币表示的本国出口商品价格下降,这使本国商品在国际市场上的竞争力增强,进而促进本国的出口增长。但是这里所说的汇率变化是名义汇率的变化还是实际汇率的变化呢?对于这个问题,我  相似文献   

Exchange rate expectations and foreign direct investment flows   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Exchange Rate Expectations and Foreign Direct Investment Flows. — Theories about exchange rate expectations are difficult to check empirically. We study FDI data to find indirect evidence on the formation of exchange rate expectations by foreign direct investors. Using panel data techniques on exchange rate movements and FDI flows from the United States to 20 OECD countries we find that skewness of devaluations has a robust positive impact on FDI flows while average devaluation and its volatility do not. We view this evidence as consistent with the hypothesis that relatively large exchange rate movements generate mean-reverting long-run expectations. This finding is consistent with survey-based evidence on exchange rate expectations.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the foreign exchange rate exposure and its determinants using the data of all firms listed on the Chinese stock market from 2005 to 2018. We find significantly linear and nonlinear exposures to bilateral as well as multilateral foreign exchange rates. Our temporal study also shows that considerably more Chinese firms were exposed to exchange rate fluctuations after the major exchange rate reform in 2015. We find a negligible role played by international operations of firms in explaining exposures. The level of exchange rate exposure is primarily explained by variables that are proxies for a firm's hedging costs. Larger firms, or firms with less leverage ratio, tend to have smaller exposures. Exposure is found to increase with a firm's growth opportunity. Last but not least, we find that leverage ratios and growth opportunities impact more significantly on exposures for firms with separation of control and cash flow rights.  相似文献   

Jeannette Capel 《De Economist》1994,142(4):475-496
Summary Goods produced for competitive markets and goods produced for imperfectly competitive markets are likely to have interdependent production costs in the sense that an increase in the price or the quantity produced of one type of good raises the costs of producing the other. Such production costs inderdependencies are ignored in the existing literature on exchange rate effects on domestic and foreign output. This article does take these interdependencies into account and shows then that exchange rate effects may be dramatically different. In particular, it is explained why aggregate output measures may be insensitive to exchange rate changes.The idea for this paper was born during a research visit to Reading. The paper was further developed benefitting from comments by Mark Casson from the University of Reading, Henk Jager and Eelke de Jong from the University of Amsterdam, and two anonymous referees. I am most grateful for their suggestions. Any remaining errors are, of course, mine.  相似文献   

Conclusions In this paper we have examined empirically five asset-market exchange rate models: the flexible-price monetary model, the sticky-price model, the Hooper-Morton model, the stock-flow model and the portfolio balance model. Each of these models was estimated for the Deutsche mark/dollar exchange rate over the floating period. The empirical results suggest that none of the models is fully supported by the data. Our findings are similar to those of other studies [see, e.g., Backus, 1984; Boughton, 1985; Frankel, 1983; Meese, Rogoff, 1983]. The failure of various exchange rate models to explain the behaviour of the Deutsche mark/dollar exchange rate may be attributed to a number of factors, such as the instability of money demand functions observed in the U.S. and Germany in the mid-1970s11, the intervention of the Bundesbank in an effort to mitigate the large fluctuations of the Deutsche mark/dollar exchange rate, and speculation, which may be increasingly important. This suggests that further theoretical and empirical work is required to resolve the issue of how best to model the exchange rate determination.  相似文献   

This paper studies the exchange rate pass-through in the Syrian economy over the period 1990Q1-2009Q4. To this end it constructs a cost of imports indicator which is used in an Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach. The findings point to a high and fast exchange rate pass-through effect. As a consequence, Syrian macro-economic performance is very sensitive to international price evolutions as well as depreciations of the Syrian Pound.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to assess under what conditions exchange rate volatility generates a positive effect on an exporting firm’s labour demand. As the exchange rate volatility increases, so does the value of the export option, provided that firms are flexible with respect to international trade. Higher volatility increases the potential gains from trade and can increase the demand for labour. The firm’s trade flexibility can be interpreted as a real hedging strategy when financial markets are incomplete. In many newly industrializing countries and emerging economies financial markets are imperfect or risk sharing markets are just starting to develop at a rather slow pace.  相似文献   

The model and related empirical examination in this paper demonstrate one reason why previous studies document both positive and negative correlations between exchange rate volatility and observed levels of foreign direct investment. Using a simple model of cross-border mergers and acquisitions, it argues that the source of the volatility is important in resolving the puzzle. An empirical analysis of mergers and acquisitions by individual firms reveal that first-time foreign direct investment is discouraged by monetary volatility originating from the source-country, but can be encouraged by monetary volatility originating in the host country, especially when compared to domestic investment or expansion by existing multinationals. The regressions also reveal a large and positive “euro effect” on the number of first-time cross-border mergers within the European Monetary Union, even when controlling for domestic merger activity.  相似文献   

Exchange rate systems and linkages in the pacific basin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyzes the exchange rate systems of 10 Pacific Basin economies and linkages of their currencies with the major currencies. The recent advances in time series analysis, including unit root tests and cointegration tests, are utilized for this purpose. The results suggest that while many Pacific Basin developing economies are inclined to have a peg or crawling peg system and peg their currencies primarily to the U.S. dollar, the influence of the Japanese yen in this region is also strong, especially on the exchange rates of the Asian newly industrializing economies. For Australia and New Zealand, their exchange rates move in tandem.  相似文献   

日本资本项目开放与汇率政策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本的资本项目开放从开始推动到最终实现,经历了30多年的时间。在资本项目开放的同时,日元汇 率也从360日元兑1美元大幅升值到2009年的平均93.62日元兑1美元。期间日本政府采取了宏观政策、资本管制、直接干预等多种手段,力求维护日元汇率稳定。有选择的渐进式开放是日本资本项目开放的主要经验,而成功的资本管制为有序开放提供了保障。日本在资本项目开放时,汇率政策与货币政策出现失误,是导致日本“失去的10年”的主要原因。中国未来的资本项目开放必须吸取日本的经验和教训。  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Wechselkursflexibilit?t und die Nachfrage nach W?hrungsreserven. — In diesem Aufsatz werden die Implikationen der sogenannten ?Quadratwurzel-Regel? für die optimale Zunahme der H?he der vorsichtshalber gehaltenen W?hrungsreserven (Sicherheitsreserven) bei einer Vergr?\erung des Handelsvolumens n?her untersucht. Dabei wird die Regel erweitert, um die Auswirkung einer erh?hten Wechselkursflexibilit?t auf die optimale H?he der Sicherheitsreserven einzubeziehen. Es wird gezeigt, da\ die von Olivera vorgeschlagene ?Quadratwurzel-Regel? (1969, 1971), die die Nachfrage nach internationaler Liquidit?t in Beziehung zum Handelsvolumen setzt, mit der ?Kubikwurzel-Regel? von Whalen (1966) vereinbar ist, wenn die Kosten eines zu geringen Bestandes an W?hrungsreserven von der H?he des Fehlbetrages abh?ngen. Die Nachfrageelastizit?t nach Sicherheitsreserven in bezug auf die Erh?hung der Wechselkursflexibilit?t (definiert als Bandbreitenerweiterung) wird auf — 1/3 bis — 2/3 gesch?tzt. Die Analyse will hervorheben, da\ in einer internationalen W?hrungsordnung die Versorgung mit internationaler Liquidit?t und der Anpassungsmechanismus simultan geregelt werden müssen.
Résumé La flexibilité des cours de change et la demande de réserves internationales. — Cette étude continue à examiner la ?règle de racine carrée? et les implications pour le développement optimal des réserves de précaution si le volume du commerce international est augmenté et, en outre, elle étend la règle en inclusant l’impact d’une flexibilité accrue des cours de change sur les balances optimales de précaution. L’auteur démontre que la ?règle de racine carrée?, qui fut suggérée par Olivera (1969, 1971) et qui établit un rapport entre la demande officielle de réserves internationales et le volume du commerce extérieur, est compatible avec la ?règle de racine cubique? par Whalen (1966) si les co?ts d’une pénurie de réserves sont supposés d’être dépendants de l’ampleur d’une telle pénurie. L’élasticité de la demande des réserves de précaution par rapport à l’augmentation de la flexibilité des cours de change (définie comme élargissement des marges autour de la parité) est estimée à se trouver entre un tiers et deux tiers (chaque fois de signe négatif). Le but de cette analyse est de mettre l’accent sur la thèse qu’on doit résoudre simultanément les problèmes de la liquidité et de l’ajustement du système monétaire international.

Resumen Flexibilidad de los tipos de cambio y la demanda de reservas internacionales. — Este estudio analiza la ?regla de raíz cuadrada? y sus implicaciones para el movimiento óptimo de las reservas de precauci?n cuando el volumen de comercio aumenta, y amplifica dicha regla con el fin de considerar el impacto sobre las reservas de precaución de una mayor flexibilidad cambiaria. Queda demostrado que la ?regla de raíz cuadrada? sugerida por Olivera, que relaciona la demanda por reservas internacionales oficiales con el volumen de intercambio comercial, es consistente con la ?regla de raíz cúbica? formulada por Whalen si se supone que el costo de una escasez de reservas dépende de la magnitud de tal escasez. La elasticidad de demanda de reservas de precaución con respecto a un aumento de la flexibilidad cambiaria (en forma de una banda de fluctuación ampliada en torno a la paridad) se estima que varía entre menos un tercio y menos dos tercios. El anàlisis recalca la importancia de determinar simultáneamente la liquidez y el ajuste en el sistema monetario internacional.

This paper provides empirical evidence on the linkage between foreign exchange market volatility and daily 90-day covered interest rate parity (CIP) conditions of the three major exchange rates against the US dollar (US$). Markov regime shifting models were utilized to generate time series of volatility regime probabilities and these were used to explain the first and second moments of the daily deviations from and the transaction cost bands around the covered parity conditions. We find a significant positive relationship between the deviations and the regime probabilities, indicating an increasing probability of higher volatility state being associated with rising deviations (both first and second moments) from the parity condition. Similar positive relationship is found for the transaction bands. Rising (falling) probabilities of high (low) volatility regimes increased the first and second moments of the bands. Furthermore, we find a higher volatility state combined with a US$ depreciation is associated with significantly higher volatility in the daily deviations than an appreciation. Also, US$ depreciation is associated with widening transaction bands. This suggests that the level of market uncertainty was higher when the US$ was depreciating.  相似文献   

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