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A bstract . Justice in the economy is a subject of renewed interest among contemporary economists. In the growing literature, Joseph A. Spengler's Origins of Economic Thought and Justice may become a standard reference work. Its great merit is the way it handles values and value judgments. Economics as an objective science cannot tell us anything about ends, Spengler holds, but it illuminates Valuation and facilitates isolation of costs and some benefits of realizing ends. Still, economists "need to base their policy-oriented arguments on distributive justice and not on efficiency. "  相似文献   

Although laissez-faire economies may not create injustice, argues Matthew Lynn, a financial journalist and adherent of the SDP, the inequity embodied in existing arrangements may require intervention to correct it. David Butler, of the University of York, finds the proposed solution even less likely to be just.  相似文献   

社会存在决定社会意识,经济基础决定上层建筑,这是马克思主义的基本观点。那么,道德规范作为上层建筑和社会意识的重要组成部分,也是由社会存在特别是经济基础所决定的。它一旦形成,就会反作用于那个社会的经济基础和社会存在。可见,社会主义道德规范与社会经济发展的关系是作用与反作用的关系,社会经济的发展变化促进社会道  相似文献   

Abstract . Is justice necessary for peace? There can be no justice while people have unresolved grievances, but peace is more than the absence of strife. It is harmony. Justice is the principles of equality and evenhandedness that command and prohibit the use of force in resolving conflicts. Justice is not necessary for peace, but it does facilitate it. Conservative, majoritarian, egalitarian and contractarian efforts to specify justice all fail to respect persons in crucial ways and cannot be expected to lead to peace. The justice that leads to peace is classical liberalism, with its insistence that each person own himself or herself, augmented by the principle of equal rights to the opportunities provided by nature, as advanced by Henry George.  相似文献   

我国证券市场普遍存在虚假信息披露问题。本文首先对造假问题做了理论上的分析,发现在目前的体制下造假问题几乎不可能根除 ,随后提出了一些解决问题的办法 ,力求让中介机构独立和负责任地发挥其对上市公司的审计监督作用。  相似文献   

A bstract This paper seeks to integrate the concepts of embedded exchange and impersonal exchange via the notion of integrated markets. The more integrated market exchange is, the more likely that each potential actor in the exchange process is linked to a large number of others. As a result, it is less likely that buyers and sellers will choose to cheat each other, and market exchange thrives. Integration occurs as a result of bridging structural holes in social networks and is carried out by entrepreneurial middlemen. Their activities are characterized by significant increasing returns to scale. Thus coordination is likely to be necessary for integrated markets to develop.  相似文献   

Although there are many studies that utilize the constructs of procedural and distributive justice, this research tends to ignore the implications of the bivariate relationship between the two constructs. The stronger the relationship between the two constructs, the more problematic ignoring this relationship becomes. Therefore, a meta-analysis was conducted to estimate the relationship between procedural and distributive justice. We also conducted an initial assessment of extent to which the relationship between procedural and distributive justice was context sensitive. Finally, a series of methodological moderators was evaluated. Results indicated that the relationship between procedural and distributive justice is strong (= .64) across all studies. However, this relationship was moderated by research context, and even within research context, there was substantial evidence of variability. The results of the meta-analysis were discussed in terms of implications for theory, research methods, and construct measurement in justice research.  相似文献   

本文论述了经济发展对零售业态的影响,并结合服装市场调查和服装消费者的心理和行为特征分析,针对我国服装零售业态的发展进行了探索,为企业制定合适营销策略提供参考。  相似文献   

Abstract . John C. Harsanyi has developed a theory of justice based on the von Neumann-Morgenstern (vN-M) theory of decision making under uncertainty. Instead of applying the vN-M theory strictly, however, Harsanyi proposes to modify his approach so as to exclude decisions which seem to be the result of rashness, strong excitement and other circumstances which might hinder rational choice. The result is a theory of justice which is internally inconsistent and potentially hostile to liberty and individual freedom.  相似文献   

从管制理论的角度分析了物流市场失灵,从成本-效益角度进行物流市场管制的经济分析,以及物流市场管制中需要注意的问题,最后阐述了建立完善的物流市场经济体制需要适当的物流市场管制,才能节约交易费用,提高物流市场的整体运行效益。  相似文献   

本文提供了一个基于主体的市场经济模型——ASMEC-M,用于将宏观经济分析和微观经济分析有机地结合起来。在ASMEC-M模型中,微观个体通过应用人工适应主体被个别地模拟出来,主体状态的不同导致主体行为的差异,宏观经济总量是微观个体状态的累积。假设经济由家庭、企业和政府组成:企业只生产一种产品,家庭消费该产品,企业和家庭之间的相互作用通过市场来进行;企业根据库存量和销售量制订雇佣策略,根据销售量和利润等制订价格策略;家庭根据收入进行合理的消费;政府制订财政政策追求经济的平等。市场通过数量和价格调整商品的供给和需求。应用ASMEC-M模型,我们可以定性地分析经济周期波动等宏观经济现象。  相似文献   

谷永芬  安鹏  刘颖 《物流科技》2004,27(6):69-71
从民营经济对国民经济和区域经济的影响入手,阐述黑龙江省发展民营经济的必要性。分析黑龙江省民营经济发展过程中存在的问题,以及当前所面临的机遇,提出新形势下进一步发展我省民营经济的对策建议。  相似文献   

运用我国2002-2016年的季度数据,采用结构方程,加入了财政支出、经常项目差额、外商直接投资等变量,在一个完整的框架内对金融市场交易额和实体经济的联系进行实证分析。结果表明,包括实际利率、社会融资规模、证券市场交易额等在内的金融变量对实体经济有着显著的影响,但存在社会融资规模大与贡献小、流通市场交易量大与资源配置功能不高的问题。上述现象的原因在于金融市场的垄断结构与监管部门对资金流动的监管力度较弱,据此提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

利用我国沪深A股公司数据,研究上市公司总体会计盈余和总体账面市值比对GDP增长是否具有预测功能。研究发现,我国上市公司总体季度会计盈余增长率与未来1-4季度GDP增长有显著相关性;而上市公司总体账面市值比与未来GDP增长率的相关性较弱,预测功能只在未来1期和2期显著。进一步研究发现,将两者纳入同一模型对未来GDP增长的解释能力显著提高,但与会计盈余相比,账面市值比具有的信息含量较弱。  相似文献   

FDI溢出、金融市场与经济增长   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:24  
当人力资本由外资生产部门转向国内生产部门或建立新企业时,FDI内生的技术溢出将成为可能,而新企业的建立需要向国内金融市场进行融资,因此,金融市场将起到FDI溢出与经济增长的重要联结作用,其效率的高低将直接影响到FDI溢出的效果进而影响到经济增长,通过模型分析和数据检验,本文认为,金融市场效率的提高将降低融资成本,促进人力资本学习水平上升进而导致其建立新企业的努力,意味着金融市场效率的提高将增加FDI的边际社会产出,FDI的溢出效应将在更大程度上影响经济增长。  相似文献   

周显莹 《价值工程》2014,(32):184-185
黄金市场变动主要受黄金本身供求关系影响,其中影响其供给的因素是多样的。本文专题研究有关欧元维持高位运行原因,欧元区的经济形势,及其由此导致的政策预期对国际黄金市场的影响。  相似文献   

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