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This paper investigates the adjustment of gross and net outputs to a change in tariff structure in models involving interindustry flows. Various conditions for the normal price-gross-output relationship are derived in a two-good, two-primary-factor model. These conditions are expressed in terms of the degree and also the patterns of substitutability and complementarity between different inputs. In the special case where the produced input is not used in its own production, the paper shows that the abnormal relationship between prices and gross outputs can occur only if the two primary factors are complements to each other and their degree of complementarity is sufficiently high. Finally, the response of net outputs due to a change in tariff structure is explored in a general model allowing arbitrary numbers of goods and primary factors.  相似文献   

P. Luxton 《Intereconomics》1976,11(12):335-338
In the October issue of INTERECONOMICS the author already published an article on “Environmental issues and the Developing Economies“. The present continuation deals with the effects which the adoption of environmental controls in the developed countries may have on the developing economies.  相似文献   

The 2× 2 × 2 Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson model of trade is examined under all the usual assumptions, except that a positive rate of interest is assumed. The factor-price-equalization and Stolper-Samuelson theorems are shown to be unaffected by the positive interest rate. The H-O-S theorem on the pattern of trade still holds in its ‘quantity’ form but is shown to be invalid in its ‘price’ form. Consequently trade need not ‘harm’ a country's scarce factor. It is to be expected that, in general, international equilibrium will not be unique.  相似文献   

We investigate how organizational goal setting impacts slack resource allocation between markets at home and overseas, and argue that organizational goals, publicly announced, impact managers’ evaluations of resource allocation opportunities. Based on a sample of Chinese publicly listed manufacturing firms for the period 2010 to 2016, we find that when firms announce publicly a sales increasing goal as their priority, their attention will be focused on this goal with a tendency to invest the firm's slack resources locally. This tendency to invest slack resources locally is enhanced if the announced goal is not achieved, but is not achieved with a minor discrepancy. However, if the goal is not achieved, and with a major discrepancy, managers will likely conduct problemistic search and look to foreign locations to invest the firm's slack resources to achieve this goal. We also find the impact of organizational goal setting is more salient for SOEs and is dependent on levels of remuneration in the firm. As such, we revisit the importance of organization goals and the resource allocation decision in the firm which has not received the research attention one may have expected.  相似文献   

Strategic intent and performance: The role of resource allocation decisions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The notion that a firm's strategic intent can affect its performance through managerial actions has become prominent in the organization literature. In this research, we propose that strategic aggressive firms will foster decisions that favor holding low levels of slack and low levels of R&D investments, resulting in increased firm ROI, and that a firm's risk preference will moderate the indirect effect of strategic intent on performance. Findings from moderated mediation analyses on data from 130 firms in manufacturing industries support our hypotheses. Specifically, the indirect effect of a firm's strategic intent on a firm's performance is moderated by its risk aversion, such that when risk aversion is high, the indirect effect of strategic intent on performance through slack is strengthened. Similarly, the indirect effect of strategic intent on firm performance through R&D investments is strengthened, when risk aversion is high.  相似文献   

The common element of all negotiations is change. Design is the key to directing and managing change, and resource allocation is the most critical component of design. Negotiations about change are, therefore, fundamentally, negotiations about design and resource allocation. Negotiations vary along a continuum, from those in which negotiators have consonant interests (share objectives) to discordant ones (disagree about appropriate objectives). The joint distribution of all possible payoffs defines thestructure of the negotiation problem—the opportunities the problem affords and constraints it imposes on negotiators. The analytical mediation approach supports the activities of an impartial, neutral third party who attempts to assist the disputants to reach a mutually satisfactory agreement. It makes use of different types of techniques to support negotiations, depending on their location along the negotiation continuum. Two case studies involving analytical mediation are reported. One case study involves a budgeting exercise, in which the negotiators' interests were essentially consonant. The second case study involves a labor-management contract problem, in which the negotiators' interests were highly discordant.  相似文献   

为了提高频谱共享的有效性和公平性,提出了一个基于合作博弈的认知网络频谱共享 模型和接入控制策略。博弈规则为在满足各用户最小收益的前提下,认知用户进行相互合作 ,并最大化总体收益;接入控制策略以满足服务质量需求为约束条件,并引入惩罚函数,迫 使认知用户按照其实际需求竞争频谱资源。仿真结果表明:提出的合作博弈模型和接入策略 提高了认知用户的总体收益和公平性,改善了系统中认知用户的满意度。  相似文献   

The use of ethics in everyday nursing practice will become increasingly important to the individual nurse, and nursing as a profession, as technology has a greater impact on health status and the provision of health care. Resource allocation is only one example of an ethical issue in which nursing must have input. Nursing can expand its contribution to society by ensuring that it plays a major role in shaping public policy and legislation. If nursing is to continue to serve the public, the involvement of nurses within the political process must be accepted as an ethical necessity.Margaret Keatings, RN, MHSc, is the Director, Nursing Practice in the Department of Medicine at Toronto General Hospital. She combines this role with a strong interest in biomedical ethics to serve as co-chair of the hospital's clinical ethics committee. Keatings is also an assistant professor in the University of Toronto Faculty of Nursing. In spring 1988, she participated in an exchange program between Toronto General Hospital and a teaching hospital in Cambridge, England.Diana Dick, RN, BScN, MEd, co-ordinated a national campaign of the Canadian Nurses Association resulting in two significant amendments to the Canada Health Act (1984). As Project Manager with the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario, she initiated the Association's involvement in the Grange Inquiry. She has taught at Seneca College, practised nursing in special care units, and written and spoken both nationally and internationally on resource allocation. Currently she works in a branch of Ontario's Pay Equity Commission.  相似文献   

This article presents a model of the intensity of care provided by hospitals and physicians and how such intensity was affected by the change to prospective payment by Medicare. Prospective payment introduced an incentive for hospitals to shorten average length of stay, but in order to keep the patient recovery level constant, intensity of inpatient care was forced to increase. Physicians reacted to hospital changes by increasing their own intensity of care provided to inpatients. Implications of the model for admissions and physician office time are also explored. Empirical results indicate that for the period 1983-1987, spanning the introduction of PPS, both hospital and physician intensity of care per inpatient rose significantly.  相似文献   

为优化蜂窝用户通信与设备直传(D2D)中继通信共存下的同频干扰问题,满足蜂窝用户容量要求,提出了一种基于能效的联合资源分配和功率控制的D2D中继选择算法。该算法首先对等效D2D中继链路进行资源分配,减小算法复杂度的同时使得D2D链路对蜂窝链路产生的干扰最小;然后以资源分配结果和功率控制算法为依据进行中继选择。该方案不仅考虑了D2D中继链路的能效问题,而且还同时考虑到了对蜂窝链路的干扰问题。通过仿真验证,所提算法不仅能有效提升D2D中继链路的能效值,同时降低了对蜂窝用户的干扰。  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider issues associated with scalability and robustness in designing a market-based multi-agent system that allocates bandwidth in a communications network. Specifically, an empirical evaluation is carried out to assess the system performance under a variety of design configurations in order to provide an insight into network deployment issues. This extends our previous work in which we developed an application that makes use of market-based software agents that compete in decentralised marketplaces to buy and sell bandwidth resources in a network that is partitioned into regions, each with a separate market server. We investigate the average call success rate and average message load per market server, as the number of markets are scaled up in a fixed size network. The same investigations are performed in the presence of single market failures. Finally, for both the failure and non-failure cases, a trade-off is found between their average call success rates and message load per server in order to find an optimum number of regions to deploy in the network.  相似文献   

为了优化长期演进(LTE)系统引入设备直传(D2D)通信后带来的同频干扰、系统边缘用户性能恶化问题,提出一种基于信干噪比(SINR)的多小区D2D通信资源分配方案,通过调整信干噪比阈值将部分蜂窝用户(CU)转化为D2D用户并释放频谱资源进而获得较佳的资源分配策略,同时提出一种基于小区间D2D竞争机制的配置算法有效降低小区间干扰。仿真表明,算法能够有效提升系统容量,并提升小区边缘D2D用户公平性。  相似文献   

在LTE系统中引入设备直传(D2D)通信技术,会因为D2D用户复用蜂窝用户资源进行通信而产生同频干扰。在现有的干扰协调与资源分配研究中,都需要基站获取各个通信链路的信道状态信息(CSI),但这样无疑会增加基站的信令负担。为减小干扰与基站的信令负担,提出了一种基于用户中断概率的干扰协调与资源分配算法,首先在保证蜂窝用户正常通信的情况下,通过限制D2D用户到基站间的距离来降低干扰;其次通过遍历所有蜂窝用户的频谱资源,选择能使D2D用户的总中断概率最低的频谱资源进行复用。仿真结果表明,所提算法能够在保证蜂窝用户正常通信的情况下,明显降低D2D用户的平均中断概率,同时还能够降低基站信令负担。  相似文献   

This paper examines the response of net and gross outputs of tradeable goods to changes in tariff structure in the context of a comprehensive general equilibrium model with interindustry flows and non-traded, as well as imported, intermediate goods. There are two major results. First, the nominal rate of tariffs on a tradeable good is shown to correctly indicate the movements of its net output under most general conditions. Second, the (modified and) generalized Corden index of effective protection for a tradeable good is revealed to be in a close relationship with the behavior of its gross output under certain restrictions on the input substitutability of industries.  相似文献   

Boards of directors are key governance mechanisms in organizations and fulfill two main tasks: monitoring managers and firm performance, and providing advice and access to resources. In spite of a wealth of research much remains unknown about how boards attend to the two tasks. This study investigates whether organizational (firm profitability) and environmental factors (industry regulation) affect board task performance. The data combine CEOs' responses to a questionnaire, and archival data from a sample of large Italian firms. Findings show that past firm performance is negatively associated with board monitoring and advice tasks; greater industry regulation enhances perceived board task performance; board monitoring and advice tasks tend to reinforce each other, despite their theoretical and practical distinction.  相似文献   

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