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Participatory arrangements have become a popular way of addressing modern challenges of urban governance but in practice face several constraints and can trigger deep tensions. Facilitative leadership can play a crucial role in enabling collaboration among local stakeholders despite plural and often conflictual interests. Surprisingly, this style of leadership has received limited attention within debates linking urban governance and participatory democracy. We summarize the main insights of the literature on facilitative leadership and empirically develop them in the context of participatory urban governance by comparing recent participatory processes in two Italian cities. Whereas in one city facilitative leadership gradually emerged and successfully transformed a deep conflict into consensual proposals, in the other city, participatory planning further exacerbated pre‐existing antagonism, and local democratic culture was only later slowly reinvigorated through bottom‐up initiative. These diverging pathways explain how facilitative leadership is: (1) important for making things happen; (2) best understood as situated practices; (3) an emergent property of the practices and interactions of a number of local actors and (4) a democratic capacity for dealing with continuous challenges. Key to this style of leadership is understanding participatory urban governance as an ongoing democratic process.  相似文献   

This article provides an ethnographic perspective on urban planning by presenting the creative practices of marginalized slum residents in Recife, Northeast Brazil, who are affected by planners’ decisions. It argues that such a perspective contributes to current critical urban theory in three ways. First, while many studies of urban planning follow the temporality of the timeframe of a particular project (‘project time’), this analysis emphasizes the timeframe of the lives of the affected residents (‘people's time’). Second, it attends to diversity, taking account of the variety of affected residents and the diverse consequences of urban planning on their lives. Third, it shows how urban interventions — similar to marriage, divorce, the birth of children and the death of loved ones — are high-impact life events for the urban poor. Finally, the article assesses the engagement between ethnography and critical urban theory and argues in favour of ‘grounding’ the latter better in the analysis of actual practices and experiences.  相似文献   

巴西城市化模式的分析及启示   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
巴西是世界上经济较为发达的发展中国家,城市化水平相当高.但是,它的城市化先于工业化,属于过度城市化模式.20世纪30年代之前,巴西主要依靠外来移民推动其城市化进程,属于无工业化的城市化;之后,工业化起步,进一步加速了城市化的发展.但是,由于历史、政策等多方面原因,巴西在城市化过程中出现了区域不平衡和过度城市化、贫民窟等严重的城市问题.研究巴西城市化发展的经验和教训,对我国城市化进程中实现城乡协调和可持续发展具有一定的启示作用.  相似文献   

叶强 《城市问题》2008,(1):77-81
从法制、城市建设投资和经济学的角度,分析了近年来我国城市规划原则和方针执行难问题的症结所在,提出了关于执行和落实城市规划原则和方针的思考和建议.  相似文献   

在对居住空间概念及其特征梳理的基础上,分析了我国城市居住空间现阶段存在的突出问题,进而从空间视角和公共政策属性两个维度探索了城市规划调控居住空间和谐、"共生"和可持续发展的策略。  相似文献   

This article compares two cases of displacement suffered by informal workers and informal residents in the Brazilian city of Belo Horizonte, both connected to the hosting of the 2014 FIFA World Cup. It asks the following question: considering that the right to work and the right to housing are both enshrined in the Brazilian Constitution, why do claims upon space based on those constitutional rights have different degrees of legitimacy? Two cases are analysed in detail. The first one concerns a group of informal workers displaced from their workspace for the modernization of the local stadium. The second one tells the story of an informal settlement where 90 families were displaced due to the construction of a flyover designed to improve access to the football stadium. This article engages with current postcolonial debates around urban informality, tackling two points that have been absent from these discussions. First, it compares two ways of informally occupying urban space—for work and for housing—revealing the distinct degrees of legitimacy embedded in such practices due to pre‐existing institutional arrangements. Second, it emphasizes the connection between work and home through the life strategies and place‐making practices of the urban poor.  相似文献   

基于城市空间演化的物流设施布局与规划   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
认为以城市物理空间扩展、功能区转换、产业结构“软化”以及城市群出现为特征的城市空间演化对城市物流需求产生了重要的影响,进而影响着城市物流设施布局与规划战略;提出了考虑城市空间演化的城市物流设施布局与规划模型,指出政府在进行城市物流设施布局与规划时应充分考虑城市空间演化这一影响因素,并在此基础上制定城市物流资源优化配置相关政策。  相似文献   

在对城市夜规划的本质、目的及其在城市规划体系中的地位进行了一系列讨论之后,分析并描述了城市空间在昼间和夜间的明显差异,探讨了城市夜规划研究的基本思路和方法,认为重视城市夜规划有利于促进城市空间的混合使用.  相似文献   

周祥 《城市问题》2005,(3):58-60
当代经济学研究注重交易费用在经济发展与社会制度设计中所起的作用.而作为社会制度的一部分,城市规划管理对城市开发有重要的影响,科学的城市规划管理应当注重经济学理论的指导作用.在介绍交易费用相关的基本理论基础上,结合美国城市规划管理实践,对城市规划管理中可能存在的交易费用及其影响进行分析研究,并对我国目前的规划管理实践进行思考,提出适应经济发展,尽量降低城市规划管理中的各种交易费用,以提高社会的总效用.  相似文献   

城市规划转型的整体性和系统性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
立足于城市规划转型的整体性和系统性,从宏观的视角论述了城市规划转型的起点、目标,以及转型过程中各环节的特点和作用.认为规划范式的转型是核心,规划程序的转型是实体,规划机制的转型是保障,并分析了在转型过程中政府的关键作用和规划教育的基础作用.同时强调了城市规划的转型是一个系统推进的过程,需要各个环节协调联动、相互配合.  相似文献   

对城市规划价值观的再思考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在国内相关研究的基础上,基于转型期我国社会的某些特征及其主要矛盾,从"改革-发展-稳定"、"市场-政府"、"政治国家-市民社会"和"地方政府-私有资本-市民"的角度来解析我国城市规划价值观的变迁及其取向问题.转型期我国城市规划价值观存在多元性,由追求经济发展、经济增长向追求社会公平、社会公正转变是城市规划发展的必然趋势,但城市规划的这种转型必须渐进式地推进,不宜过于激进.  相似文献   

公共性的建构是和谐社会的必然诉求,城市是人类社会公共性的实现空间,城市规划先天地具有公共关怀的优良传统。转型期利益分配格局的调整和与之对应的制度缺陷造成了城市规划公共性的缺失及规划的价值危机,公共性传统的回归与复兴将有助于实现和谐的规划目标与和谐的规划过程,从而为和谐社会的构建做出有益的尝试。  相似文献   

In this paper, we identify the conditions that must be present for effective policy implementation using co-production. To this end, we investigated five cases in which co-production was used to combat the vector of dengue, the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, in Brazil. Data were analysed using content analysis and crisp-set QCA methods to identify the combination of conditions that explain successful outcomes. Five conditions were found to be necessary for effective implementation via co-production: technical, economic, normative, cognitive and structural. The contribution of this study is to provide empirical evidence with respect to the conditions that effectively lead to successful outcomes.  相似文献   

我国城市化进程的加快使得在城市土地利用过程中,用地规模扩张过快、土地利用效率低下、用地结构失调等各种问题日益突出,而城市土地利用规划功能又相对较弱、管理尚不完善.针对这些问题提出了从系统的角度进行城市土地利用和规划,以城市发展规划为总领,合理控制各类土地的使用,促进土地资源的集约利用与城市生态经济系统的协调发展,以及城市土地利用规划的对策建议.  相似文献   

李成顺 《价值工程》2010,29(9):187-187
我国经济体制的转变,城市的快速发展,直接暴露了我国现存城市规划管理体制存在职能不健全、缺乏协调能力和手段、权威性不强等问题,本文通过对城市规划管理体制存在的一些问题进行分析,提出城市规划管理体制改革的一些建议。  相似文献   

文化产业政策与城市发展:欧洲的经验与启示   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
全球经济的变动趋势导致了城市经济的重构 ,欧洲文化经济政策的兴起正是应对这种趋势的地方响应。本文首先概述了文化产业的概念及其主要特点 ,并简要描述了欧洲城市文化经济政策的类型及其发展进程 ,最后总结出文化产业在欧洲城市发展中所起的促进作用 ,以及在政策实施中存在的各种问题。  相似文献   

德国是区划思想和区划制度的发源地.作为城市详细规划和法定图则,当代德国的建造规划继承和发展了德国早期的区划传统,成为调控城市建设的有效工具.对德国区划制的历史渊源、诞生和早期发展作了系统的介绍,并以此为基础,进一步分析了德国现代建造规划的确立和完善过程.  相似文献   

我国城市景观规划建设的进展、问题及反思   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
198 0年代以来 ,我国城市景观发生了巨大变化 ,城市景观规划建设方面取得了显著进展 ,表现在制度规范建设、生态与人居环境、历史风貌保护以及理论研究等方面 ;同时也存在着突出的问题 ,如 :城市形象趋同 ,整体景观不协调 ,重形式、轻功能 ,历史风貌破坏等。面对现实情况和问题 ,对我国当前城市景观规划建设从环境与制度建设、经济、心态、文化以及理论研究等方面进行了全面反思。  相似文献   

文章论述了我国城市基础设施建设中外资利用现状及存在问题 ,提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

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