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欧元区主权债务危机分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
欧元区主权债务危机的爆发缘于欧元区分散的财政政策与统一的货币政策之间的二元矛盾;欧元区国家不可持续的社会经济结构模式;全球金融危机的冲击。欧元区主权债务危机从债权安全、国际贸易、汇率改革、人民币国际化等方面给我国带来挑战和机遇。欧洲主权债务危机对我国的总体影响是有限的,我国在近期也不可能出现主权债务危机,可以从欧元区主权债务危机中得到启示:加快经济结构优化调整;规范地方政府融资行为;谨慎开展区域货币一体化合作。  相似文献   

欧洲债务危机在其爆发、蔓延和升级的演变过程中对欧元汇率,主要是欧元兑美元汇率波动带来巨大影响。基于汇率决定理论分析,欧元区财政政策、货币政策及货币套利交易是导致欧元汇率震荡的三大主因。透过欧洲债务危机对欧元汇率影响具有协调财政政策和货币政策来稳定汇率、避免竞争性货币贬值、货币危机将危及经济和金融稳定等三方面的启示。  相似文献   

世界经济复苏阶段的新风险——主权债务增长与危机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谷源洋 《中国市场》2010,(29):64-66
在国际金融危机和经济衰退期间,各经济体采取了扩张性的财政政策和货币政策。反危机措施虽然阻止了经济"自由落体式"的下滑,但使发达经济体和一些新兴经济体的公共债务大为膨胀。希腊主权债务危机只是"冰山一角"。欧洲的主权信用风险和危机正在蔓延和扩散,削弱了欧盟、欧元区的凝聚力及欧元的吸引力,并影响到世界经济的复苏。亚洲新兴经济体应从希腊主权债务危机中汲取教训和警示,在经济复苏、增长与实施反周期措施之间,寻找"两难选择"的平衡点。  相似文献   

历时近两年的欧洲主权债务危机愈演愈烈,世界其他地区和经济组织纷纷向欧元区诸国施压,要求欧元区尽快拿出解决欧洲主权债务危机的方案和承诺。本文结合前人已有的研究,从外部压力,自身政策设计缺陷和欧元区成员国经济不对称性三方面分析欧洲主权债务危机形成的原因,并提出改革财政政策,加强欧洲央行"最后贷款人"的作用,根据经济规模设定不同的准入标准等政策建议。  相似文献   

付丹 《商》2012,(18):65-65
本文分析了欧债危机爆发的深层次原因,认为欧元区经济发展失衡,产业结构不协调,收入分配制度不合理,财政政策与货币政策二元结构矛盾是危机爆发的根本原因,并在此基础上,本文分析了欧洲债务危机爆发给我国经济发展带来的警示和启迪。  相似文献   

欧洲债务危机给中国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴法编  穆发兵 《中国市场》2010,(39):117-119
始于希腊的欧洲债务危机愈演愈烈,整个欧元区正面对成立十一年以来最严峻的考验。自从2008年美国"次贷危机"引发全球金融危机以来,从希腊开始的主权债务危机使得欧洲成为了全球关注的焦点,问题的严重性可能超乎人们的预料。盲目的高福利政策、欧元区内部缺乏迅速、严厉、有效的财政政策纪律、货币一体化所带来的独立货币政策的消失和欧盟内部的不和谐造成了目前严峻的局面,这些经验教训也给中国带来了很多启示。  相似文献   

刘诗佳 《商》2013,(17):220-220,189
欧洲财政和债务问题历史上一直存在,此次由于受到国际金融危机给各国经济带来的破坏性影响,加速了欧洲国家的财政债务问题转变为主权债务危机。由于欧盟内部各国相互持有彼此的主权债券,一个国家的经济财政出现严重问题,必然会引起一系列的连锁反应。以希腊为典型代表的主权债务危机事件成为整个欧洲经济政策的焦点。穆迪投资者服务公司、标准普尔公司和惠誉国际信用评级公司,这三大信用评级公司纷纷下调希腊主权信用的评级,引起了人们对主权债务危机向欧洲其他国家蔓延的担忧。此后,爱尔兰、葡萄牙、西班牙、意大利相继被调低了主权信用评级。随着越来越多的欧洲国家主权信用评级遭到了下调,欧洲国家的债务问题浮出水面,开始备受关注。  相似文献   

黄志龙 《中国物价》2012,(1):19-20,33
欧洲经济正面临债务高企、银行流动性不足和经济低迷的全面危机。债务危机表现为国家主权债务规模上升、债务成本居高不下、短期内偿债压力巨大;银行危机表现为银行业持有大量重债国债务、资产减记、资本金缺口大和融资困难。经济持续低迷与债务危机相互强化,形成恶性循环。短期内欧洲国家将继续执行紧缩性财政政策,欧洲央行实行宽松的货币政策。中长期看可能对重债国进行债务重组,或发行欧元债券,建立欧洲统一的风险和责任共担机制。  相似文献   

随着欧洲主权债务危机的爆发,欧元区各国政府出现了不同程度的债务危机;欧债危机显示了欧元区机制设计的缺陷,进一步反映出欧元区的理论基础——最优货币区理论存在着缺陷;本文通过最优货币区理论的研究,结合欧洲主权债务危机的现状,分析最优货币区理论存在的不足,从而更好地指导欧元区的改革和发展。  相似文献   

欧债危机与欧洲货币一体化:基于制度变迁的因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧洲债务危机是由主权债务违约所引发的区域性信用危机,其产生的原因是复杂而深刻的。从推动欧洲货币制度变迁的因素角度出发,分析了欧债危机爆发的原因,认为欧债危机是欧洲货币一体化过程中政治因素主导的强制性制度变迁所引发的必然后果。其解决方法应当是,建立一个统一的政治协调机制,或者让渡政治因素在欧洲货币制度变迁过程中的主导地位,使经济因素更为自主地发挥调节作用。  相似文献   

希腊债务危机及其对世界经济复苏的冲击   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年2月初以来,希腊等国的债务危机开始进入人们的视野,并引发欧盟金融市场震荡。希腊等国的债务危机具有重要的历史原因和传染效应,它不仅源于财政赤字过高,而且缺乏独立的货币政策,但最根本的原因是希腊的经济失去了"生产性"。我国应未雨绸缪,提早做好准备,主动积极应对希腊等国的主权债务危机。  相似文献   

At the height of the European sovereign debt crisis, the European Central Bank decided to purchase distressed European government bonds. Even worse, and more importantly, the ECB is providing direct support of several hundred billions of euros to troubled banks via its normal monetary policy operations by granting them the opportunity to refinance at an interest rate of 1%. This article argues that these purchases will result in common monetary policy being dominated by national fiscal policies. The most worrisome aspect is that the euro area appears to have stumbled into unconventional monetary policies that, once started, will be difficult to exit. In the euro area, properly functioning financial markets are at risk.  相似文献   

欧债危机根源于欧盟内部经济发展的不平衡以及欧盟内部体制上存在的缺陷。欧债危机的产生与欧洲一体化进程中存在的一味加快一体化进程,物质基础被破坏,欧盟制度安排存在缺陷,统一的货币政策与分散的财政政策无法有效协调等问题有着必然联系。要彻底解决欧债危机必须加快实现财政一体化,尽快缩小欧元区内部各国经济发展的差距;改革劳动力市场政策,促进劳动力要素自由流动;改革欧盟的制度安排,增强欧盟相关制度对成员国的约束力。  相似文献   

This paper examines the implications of different monetary and fiscal policy rules in an economy characterized by Harrodian instability. We show that (1) a monetary rule along Taylor lines can be stabilizing for low debt ratios but becomes de‐stabilizing if the debt ratio exceeds a certain threshold, (2) a ‘Keynesian’ fiscal policy rule can stabilize the economy at full employment, (3) a fiscal ‘austerity’ rule that links fiscal parameters to deviations from a target debt ratio fails to adjust the ‘warranted’ to the ‘natural’ growth rate and destabilizes the warranted path and (4) instability may arise from a combination of fiscal and monetary policy rules which separately would stabilize the system.  相似文献   

美欧发达国家政府的债务危机问题已经越来越严重,逐渐引起了包括发展中国家在内的世界各国的广泛关注.面对此次债务危机,美欧各国都相继采取了各种财政、货币政策措施加以应对.在分析美欧国家债务危机产生原因以及列举美欧国家应对危机采取的措施基础上,对其政策措施实施效果进行了分析比较,最后总结了主权债务危机给中国发展所带来的几点启示.  相似文献   

This paper draws out lessons from the euro area (EA) that are transferable to the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU) and other Caribbean economies with fixed exchange rates. Based on observations from both the EA and the ECCU, we present a new policy framework which is capable of imposing fiscal discipline, with the aim of avoiding the risk of unsustainable fiscal policies reappearing and of preventing monetary policy from being undermined by undisciplined national governments. In the ECCU case, we find that fiscal deficits are more a result of financial and trade imbalances than fiscal indiscipline per se. Consequently, constraints on overall debt, public and private, rather than direct limits on endogenous public deficits, appear to be the appropriate response.  相似文献   

Hansen  Arne  Meyer  Dirk 《Intereconomics》2021,56(4):223-233

The coronavirus crisis has led to a sharp increase in the debt-to-GDP ratios of the euro area member states. Without external support, access to the capital market could be seriously threatened in the medium term for Italy, but also for other member states. While the Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme, which is designed as a monetary policy instrument, is regarded by some as a violation of the prohibition of monetary financing, the Next Generation EU recovery fund is likely to direct the fundamental structures of the European Union towards a fiscal union with considerable redistribution elements. This article analyses an alternative strategy, namely debt relief by the European System of Central Banks through an EU debt agency. Such a scheme would be possible without amending the EU treaties and would avoid negative equity at the central banks. The question is under what circumstances would this approach be suitable and proportionate?


刘蓉  李娜 《财贸经济》2022,43(1):27-43
各国政府均会面临日益频繁出现的社会供需总量有悖于货币流通和金融稳定的诸多问题,为此财政与金融当局综合运用各种政策工具力求实现经济的稳定和协调发展。作为国家宏观调控的重要工具之一,地方政府举债如何避免政策冲突并最大化政策组合效力,是当前亟待深入研究的重要课题。本文通过构建包含金融摩擦、多期债券和举债规则等要素在内的NK-DSGE模型,深入剖析地方政府举债的货币效应和传导机制,并探讨其与货币政策协同配合的最佳模式。研究发现:(1)1%的地方政府举债冲击(债券久期=5年)会推动货币乘数上升0.39%,产生货币扩张效应,且债券久期越长,该扩张效应越大;(2)面对实体冲击和金融冲击,货币政策对地方政府举债采取适度从紧的反向协同配合,能有效抑制其货币扩张效应,更好地实现经济稳定和复苏;(3)对于久期较长的债券,提高地方政府举债规则的风险反应敏感度有利于增进福利。  相似文献   

《The World Economy》2018,41(5):1309-1341
Has the G20 achieved its goals in macroeconomic cooperation since 2008? The paper organises the G20's efforts under five themes: macroeconomic stimulus, fiscal consolidation, monetary policy, the global financial safety net and global imbalances. The G20 was initially successful in each of these areas, but this success was short‐lived. While the G20 met its goals on macroeconomic stimulus, it has been less successful in reducing deficits and debt. While it was successful in increasing its resources, the global financial safety net remains too small, too fragmented and institutional reform is incomplete. While the G20 succeeded in moving to more market‐determined exchange rates and avoiding competitive devaluations, it struggled to avoid negative spillovers. Despite years of effort, the G20 has made limited progress in reducing global imbalances. Current account imbalances are creeping back to pre‐crisis levels. Public debt remains high and most economies are moving in the wrong direction in correcting imbalances in household savings and debt. The paper concludes that the G20 has done better in some areas than others. But to suggest the G20 is a forum in decline ignores its shift from reactive crisis response to longer‐term structural challenges outside of the pressing need of an immediate crisis.  相似文献   

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