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By taking account of output fluctuations, this paper constructs a synthesis of profit-sharing and efficiency-wage models to highlight the role of the risk attitudes of the firm and its employees. We show, contrary to the traditional efficiency wage theory, that in a profit-sharing economy unemployment is no longer a necessary device to induce work effort and, consequently, the labor market equilibrium may be characterized by full employment. Such a result is more likely to be true when the economy is characterized by small-sized firms. In addition, we also provide a preliminary sketch of the situations in which the firm chooses a profit-sharing program or a fixed-wage one, and discuss how a firm determines its pay parameters and employment in response to output fluctuations.  相似文献   

流通企业的(规模)边界   总被引:35,自引:2,他引:35  
现代企业理论对企业边界为何受到限制做了详细分析,且大都将其归因于有限理性条件.但流通企业具有不同于生产企业的经济性质,其本质是交易的专业化生产者(或提供者);信息技术提高市场交易效率,推动流通产业发展,同时也提高企业管理和控制效率,使流通企业比生产企业更容易利用品牌和统一经营模式进行"复制"和"选择性干预",实现分店扩张.  相似文献   

The nature of a cause-brand alliance (CBA) makes it a unique marketing promotion that creates an association or alliance between the corporation selling a product and a social cause or issue. This study was developed to resolve the equivocal research results of past research. The research results suggest that consumer acceptance of a CBA mediates the relationships between situational contexts (prevalence of the social cause and congruence of the alliance) and consumer attitude toward the corporate alliance partner. This study observed that when prevalence is high, consumers’ acceptance of that CBA is high as well. Surprisingly, congruency did not have a significant impact on acceptance. Reasons for this unexpected finding are explored in detail. Finally, the acceptance of the CBA had a positive effect on consumers’ attitude toward the CBA.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between flexibility and the size of establishments for Spanish manufacturing industry. This relationship is examined using the Encuesta Industrial, an annual survey which provides manufacturing sectorial information for six size categories over the period 1980–92. The theoretical framework is that proposed by Mills and Schumann (1985 Mills, D.E. and Schumann, L. 1985. Industry structure with fluctuating demand. American Economic Review, 75: 75867. [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), finding in the evidence related to technological flexibility and demand fluctuations a greater capacity of small firms to adapt to environmental changes, allowing them, in addition, to resist competition based on costs, such as that stemming from scale economies. The results emerging from the estimations confirm that small establishments show greater production variability, employment variability and profit variability than large establishments. That is to say, small establishments are more flexible than large ones due to their greater capacity to absorb demand fluctuations.  相似文献   


Cause related marketing (CRM) has changed corporate philanthropy into an alleged money maker for the corporate donor. While CRM requires a financial donation, tied to a sale, an “Ambush” causal marketer can potentially reap goodwill and sales without the financial cost of donating. This study uses a field experiment ad study (n = 459) to examine the comparative effectiveness of a true CRM vs. an Ambush ad approach for social causes. It also explores whether the chosen social cause needs to be naturally associated with the cause sponsor. The results suggest that an Ambush social cause appeal can perform as well as a CRM appeal, and that the social cause need not be closely associated to the marketer to favorably influence perceptions of the audience.  相似文献   

In this study we contribute to the long‐standing debate on the impact of firm versus industry effects on firm performance in three distinct ways; firstly by testing the firm, industry and their interaction effects on performance, secondly by examining the impact of each effect for different size groups, and lastly by measuring performance in terms of sales growth in addition to profitability. We use data of 71,750 UK firms, between 2002 and 2004, and employ moderated regression analysis for three sub‐samples namely micro, SMEs and large firms. With regards to profitability, we find the interaction effect to be significant in all sub‐samples for broad level of industrial aggregation (SIC4). For narrow industrial aggregation (SIC2), the interaction effect is only significant for micro firms. Neither of the above effects is significant for sales growth.  相似文献   

Investors' attention to a firm's stock has been demonstrated to influence stock returns (Da et al., 2011). But does a firm's marketing information draw attention to a firm's stock? Research in finance, accounting, and marketing has investigated advertising as one potential driver of investors' attention to a firm's stock. How about other potential marketing drivers? The authors develop hypotheses related to the impact of the changes in four marketing levers: advertising, product development announcements, WOM, and customer satisfaction on the change in investor attention to a firm's stock. Furthermore, they investigate the moderating role of competitors' marketing levers in these relationships.To test the hypotheses, they compile a panel dataset with 349 firms covering the 2007–2017 period. The results suggest that the changes in the focal firm's advertising and WOM have a positive and significant impact on the changes in investor attention to the focal firm’s stock. Furthermore, these effects are amplified when there is an increase in competitors' advertising spending and WOM, respectively. For the customer satisfaction lever, the results suggest that the change in competitors' customer satisfaction enhances the impact of the change in focal firm's customer satisfaction on investor attention. Collectively, the results suggest that investors attend to the firm's and its competitors' marketing information in a much more nuanced manner than previously thought.  相似文献   

Marketing thrives on secrets, yet surprisingly little formal attention has been paid to how the marketing of secrecy and the secrecy of marketing can play a significant role in contemporary organizations. We draw upon the fields of organizational studies, psychology, and marketing to develop a typology of secrets that reflects their marketing value and their knowledge value. Marketing secrets can have value to the firm (strategic value), to the customer (marketing value), or to both parties. Based on these two dimensions, we identify four different types of marketing secrets: (1) appealing secrets have high strategic value, as well as high marketing value; (2) mythical secrets mean little to the firm but a lot to the customer; (3) plain secrets are critical to the firm but are irrelevant to customers; and (4) weak secrets have neither strategic value nor marketing value. Our typology enables academics to formulate research questions regarding secrecy in marketing, and serves as a guide for practitioners in the construction of strategies that can exploit the strategic value of secrets by ‘romancing’ them, and increase their knowledge value by ‘educating’ the secrets.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine to what extent corporate and non-profit alliances can impact the public's attitudes and intentions to support a cause. Through the use of experimental design four types of alliances were examined: (1) low affinity cause aligned with company with strong reputation, (2) low affinity cause aligned with company with weak reputation, (3) high affinity cause aligned with company with strong reputation, and (4) high affinity cause aligned with company with weak reputation. Results of paired sample t-tests indicated significant changes for only one type of alliance, that which is between a low affinity cause and a corporate sponsor with a strong reputation. The low affinity cause experienced increased: (a) customer trust in the non-profit, (b) intentions to support the cause, (c) evaluations of cause importance, (d) personal feelings of responsibility to help the cause, and (e) evaluations of consequences for society through providing support. For the remaining three types of alliances changes were not significant.  相似文献   

Although corporate growth is one of the most researched subjects in different areas of economic science, it is not currently based on a general theory or generally accepted conceptual definition. In spite of this, growth has usually been considered an essential objective for a firm, contributing to its survival and competitiveness. This work aims to provide a more in-depth study of the factors that condition the growth of small and medium-sized firms, by offering some empirical evidence that will contribute to its modelling, especially in relation to the influence of size, age and activity sector. In this context, we shall attempt to contrast the validity of Gibrat's approach and the Learning Theory.  相似文献   

Stremersch (2021) and Wierenga (2021) provide valuable reactions to our ideas in Kohli and Haenlein (2021). We highlight some of their suggestions we found particularly helpful and use this opportunity to clarify some of our ideas. In particular, we like the concept of a “project funnel,” the notions of “vertical drift” and “lateral drift,” and a “Universal Marketing Knowledge Classification System.” We clarify our ideas relating to the role of “supplying” or foundational disciplines, importance of theory, selfidentities of scholars, evaluation of research rigor, and learning about marketing phenomena.  相似文献   

A business can leverage the potential of the Internet to enhance the effectiveness of its competitive strategy as well as the efficiency of its operations. While the former has received considerable attention in literature, there is a dearth of research on the later. This paper focuses on leveraging the Internet for enhancing the efficiency of a business' marketing operations. We propose an organizing framework that provides insights into opportunities for achieving marketing efficiency gains in the context of the interactivity, personalization and addressability characteristics of the Internet.  相似文献   

Much has been written about where the boundaries of the firm are drawn, but little about what occurs at the boundaries themselves. When a firm subcontracts, does it inform its suppliers fully of what it requires, or is it willing to accept what they have available? In practice firms often engage in a dialogue, or conversation, with their suppliers, in which at first they set out their general requirements, and only when the supplier reports back on how these can be met are their more specific requirements set out. This paper models such conversations as a rational response to communication costs. The model is used to examine the impact of new information technology, such as CAD/CAM, on the conduct of subcontracting. It can also be used to examine its impact on the marketing activities of firms. The technique of analysis, which is based on the economic theory of teams, has more general applications too. It can be used to model all the forms of dialogue involved in the processes of coordination both within and between firms.  相似文献   

The objective of the paper is to test the effect of firm size and business experience on export performance. In fact, despite a growing number of empirical studies, the question of the relationship between these variables is not clearly established. This research aims at contributing to a better understanding of these complex relationships with a special focus on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The authors develop a general model and test it using a sample of Italian manufacturing firms that spans the 1997–2001 period. Combining a time-series with a cross-sectional analysis, they use an econometric model in order to test the relationships. Their findings provide a strong support for both relationships. The results show that it is not business experience per se which is important but that it is the relative change in experience that truly impacts upon export performance. The model also reveals that industry effects are relevant.  相似文献   


The key question from a marketing perspective is why has Islamic State (IS) been so successful and how did it displace Al Qaeda (AQ) as the most prominent brand of global jihad from 2014 to 2016? The political and military elements have been examined but comparatively little attention has been paid to the ability of IS to commandeer the AQ narrative by appropriating and extending key themes and using them via social media to market itself as a choice for disaffected youth. It is suggested that IS has done this by making skilful use of rhetoric to position its brand and facilitate recruitment. To illustrate this, eight major themes of jihadi social media communications are identified and then analysed. Then a comparison is made between the way that AQ has used these themes in the online journal Inspire and the way that IS has used them in their online journals, Dabiq and Rumiyah.  相似文献   

This study examines the moderating effects of institutional forces on the capabilities–performance link by combining the resource-base view and institutional theory. From a survey of 324 Chinese manufacturers, this study tests the impacts of the importance of guanxi (an informal institutional factor) and legal support (a formal institutional factor) on the performance advantages of firm capabilities. The results indicate that both marketing and technology capabilities relate positively to performance, but the performance advantage of technology capabilities is less prominent when guanxi is important and the legal system is ineffective. In addition, guanxi importance strengthens the performance advantage of domestic firms' marketing capabilities but reduces that of foreign firms' marketing capabilities in China.  相似文献   

The Effects of Firm Size and Industry on Corporate Giving   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent downward trends in corporate giving have renewed interest in the factors that shape corporate philanthropy. This paper examines the relationships between charitable contributions, firm size and industry. Improvements over previous studies include an IRS data base that covers a much broader range of firm sizes and industries as compared to previous studies and estimation using an instrumental variable technique that explicitly addresses potential simultaneity between charitable contributions and profitability. Important findings provide evidence of a cubic relationship between charitable giving and firm size and evidence of strong industry effects. The plus-minus-plus regression coefficient sign pattern for the cubic firm size model suggests that small and large firms give more relative to total receipts with lower giving ratios among medium size firms. One interpretation for this finding is that small firms are close to the communities they serve while high visibility creates a need for large firm philanthropy. Strong industry effects provide evidence of inter-industry differences in giving culture and/or different public relations requirements across industries. Christie H. Amato (Ph.D., University of Alabama) is professor of marketing at the Belk College of Business Administration, University of North Carolina, Charlotte. Dr. Amato's research interests lie in the area of strategic marketing, productivity, quality of life and ethics. She has published articles in top marketing journals including: Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Advertising and Journal of Business Research. Louis H. Amato (Ph.D., University of South Carolina) is professor of economics at the Belk College of Business Administration, University of North Carolina-Charlotte. Dr.␣Amato's research interests lie in the areas of market structure and profitability, productivity, quality of life and ethics. He has published articles in top journals including Southern Economic Journal, Review of Industrial Organization, and Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics.  相似文献   

During the past quarter of a century or so there was a marked increase in the number of studies exploring the internationalization of the small firm. The basic premise of this body of literature was that the size of the firm mattered in the process of internationalization. Research in this area focused heavily on types of forward integration (particularly exporting), and examined a handful of key research questions: which national markets shall a small firm enter, how, and when, as well as the impact of internationalization on business performance. Rather unexpectedly, to date there have been no studies exploring the impact of firm size on the nature of relationships created by small firms. This paper aspires to address this gap in the literature by focusing upon globally integrated small enterprises. Drawing on the evidence of 755 firms in five EU countries the paper argues that there are no profound differences in the nature of international relationships created by globally integrated small firms in comparison to their large‐scale counterparts. More importantly, however, the paper suggests that power asymmetry and mutuality may coexist in international relationship, and small firms may often occupy positions of power in global commodity chains.  相似文献   

A conceptual model for a cause-related marketing (CRM) campaign, which examines the effects of purchase quantity and firm donation amount on consumer perceptions of the firm (i.e., firm motive and corporate social responsibility) and participation intentions, is developed and tested in three separate studies. In Study 1, we find the positive effect of firm donation amount on participation intentions was fully mediated by consumer inferences about the firm and the negative effect of purchase quantity on participation intentions was only partially mediated by these inferences. In Study 2, and consistent with the persuasion knowledge model, we demonstrate that the effects of purchase quantity on firm inferences and subsequent participation intentions are moderated by consumer participation effort where higher participation requirements (e.g., mail-in proof-of-purchase) yield more negative purchase quantity effects. We extend the model in Study 3 to incorporate multiple exchange mechanisms and find that although purchase quantity does affect participation intentions by social exchange, the effects of purchase quantity are primarily the result of the economic exchange. Recommendations for the design of cause-related marketing campaigns and for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the death of firms and seizes a long-term perspective. It investigates the life spans of nearly 2,200 firms in seven birth cohorts of Swedish joint-stock companies, founded during seven separate years between 1899 and 1950. Research has traditionally emphasized individual- and micro-oriented factors in explaining post-entry performance, or has often focused on the influence of firm-specific structural factors (firm age and size). A less attended field recognizes environmental forces. This paper focuses on the interaction between the micro and macro levels, and combines structural and environmental factors. Employing a cohort approach, it relates firm survival to firm age and size, as well as to the effect of cohort affiliation and environmental change over time (period effects). During macroeconomic expansion, the risk of death decreases. Cohort effects are also evident. Firms founded during times of economic crisis exhibit lower survival rates. Consequently, cohort affiliation and environmental forces, i.e. period effects, can explain differences in death rates in different firm populations.
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