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国家专营条件下的盐业物流系统模式探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
阐述了我国食盐流通体系的现状,分析了我国国家专营条件下的盐业物流系统应具备的功能,其内部作业流程,以及系统的网络结构。  相似文献   

Stemming from the concept of multiproduct monopoly, we adjust the usual profit maximizing rule of the effective price model, to account for substitutability or complementarity among lottery products as well as a richer structure of prizes in the expected profit function. The new pricing rule is used to assess pricing decisions of the Greek lottery operator, based on a recent sample of two popular pari‐mutuel lottery games' data. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文分析了北京汽车工业内外战略联盟关系,给出了有中心企业的多方、多阶段组织博弈的数学描述,以及多方、多阶段战略联盟博弈模型。依据战略联盟博弈模型分析的结果对北汽控股公司内外战略联盟的建立提出若干建议。  相似文献   

段丁强  赵擎 《价值工程》2014,(5):181-182
电力垄断行业的改革对于我国电力行业的发展具有重要意义。这就要求相关部门人员从多个方面考虑,实现水电等可再生能源的发展,提高能源的利用效率,以此来为我国社会发展创造一个崭新的电力行业。  相似文献   

对垄断行业实施监管,首先应明确“垄断”与“监管”概念的具体内涵,区分自然垄断与行政性垄断的特征。石油天然气行业是我国目前为数不多的以国有和行政性垄断为主的行业,对这一行业的行政性垄断与自然垄断进行分析有一定的典型意义。通过分析发现当前垄断行业改革及监管体制建设尚存在的几个重要问题,对此提出加快推进垄断行业改革及建立现代监管框架的设想。  相似文献   

网络效应与自然垄断产业的分拆:以电信业为例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对我国自然垄断产业的分拆改革有两种相反观点,这些观点大多是从自然垄断产业的规模经济性、范围经济性及成本次可加性等特征来展开论述的。文章试图从自然垄断产业的网络效应出发,认为对待这些自然垄断产业的分拆改革应慎行。改革的关键在于引入替代品竞争和企业改制。  相似文献   

With the post-war breakdown of the industrial relations consensus ‘the trade union question’ has been central to British politics. In this article, the authors argue that no settlement will be lightly achieved and that it will require detailed policies based on radical principles. The alternative is a continuation of the long drawn out crisis until sectional demands and strife provoke increasing forms of state control.  相似文献   

An analysis of the role of trade unions in a democratic society and the problems of overcoming the general apathy of members leads the author to suggest ways of increasing participation in union activities.  相似文献   

新自然垄断理论在铁路运输业的研究与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统理论一般都认为铁路具有典型的自然垄断性、公益性,多数国家对铁路进行严格管制,垄断经营,结果许多国家铁路陷入重重困境。1982年,鲍莫尔等提出的新自然垄断认为对于弱自然垄断,可以用竞争来替代经济管制。实际上,铁路只是具有“局部自然垄断性”。“网运分离”模式可以打破铁路一体化垄断、引入竞争,但这需要一个长期过程,当前最关键的打破垄断、引入竞争的对策是分类建设、分类经营、建立多元化投融资主体,并可以采取PPP模式引入国内外社会资本、引入竞争。  相似文献   

李凤辉 《价值工程》2010,29(7):231-231
本文通过建立计量模型,从行业利润率和全要素效率两方面实证分析了我国电力行业的自然垄断效率变化。  相似文献   

本文选取2007~2011年中国多个行业的相关数据,通过分析企业管理费用,对工资外收入的统计来源进行研究,以航空运输业和医药制造业为例,对影响行业间收入差距的因素做了实证研究.实证分析表明,垄断因素是造成行业间收入差距的最主要原因,其对行业间收入差距的贡献程度达到75%以上;人力资本对行业间收入差距的贡献很低;外商投资比例和成本费用利润率对行业间收入差距有一定贡献,并且对缩小行业间的收入差距有重要意义.  相似文献   

公立医院在医疗市场的垄断势力导致行业效率低下,医疗费用快速上涨。民营资本进入在一定程度上改善了医疗市场结构,提高了行业竞争程度。本文分析竞争与医疗行业效率的内在逻辑,并选取2010—2017年省际面板数据,实证分析竞争是否提高了医疗行业效率。研究发现:民营医院数量的增多能够引起医疗行业效率提高,但在医疗服务提供方面,目前公立医院的垄断地位仍难以打破,民营医院进入对医疗行业效率的影响尚不显著;需要在消除制度性进入障碍,形成有效竞争的市场结构,促进医疗行业要素流动等方面进一步深化医疗体制的改革。  相似文献   

国务院:鼓励民营资本进入垄断行业竞争性业务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The more homogeneous its customers the easier it is for a monopolist to extract consumer surplus. Offering a range of product varieties (or spatial locations) sorts consumers into groups with similar preferences. The profit opportunities this yields may result in a monopoly providing more product choice than is socially optimal. Nevertheless, monopoly may be socially preferable to a free entry imperfectly competitive equilibrium.  相似文献   

For three decades after liberation in 1949, the Chinese economy consisted almost entirely of state monopolies. Economic reforms, starting in 1979, sought to increase the efficiency of the economy by introducing competitive practices in many sectors of the economy. But the Chinese economy has been partially administered by the state for over two millennia. As a result, both state‐managed and private monopolies are still an intrinsic part of the Chinese economy today. Despite two decades of anti‐monopoly reforms, state‐owned enterprises (SOEs) continue to dominate key sectors of the economy, particularly in resource extraction and financial services. The government is aware of the inefficiencies and corruption caused by monopolies, both public and private. But Chinese tradition takes a balanced view of social harms and weighs the damage caused by monopoly against the stability that SOEs have provided China in recent decades. There is less reason for China to tolerate private monopolies, but most of them have arisen in conjunction with digital technology because of its distinctive cost structure (high entry costs, low marginal costs). China has made some use of antitrust law, but most economic regulation in China is administrative. Thus the anti‐monopoly activities that are used to restrain monopoly power in China are different from Western practices.  相似文献   

垄断、竞争与经济增长   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一个国家经济增长的实质就是垄断的不断形成与竞争逐渐产生的过程。没有垄断,经济增长就缺乏后劲;没有竞争,经济增长就失去了动力。垄断并非十恶不赦,它有其存在的基础,也有它消失的理由;新的垄断需不断问世,旧的垄断要及时退出历史舞台,只有这样,经济的持续增长才能实现。  相似文献   

文章对行业间收入差距和行业内部收入差距进行了描述性统计分析,然后利用2010~2011年样本工业行业的数据估算出行业明瑟(Mincer)工资收入方程,进而用费景汉-拉尼斯分解方法分析了选定的行业特征对行业收入差距的贡献度。在此基础上,利用奥希卡-布林德(Oaxaca-Blinder)分解方法对垄断性行业与竞争性行业之间的收入差距进行了分析。最后,还利用菲尔兹(G·Fields)分解方法对垄断性行业与竞争性行业各自内部的收入差距进行了分析。研究结果表明:行业垄断程度对行业间收入差距的影响最大;行业职工受教育程度对垄断性行业与竞争性行业之间的收入差距解释力不够,垄断性行业的高收入在很大程度上是不合理的;行业职工受教育程度对垄断性行业内部的收入差距几乎没有影响,而对竞争性行业内部的收入差距产生了一定的影响。  相似文献   

There is little doubt that company policies which successfully attempt to change employee behaviour patterns require a high level of trade union involvement. Workplace alcoholism policies are an example of this kind of initiative. This article presents some preliminary, survey evidence on the extent to which alcohol policies have been introduced in Scotland.  相似文献   

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