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The link between variety seeking and promotional response has been of interest to marketing researchers for quite some time. By segmenting consumers according to their variety-seeking needs, researchers have established some interesting results regarding the variation in promotional response across segments. However, the sole basis for segmentation thus far has been unidimensional (e.g., high-and low-variety seekers). This research discusses a unique way to segment consumers based not only on the usual extent (or mean) of variety seeking but also on the intensity (or consistency) of variety-seeking behavior, a new segmentation criterion. The authors conduct an empirical study to test the two-dimensional segmentation scheme and investigate differences in response to a variety of promotions across the segments. The inclusion of the intensity aspect of variety seeking as an additional basis for segmentation has a significant impact on promotional response and offers substantially richer managerial interpretation. Minakshi Trivedi is an associate professor of marketing at the School of Management, State University of New York at Buffalo. Her research interests lie in modeling purchase behavior, and game theory. She has published in various journals in cludingMarketing Science, Management Science, and theJournal of Business & Economic Statistics.  相似文献   

Summary The suggestion to decentralize the planning of promotional strategy has been presented against the background of a national market, consisting of purchase decision makers who are influenced in their choices by different cultures, peculiar to the regions in which they operate. Thus, a separate promotional strategy for each region would appear to be warranted. The significance of this suggestion is further amplified by the experience of most firms of an uneven market share throughout the territories they serve. Other possible causes were presented, in addition to differences in regional cultures. The future growth of regional markets was brought out, as a further factor to indicate the potential importance of the article's main idea. Certain issues have not been presented in this article, and may be worthy of further research. Some of them are the calibre and training of the personnel required for this type of program, at the regional and territorial levels; the interface between them and the firm as they perform the planning function; the criteria by which they may judge which strategies to recommend; and the kind of marketing organizations that will be needed in the future.  相似文献   

在农村消费市场存在差异的条件下,全国范围的以行政补贴和市场推广相结合的“万村千乡”推广方式将面临“推广悖论”,即工程的普遍服务职能与企业追求利润的目标之间的冲突,进而可能会造成财政补贴资金的浪费。应在不同区域采用不同的推广策略:发达地区农村,应以企业自主经营为主;具有一定消费市场潜力但企业开拓成本还比较高的地区,应行政补贴和市场推广相结合;尚不具备经营条件的农村地区,应加强基础设施建设,并提高农民收入水平,待时机成熟后再逐步推进。  相似文献   

A narrative review is presented, within the organizing framework of a meta-analysis, of econometric models reported in the business literature that estimate the effect of advertising and promotional spending on the market value of the firm. Results from published market valuation models are aggregated, and various model specifications are appraised. In brief the meta-analysis finds support for a positive relationship between levels of advertising and promotional spending and the market value of the firm. That is, marketing activities (represented here by observed advertising and promotions spending) are generally expected to deliver future cashflows and produce increases in shareholder wealth. The review seeks to enhance understanding among the community of marketing scholars of the properties of market valuation models published in the literature and serves as a springboard for ongoing investigation of a crucial question for marketing theory and practice. Margy P. Conchar (concharm@mail.ecu.edu) (Ph.D., University of Georgia) is an assistant professor at East Carolina University. Her research focuses on consumer behavior and advertising. Her work in consumer behavior concentrates on risk, motives, and optimal consumption experience. Her research in advertising focuses on the interface between advertising and finance, accounting, or economics. She has previously published in the proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, the Association for Consumer Research, the American Marketing Association of Educators, and the Society for Marketing Advances. Melvin R. Crask (mcrask@terry.uga.edu) (DBA, University of Indiana) is an associate professor of marketing at the University of Georgia (UGA). He is currently serving as director of the MBA program at UGA. His teaching interests are in the areas of marketing research and marketing strategy. He has published more than three dozen articles and papers dealing with marketing research methods and with strategic issues in marketing. He is also the coauthor of two books, one on marketing strategy and one on marketing research. George M. Zinkhan (gzinkhan@terry.uga.edu) (Ph.D., University of Michigan) is the Coca-Cola Company Chair of Marketing at the University of Georgia. His major research interests include advertising, communication, and e-commerce.  相似文献   

Although the Federal Trade Commission has initiated a number of rulings to reduce professional societies’ prohibitions against advertising in order to stimulate competition, there is little research regarding the subject. Certainly, this is true of the potential effects of doctors’ advertising. In this study, subjects received illustrative physicians’ advertisements with varying levels of price, service, and competency. In analysis with various attitudinal and intentional measures as dependent variables, these factors were shown to have statistical significance.  相似文献   

The increasing size of the aged population is becoming important to marketers interested in developing marketing programs, policymakers interested in the effects of marketing activities on the well-being of older adults, and researchers who wish to understand this segment as consumers. This research presents theoretical foundations useful in understanding older adults as consumers and, based on these foundations, a model is developed and tested to help learn about antecedents and processes that affect the way older adults respond to marketing offerings targeted at them. where he is also a member of the Gerontology program faculty. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin. An internationally recognized authority on marketing to older adults, Dr. Moschis is the author of several books and more than 100 peer-reviewed articles and papers. He has been a consultant to leading agencies throughout the country and abroad, a frequent speaker at business forums, and a contributor to various consumer and trade publications. He received his Ph.D. in Business Administration from Georgia State University. His current research interests are in the areas of consumer behavior and research methodology. He has published several papers in various proceedings and the Journal of Direct Marketing. She received her Ph.D. in Business Administration from Georgia State University. Her major research interests are in the areas of consumer behavior of the elderly and consumer socialization. She has published several articles and papers in various journals and proceedings.  相似文献   

A serious distortion of business survey research is that frequently the survey includes questions that the respondent views as sensitive or intimate. The respondent may refuse to answer or may give an inaccurate answer. This refusal to answer or tendency to falsify the answer can seriously distort the research findings and invalidate the interferences made from the survey. This paper discusses a sampling procedure that has recently been developed and used to reduce dishonest responses or nonreponses to sensitive questions. The procedure is called Randomized Response. As an example, it is used to ask sensitive questions of individuals who are marketing majors at the University of Hawaii concerning their behavior and attitudes toward racial discrimination, shoplifting, test cheating, and commodity hoarding.  相似文献   

创新是21世纪新知识时代的主旋律,培养具有创新精神的人才是实现科教兴国的关键。具有创新精神的人才必须深刻地掌握现代科学技术研究的基本方法:理论研究、科学实验和科学计算,而这三大基本方法要求具有扎实的数学基础及较强的数学应用意识和应用能力,传统的数学教学方法使学生越来越觉得数学枯燥无味,如何让数学跟上社会发展的需要,运用数学工具分析和解决实际问题,做到学以致用,数学建模是将数学理论和实践紧密结合的重要载体,是数学理论解决实际问题的桥梁和纽带。经过几年的教学实践,认为在高职数学教学中,引入建模思想,能激发学生学习数学的兴趣,提高分析问题,解决问题的能力。  相似文献   


Recent literature has identified consumers’ fairness and image concerns as the primary drivers of payments under pay-what-you-want (PWYW) pricing. Consequently, managers have employed a variety of design variations to invoke/alleviate these concerns to attract more customers and increase payment magnitudes. We develop a theoretical approach that combines both prosocial and self-interested motives to examine consumers’ four possible responses to design variations in PWYW exchange: (1) opt-out, (2) free-ride, (3) default to recommendation, or (4) other payment. We confirm model predictions using an empirical approach that jointly estimates the multipartite customer response. We report findings pertaining to four managerially controllable variables namely, ‘payment visibility’, ‘information on payment recipients’, ‘timing of payment’, and ‘explicit price recommendations’ using both secondary data and controlled experiments. We show that design variations have a heterogeneous effect on different types of consumer responses leading to countervailing effects on revenues. We derive several actionable managerial recommendations.


<正>建筑信息模型(Building Information Modeling)是以建筑工程项目的各项相关信息数据作为模型的基础,进行建筑模型的建立,通过数字信息仿真模拟建筑物所具有的真实信息。它具有可视化,协调性,模拟性,优化性和可出图性五大特点。BIM技术是一种应用于工程设计建造管理的数据化工具,通过参数模型整合各种项目的相关信息,在项目策划、运行和维护的全生命周  相似文献   

This article develops a conceptualization of bribery activity in organizational relationships at the international level. Utilizing a coalitional viewpoint of organizational interaction across markets, this paper proposes that international exchange environments are dimensioned by two critical factors: environmental constraints formed by cultural expectations and management capability to resolve incongruent exchange demands on the international marketing organization. These factors are proposed as determinants of a model of bribery behavior comprising four international exchange environments. Bribery activity in each environment is examined as a form of “side payment substitution” for unresolvable demands, representing a rational response to conflicting payment requirements and expectations.  相似文献   

Marketplace behavior refers to aspects of the purchase behavior of individuals and firms that leads to marketplace demand. It is characterized by the presence of many variables, most of which have nothing to do with a specific venture or specific consumer. This paper discusses three challenges of analysis commonly found in quantitative models of marketplace data: heterogeneous consumers, goal-directed behaviors, and the selective attention to some but not all variables in extended models of behavior. Bayesian solutions to these challenges are discussed.  相似文献   

将自然科学中运用的模拟实验机制,引入会计学的教学领域,开展会计模拟实验研究,是我国会计学科理论与教学研究中的一个引人注目的新课题。随着会计模拟实验活动的逐步深入,必将在会计学科体系中孕育出一个新的重要分支—“会计模拟实验学”。基于这一基本认识,本文拟就会计模拟实验产生的背景和特点、实验模型的选择和设计、模拟会计电算化等问题进行讨论。  相似文献   

通过开展数学建模培训及参赛活动,激发了学生学习高等数学的兴趣,提升了学生的创新能力,为高职数学教改提供了一个很好的平台。依托数学建模竞赛,笔者结合自身教学实践,对高职数学教学内容、教学方式及考核方式的改革提出一些建议。  相似文献   

将投入产出方法与解释结构建模相结合,取长补短,提出了基于这两种方法相结合的产业关联层次识别的分析方法,并呈现了该方法的算法步骤、识别层次结果的基本特性以及其与以往产业关联分析方法的比较优势.最后以经统一调整的1997及2002年投入产出表为基础,对我国国民经济产业关联的层次识别进行实证分析,经对识别结果的跨期对比分析,证明该识别方法的解释效果良好.  相似文献   

In the near future, advertisement of professional services will become a reality. This is especially true of the legal profession. On June, 27, 1977, in a historic though confusing decision, the Supreme Court lifted a ban on the advertising of legal fees and routine services. While several theoretical arguments may be advanced favoring professional advertising, there is a scarity of empirical studies supporting these claims. This study represents one modest attempt to rectify this lack of empirical research regarding the impact of advertising upon the demand for legal services.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the short-term sales response to price promotions in retail grocery stores and attempts to explain its variation using frequency of price promotions and the consecutive scheduling of price promotions. Retail managers’ expectations and tenets from behavioral theories provide the basis for the hypotheses that the frequency of price promotions and consecutive scheduling of price promotions affect short-term response to price promotions. The hypotheses are tested on three frequently purchased product categories, using store-level data from retail chains in three major markets. The analysis is validated with additional data on the same product categories and markets. A variety of managerial implications are drawn from the results and suggestions for future research are offered. He has been recognized with numerous teaching and research excellence awards. Dr. Kumar has published numerous articles in many scholarly journals in marketing and forecasting. He has coauthored a text titledMarketing Research and is currently working on two other textbooks. He is on the editorial review board of many journals. Dr. Kumar has lectured on marketing-related topics in various universities worldwide. His research interests include developing forecasting models, international marketing strategy and international marketing research issues, models for sales promotions, and new methodologies for product positioning and market segmentation. Dr. Kumar received his doctoral degree from the University of Texas at Austin. He has published articles about retailing and marketing strategy in scholarly journals such as theJournal of Retailing, International Journal of Research in Marketing, andJournal of Business Ethics. His current research interest focuses on models for sales promotions and marketing strategy. Dr. Pereira received his doctoral degree from the University of Houston.  相似文献   

The number and rate of development of new consumer legislation necessitates the evaluation of existing legislation. This paper summarizes and categorizes, in detail, the impact of select pieces of consumer legislation on consumer decision making. It is an implied objective of the paper to provide a perspective for future public policy formulation. The pieces of legislation evaluated in the paper are: (1) unit pricing; (2) product labeling; and (3) disclosure of interest rate provisions for consumer credit. The impact of these pieces of legislation have been minimal, indicating the need for an educational program for consumers.  相似文献   

This study examines whether there was a Malthusian equilibrium mechanism in Sweden in the pre-industrial period. A unique data set on harvests, deaths, marriages and births going back to 1630 is used to calculate cumulative elasticities of vital rates with respect to harvest. While earlier studies have mostly focused on the impact of real wage, this study uses the calorie content of per capita harvests as an indicator of living standards. It finds that there indeed was a response of vital rates to harvest fluctuations, but there were important structural breaks. While positive checks attenuated after 1720, preventive checks were strengthened. After 1870 preventive checks disappeared, and possibly also positive checks. The results are robust to different models and trend specifications, with one crucial difference: while the distributed lag model shows that positive checks were significant up to 1920, the SVAR model shows that positive checks disappeared after 1870.  相似文献   

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