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This study focuses on the adoption of environmental management systems and corporate social responsibility reporting as mechanisms for creating a differential advantage, looking at how different stakeholders in an organization perceive the importance of instituting these mechanisms as determinants of market success. The paper then aims to focus on environmental business strategy and corporate social responsibility reporting in companies, rather than prescribing policy for the entire sector. In so doing it postulates that compliance with market requirements on environmentally related issues, by instituting proper environmental management mechanisms and corporate social responsibility reporting, is a pre‐requisite for acceptance of the firm and its products in the market. The paper is methodologically based on a set of 60 interviews conducted with various agents in the Portuguese textile industry, ranging from policy‐makers to industrialists and NGOs, with a view to determining differences in perception between the various stakeholders. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explore the contributions that could be made to the conceptual frame of reference for business strategy management by one of the research programmes which focuses on the organization–environment interface, and to which a network approach has been applied. We start by examining some of the assumptions underlying the current “strategy management doctrine”. The network model of the organization–environment interface is then reviewed and three central issues of the strategy management doctrine are discussed from the viewpoint of the network model: (1) organizational boundaries, (2) determinants of organizational effectiveness, and (3) the process of managing business strategy.The conclusion reached is that in all three areas changes are required in the assumptions of the business strategy model. Our arguments stem from a basic proposition about the situations described by the network model: continuous interaction with other parties constituting the context with which the organization interacts endows the organization with meaning and a role. When this proposition applies, any attempt to manage the behaviour of the organization will require a shift in focus away from the way the organization allocates and structures its internal resources and towards the way it relates its own activities and resources to those of the other parties constituting its context. Such a shift in focus entails a somewhat different view of the meaning of organizational effectiveness: what does it depend on and how can it be managed?  相似文献   

In recent years, many companies have responded publicly to pressure to improve their environmental performance. The paradigm within which these responses have been made, however, appears to be confused. This paper proposes the role that companies are best able to play in the societal progression towards sustainable development. We argue that the concept of sustainable development may only be properly applied at the global level; it follows that a ‘sustainably developed’ company or industry sector is not a practical objective. Nevertheless, the contribution which business can make within a sustainable development framework is recognized as being of the highest importance. We suggest that the nature of this contribution pivots around a distinction between environmental soundness (which concerns the interaction between the environment and economics) and sustainability (which adds a broad social element to the environmental and economic, and requires the consideration of time horizons). It is proposed that companies are well positioned to pursue effective environmentally sound corporate strategies. It is also argued that such strategies offer great potential to advance social justice, as environmental improvements are often disproportionately beneficial to poorer groups in society. In contrast, arguments are presented against companies attempting to move beyond environmental soundness to address those broad social elements demanded by sustainable development. A broad allocation of those responsibilities inherent in sustainable development to societal institutions is presented, placing the suggested role of business into context. In advocating the adoption of corporate strategies based on environmental soundness we do not seek to derogate the concept of sustainable development; we do aim to stem the apparent continuing erosion of its fundamental tenets and to identify responsibilities that are appropriate to business. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

Over recent years there has been an increasing interest in the field of human resource management. Currently, the literature encourages the consideration of human resources as strategic factors, not only because they play important role in strategy implementation, also because they are beginning to be reckoned as sources of sustainable competitive advantage. Relationships between human resource management and strategy have been studied from different perspectives. This article focuses on one of them. It examines matches between human resource practices and types of business strategy. The question addressed is: do human resource management practices vary with business strategy? To answer this question, empirical research was developed. Using data collected from 200 Spanish companies, this paper demonstrates significant associations between some human resource practices and business strategy in companies. Reported results support some of the previously established relationships. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relative importance of environmental management in four key areas of manufacturing strategy: competitive priorities, action programmes, performance improvement and improvement goals. Its overall position in manufacturing strategy is measured through the creation of an original index using data from the 2001 International Manufacturing Strategy Survey (IMSS). Results show that in a minority of firms environmental management is positively positioned. The index's relationships with indicators of innovation and performance in manufacturing are examined. Some significant results include capabilities in the areas of strategy formalization, strategic fit and ISO14001 certification. While results are specific to the IMSS context, implications may be drawn for resource‐based view of the firm research on the application of resources and capabilities. An implication for policy makers is that the development of capabilities for strategy formalization and implementation should be incorporated into environmental policy. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

论会计电算化在企业经济管理中的应用@李俊$上海南都信息工程有限公司!上海200000  相似文献   

A project was carried out to identify the external influences that affect participation in environmental audit programmes and the internal factors which may stimulate or modify reaction to these influences. The companies selected for the study were all in manufacturing or supply and with a potential to pollute the environment. The study was progressed by a questionnaire to the person responsible for environmental matters in 100 companies. There was a response rate of 48%. The questionnaire sought information on the company, the beliefs and experiences of the respondents, factors that had influenced the company and how the company had reacted to these. The responses to the questionnaire were analysed to try to determine areas where changes might profitably be made to the environmental management framework. Potential areas for change include a recommendation to establish environmental auditing as a fixed requirement to a fixed standard (BS 7750), with the company's policy and objectives being agreed with Her Majesty's Inspectors of Pollution on a regular basis and audited to achieve British Standard certification. The concept of the environmental crisis portfolio is introduced.  相似文献   

比较《小企业会计制度》与《企业会计制度》有关会计核算的差异。  相似文献   

小企业在促进市场竞争、增加就业机会、推动国民经济发展和保持社会稳定等方面发挥着重要作用,但小企业会计核算制度不健全,产生会计风险的可能性较大。文章分析了小企业会计核算存在的问题,阐述了国家颁布的《小企业会计制度》特点及其对规范小企业会计核算起到的积极作用。  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent writings on the topic of the internationalization of business, chiefly from the viewpoint of business strategy. A distinction is made between the emerging multinational, the global multinational and ‘in-between’ MNEs in terms of types of strategies to be pursued. Uncertainty exists over the role of the newer forms of international involvement such as licensing and management contracts, and the paper concludes that these types of contractual arrangements represent only a second level of defensive, short- to medium-term supply strategy.  相似文献   

完善企业治理结构 加强内部会计监管   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
加强内部会计监管 ,是保证会计信息质量、实现企业经营目标的必要管理措施 ,但企业治理结构和组织结构中控制权的异化 ,如监事会监督权虚置、董事会决策权被大股东占有等 ,将使内部会计监管失去有效运行的制度保证。因此合理矫治控制权异化 ,完善企业内部治理结构是强化内部会计监管的制度保证。  相似文献   

This research investigation identifies the organizational barriers that can occur within large organizations to impede the introduction and development of environmental management systems (EMSs). The findings from the six case study investigations into multinational electronic and telecommunications organizations enabled the construction of four categorical models: devoid, isolated, devolved and integrated. They provide a profile of the way organizations use their EMSs and detail the types of organizational barrier that are likely to occur in each case. The models are designed to offer insight into the profile of the organization, the type of EMS being used and the operational advantages and disadvantages of using each model. They offer managers additional decision‐making tools with which to assess the EMS profile of their own organization and those of competitor organizations and to assess the effectiveness of an organization's EMS in weak and strong economic conditions. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. and ERP Environment  相似文献   

文章分析了企业开展多元化经营的重要性,并回顾了相关理论和文献,剖析了企业开展多元化经营可能遇到的障碍和影响因素,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   


We examine the impact of managerial financial reporting incentives on accounting quality changes around International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adoption. A novel feature of our single-country setting based on Germany is that voluntary IFRS adoption was allowed and common before IFRS became mandatory. We exploit the revealed preferences in the choice to (not) adopt IFRS voluntarily to determine whether the management of individual firms had incentives to adopt IFRS. For comparability with previous studies, we assess accounting quality through multiple constructs such as earnings management, timely loss recognition, and value relevance. While most existing literature documents accounting quality improvements following IFRS adoption, we find that improvements are confined to firms with incentives to adopt, that is, voluntary adopters. We also find that firms that resist IFRS adoption have closer connections with banks and inside shareholders, consistent with lower incentives for more comprehensive accounting standards. The overall results indicate that reporting incentives dominate accounting standards in determining accounting quality. We conclude that it is unwarranted to infer from evidence on accounting quality changes around voluntary adoption that IFRS per se improves accounting quality.  相似文献   

2006年2月15日财政部颁布了新的会计准则体系,其准则中债务重组部分与2001年修订的存在较大差异,文章就其内容从债务重组的定义、债务重组的方式、债务重组的计量模式以及债务重组的会计处理等4个方面进行新旧债务重组的差异比较分析。  相似文献   

Building on Hart's natural resource‐based view of the firm, this paper reports the results of a case study of the privately owned, high‐end outdoor apparel company Patagonia. In this study we examined Hart's three interlinking strategies of pollution prevention, product stewardship and sustainable development, and sought to test whether the resources for their implementation must be accumulated sequentially or whether they can be accumulated in parallel. The case study revealed that Patagonia has made significant progress, and continues to make progress, in each of these three areas. The results also suggested that the company's progress in one area has not necessarily been dependent on progress in another. While acknowledging the limitations of a single case study, we conclude that Patagonia's experience offers strong support for the notion that the resources for implementing strategies towards sustainable development can be accumulated in parallel – as opposed to sequentially. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

This study investigates the influence of an ambidextrous supply chain strategy on manufacturers’ combinative competitive capabilities – the ability to excel simultaneously on competitive capabilities of quality, delivery, flexibility, and cost – and, in turn, on business performance. Drawing upon March's (1991) notions of exploration and exploitation, an ambidextrous supply chain strategy is conceptualized as a simultaneous pursuit of both explorative and exploitative supply chain practices. We operationalize this concept as a second-order latent construct that captures the co-variation between exploration and exploitation within the context of a manufacturer's supply chain management strategy. Using survey-based data gathered from 174 U.S. manufacturers, we find that an ambidextrous supply chain strategy coincides with combinative competitive capabilities and business performance. Our empirical finding contradicts conventional wisdom that argues for tradeoffs between exploration and exploitation. Instead, our empirical results are in line with an emerging complementarity view advocating that supply chain managers build practices to gain operational efficiency while simultaneously searching for opportunities to gain operational advantages. In addition, we provide insights regarding the role of combinative capabilities in mediating the relationship between an ambidextrous supply chain strategy and business performance.  相似文献   

During the last five years, a team of researchers has worked with the senior human resource (HR) teams of seven large companies with United Kingdom operations. This research initiative has focused on a number of aims, one of which has been to understand and model how business strategies are translated through human resource strategies and people processes into individual and organizational performance. This article summarizes the key findings, provides a map of how this translation takes place in these companies, and discusses why some people processes are more strongly linked to business strategy. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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