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The new German grand coalition government has put energy and in particular the promotion of renewable energies at the centre of its policies. The existing system of generous feed-in tariffs for renewables has led to their remarkable expansion. However, this support system has come under criticism, not least because of the huge subsidies and transfer payments arising from it. German economists have variously proposed abandoning direct support for renewable energies and concentrating climate change policies on the European Union’s Emissions Trading System. After reviewing the problems and the proposed solutions, the author concludes that a piecemeal approach to fixing specific problems is more likely than a radical systemic reform.  相似文献   

Hola, Mexico!     
The world's most beautiful beaches are waitig for. The beaches are clean and appealing.The water is pure and at just the right temperature.The wave height,if you are looking for waves,is just right.The marine birds are floating in the sky overhead.You are here and your family or close friends are here with you.The beautiful seenery is just amaz- ing!That is Mexico.But Mexico is more than that.Splendid pre-hispanic cultures,magnificent architectures,colorful and delicious dishes,enthusiastic mexicans…By Editor  相似文献   

"There is a saying about Beijing, it goes:she is the lover,the mother of everyone.It seems that Beijing pos- sess this magical attraction to everyone coming to her".Everyone,living in Bei- jing or even spent some moments here, keeps a vivid picture of Beijing in their eyes and hearts.Now,let's listen to what they would like to say about this city.  相似文献   

“There is a saying about Beijing, it goes:she is the lover,the mother of everyone.It seems that Beijing pos- sess this magical attraction to everyone coming to her“.Everyone,living in Bei- jing or even spent some moments here, keeps a vivid picture of Beijing in their eyes and hearts.Now,let‘s listen to what they would like to say about this city.  相似文献   

"一朝为贼,终身为寇."上海邦格信息科技有限公司创始人陈思多总是喜欢用略带自嘲的口吻来形容自己的创业选择. 2002年,23岁的技术青年陈思多,厌倦了中国科学院的科研生活,揣着其研究专业"人工智能",在北京创业了.不幸的是,虽然市场上有这种潜在的需求,但是真正往下仔细一看,这种机会还是比较难以把握的--首先,人工智能在技术上的突破还非常有限;其次,将人工智能真正转化为商业部分的还比较少.不可避免的,陈思多的第一次创业,在当年年底以失败告终.  相似文献   

去年9月以来,宁夏、云南地区相继发生日本三菱帕杰罗(PAJERO)V31、V33越野车在正常行驶中制动突然失效的安全质量事故.在云南省发现近300辆三菱帕杰罗(PAJERO)V31、V33越野车存在后制动油管使用中被感载阀磨损的质量问题,有20多辆后制动油管被磨通.在宁夏发现30多辆V31、V33的三菱帕杰罗后轴制动器油管均存在不同程度的磨损,有5辆制动油管被磨通.宁夏扶贫扬黄灌溉工程建设服务中心的一辆三菱帕杰罗在正常行驶中由于制动液泄漏导致制动失效,造成了车辆与马匹相撞的恶性事故.  相似文献   

On the first day of November,when Jenson Button cheered his first Formula I World Championship 2009 at the final race of the season in Abu Dhabi,Chinese young university students were busy preparing for their own Formula event.According to a press conference on October 19,2009 in Beijing,the first Formula SAE-China (FSAE) event has set off,and will be officially launch its final race next year from October 14 to October 17 at Shanghai International Circuit,where will also be the Formula 12010 China stop again in next April.  相似文献   

<正>也许,有人还老套地认为,只有那些找不到工作的人才会去创业吧。那简直是大错特错。美国著名新闻机构CNN报道说:在21世纪,人类将处在一个无固定化职业的社会,也就是说,今天不管你是老板还是工薪族,如果你现在还认为你现有的职业或事业是可以终生不变的,那将  相似文献   

<正>毫无疑问,网络现在已经是人们生活中不可缺少的一部分。但是,你有没有计算过,自己休闲时间中有多少已经用在了上网上?而相比传统媒体或朋友间的直接推荐,人们对网络上的信息资源信任度如何呢?网络已经在多大程度上帮助人们做出自己人生中的重大决定?网络  相似文献   


就在印尼、新加坡、泰国等东南亚国家经济快速发展之时,菲律宾却因为贪腐和监管问题远远落在了后头.这个曾经的亚洲经济发展最快的国家,自上世纪80年代以后,就陷入了停滞不前,几任总统都没法给这个国家带来新的活力.  相似文献   

Shopping malls are the landmark buildings of a city in the era of supermarkets. Ever since their debut, they have been quite popular among consumers for their one-stop services, becoming ideal spots for leisure. But shopping malls develop late in China, most of which were put into operation after 2000. As China's economy grows rapidly, large shopping malls have mushroomed all over China, including major cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Dalian, Chengdu, Qingdao and Xi'an.  相似文献   

明媚 《中国市场》2002,(5):72-73
一个刮沙尘暴的下午,一间缺乏情调的会议室,丝毫没有影响我对Jenny的“兴趣”:名校毕业、出国深造、在三家迥异的外企创造同样出色的业绩,对拉丁舞和郊游的痴迷,还有那份难得的音乐天赋…… 最后,我得出了一个与她的老板相同的答案——  相似文献   

安徽卫视已经迈向了专业化和品牌化经营的阶段 安徽卫视已经迈向了专业化和品牌化经营的阶段,2007年,我们除了尝试垄断一些电视剧资源外,还要大力推动各频道自办节目的市场化动态考核,对栏目进行末位淘汰制,不合格的栏目,将坚决撤换,促进栏目品质的快速提升。既要立足当前,巩因安徽电视台在市场上的地位和影响力,更要着眼长远,坚定频道发展方向,围绕频道特色事相关资源,打造长久的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

The American system of distribution is dysfunctional and favors the interests of huge retail chains at the expense of manufacturers. Accustomed to working in this imbalanced system, American managers think they have no choice but to cede control of distribution by placing it into the hands of megadistributors, and for the most part, they are correct. However, in high-growth emerging markets, distribution channels are still malleable, providing manufacturers with the opportunity to shape and mold the way distribution takes place. We argue that firms should lay aside their dysfunctional patterns of dealing with distributors when they leave America and, using the recommendations presented here, take back control over their products and operations in international markets.  相似文献   

Zusammenfasung  YOGA bei Gesundheitsproblemen — Yoga bietet viele übungen, die den unteren Rücken, Bauch und Oberschenkel st?rken, dabei Haltung und Aussehen verbessern und Kraft und Selbstvertrauen aufbauen. Und anstatt über Problemzonen zu lamentieren und zu (selbst)kritisch zu sein, ist es allemal besser, seine Energie ins üben zu stecken.  相似文献   

Energy is an essential material basis for human survival and development. In the long history of human being, every step of energy utilization has enormously boosted theworld economy and human society. Over more than 100 years in the past, developedcountries have completed their, industrialization process,  相似文献   

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