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The work on the introduction of the elements of the SNA into the official statistical practice of the former U.S.S.R. began in 1988 when estimates of the GDP using conversion keys were prepared. In 1991 the decision was made to implement the entire SNA gradually on the basis of the international standards. The methodology of compilation of the main accounts was formulated by the Statistical Committcc of the C.I.S. with the assistance of the OECD. It originally drew on the ESA with introduction of elements of the revised SNA and adaption to specific economic processes in the country. It required solution of a number of conceptual and statistical problems referring to the treatment, allocation and valuation of selected activities. The estimates of the main accounts were made for the former U.S.S.R. by sectors and by industries for 1988–90. This project has provided the basis for further work on implementation of the SNA in C.I.S. countries.  相似文献   

This paper examines the measurement of the output of the Housing industry in real GNP accounts of the U.S., the Soviet Union, and selected OECD countries. These real GNP accounts make use of quite different Housing indexes, based on different types of data. This paper's major empirical finding is that the (measured) growth rate of Housing output can be extremely sensitive to the type of index used.
After reviewing the concept of housing quality, the paper presents U.S. and Soviet case studies. The BEA and the CIA do not use identical procedures to measure Housing output for the U.S. and the Soviet Union: the BEA measures many more aspects of housing quality improvements than the CIA does. This difference in the two agencies' procedures increases the growth rate of the US. Real Estate industry relative to the growth rate of the Soviet Housing industry. The idea behind the two case studies is to remeasure Housing output far the Soviet Union (U.S.) using an index that approximates the BEA (CIA) index. The purpose of these studies is the calculation of numerical magnitudes: to what degrees are the levels and growth rates of Housing sensitive to the type of index that is used. The calculations for the U.S. are useful because they show the important role of housing quality growth in the U.S., and because they make the magnitudes reported for the Soviet Union more credible. The Soviet case study provides numerical support for the proposition that the post-WWII growth rate of Soviet housing quality has been considerable and exceeds the growth rate implicit in the CIA output figures.  相似文献   

In this paper the author adds some further empirical tests of his theory of income distribution. This theory (cf. this Review , Series 16, Number 3, September 1970, p. 221 ff) sees income distribution as the distribution of prices of production factors, especially labour, of different quality and prices as the effect of demand and supply factors. The quality of labour is represented only by the number of years of schooling. Its supply is described by the actual numbers of people having each of the possible years of schooling; this frequency distribution can be characterized by its average and by some measure of its dispersion or by one of its deciles (in particular the highest) expressed in terms of its median. The demand for the various qualities of labour can be supposed to be reflected by (i) total demand for commodities, but (ii) more accurately by the percentage of third-level educated people used in and weighted by the size of the four main sectors of production: agriculture, manufacturing, trade and transport, and other services. Extensive material collected and reworked by Professors B. R. Chiswick for the U.S.A. and Canada and T. P. Schultz and L. S. Burns with H. E. Frech III for the Netherlands is used in cross-section tests to explain variations in income distribution in the states of the U.S.A. and the provinces of Canada and the Netherlands. The results can be found in the tables. While further increase and smaller dispersion in years of schooling, according to some of the findings presented, would only moderately reduce the degree of inequality in the U.S.A. and Canada, more result seems to be possible according to other findings, including those for the Netherlands. In the latter category the second demand index mentioned above has been used. This paper is one of several devoted in various ways to the testing of the same theory.  相似文献   

This paper explores the origins and evolution of the concept of the disutility of work. The original formulation of this concept developed by Stanley Jevons and by Alfred Marshall recognizes the variability of work motives stressing the effects of both the quantity and quality of work on labor supply. Subsequent writers, notably Lionel Robbins, and later Gary Becker, focus on the opportunity cost of work time, to the neglect of the content of work. These writers lose sight of the influence of the nature of work on the supply of labor. Contemporary research on the economics of labor supply, while accepting the presence of agency problems surrounding the enforcement of the labor contract, continues to consign the determinants of work motives to a black box. The new emphasis on the problem of “shirking” by workers, in particular, offers an unbalanced treatment of the causes and consequences of work resistance.  相似文献   

伴随着海尔、小米通过向大众赋能促使大众与企业进行价值共创的平台组织模式,以及猪八戒网等向大众赋能的众包模式在全球范围内逐渐兴起,诸如管理权矛盾、创新不足、利润下滑等企业自身束手无策的问题频频出现,这是否意味着可以从企业的合作方,即大众的角度分析和解决这类困境?本文通过海尔、小米和猪八戒网的多案例研究,从社群价值出发,构建了基于个体需求价值和隐性冗余价值的平台-社群商业模式。首先,基于隐性冗余价值的碎片化、内隐性和差异化特征,推导出大众社群化、价值共创化的必然趋势。其次,总结出由社群价值密度、社区专业化、社群迭代率和社群聚合度四个维度构成的社群组态,并由此归纳出社群生态。最后,通过对海尔、小米和猪八戒网三个企业商业模式面临问题的分析,建立了以社群价值的最优区分转变为“导火索”,继而引发社群生态特点的变化,从而最终引发平台-社群商业模式动态变化的商业模式演变路径。基于此路径,揭示了类似平台化企业商业模式出现问题的原因。  相似文献   

Following the growth of the public sector traditional measures of the size of the public sector have appeared to be inadequate for policy purposes. In the article the role of the public sector in the Finnish economy is described first by using some traditional methods and indicators. The historical background of the development is briefly discussed. After that some specific problems of the measurement are discussed. These problems include measurement of output and productivity, definition of appropriate balance of the public sector, different measures to describe the size and scope of the public sector, role of tax reliefs and subsidies, different organizational arrangements, public sector regulation etc.
The growth of the public sector takes many different forms and it appears to be more difficult than formerly to obtain a comprehensive picture of the scope of the public sector. For different purposes different indicators have to be used. At the end of the paper the implications of the changing emphasis in the public policy are discussed.  相似文献   

董事会社会资本对公司成长性的影响机制问题日益成为公司治理中广泛关注的焦点和难点.本文从上市公司董事会社会资本角度,把董事会社会资本细分为:董事会社会行业资本、社会连锁资本和社会政治资本,并运用2009年通讯业上市企业的截面数据,通过多元线性回归分析实证检验了上市公司董事会社会资本对公司成长性的影响.研究结果表明,上市公司董事会社会资本对公司成长性具有显著正向影响.具体而言,社会行业资本对公司成长性具有正向显著影响;社会连锁资本对公司成长性具有显著正向影响;社会政治资本对公司成长性没有显著影响.研究结果通过进行稳定性检验,检验结果基本一致.该研究对进一步揭示董事会社会资本功能的优化配置以及企业成长性的促进提供了借鉴与参考.  相似文献   

以江西李渡酒业有限公司和贵州茅台酒股份有限公司为样本,采用SPS案例研究法,结合传统制造企业有关特征,探讨微创新内涵及其演化过程模型。基于文献回顾和案例分析,探索大数据时代企业微创新演化过程。研究发现:①企业微创新过程是动态演化的,行业后发企业和先发企业都遵循初始、提升和稳定3个基本阶段。在不同演化阶段,数据管理平台实现了在不同企业类型之间的跨越,行业后发企业微创新演化路径通常呈现外驱式特征,而行业先发企业微创新演化路径通常呈现出内推式特征;②在微创新过程中,企业相关利益者之间的关系强度是决定企业微创新演化的关键要素,并且,后发企业和先发企业在演化各阶段的关键影响要素变化方向不一。同时,后发企业、先发企业及其利益相关者的关系强度均与创新组合是否形成存在关联。  相似文献   

Our work is part of the quest for sustainability of MFIs. To ensure sustainability, an MFI must be effective. It must, among others, face many risks and in particular the default risk. A question arises: what are the determinants of portfolio quality of MFIs? In other words, what are the determinants that influence delays in payment of MFIs? The interest of this research is twofold. The first is practical: knowing the importance of performance measures of microcredit as a precondition for the efficiency and financial performance of MFIs, this study identified determinants of the reimbursement rate in an MFI of Tunisia. It may even give an evidence for banks to intervene on the market of micro credit. The second is methodological: to find the determinants of reimbursement behaviour in MFIs, a binary logistic regression is used, while differing in explanatory variables between key variables and moderators’ ones, which was not met previously in the literature. The results showed that among the variables related to the characteristics of the loan, the loan amount and the borrower's experience with the MFI affect the rate of reimbursement. The credit increases the likelihood of default. Unlike, when borrower's experience with the MFI increases, the risk of default decreases. A relationship between the industry and the repayment rate has not been verified. For variables related to the characteristics of the borrower, age, educational level and marital status of the borrower appear to affect the relationship between the risk of default and the amount of credit. The effect of the credit amount on the default risk decreases as age and level of education increases. In addition, this effect is more important for married compared to the unmarried. For gender, we found that the effect of maturity on the risk of default is not the same for men or women borrowers. It seems that when the maturity increases, men provide reimbursement rates lower than women.  相似文献   

王海舰  袁珊  王雷 《技术经济》2021,40(6):121-131
采用重心模型与空间耦合模型,分析1998—2018年中国物流重心、经济和三次产业重心的时空演变,揭示其耦合规律与特征.结果表明:①物流重心总体向西南方移动,且易受外界影响变化幅度较大,变动中既存在稳定性又存在特殊时间上移动的差异性;②经济重心的轨迹呈现出先向东北,后波动式向西最后向西南移动,可见东西方向上经济的差距在缩小,南北差距慢慢扩大;③第一产业重心先向西北后折向西南移动,第二和第三产业重心移动轨迹相似,均表现出向西和向南方向移动;④空间重叠性上,与物流重心耦合性最高的产业先是第三产业,后变为第一产业,表明第一产业发展与物流的空间关联度在不断增强;空间变动一致性上,与物流重心变动一致性较强的是第二产业,说明物流与第二产业发展关系密切;物流与第三产业重心同向变动系数值较大,说明第三产业发达地区对物流吸引力较强.  相似文献   

Given the pace of increasing globalization and the pioneering role of the U.S. economy, we anlayze the global impact of the U.S. equity market’s uncertainty. The asymmetric impact of upside (downside) uncertainty, related with the upward (downward) movements of the underlying assets, has raised substantial concerns recently. We comprehensively analyze the global predictability of the upside and downside variances of the U.S. equity market, implied by S&P-500 calls and puts, respectively. We contribute to the literature on the asymmetric impacts of the upside and downside variances of the U.S. equity market in an international setting. Our study also complements the study on predicting international stock returns. Moreover, substantial economic value can be generated from the perspective of asset allocation. The main channel for the positive (negative) predictability of upside (downside) variance stems from its positive (negative) impacts on international investment, highlighting the leading role of the U.S. economy.  相似文献   

龙开元 《经济地理》2002,22(1):82-86,105
随着工业化和交通运输的快速发展,交通运输对区域经济的影响日渐强烈,其中铁路运输对区域经济的影响更为突出。洛湛铁路建设和运营对益阳经济会产生巨大的影响,本文以点轴开发理论为基石,系统分析了洛湛铁路的吸引范围和客货流、益阳地区的资源状况和现有经济发展水平以及未来洛湛铁路对资源开发利用的影响,探讨了益阳的产业结构和空间发展战略的响应程度,以改善益阳产业组织和布局结构、提高资源开发利用水平,促进其区域经济快速发展。  相似文献   

This article discusses the problem of preventing the excessive growth of very large cities to the detriment of the development of smaller urban settlements in the USSR. The increase in size of the urban population throughout the entire USSR is mainly connected with the increase in the number of city dwellers. In 1960 and 1970 the number of largest cities in the USSR increased, along with a share of the nation's population living in these large cities. The low natural increase in population of very large cities creates a high demand for labor power which must come from the population of other cities. In 1970-1980, Moscow, one of the largest millionaire cities, had the lowest population growth rate of all major USSR cities (113.7%). The growth of Moscow and other very large cities in the last few years has been due to the mechanical increase in population and the increase in area. The analysis of Moscow's pattern of population growth over time focuses on changes in the level of availability of social and everyday services. The prewar period is characterized by a reserve of labor resources, the highest growth in industry and science, but a low overall population dynamic in the city. In the postwar period there was a significant decline in the annual increase of all indicators; this was a period of strong social development of the city. The period between 1966 and 1980 shows a further slowdown in the growth rate of city forming branches by an accelerated development of municipal service branches. The demand for measures to restrict the growth of very large Soviet cities depends on: 1) the reorientation of the development of the economic base, 2) the restructuring of their economy, and 3) the siting of various types of production of goods and services. Developing the specialization of the urban economy consists of planned development of the production of goods and services based on the use of available resources.  相似文献   

Summary. By a cooperative game in coalitional structure or shortly coalitional game we mean the standard cooperative non-transferable utility game described by a set of payoffs for each coalition being a nonempty subset of the grand coalition of all players. It is well-known that balancedness is a sufficient condition for the nonemptiness of the core of such a cooperative non-transferable utility game. In this paper we consider non-transferable utility games in which for any coalition the set of payoffs depends on a permutation or ordering upon any partition of the coalition into subcoalitions. We call such a game a cooperative game in permutational structure or shortly permutational game. Doing so we extend the scope of the standard cooperative game theory in dealing with economic or political problems. Next we define the concept of core for such games. By introducing balancedness for ordered partitions of coalitions, we prove the nonemptiness of the core of a balanced non-transferable utility permutational game. Moreover we show that the core of a permutational game coincides with the core of an induced game in coalitional structure, but that balancedness of the permutational game need not imply balancedness of the corresponding coalitional game. This leads to a weakening of the conditions for the existence of a nonempty core of a game in coalitional structure, induced by a game in permutational structure. Furthermore, we refine the concept of core for the class of permutational games. We call this refinement the balanced-core of the game and show that the balanced-core of a balanced permutational game is a nonempty subset of the core. The proof of the nonemptiness of the core of a permutational game is based on a new intersection theorem on the unit simplex, which generalizes the well-known intersection theorem of Shapley. Received: October 31, 1995; revised version: February 5, 1997  相似文献   

主流经济物理学具有以下方面的偏执:从物理学上看,忽视非统计物理学在其领域的应用;从经济学上看,局限在数据丰富的金融领域,追求普适性法则以及缺乏完整的理论框架;从数学上看,局限在非线性、概率统计以及随机方面,忽视代数、几何以及更适合经济系统的半定量和半确定数学的应用;从研究方法上看,热衷于逻辑实证主义和复杂科学,确立了从数据出发的研究模式;从理论检验上看,推崇裁判竞争性理论的数据维度;从经济学的自然学派看,忽视经济学自然维度的寻找。主流经济物理学在中国面临着挑战:长期的文理分科使得在交叉学科研究方面缺乏相应的知识结构;美国经济物理学研究范式在中国硬性推广,而忽视了国内经济行为自身环境。因此,中国学者应更多关注与政治制度等有关的,对经济行为存在自上而下影响的经济学,同时赞同经济物理学应研究经济行为决策的自然维度。  相似文献   

自新中国成立以来,中国共产党领导的社会主义实践探索对中国特色社会主义政治经济学理论创新作出了重大贡献.在每一个实践探索阶段都呈现出中国共产党对社会主义实践探索与思想认知进程的一致性.当代中国马克思主义政治经济学理论创新是中国共产党领导的社会主义革命和经济建设百年历史经验的系统化总结.从学科体系形成和理论创新看,有三大经...  相似文献   

Water is the material basis of man's living. It cannot be substituted. In addition, it is the life line of agriculture and even the national economy. However, water resources face very serious situation in our country. It is shown that water resources are in short and the water pollution is becoming more and more serious day by day. The reason for the problem of water resources'is the management problem of water resources. Besides, the per capita water resource is low because the population is increasingly serious. The industrialization of water resources is a new conception presented due to the deepening of the social labor division and the demands of the mitigating contradiction of water resources. This paper analyzes the present situation of water resources in our country and the reasons for the problems. It expounds the important significance of the industrialization of management of water resources. Then it puts forward some suggestions for the management of the industry of water resources, and some measure to solve those problems.  相似文献   

吴隽  徐迪 《经济管理》2020,(3):192-208
碳排放的增加是导致全球变暖的主要元凶,通过供应链上下游企业的协同管理才能更好地实现碳排放的降低。因此有必要对低碳供应链管理的文献进行梳理。选取Web of Science核心合集数据库的数据,从商业经济和运筹学管理科学这两个研究方向对低碳供应链管理的文献进行研究。基本统计分析结果表明,该领域的研究还不够充分,只有少数科研机构的合作较为频繁,作者的贡献分散,合作不多。通过CiteSpace软件共被引网络分析,结合冲击流生成器程序绘制冲击流图,对低碳供应链管理研究的现状、前沿和热点的分析表明,低碳供链管理领域的研究重点不断演变。早期比较关注的是可持续绿色物流和生命周期评估方法的应用。不同碳规制政策对低碳供应链管理的影响和可持续供应链网络设计是低碳供应链管理的研究前沿和研究热点。碳税和碳交易互补下的供应链运营和管理,碳标签制度和消费者低碳购买行为对供应链管理的影响,以及兼顾经济效益和碳排放的全球供应链管理是未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

成本加工期双因素投标方式中,承包商的最优报价并非成本最低时的报价,工期也并非成本最低时的工期,最优报价较最低价略有提高,工期则略有缩短。另一方面,由于业主要严格控制建设时间,必然导致成本较正常水平上升,这就为承包商的投机性投标行为提供了可能性。  相似文献   

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