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In this study, we assess the importance of exports and global value chain (GVC) participation for economic growth. Using novel methods and an extensive data set, we decompose GDP growth in the Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs) to show that in a large part of the period of transition and integration with the EU, exports have played a predominant role in shaping economic growth. We also show that exports have been the major factor driving the convergence of the CEECs with their advanced counterparts. We employ panel methods to analyse the determinants of growth of exported value added and show that the major growth drivers in the analysed period of 1995–2014 are GVC participation, imports of technology and capital deepening.Jel classificationC23, F21, O33  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of international trade on output and tests the null of Granger non‐causality between trade and economic growth in Australia. The single‐equation IV‐GMM, DOLS, FMOLS and NLLS and the system‐based ML estimates consistently support the positive and significant long‐run effects of exports and investment on output. The effects of imports are consistently negative across all the estimates. The OLSEG, RLS and ARDL‐ECM estimates provide a mixed and weak and that overparameterised level‐VAR estimates no support for the effects of trade on output. The estimates of the model with structural breaks provide a dominant support for the cointegrating relationship among variables. In conclusion, the evidence supporting the positive and significant long‐run effects overwhelms the evidence providing a mixed, weak or no support for the effects of trade on output. The results of the study can be inductively generalised to mimic the findings of the literature at large and to suggest that a part of the inconclusiveness over the gains of trade could analogously be ascribed to the use of different methodologies and test statistics across studies. The results support the acceleration of exports and investment to foster the higher levels of output and economic growth.  相似文献   

Although the role of foreign direct investment (FDI) in facilitating technology transfer is well known in the literature, empirical evidence regarding the effect of FDI on growth is mixed. The contradictory results in the literature may be due to the failure to account for endogeneity and for the abortive capacity of the hosting countries. Using panel data for 49 countries over the period 1974–2008 and the existence of Investment Promotion Agencies in the receiving countries as an instrument, our results show that increased FDI stock leads to higher productivity growth. We also find a significant positive effect on the interaction between FDI stock and distance to the technological frontier, suggesting that the ability of technologically backward countries in absorbing technologies developed at the frontiers increases as more FDI stock is accumulated.  相似文献   

(1253) Raphael Kaplinsky and Mike Morris Export‐oriented industrialisation is the orthodoxy and is widely indicated as a development path for sub‐Saharan Africa. In recent years there has been a surge of clothing exports from a limited number of SSA economies to the US. In 2006 these exports accounted for more than half of SSA’s manufactured exports (excluding South Africa). However, the ending of quota controls on Chinese clothing exports to the US led to a significant fall in these exports. Is this a harbinger for the future of export‐oriented industrialisation in SSA in a world of a level trading playing field?  相似文献   

We examine determinants of different types of International New Ventures (INVs), namely Export Start‐up, Geographically Focused Start‐up, Multinational Trader, and Global Start‐up. Whereas this typology of INVs has been widely accepted in the literature, empirical testing of the determinants of INV types is largely missing. Our arguments build on the International New Venture Theory (INVT). Hypotheses generated from our framework are tested on 195 German high‐tech enterprises. Results show that growth orientation, prior international experience, knowledge intensity, product differentiation, and learning orientation distinguish significantly between the different INV types.  相似文献   

In this article, we offer guidance for the potential advance of developing‐country transnational corporations (TNCs), often referred to as third‐world multinational corporations. After reviewing the topical literature and establishing the soundness of the case approach for model construction, we examine the case of Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Berhad (PROTON), the Malaysian National Car project. We find insights emanating from the experiences of this firm that are applicable to other developing transnationals, particularly those involved in complex manufacturing. Based upon the theoretical foundation of the literature, in conjunction with the real‐world successes, challenges, and failures of PROTON, we offer a conceptual framework for effective developing‐country TNC emergence and, more important, eventual global competitiveness. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We apply a gender‐aware framework to examine the self‐leadership strategies men and women early stage high‐growth entrepreneurs employ as they develop innovations. Utilizing a matched‐pair sample of early stage entrepreneurs operating firms in high‐technology business incubators, our results suggest that female and male entrepreneurs have significantly different self‐goal‐setting and self‐cueing behaviors. Results also suggest male entrepreneurs who use stronger goal‐setting behaviors increase their intellectual property development to a greater extent than female founders. Further, for female entrepreneurs who use greater self‐cueing, the negative relationship realized with intellectual property development is lower than for male entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

The objective of the paper is to investigate the linkage between financial factors and employment decisions of West German firms. The underlying model is based upon rational expectations and convex adjustment costs. The time series, cross-section estimates for the period 1989–1994 are obtained using information on individual firms contained in business surveys. We find that financial constraints can indeed restrain the level of employment in small firms. On the contrary, there is no evidence that this result applies to larger firms as well.  相似文献   

Knowledge management has become an important tool in staying ahead in the competition between companies. In this article five different phases of the knowledge management process are distinguished: acquiring knowledge, codifying knowledge, disseminating knowledge, developing knowledge and applying knowledge. The occurrence of knowledge management problems is demonstrated in a case study in a knowledge‐intensive company. Most of the problems in this case occur in the first three phases of the knowledge management process. It is recommended that the company monitors on a regular basis, starting from its core competencies and its strategy, what essential knowledge their employees are lacking and encourages them to acquire it. Furthermore, the company should ensure that employees have time to codify their knowledge regularly and that adequate information systems are in place and kept up‐to‐date. The dissemination of knowledge can be improved by working in different teams, coupling junior with senior employees, and by the exchange of new knowledge between employees on a regular basis by encouraging the development of communities of practice and by the systematic creation of learning histories.  相似文献   

我国ASP新型运营模式探讨及案例分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
如何在我国成功地实施ASP模式,带动更多的中小企业实现信息化一直是当前我国政府与IT供应商关注的重点.本文通过对ASP内涵的分析,提出了ASP运营需要有多方参与的基本模型,并通过上海某ASP中心运营模式成功变迁过程的分析,具体探讨一个新型的ASP运营模式,并且在案例分析的基础上总结了我国ASP运营模式取得成功的关键要素.  相似文献   

Criticisms of management consultants are increasingly common, but are also frequently based on simplistic assertions that powerful consultants exploit uncertain or ignorant clients. We argue that considerable insight to the tensions between consultants and clients can be gained by focusing on the boundary relationship between them. Using the work of Granovetter, we explore how organisational boundaries vary in their permeability. Consultant roles vary from that of ‘outsider’, based on simple market exchange of payment for advice or service, to ‘insider’, in which a web of social ties develops in what are often long-lasting relationships. Although criticisms of consultants are sometimes based merely on misunderstanding the nature of these roles, we argue that tensions frequently arise through the activities of both consultants and clients in terms of their boundary relationships.  相似文献   

The paper studies the nonlinear effects of the different types of founders' pre‐entry experience on startup size. Our empirical data consists of 3,456 Italian new ventures in 20 industries. We find that the presence of industry‐specific experience and entrepreneurial experience have a positive effect on startup size while generic experience does not exert any effect on startup size. Moreover, we find that industry‐specific experience has positive but diminishing returns on startup size up to a point where additional amounts of experience have negative effects on startup size (inversed U‐shaped relationship).  相似文献   

The article empirically analyses the relationship between real exchange rate (RER) and growth rate of output. We first estimate the effect of the index of RER undervaluation on the rate of output growth in two samples of countries from 1978 to 2007. Our contribution is the use of a different dataset that increases the number of countries in the sample, as well as the number of available control variables. In doing so, the article adds to the literature by applying a method that allows for the control of income levels (quantile regressions). So, we present new findings on a non‐linear relationship the RER‐growth nexus. We conclude that maintaining a competitive level of RER has positive effects on growth rate.  相似文献   

This paper extends the theoretical concept of wage‐led and profit‐led demand regimes by incorporating relative consumption concerns. Specifically, it integrates the Veblenian concept of conspicuous consumption into the Bhaduri–Marglin model by assuming that relative consumption concerns matter primarily within the working class. If in such a framework the profit share increases and the corresponding decrease in workers' income is distributed unevenly, efforts to ‘keep up with the Joneses’ may increase consumption and, hence, lead to a consumption‐driven profit‐led regime.  相似文献   

Manthei  Gerrit 《Intereconomics》2021,56(1):50-58
Intereconomics - Many questions have been raised about the political and economic consequences of the recent surge in refugee immigration in Europe. Can refugee immigration promote long-term per...  相似文献   

The expansion of advanced‐market economy (AME) firms into emerging‐market economies (EME) is well documented. In recent decades, EME companies have moved increasingly into AMEs, especially within the manufacturing sector, as well as other important AME sectors such as higher education (HE). However, the latter have received less attention. This study conducts an in‐depth qualitative analysis of two EME HE organizations operating in the international HE sector in London. The argument applies a theoretical framework of organizational ambidexterity with which to examine the contexts and complexities in collaborations between EME‐HE and AME‐HE firms. These argument surfaces, inter alia: differing dynamics in relation to institutional frameworks and sense making; myopic internationalization; tensions regarding organizational reputation, place, partner, and product legitimization; unfulfilled reverse innovation and “explorative‐pull” phenomena. Overall, the article develops novel conceptual frameworks of practical relevance, which inform EME‐AME firm collaborative operations in AME settings. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study investigates the survival and growth trends in a cohort of new technology‐based firms (NTBFs) established in Sweden in 2006. This cohort has faced both an economic upswing and a severe downturn, which started in 2008, and by 2014 provides 8 years of historical records. Our study makes several contributions to the current understanding of NTBF survival and growth. First, our empirical observations show that many NTBFs (72 percent) from the 2006 cohort were still operating at the end of 2014, indicating a much higher survival rate than those found in previous studies. Second, surviving firms from the 2006 cohort positively affected employment, as their annual job creation was higher than the reduction in employment caused by exiting firms. Third, very few companies experienced high‐growth during their first 7 years, and employment growth and sales growth were highly correlated among high‐growth firms.  相似文献   

Integrating the transaction cost economics and relational perspectives, this paper puts forward that technology complexity within new technology‐based firms negatively influences the level of interorganizational trust in key partner relationships. Using a data set of 105 key partner relationships of 59 new technology‐based firms, we find that the new technology‐based firm's level of trust in its key partners is lower when the level of technology complexity is high. Findings further show that both relationship and partner characteristics moderate the technology complexity—trust relationship. These results show that technology complexity as an appropriability mechanism becomes endogenous to collaboration, thereby extending the Teece framework.  相似文献   

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