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天津北辰科技园区,延绵不断地排列着形状大同小异的仓库,在一座外形不起眼的仓库前,耸立着两个奇异的建筑——一对高约十余米的大风车。风车将这座仓库同其他同类分明地区别开来。这便是全球最大零售企业沃尔玛在中国北方地区的配送心脏——沃尔玛天津配送中心。而门口的这两个大风车其实大有用处。  相似文献   

描述了沃尔玛的物流体系在美国的优势,分析了沃尔玛物流体系在中国运作遇到的问题,并提出相应的解决方法与对策.  相似文献   

张帅  张喜 《物流技术》2011,(11):196-198
描述了沃尔玛的物流体系在美国的优势,分析了沃尔玛物流体系在中国运作遇到的问题,并提出相应的解决方法与对策。  相似文献   

世界上最庞大和最富有的公司来到中国市场已逾9年,除了得到一些教训外,所获寥寥沃尔玛百货有限公司由美国零售业的传奇人物山姆沃尔顿先生于1962年在阿肯色州建立。现是世界零售巨头第一名,1996年进入中国,迄今,已在内地17个城市开设了35家商场,包括沃尔玛购物广场、山姆会员店、沃尔玛社区店等三种业态。这家巨无霸公司曾经雄心勃勃地希望在中国创造1000亿美元的销售奇迹,然而,近10年来,在美国式的沃尔玛经验和强大的中国消费文化博弈中,实现这个新兴市场的目标正变得异常艰难。为什么会这样?固执导致的低效率2005年2月27日,原沃尔玛中国区…  相似文献   

The effects of Wal-Mart on local labor markets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We estimate the effects of Wal-Mart stores on county-level retail employment and earnings, accounting for endogeneity of the location and timing of Wal-Mart openings that most likely biases the evidence against finding adverse effects of Wal-Mart stores. We address the endogeneity problem using a natural instrumental variables approach that arises from the geographic and time pattern of the opening of Wal-Mart stores, which slowly spread out from the first stores in Arkansas. The employment results indicate that a Wal-Mart store opening reduces county-level retail employment by about 150 workers, implying that each Wal-Mart worker replaces approximately 1.4 retail workers. This represents a 2.7 percent reduction in average retail employment. The payroll results indicate that Wal-Mart store openings lead to declines in county-level retail earnings of about $1.4 million, or 1.5 percent. Of course, these effects occurred against a backdrop of rising retail employment, and only imply lower retail employment growth than would have occurred absent the effects of Wal-Mart.  相似文献   

This paper quantifies the degree of competition between Wal-Mart and different retail channels by exploiting a unique dataset that describes a consumer's choice of store. Using a discrete choice model, I estimate a consumer's choice of retailer in the sales market for DVDs among online, mass merchant, electronics, video specialty, and music stores. Wal-Mart competes more intensely with other mass merchants, and conditional on price and distance, the average consumer still prefers Wal-Mart to most other stores. I also consider a counterfactual experiment regarding the entry of Wal-Mart into 15 proposed store sites into California.  相似文献   

沃尔玛供应链管理对中国零售业的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈丽  李威 《价值工程》2011,30(34):24-24
在全球经济、知识经济、互联网经济的冲击下,零售市场供需双方关系发生了巨大的变化。本文通过对沃尔玛现代化的供应链管理的介绍和分析,探讨其供应链的成功管理模式,提出我国零售企业供应链管理的改进对策及发展方向。  相似文献   

Vendor managed inventory: a survey of the Taiwanese grocery industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent research has shown the importance of improving the supply chain competitiveness by means of strategic alliances. This study considers the retailer–supplier partnership through a vendor managed inventory (VMI) system. The characteristics of a VMI system and a retailer–supplier power relationship are discussed in some detail with a case illustration to examine the practical implementations of the system in the Taiwanese grocery industry. VMI not only has the ability to reduce costs, but also to improve service levels and create business opportunities for both parties in the supply chain. Thus, it is considered as one of the main systems in a strategic alliance.  相似文献   

Information and internet-based technologies have fostered new supply chain initiatives in food retailing but little research has evaluated performance and efficiency impacts. A distance function based on three key performance measures for food retailers is used to evaluate store performance and efficiency. The effects of store format, membership in a chain, unionization, and the adoption of a variety of information technologies. Supply chain technologies are groups into three general categories including data sharing technologies, decision sharing technologies, and technologies that support product assortment, pricing, and merchandising decisions.   相似文献   

This study reports results from case studies of four Internet-ordering and home-delivery grocers and 2440 of their customers. Each grocer follows a different operations strategy as determined by choice of where to fulfill customer orders (from existing stores or from a dedicated DC) and by choice of delivery method (direct to the customer's home/office or indirect via customer pickup or third-party logistics provider). The survey data from customers are used to assess the degree of integration between marketing and operations and the relationship with customer behavioral intentions. The results indicate that eBusiness-, product-, and service-quality, all have a significant direct effect on customer behavioral intentions to purchase again. There is limited support for technology as a moderating factor. Finally, the relationships between the predictor variables and customer behavioral intentions differ across grocers. This supports the idea that grocers utilizing different operational strategies should focus attention on different facets of their business and provides insight as to where efforts should be directed.  相似文献   

Networks and geography in the economics of knowledge flows   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper reviews the literature dealing with the economic geography of knowledge flows by summarising the most relevant problems and open questions that, according to the authors’ view, have been dealt in the past and should be dealt in the future by network analysis in order to model, understand and measure the structure and dynamics of knowledge flows. The interaction between “networks” and “geography” elements within a theoretical, methodological and empirical perspective is discussed throughout the paper by making reference to previous works by the authors and to the established literature. Thus, these references, far from being complete and exhaustive, are instrumental to the achievement of the paper’s goal: to demonstrate that “networks” and “geography” are the necessary ingredients for every study of the innovative process at any level of analysis, from individual agent to institution/organization, from the regional to the national and international level.  相似文献   

In the last decades, supply chains have increasingly transcended national boundaries developing into global supply chains. Along with the many opportunities arising from international sourcing and the extended commercial presence over the world, the management of a globally dispersed supply chain is highly complex. A key issue to consider when dealing with the global supply chain design is the location of facilities, not only with respect to firms' owned facilities but also the supply and distribution side as factors that affect supply chain complexity and operational performance. This paper sets out a methodological framework to characterize the geographical configuration of a firm's suppliers and retailer networks. Quantitative indexes of network spatial concentration and relative proximity measures based on a nonparametric kernel density estimator are developed to identify both intra- and inter-firm patterns between the supply and point of sales' distributions. The method is first described by means of a series of theoretical-illustrative examples and exemplified by analyzing the geographical dispersion of four practical cases from the fashion-textile industry (i.e., Adidas, Benetton, C&A, and Puma). Subsequently, managerial implications and potential use of the metrics are discussed, showing how the proposed approach can support researchers and practitioners to improve supply chain location decisions and logistic integration, and evaluate changes in either the purchasing or distribution strategy.  相似文献   

我国食品零售业的物流配送分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前零售业的食品供应物流主要有店铺直接进货、共同配送、一体化配送三种类型。根据食品物流业的特点和目前在我国所处环境,分析得出推行集约化共同化配送对我国食品流通具有很大的现实意义,而高效率运营的一体化配送是食品供应物流的发展方向。  相似文献   

Actual practice in management training does not match up to what retailing executives agree is theoretically good for the firm.  相似文献   

This article examines the nature of employee relations in three of the leading food retailers in the UK. It compares and contrasts policies and practices by analysing the links between product markets, management choice, and employee relations. Special reference is made to features of work relations, employment relations, and industrial relations  相似文献   

Economic geography and endogenous determination of transport technology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper studies the interdependence of economic geography and transport technology. A two-region model is used to obtain the conditions for the modern transport technology to be adopted in an economy. In particular, the impact of economic geography upon the adoption of the modern technology is examined. Furthermore, I discuss what combination of economic geography (symmetric or core–periphery pattern) and transport technology (traditional or modern technology) is to be realized in an economy.  相似文献   

We consider a three-location duopoly model such that (i) firms choose production and innovation locations before (Bertrand) competition takes place and (ii) there are internal and external knowledge spillovers. We show: (1) agglomerations where firms earn negative profits may exist when there are both external and internal knowledge spillovers; (2) greater external spillovers do not necessarily favor agglomeration; (3) decreasing communication costs tend to favor agglomeration; (4) there are exactly two types of agglomeration equilibria: either both firms innovate in the agglomeration, or there is an innovator and an imitator; and (5) if there is a location where both firms produce, then innovation must take place in this location.  相似文献   

Using store‐level panel data for a major supermarket company, we investigate the linkages between employee attitudes, customer satisfaction, and sales performance, while controlling for observed and unobserved differences across stores. We find that employee attitudes positively affect customer satisfaction with service but do not affect customer satisfaction with quality or value. Additionally, we find that customer satisfaction with service positively affects sales performance. Our results suggest that employee attitudes affect sales performance through their impact on customer service. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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