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The aim of this paper is to identify the works that have had the greatest impact on strategic management research and to analyze the changes that have taken place in the intellectual structure of this discipline. The methodology is based on the bibliometric techniques of citation and co‐citation analysis which are applied to all the articles published in the Strategic Management Journal from its first issue in 1980 through 2000. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using the Juhn‐Murphy‐Pierce (1993 ) wage decomposition technique, we analyzed changes in the earnings differential between Hispanic and non‐Hispanic white men in the United States between 1980 and 2000. The empirical findings, based on decennial census data, indicate that limited‐English‐proficient (LEP) Hispanic men gained in their relative earnings position compared to English‐fluent Hispanics during the 1990s. Our interpretation is that the relative demand for LEP Hispanic workers has risen in recent years.  相似文献   

The complementarities between internal capabilities and external linkages have been widely acknowledged in the open innovation literature, yet little is known about the extent to which internal capabilities affect firms' openness within different institutional contexts. This paper therefore empirically explores the relationship between absorptive capacity (ACAP) and openness in the United States and European biopharmaceutical sectors. Based on analysis of data from a large‐scale international survey of 349 biopharmaceutical firms in the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Germany, the results suggest that exploratory openness depends more strongly on the research and development (R&D) aspect of firms' potential absorptive capacity, whereas exploitative openness is more conditional on firms' realized absorptive capacity (RACAP). The results also highlight the major differences between firms' openness and ACAP in the United States and Europe – in the United States, firms' skill levels prove more significant in contributing to firms' engagement with exploratory relationships, whereas in Europe, continuity of R&D proves more important. Engagement with exploitative relationships, however, is more conditional on firms' RACAP in Europe only.  相似文献   

Some of the influential literature that supports the resale price maintenance efficiency view is flawed when it relies on presale services that do not modify the value-in-use of a good. Crucially, we consider that value-in-use may differ from prepurchase perceived value. We apply the value-in-use standard, which exposes the loss in consumer surplus in Bork’s model and reveals that even Bork’s dissenters significantly underestimate their calculated losses to inframarginal consumers. When consumer surplus is the antitrust/competition policy standard, our results suggest that a rule-of-reason regime where authorities or agencies bear the burden of proof can be unfavourable to consumers.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of unemployment on the relative incomeshares of labor and capital in the post-World War II U.S. economy. In our econometric model, the "reserve army" effect of unemployment is mediated by the "inertia" effect of prevailing bargaining norms. Estimates of this model indicate: (1) the presence of a significant reserve army effect through the mid-1960s, a diminished effect in the late 1960s and 1970s, and a restored effect in the 1980s; and (2) a significant decline in the inertia effect of bargaining norms in the 1980s.  相似文献   

We argue that foreign firms operating in a host country generate information spillovers that have potential value for later foreign direct investment. We test two predictions. First, we expect foreign direct investments by firms with experience in a host country to be more likely to survive than investments made by first-time entrants. Second, foreign direct investments will be more likely to survive the greater the foreign presence in the target industry at the time of investment, subject to two contingencies. The first contingency is that the relationship will be weak or nonexistent among firms with no experience in the host country, because these firms have difficulty evaluating and taking advantage of the information spillovers. The second contingency is that the presence of other foreign firms will not affect investment survival among firms that already have a presence in the target industry and undertake expansion. These firms already possess general information about the target industries and are unlikely to gain additional benefit from information spillovers. We find supportive evidence based on the survival to 1992 among 354 U.S. investments undertaken by foreign firms in manufacturing industries during 1987. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Employing U.S. Census data, this study analyzes how English-language fluency affected the earnings of self-employed immigrant men in the 1980s. Our results suggest that English proficiency became a more important determinant of earnings for foreign-born entrepreneurs in 1990 compared with 1980, even while controlling for factors affecting selection into self-employment.  相似文献   

The growth of outward investment from China has generated expressions of concern from policymakers in the United States regarding the economic and national security impacts of such investments. While inward foreign direct investment (FDI) has come to be viewed by most observers as generally imparting net economic benefits to the host economy, acquisitions of US companies by Chinese multinational companies (MNCs) have been criticized on several grounds. One is based on the mode of entry itself: some critics believe that entry by acquisition brings lower benefits than greenfield entry. A second and more prominent concern is that acquisitions of US companies by Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs) may be motivated by non-commercial objectives which, in turn, make those acquisitions of questionable value to the host economy. In this paper, we argue that Chinese FDI in the United States is more likely to take the form of acquisitions than greenfield investments for the foreseeable future. However, there is no strong case to be made that the host country economic benefits from Chinese FDI would be larger if entry took place primarily through greenfield investments. Furthermore, most of the alleged costs to the US economy from inward FDI from China are either unlikely to occur or are already anticipated by existing US laws and regulations, thus necessitating no additional, specific legislation.
Daniel ShapiroEmail:

Steve Globerman   (PhD, New York University) is the Kaiser Professor of International Business in the College of Business and Economics at Western Washington University. His research interests focus on international trade and direct investment determinants and effects, as well as public policies toward trade and direct investment. He has published widely on these and other topics and has consulted for various companies and international organizations including The World Bank and the OECD. Daniel Shapiro   (PhD, Cornell University) is the Dean and Lohn Professor in the Faculty of Business Administration, Simon Fraser University. His research focuses on MNEs and foreign direct investment, corporate performance and strategy, and corporate ownership and governance. His research has been published in Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, and Journal of Industrial Economics, among others. He has served as a consultant to various organizations in the public and private sectors in the areas of foreign investment, mergers, competition policy, strategy and industrial policy.  相似文献   

Research summary : Employee mobility can erode competitive advantage by facilitating interfirm knowledge and relationship transfer. This study investigates the latter and identifies factors that influence the likelihood of its occurrence. Using a novel database that tracks the employment and client attachments of U.S. federal lobbyists, I show that repeated exchange with employees (firms) increases (decreases) the likelihood clients follow employees who switch firms. Structurally, multiplexity reduces the likelihood of client transfer and weakens the effect of employee–client repeated exchange, with the multiplexity effect strongest when team members have specialized expertise. By examining the main and interactive effects of repeated exchange, multiplexity, and specialized human capital, this study extends prior work by demonstrating how individual, organizational, and structural relationship characteristics affect client transfer and retention ex‐post employee mobility . Managerial summary : When do clients follow employees who switch firms? What can firms do to guard against it? These questions are important in service‐based industries where clients may become loyal to individual employees within the firm rather than to the firm itself. This study provides evidence that helps practicing managers: (a) identify which clients are most at risk of defecting if employees exit, and (b) structure relationships in ways that mitigate the likelihood that employee exit results in client loss. Findings suggest that a client is more likely to defect when she has extensive history working with the exiting employee, particularly if the employee was the sole link between the client and firm. Managers, however, can reduce the risk of client loss following employee exit by structuring relationships so that clients work with teams of employees rather than exclusively with an individual and by increasing the degree of specialization within these teams . Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nominally, the wave of protests by undocumented immigrants that swept through France in the late 1990s successfully challenged the restrictive Pasqua immigration laws. However, despite appearances, the mass movement was at base a labour protest: undocumented workers demonstrated against immigration laws that undermined the way they navigated informal labour markets and, in particular, truncated their opportunities for skill development. Furthermore, it is proposed in this article that examining social movements for their labour content can reveal erosions of working conditions and worker power in informal sector employment. A case study of the Paris garment district is presented to demonstrate how the spread of ‘hybrid‐informality’ made legal work permits a prerequisite for working informally and relegated undocumented immigrants to lower quality jobs outside the cluster.  相似文献   

Unionized Japanese and American firms made changes in their wage and performance appraisal systems during the 1990s that were inspired by features of each others' traditional employment systems. Although Japanese firms made greater changes in the wage–setting process compared to American firms, outcomes in Japan changed little. Even with these changes, the wage and performance appraisal systems in the two countries retain distinctive characteristics. In the American firms'"segregation" between white– and blue–collar employees and high– and low–performers remains a feature of wage and performance appraisal systems; the Japanese system maintained its characteristic "integrated" form, but underwent moderate modifications.  相似文献   

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