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We introduce a modified conditional logit model that takes account of uncertainty associated with mis‐reporting in revealed preference experiments estimating willingness‐to‐pay (WTP). Like Hausman et al. [Journal of Econometrics (1988) Vol. 87, pp. 239–269], our model captures the extent and direction of uncertainty by respondents. Using a Bayesian methodology, we apply our model to a choice modelling (CM) data set examining UK consumer preferences for non‐pesticide food. We compare the results of our model with the Hausman model. WTP estimates are produced for different groups of consumers and we find that modified estimates of WTP, that take account of mis‐reporting, are substantially revised downwards. We find a significant proportion of respondents mis‐reporting in favour of the non‐pesticide option. Finally, with this data set, Bayes factors suggest that our model is preferred to the Hausman model.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of endogenous regressors due to the presence of unobserved heterogeneity, when this is correlated with the regressors, and caused by regressors’ measurement errors. A simple two‐stage testing procedure is proposed for the identification of the underlying cause of correlation between regressors and the error term. The statistical performance of the resulting sequential test is assessed using simulated data.  相似文献   

In this article, we study the size distortions of the KPSS test for stationarity when serial correlation is present and samples are small‐ and medium‐sized. It is argued that two distinct sources of the size distortions can be identified. The first source is the finite‐sample distribution of the long‐run variance estimator used in the KPSS test, while the second source of the size distortions is the serial correlation not captured by the long‐run variance estimator because of a too narrow choice of truncation lag parameter. When the relative importance of the two sources is studied, it is found that the size of the KPSS test can be reasonably well controlled if the finite‐sample distribution of the KPSS test statistic, conditional on the time‐series dimension and the truncation lag parameter, is used. Hence, finite‐sample critical values, which can be applied to reduce the size distortions of the KPSS test, are supplied. When the power of the test is studied, it is found that the price paid for the increased size control is a lower raw power against a non‐stationary alternative hypothesis.  相似文献   

This study presents an alternative to direct questioning and randomized response approaches to obtain survey information about sensitive issues. The approach used here is based on a logit model that can be used when survey data on the dependent variable are misclassified. The method is applied to a direct survey of undergraduate cheating behaviour. Student responses may not always be truthful. In particular, a student claiming to be a non‐cheater may actually be a cheater. The results indicate that the incidence of cheating in our sample is approximately 70% rather than the self‐reported value of 51%.  相似文献   

The methods listed in the title are compared by means of a simulation study and a real world application. The aspects compared via simulations are the performance of the tests for the cointegrating rank and the quality of the estimated cointegrating space. The subspace algorithm method, formulated in the state space framework and thus applicable for vector autoregressive moving average (VARMA) processes, performs at least comparably to the Johansen method. Both the Johansen procedure and the subspace algorithm cointegration analysis perform significantly better than Bierens’ method. The real‐world application is an investigation of the long‐run properties of the one‐sector neoclassical growth model for Austria. The results do not fully support the implications of the model with respect to cointegration. Furthermore, the results differ greatly between the different methods. The amount of variability depends strongly upon the number of variables considered and huge differences occur for the full system with six variables. Therefore we conclude that the results of such applications with about five or six variables and 100 observations, which are typical in the applied literature, should possibly be interpreted with more caution than is commonly done.  相似文献   

In line with the wider macro productivity literature existing studies of agricultural production largely neglect technology heterogeneity, variable time‐series properties and the potential for heterogeneous but correlated total factor productivity (TFP) across countries. Our empirical approach accommodates these difficulties and seeks to model the nature of the cross‐section dependence in a sample of 128 countries (1961–2002). Our results suggest that agro‐climatic environment drives similarity in TFP evolution across countries with heterogeneous production technology. This provides a possible explanation for the failure of technology transfer from advanced countries of the temperate ‘North’ to arid and/or equatorial developing countries of the ‘South’.  相似文献   

We re‐examine studies of cross‐country growth regressions by Levine and Renelt (American Economic Review, Vol. 82, 1992, pp. 942–963) and Sala‐i‐Martin (American Economic Review, Vol. 87, 1997a, pp. 178–183; Economics Department, Columbia, University, 1997b). In a realistic Monte Carlo experiment, their variants of Edward Leamer's extreme‐bounds analysis are compared with a cross‐sectional version of the general‐to‐specific search methodology associated with the LSE approach to econometrics. Levine and Renelt's method has low size and low power, while Sala‐i‐Martin's method has high size and high power. The general‐to‐specific methodology is shown to have a near nominal size and high power. Sala‐i‐Martin's method and the general‐to‐specific method are then applied to the actual data from Sala‐i‐Martin's original study.  相似文献   

Two well‐established findings are apparent in the analyses of individual wage determination: cross‐section wage equations can account for less than half of the variance in earnings and there are large and persistent inter‐industry wage differentials. We explore these two empirical regularities using longitudinal data from the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS). We show that around 90% of the variation in earnings can be explained by observed and unobserved individual characteristics. However, small – but statistically significant – industry wage premia do remain, and there is also a role for a rich set of job and workplace controls.  相似文献   

Binary response index models may be affected by several forms of misspecification, which range from pure functional form problems (e.g. incorrect specification of the link function, neglected heterogeneity, heteroskedasticity) to various types of sampling issues (e.g. covariate measurement error, response misclassification, endogenous stratification, missing data). In this article we examine the ability of several versions of the RESET test to detect such misspecifications in an extensive Monte Carlo simulation study. We find that: (i) the best variants of the RESET test are clearly those based on one or two fitted powers of the response index; and (ii) the loss of power resulting from using the RESET instead of a test directed against a specific type of misspecification is very small in many cases.  相似文献   

Single‐state generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) models identify only one mechanism governing the response of volatility to market shocks, and the conditional higher moments are constant, unless modelled explicitly. So they neither capture state‐dependent behaviour of volatility nor explain why the equity index skew persists into long‐dated options. Markov switching (MS) GARCH models specify several volatility states with endogenous conditional skewness and kurtosis; of these the simplest to estimate is normal mixture (NM) GARCH, which has constant state probabilities. We introduce a state‐dependent leverage effect to NM‐GARCH and thereby explain the observed characteristics of equity index returns and implied volatility skews, without resorting to time‐varying volatility risk premia. An empirical study on European equity indices identifies two‐state asymmetric NM‐GARCH as the best fit of the 15 models considered. During stable markets volatility behaviour is broadly similar across all indices, but the crash probability and the behaviour of returns and volatility during a crash depends on the index. The volatility mean‐reversion and leverage effects during crash markets are quite different from those in the stable regime.  相似文献   

To quantify qualitative survey data, the Carlson–Parkin method assumes normality, a time‐invariant symmetric indifference interval, and long‐run unbiased expectations. These assumptions are unnecessary for interval‐coded data. In April 2004, the Monthly Consumer Confidence Survey in Japan started to ask households about their price expectations a year ahead in seven categories with partially known boundaries. Thus one can identify up to six parameters including an indifference interval each month. This paper compares normal, skew normal (SN), skew exponential power (SEP), and skew t (St) distributions, and finds that an St distribution fits the data well. The results help us to better understand the dynamics of heterogeneous expectations.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new panel unit‐root test based on the Lagrangian multiplier (LM) principle. We show that the asymptotic distribution of the new panel LM test is not affected by the presence of structural shifts. This result holds under a mild condition that N/Tk, where k is any finite constant. Our simulation study shows that the panel LM unit‐root test is not only robust to the presence of structural shifts, but is more powerful than the popular Im, Pesaran and Shin (IPS) test. We apply our new test to the purchasing power parity (PPP) hypothesis and find strong evidence for PPP.  相似文献   

Let S be the number of components in a finite discrete mixing distribution. We prove that the number of waves of panel being greater than or equal to 2S is a sufficient condition for global identification of a dynamic binary choice model in which all the parameters are heterogeneous. This model results in a mixture of S binary first‐order Markov Chains.  相似文献   

Feenstra and Hanson [NBER Working Paper No. 6052 (1997)] propose a procedure to correct the standard errors in a two‐stage regression with generated dependent variables. Their method has subsequently been used in two‐stage mandated wage models [Feenstra and Hanson, Quarterly Journal of Economics (1999) Vol. 114, pp. 907–940; Haskel and Slaughter, The Economic Journal (2001) Vol. 111, pp. 163–187; Review of International Economics (2003) Vol. 11, pp. 630–650] and for the estimation of the sector bias of skill‐biased technological change [Haskel and Slaughter, European Economic Review (2002) Vol. 46, pp. 1757–1783]. Unfortunately, the proposed correction is negatively biased (sometimes even resulting in negative estimated variances) and therefore leads to overestimation of the inferred significance. We present an unbiased correction procedure and apply it to the models reported by Feenstra and Hanson (1999) and Haskel and Slaughter (2002) .  相似文献   

This paper examines the small‐sample performance of several information based criteria that can be employed to facilitate data dependent endogeneity correction in estimation of cointegrated panel regressions. The Monte Carlo evidence suggests that the criteria generally perform well but that there are differences of practical importance. In particular, the evidence suggests that, although the estimators of the cointegration vectors generally perform well, the criterion with best small‐sample performance also leads to the best performing estimator.  相似文献   

This paper presents a convenient shortcut method for implementing the Heckman estimator of the dynamic random effects probit model and other dynamic nonlinear panel data models using standard software. It then compares the estimators proposed by Heckman, Orme and Wooldridge, based on three alternative approximations, first in an empirical model for the probability of unemployment and then in a set of simulation experiments. The results indicate that none of the three estimators dominates the other two in all cases. In most cases, all three estimators display satisfactory performance, except when the number of time periods is very small.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use Monte Carlo (MC) testing techniques for testing linearity against smooth transition models. The MC approach allows us to introduce a new test that differs in two respects from the tests existing in the literature. First, the test is exact in the sense that the probability of rejecting the null when it is true is always less than or equal to the nominal size of the test. Secondly, the test is not based on an auxiliary regression obtained by replacing the model under the alternative by approximations based on a Taylor expansion. We also apply MC testing methods for size correcting the test proposed by Luukkonen, Saikkonen and Teräsvirta (Biometrika, Vol. 75, 1988, p. 491). The results show that the power loss implied by the auxiliary regression‐based test is non‐existent compared with a supremum‐based test but is more substantial when compared with the three other tests under consideration.  相似文献   

This paper considers the estimation of likelihood-based models in a panel setting. That is, we have panel data, and for each time period separately we have a correctly specified model that could be estimated by MLE. We want to allow non-independence over time. This paper shows how to improve on the QMLE. It then considers MLE based on joint distributions constructed using copulas. It discusses the efficiency gain from using the true copula, and shows that knowledge of the true copula is redundant only if the variance matrix of the relevant set of moment conditions is singular. It also discusses the question of robustness against misspecification of the copula, and proposes a test of the validity of the copula. GMM methods are argued to be useful analytically, and also for reasons of efficiency if the copula is robust but not correct.  相似文献   

We use panel probit models with unobserved heterogeneity, state dependence and serially correlated errors in order to analyse the determinants and the dynamics of current account reversals for a panel of developing and emerging countries. The likelihood‐based inference of these models requires high‐dimensional integration for which we use efficient importance sampling. Our results suggest that current account balance, terms of trades, foreign reserves and concessional debt are important determinants of current account reversal. Furthermore, we find strong evidence for serial dependence in the occurrence of reversals. While the likelihood criterion suggest that state dependence and serially correlated errors are essentially observationally equivalent, measures of predictive performance provide support for the hypothesis that the serial dependence is mainly due to serially correlated country‐specific shocks related to local political or macroeconomic events.  相似文献   

Turning unemployment into self‐employment has become a major focus of German active labour market policy (ALMP) in recent years. If effective, this would not only reduce Germany's persistently high unemployment rate, but also increase its notoriously low self‐employment rate. Empirical evidence on the effectiveness of such programmes is scarce. We evaluate the effectiveness of two start‐up programmes for the unemployed, where we include the probability of being employed, the probability of being unemployed and personal income as outcome variables. Our results show that at the end of the observation period, both programmes are effective. The considerable positive effects present a stark contrast to findings from evaluations of other German ALMP programmes in recent years. Hence, ALMP programmes aimed at moving the unemployed into self‐employment may prove to be among the most effective, both in Germany and elsewhere.  相似文献   

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